The incel era (2014-20xx) is a pivotal time in history, what sort of movies will be made about it?
How will future films portray the incel era?
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in a good timeline it would be character exploration movies like Taxi Driver and maybe dark comedies
but if they actually make movies about this it will either be shitty horror flicks about a nerd killing popular kids (not unlike the ones we already have) and documentaries where they show ugly kids shooting at bottles and browsing Yea Forums
holy shit I look exactly like them
Fucking hell. This looks like 30 different photos of the same person.
>random asian guy
I actually stood in front of the mirror and compared myself. I don't want to be mistaken for a shooter when I go see Joker in theaters.
sup comrades, what flavour onions we sippin today up in here? ready to fire off some hot #takes and have sex
the fuck is a nasolabial fold?
It hurts
I dont wear glasses in public anymore, switched to contacts so people dont think I'm an incel.
>i look like one of them
Most of societys problems started when reddit banned fatpeoplehate
Become fat
So get contact lenses and some sun.
They already made that whole season of American Horror Story about it
when are these guys gonna get smart and start sniping instead of going on spree killings. look at the DC snipers, if they hadn't gone full fucking chuuni they would have been able to blast way more people before being caught
So soiboys without the wispy beards? This is who's telling you to dilate
>Become fat
Were it so easy
>tfw hairy wild man laughing at you white twigs
I'm not skinny but also not fat.
already wear contact lenses. I swear people treat me different when I dont wear glasses.
I did the same shit my first semester of college, but I couldn't read for shit and didn't buy contacts. Are they a hassle?
>genetic affinity for thin framed glasses
Thick framed glasses would unironically make them look worse. If you've got a babyface thick frames would just dominate everything and you'll end up looking like Groucho Marx
in the beginning its weird to put them into the eye and getting them out but you get better at it after like a week.
now it takes less than 5 seconds to put them in or get them out.
>this is the aryan master race
>tfw I am a chiseled jawed Chad who looks nothing like them
>always refer to white people
>when the most based incel killer was Cho
none of the white boys took as many normalfags as him
Jews are white now? A fair bunch of them were Jews.
I don't get tan. I get burn. Seriously I looked like edward scissor hands since I was a child.
This. A slight tan and no glasses would almost make you look like a different person.
He's white and so was the Orlando white guy who shot all the fags
Go back to your universe, shitstain
What is the height of all these shooters?
this fag literally has makeup on lmao
If you wear anything similar to these frames, I would advise you to make an appointment with your optometrist as soon as possible.
your dad procreated you can too user :)
Can't wear contacts now what
how the fuck are you supposed to pick them out though? especially by yourself. that's probably why these guys all have them because they are as plain and generic as glasses get and they don't know what to pick
>Implying these lads wouldn't miss every shot/dislocate their weak shoulders from recoil
no thanks I dont want to have children
Whites are the less likely race to be incel. All the flaws these guy have indians, mexicans, asians have it worse.
You see a white with brown eyes? Well, that's the case of 99% of other races. See a white being 5'8? That's the average height for indians, mexicans, most asians, etc.
The phenomenon of inceldom (involuntary celibacy) affects mostly non-whites, the only disadvantage whites have it's the high expectations for their race. (An indian is expected to be ugly and short, while a white man is expected to be tall, fair and handsome).
If whites are to blame for something is that the experience shows that they are most likely (at least in first world countries) to mass shootings, etc. However crimes comitted by latin americans or indians in their home countries (usually targetting a single victim) are often ignored.
Also most of these guys are not incels in the sense that they have 0% chances with women even if they tried their best, I bet the guys in that picture average 5'8 to 5'10 which is short but a decent height. Do not confuse being ugly and unattractive (ugly face - 5'7 to 5'9), to being an actual incel (deformed face or being under 5'6).
