This is getting sad.
>blame last jedi
>park didnt exist til over a year after last jedi was out
To be fair, they probably just keep her around to scare away the parkreyfags.
>full of rides
>literally a single (1) ride
>no other area of Disneyland has unique character experiences
>what is fucking anywhere in Disney
who the hell wrote this
I don't understand why the vast majority of it is sequel trilogy bullshit. Are they trying to dismantle Lucas's legacy? What the fuck is KK's problem
Pic related would have been fucking kino.
I don't think you understand just how vast and rich Disney is.
If Galaxy's Edge never made another penny and literally burned to the ground tomorrow, the loss would be less than ten percent of a single year of Disney's profits.
It's Polygon, what do you expect.
How much did this place cost? 1 billion dollars? I was surprised because that really isn't that much. A very tall skyscraper costs less than 1 billion dollars, an entire themepark? They got off cheap
Holy shit was that the proposed plan for the park? That’s actually pretty cool
>Han Burgers
>Palpatino's Pizza
>Captain Pancakes
This image is making me want to vomit.
>make a giant Star Wars theme kisok which everything is marked up 200%
>get surprised when no on shows up to it after opening weekend
Shut the fuck you stupid bitch it's already dead.
Good ridence. That's what happens when go gay and woke.
>master spy
>wears her organizations emblem on her jacket
2 billion dollars
What do the gift shops look like, I wonder?
>Episode 7 is about the First Order taking the Republic by surprise with a secret superweapon
>Episode 8 is about the First Order taking the Rebels by surprise with a hyperspace tracker and a giant space battleship
I guess it's no surprise if Leia's "master spy" is a blue-haired girl wearing a bright orange jacket with the Rebel symbol on it while she's on an infiltration mission.
Can't kill what's already dead
You better hurry up. Shes being dragged down with the rest of the cancer.
Please tell me Sheev would serve me a slice himself at Palpatino's
Why? We don't want it saved anymore.
>mentioning a "downward trend" over a span of time
you dumb, niga
>Are they trying to dismantle Lucas's legacy?
No no of course not. Why would Hollywood want to dismantle the legacy of a heterosexual white male filmmaker who gave us memorable characters like Watto the slave trader?
why did they choose to build it around some place nobody has ever heard of instead of just making a replica of Mos Eisley or something
Also from what I have seen the place is a glorified shopping mall with only one ride that's not even that good
im gonna go and marry park rey
This guy gets it.
Why would you introduce a new character at a theme park no one knows who she is. Just give us Leia and Luke and shit
She will knee you in the nuts, incel. Have sex.
The sequel trilogy has no world building, so I dont know why thought they could sell people on sequel trilogy world.
The franchise died with the prequels
Your mom died with the prequels lol
>$29 for a doll
>Episode 1 Hasbro toys were like $2.99
i have nothing to say other than i hope a black person cuts your mothers throat
the girl is a ride too
Why the FUCK have we reverted to "people of color"? It's so much more off-putting than just saying black.
>Literal ape skull
Holy shit.
>Have sex.
People of Retarded
>literally a single (1) ride
The worst part is that they could literally just buy a couple cheap ass carny attractions, spend a week reskinning them, and literally double or triple the amount of shit to do. Watch how easy it is:
>get hall-of-mirrors
>add fake rock walls
>pipe in clips of dialog, red/blue lights, and spooky force sound effects
>"Rey's Force Experience™"
I have never seen the new movies, and you couldn't have been a bigger fan of Star Wars than I was as a kid (born in 89) and early teenager...but I just haven't seen the new ones. I almost want to watch them to see if I organically hate it as much as everyone thinks I will.
but that last image (j.j. and the guy holding the note) just proves to me that they hate the fans.
Whenever I see "POC" my brain goes to "POS" and auto fills in piece of shit.
Because more forced diversity makes Disney look good, and makes the news which = free press.
Disney's TFA and TLJ already ruined and killed the franchise.
>Kamino water park
Holy shit this would be too kino for real life
I'm no soi boi, or even that much a Star Wars fan, but I'd geek the fuck out over this
Fellow 89er former Star Wars fan here. For me, it was during the prequel series that I started to sense something was amiss. It wasn't just the movies but I used to be into the books too and even the written stories were starting to take on a weird direction. I wish I could remember specifically what it was but I distinctly recall reading one of the novels and feeling like it wasn't Star Wars anymore. Tears in the rain...
If anyone's curious, what they actually said during the earnings call was that overall domestic park attendance was down, largely from pass holders (who are blocked out in summer barring the bigger passes), but that ticket buyer attendance and merch sales were up. Assumptions are that for WDW it's because people are waiting until Galaxy's Edge actually opens. They didn't touch on the fact that all the hype for DL's Galaxy Edge opening worked against it by causing people to figure the park would be way too much of a hassle to deal with.
