>ay yoogz, i play da time wizahd!
>he ignores da roolz of da game and does whatever da fuck i say he duz!
Ay yoogz, i play da time wizahd!
>sorry yoog, doin this brooklyn accent makes it difficult to concentrate on cawrd games
>hey user can i see your most precious cards for a second?
what do you do?
For real that little shit would be over the side of the boat along with my cards if I was Yugi.
yugi was a lil pussy bitch though
>sorry joey I counter with some magic bullshit so powerful that it took my dark magacian 1000 years to learn it. he's also more powerful cuz he's wiser or some shit lmao
But Joey and Tristan were his goons.
I'm surprised they dont murder him like that in the manga.
>murder him like that in the manga.
lol what?
Ey yoog, have ya seen Mai boobies? THEY YUGE!!!
The manga is always more violent than the anime.
>aw shit yoogz why is muh time wizahd not killin ur dahk mahgician but joocin it ahp
>I place this card face down and end my turn
The original giga chad
Yo yoogz I summin’ my red eyez black dragin in dahfense mode!
imagine being a middle age office drone going to work in kaibacorp from 7am-8pm to send your gyaru daughter to private school and kaiba forces you to go out drinking til 4am and talks about his plan to destroy another little kid
this is tied with Yugi fusing his skeletor mamoth with kaibas blue eyes ultimate dragon to fuck it up with most bullshit asspull in the show
The manga is hilariously more violent.
In the anime, Yugi bet his starchip and his deck vs Weevil. In the manga, he bet his starchip and if he loses, he'll let Weevil murder him.
Also Kaiba literally hires serial killers and soldiers to murder the gang with guns and/or chainsaws
did they ever make cool exodia support cards after exodia necross? Seemed like it had potential
kaiba was too autistic to go out drinking with his pions. He is more the type to call you at 4am to write down his newest idea for a blue eyes white dragon shaped attack barge or some shit
kits been a while since i read it but i do remember yugi routinely dooming people to the shadow realm for pretty minor offenses like bullying
Sounds pretty fucking fun desu
>that slyfferdeck out loop
>tfw the twitch watches yu gi oh videos have been scrubbed from youtube
Sure bro, here you go.
Yeah man, Yami Yugi was fucking brutal. Everyone was, it was surprisingly brutal
>anime Pegasus loses his millenium eye offscreen and is sick
>manga Pegasus has it ripped out by Bakura, who looks down at the corpse while licking the blood off the eye
>anime Bandit Keith falls down a trap hole and into the sea
>manga Pegasus turns Keith's hand into a gun and forces him to shoot himself in the head
>manga has rape, murders, fights and violence everywhere
And it was awesome
like eyewater in the skywater...
The Pharaoh should have punishment game'd him.
they don't call it the shadow game for nothing
I remember when people considered Yugioh and Pokemon the downfall of good animation because all western cartoons started imitating the anime style in a cheap way shortly afterward. But now you've got Late Millennials claiming Pokemon and Yugioh were "classic cartoons".
They did actually. Unironically looks like one of those bootleg cards though.
That’s literally how every card in the show works. They all absolutely ignore the rules. Honestly, it’s how I wish the card game really was, where cards have all these different effects (like using Time Wizard on a dragon baby turned it into an adult dragon) but the game was all just dumb number counting.
They made support for it. But all of it was focused on kinda niche win conditions. Yami Yugi actually has the worst decks, whereas Kaiba's cards are actually good.
In all fairness, the card text makes those cards work similarly to how they worked in the show.
>bootleg cards
baseed I had tons of these
Pegasus: joke's on you Bakura I had AIDS
>tfw Gate Guardian is your favorite card
To live is to suffer.
>tfw keep my most precious cards in a sealed container
-Dragon Master Knight
-Five Headed Dragon
-Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
-Winged Dragon of Ra
-Slifer the Sky Dragon
-Obelisk the Tormentor
-Gate Guardian
-Sanga of the Thunder
-Blue Eyes White Dragon
-Dark Magician (red)
-Red Eyes Black Dragon
-Exodia set
Rate my collection.
Duel Monsters is actually a really good anime if you watch it subbed.
The card game today sucks. It's hilariously power crept, and you're shoehorned into playing an, "archetype" which is basically choosing your deck composition for you.
t. jelly
Real talk though why is Jaden so fucking good even though he has like 80 cards in his deck with 4 different monster archtypes + support that don't mesh with each other whatsoever
That's not bootleg, it's official art.
I recognize most of those cards. 9/10 list.
SDK-001 is best artwork.
Nostalgia has no effect on me.
The game really didn't account for dickheads just using their limbs to cheat.
Which are you?
i want to fuck dark magican girk
Outdated and worthless in current meta. You should have sold them before their value dropped. I saw the writings on the wall and cashed out when stuff like xyz and e hero came out. Thank goodness I did. A lot of the early cards were powercreeped hard.
>you're shoehorned into playing an, "archetype" which is basically choosing your deck composition for you.
so it's a card game
when i was a boy, i had an awesome statue of him. dont know what happened to it
oh boy are you for a treat
some faggot on Yea Forums was making a yu gi oh porn game
i need this
user ygo sucked since day 1. You probably just didn't pay attention to the meta back then. See: yata lock, cyber stein to otk with shit like 5head dragon or blue eyes ulti.