The glasses aren't the problem
DC sniper used an AR dude, you would need to be a 50lb cancer patient for the recoil of a 5.56 to be a problem
White people look even more disgusting than la luz extinguido mutts
I love how society found a new way to fuck with white ugly nerds now that being called a nerd is not something bad thanks to big bang theory
being an ugly young guy in the zoomer generation must be hell
post ur boispussi
I would like the record to state that literally none of those guys are fat, and the stereotype of fat racist incels needs to die. Fat people almost never go on killing sprees, its 99% of the time, some lanklet or some manlet. So to all you liberal political cartoonists, please stop depicting racist white supremacists as fat guys, thank you.
>thin framed glasses
How does this affect vison or how does gene affect the election of thin framed glasses?
Also what are 'normal' glasses? Aren't frames supposed to be thin?
I ask this because I don't use glasses at all but I think I may need some.
Sucks desu. I genuinely like thin framed glasses and the only real alternatives are those thick framed ones. I'm planning on getting wire glasses, hopefully that doesn't count.
have sex
>Tfw got a fairly good facial structure along with blonde hair, blue eyes and a solid butt chin but too lazy to work out so I'm still kinda fat
Notice how this phenotype is EXACTLY THE SAME one you see on trannies.
With you? :3
I did, nothing changed
I sense projection because that's exactly what happened to me when I got my first pair.
the same way that they portray niggers. as violent pests that should be exterminated
The criminal
shut up fatty
Actually have sex
being ugly in any generation in the history of humanity is hell.
For example, the average age for a US president is 55. On average, 85% of men above age 50 will have significant hair loss. Yet of the 45 presidents less than 10 have been bald, spanning a period of 200+ years. And among the bald presidents are literal founding fathers and Eisenhower, guys who got into the white house almost by default due to their fame.
So you can conclude that either no one wants to vote for a baldie going back 200 years, or that baldies suffer from ridicule and rejection to the point they never have the confidence or ambition to do something like run for president in the first place
His jaw and the drapes in the background are also morphed like chicks do with their asses lol.
Damn, OP btfo.
no thanks, I just jerk off to free porn instead
they all look the same. you look like 30 of them
based and xvideospilled
kek this. They felt like they had finally escaped their life of torment and could finally fit in, but society found a new label for them.
In the end you see its its not what they do, but actually who they are genetically that fucked them over.
nobody would care if they weren't insufferable faggots online
Has anybody been keeping an eye on logo_daedalus?
wh*Te """"""""""men"""""""""" need to be castrated at birth
that pic doesnt make sense. none of them even have a receding hairline.
People with high test go bald sooner. The fact that 4chinners are always hating on balding men is proof of their COPE
go shoot up a walmart, manlet.
Thin framed glasses are ok, most guys that aren't complete liberal faggots use them, glasses are supposed to help you see better, not be some fashion trend to pretend to be an intellectual.
Of course if you are ugly and not a liberal (that uses glasses ironically to make fun of himself), you will choose the most discrete types of glasses.
Its funny, because the people in this picture still gets laid more than OP who spent hours of his life making this picture.
Well said
They even took being a nerd away from you, yet somehow found a new way to bring them down
Just watched this last night desufam
Isn't there a connection with the introduction and popularity of TV and bald presidents? Like we haven't had a single bald president since TV became a common household item in all homes and has significantly altered the political landscape due to TV aestheticizing politics.
no, for me its pic related
>People with high test go bald sooner.
that's a myth, baldness has nothing to do with test levels but the susceptibility of hair follicles to be weakened by DHT which is determined by your genetics
t. started balding in highschool
also there are plenty of receding hairlines in that pic lol
Far right second row looks better than normal, hes outright handsome.
I always wondered how leftist virgins feel about their "side" constantly mocking men for not getting laid
>Dayton shooter was a registered democrat and had 2 ex gf's
>incels and trump still get blamed
Bruh thats just a filter
>had 2 ex gf's
Get contacts, stand up straight, shave facial hair, stop getting a doofer haircut.