Spoiler....It's over fucking rated, and doesn't even feel that good. It's like fast food. Sometime you get a good fresh burger, but most of the time you just get a shitty burger that's been sitting under a heat lamp for an hour, and tastes like shit.
Disney hire this man
the virgin Galaxy's Edge vs the Chad Pandora
>Have the entire Star Wars brand
>Don't put anything of the OT in your park
This deserves nothing but failure. Imagine instead of this literally who your guide for the park was Wedge or Lando?
>Are they trying to dismantle Lucas's legacy?
>Has a monorail around the whole park
This is great, you can tell that the guy who made this, has even more sense of Disney theme parks, than the fucking company itself with their shitty Galaxy's Edge
The idea is to take all people other than straight white men and say they are all the same or at least care about the same things. People of color covers pretty much all of that besides white fags and women
that entire place is designed to humiliate you under the guise of you having fun, or something. incredible.
Huh, I just bought my kid that exact Stegosaurus. On clearance of course
That's right, Jay. Me personally, I loved TFA. Only thing it needed was a love story between Rey and the black guy. That would have made it even more perfect.
>Assumptions are that for WDW it's because people are waiting until Galaxy's Edge actually opens.
Then they'll wait for the other ride.
Then they'll wait for the anniversary.
Then they'll wait for Universal's Universe to also be open
Why not just say "non-whites"? Not as if these progressives give a shit about throwing white around like it's an insult or off-putting terms.
And what the fuck is the difference between 'people of colour' and 'coloured people'?
>Taking your wife's daughter to didney worl
Suffering indeed
I saw an ad for this on TV a couple nights ago. Would anyone really go to a Disneyland just for Star Wars?
Learn how to read you worthless retard
They couldn't even get real people to go to the park for that photo so they had to photoshop some black people in. Oh Disney!
No wonder this series is dead same with std Dr who and even twilight zone
Let it burn let it all burn and die
Every guest in the image is black. Not even including one token white nerd in the corner.
>image somewhat related.
I just fucking realized that the park itself is in the shape of the Millennium Falcon
Reminder that Trump grabbed Kansas Rey by the pussy
Looks comfy
Was there a given reason why this was passed on?
I agree,
Afterall 'Bundyland' had more attractions than Galaxy's Esge' (and It was more crowded too)
>Anakin's hot chili on Mustafar
Maybe that’s true, but in their defense, i’ve been to Harry Potter Land (or whatever its called) and it too is literally just a giant shopping mall selling $100 plastic wands and draught cream soda.
Everybody loves that.
The problem isn't the word "white" its the word "non". Again, the idea is to make it look like you you are 'including everyone else' not 'excluding those just people' although it's essentially the same thing, but it lets them play the victim card to excuse their failures
>have a gigantic brand to work with
>tons of locales, characters, and ideas for attractions that could be implemented in a theme park in fun and creative ways
>make it a shitty desert outpost instead
>make it nuwars exclusively
>have ONE (1) ride
What on Earth are these business decisions? Even the most soulless, penny pinching businessmen (which is Disney is full of) could tell that this would be a shitty attraction.
Disney cuck shill
It's a fanmade idea for a park
Though you can bet for sure, Disney would no way in hell go for it, for how expensive it would be to make, considering their little shit heap "Galaxy's Edge" cost them like a billion to make and it's 1/20th the size or less of that pic park.
star wars was just WWII in space, also there was magic.
that is literally all it is. This shit is not hard. the novelists, comic artists and Vidya designers of the 90s had this shit pretty much down.
That sustained "Star Wars" in a recognizable and profitable form.
It's amazing what complete retards and ideological zealots working for big corporations are capable of when given the reigns to something as mind numbingly simple as fucking Star Wars.
no don't we want it to die
it's not an issue anyway
What’s the difference between Minimum Wage Rey and Park Rey? Is it one is Anaheim and one is Orlando?
have sex
Am I the only person who thinks one of the bigger problems is the lack of video games? I grew up between the OT and prequels and what got me into Star Wars the most were video games. The prequels were kinda shit, but it was easier to take because atleast there was tons of quality designs and world-building that ended up laying the ground work for tons of really good games. The nuWars literally only have 2 shitty Battlefronts that became the tipping point of micro-transaction/DLC kikery and a Chinese mobile game.
Dying with dignity is better than living in shame.
Bit too late for a dignified death though
I can't wait until we make it back to 'negro'
>Every Disney movie except Dumbo made over a billion this year and Endgame is the highest grossing film of all time
>Somehow the company didn't meet the earnings goals
I wonder where they're losing money
>outer rim
>expanded universe
feels bad man
Did a fight actually break out there?