I play Toon World, that shit probably does something.
I wish yugi-oh didn't turn about card games I wanted more of the beginning with yami giving out fucked up punishments for the fucked up evil people
Wtf can't this card literally win you the game from turn 2?
>visit friend in the Bronx
>his hood nigga friend comes over, too
>swipes my deck while the rest of us are playing smash Bros
Never saw those cards again. I wonder if he sold them or kept them.
It’s actually priceless imagining this, the niggest of nigs, going and winning yugioh tournaments against little weebs with my deck.
FINAL is such a cringey cuckout
i play this card in face up attack mode.
It does 5K damage if
>you discard your entire hand
>you made a direct attack with a monster that has 1500 atk
>you draw 7 monster cards in a row
The odds of doing the maximum amount of damage is stupidly low and discarding your entire hand is a high price to pay.
You'll probably do 2000 or 2500 damage, realistically. Which isn't bad, but there are better options that are more reliable.
>if you have "Unity" in your hand and show it to your opponent, they must accept the handshake
>go to a turnament with dirt covered hands
>pick my nose and rummage in my asshole for the whole duel
>play this card
shake my hand or give up, faggot
Man, I actually made it into fourth place in my city's monthly tournament with a Fiend deck. I beat two opponents using this set of cards.
And, yeah, FINAL instead of DEATH was disappointing.
thats just how Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs rolled.
you mean bottom
Late millenial, but poor enough and living in a bad enough neighborhood so that pogs were still around.
Ah hell Toon World...that card is good
I like how early Yugioh is just a little kid pissing contest.
>I just remembered that I have a secret power that beats your secret power!
>Why yes I automatically win the game, how did you know
>watched the Japanese versions of episodes 1-9 from the uncut DVD
>the 4Kids versions were unironically better television
Really makes you think.
Tami straight up murders people in the early manga chapters.
>>manga Pegasus turns Keith's hand into a gun and forces him to shoot himself in the head
Jesus fucking christ
Core millenial, but held back by my autistic siblings enough to have some early zoomer experiences.
Haven't played a decent porn game since Princess Trainer Gold Edition. I'd definitely play a YGO porn game.
Core millenial but my childhood was intermingled with a lot of early millenial and especially late Gen X stuff cuz more af back then. We rented lots of older shit like TMNT and Godzilla and I was nearly always behind a console generation.
Yeah man, Kaiba jumping out a fucking window cuz some goons pointed finger guns at him is peak kino.
I liked the fan theory that Exodia was supposed to represent the Egyptian view of the Judeo-Christian God and their inherent fear of this entity, which is why when he's unshackled he's all-powerful and wins every game (his unshackling would also be representative of the Hebrews being freed).
Obviously the writers never put in anywhere near that much thought into Exodia, but it's a clever little theory.
this took way too long
got a problem with kino?
The Kaiba theme's existence itself makes the sub irrelevant.
it's way smarter to just use dark hole and monster reborn some gigachad for guaranteed points
I managed to place first in a local tourney with my Strike Ninja/D.D. Scout Plane deck.
you can have her, she stinks!
>Yami Yugi actually has the worst decks
when kuriboh is unironically better than your ace, you definitely have a shit deck lol
aren't toons still fucking shit up in the meta?
There was power creep the second they released metal raiders.
>Exodia = Exodus
As a show where high school kids play super serious™ card games to save the world, 4Kids dubbed it with all the seriousness it deserved. If they didn't "localize" it, it would've ended up on Adult Swin "uncut" due to its rating and bombed because the demo wouldn't buy the cards.
This is OP.
So strike ninja can dodge any negative effect as long as you have enough dark monsters, like D.D. Scout Plane which is reusable.
I forgot thay the early depictions of Yami had him looking like a warped little creep.
Yknow back when he killed people
Later on they decided he needed to be "cool" and stopped killing people.
>that very obvious Gundam Ball ripoff on the left
I mean, what do you expect from a cartoon card game whose IRL counterpart didn't even have real rules yet?
report you to a judge for being unhygienic.
>dragon ruler format on dueling network
most fun i've ever had on the internet desu
Nah, Yugioh has always been full of small homage cards like that. Here you have a mix of Snake and Raiden from MGS.
Yep. And he can dodge on either player's turns. Very useful when clearing the field with a Dark Hole or similar effect.
You know what's insane and something almost nobody ever points out? The Kaiba theme is a remix of stock music.
>mfw I didn't have any Yugioh cards but instead collected these
I always laughed my ass off whenever I played with them. Way better than a shitty weeb game.
>The Kaiba theme is a remix of stock music.
Those absolute madmen.
I was too cool for cards games.
I collected Monsters of the Gridirion football cards.
That looks extremely silly.
It is. And it was wonderful.
If you look fantasy silly sports, trying playing Bloodbowl if you haven't already.
kill yourself
this shit looks unironically gay
You're just jealous
Life has many doors, Ed-boy.
yeah? Why not?
Did no one want to show up for the panthers, or was there just no one worth showcasing at the time?
Kaz didn't start out making a card game manga. That's why the series is called king of games and why the early manga involves a whole range of other games. The card game bit was what got big with the suits at konami pushing for more card games, thereby turning the series to center around card games while pushing out irl cars games.
>Joey vs Marik is gone
>All the pokemon videos are gone
What a waste, at least I was there watching it live.