Is this at Disney World?
But the Harry Potter world is set on Diagon Alley and Hogwarts, which for anybody who likes the movies or books is enough because you're inside the world. If the Star Wars land had been something recognizable like Mos Eisley, Hoth or whatever, even the dumb Wookie planet, people would be more hyped for the mere fact of getting to explore what they saw in the movies.
no you're not.
star wars and fun vidya were hand-in-hand growing up. to be quite honest, it's the medium star wars should have found a new permanent home in. we would have all been better off.
ive had retards say that because POC puts people first its not as bad
Earnings report status: Subverted.
This is fine and all, but the real problem is it's expensive as fuck to do anything there. $200 to build a goddamn toy lightsaber is insane.
Before you guys kill the park, can you please save best Rey and give her a better job?
>Main Character of Color
What's with the self-segregation ovah here?
Was there ever a chance that LucasArts could have stayed independent and those developers would have been able to continue their good work?
I will go there when my non existant kid reaches age 5 dont worry disney just hold on a few more years imma commin
>jedi knight
>rogue squadron
>tie fighter
>jedi academy
>EP. III movie game
>first 2 lego star wars
>obi-wan game
>clone wars game that game with tetris
god they really did pump out non-stop good vidya i miss it so much
It's already dead. It was murdered
i dont know i find it kind of laughable. just imagining saying PoC to any regular black person and seeing their confused reaction.
gotta bring in those rich brazilians somehow
they can't be bothered to cast an attractive black woman jesus christ
I guess, i’m just saying Disney had a reasonable expectations that people would be excited to run and buy marked up franchise merchandise
when did the prequels become acceptable?
she cute tho
fuck how could i have not listed republic commando and battlefront. say what you will about the prequels but they inspired the best vidya.
I have never ever enjoyed sex, to me it's just training so any girl I'm with is satisfied and starts depending on me. Jerking off is far more enjoyable for yourself.
when the sequels were worse
Republic Commando was so much fun, Bounty Hunter is overrated, Empire at War was surprisingly good.
>there was a sequel to Pod Racer
but maybe I'll visit after they announce its closing
Aside from the fact that they bought everything but skywalker ranch, nearly everyone at lucasarts got the axe well before the sale.
The guys that made the good games were long gone by that point anyway
Hahaha that looks awful. pictures of parkrey are the only attraction
so? Just because incels got btfo doesn't mean the prequels are now anything but trash.
no, its just some fags pipedream.
I meant before the sale. If Lucas had decided never to cash out and just had found someone to manage the whole thing.
That kid just got his first boner
Watching this webm I can almost feel her whispering into my ear
Not until Luke Skywalker is resurrected and married to Mars Jade and they have a kid.
when the sequels were worse and that the prequels ushered in the golden era of star wars vidya
surprisingly not. they have no branded merchandise. its all custom made for the park.
Disney doesnt want you to have kids, whitey
Far too based for this realm
>screenshot from
tall girls are a national treasure
>prequels ushered in the golden era of star wars vidya
lol what. pod racer was good and that's it
>some bean-counter at Disney legitimately thought it'd be more profitable to go all in on the new trilogy for the park instead of nostalgia
>and other people at Disney believed him
How the fuck?
why the space assassin has the same hair as a red robin waitress
I'd dig it
there really needs to be a space mountain-esque trench run ride though
yeah, i recall back when lucasarts finally went tits up there were all these videos of people morning the loss. gimmie a break.
but truthfully the last actual good star wars game they made IN HOUSE was Republic Commando in 2005. Lucasarts was dead for years.
you a poorfag or something
disney really wants the sequels to catch on so they can milk it for 12 more movies. i dont think its happening though.
No it was toontown
Lmao no
She looks like an ape
We're calling fanfiction "franchises" now? This is what we're doing with our time in 2019?
At the end they were mostly licensing to other companies. I think the last one they did in house was force unleashed 2. The producer quit when they cancelled 3 because he got pissy he couldn't finish "his trilogy". They let all but like 10 people go a few months after that.
Apparently Lucas was shit to work with. He'd demand rewrites and other big changes all the way through development.
Yes and the raw video was already posted in this thread
He sold it to kill it.
they dont want to pay royalties to those actors a character creators.
rogue squadron 2
I had to do a double take to confirm this. Holy shit, these progressive companies are so pathetic. What is their obsession with pandering to blacks, they don't even bother to put white or Asian people in ads anymore.
Lol not even looking at that shit cause I saw a Stegosaurus.
>Bundy Burger $5
That was a little expensive for just one burger back in 1991.
So, I guess the only chance the whole thing had would be if someone flayed lucas, wore his skin, and pretended to be him?
opening level had decent graphics; everything else was shit.
Correct. The Prequels finished the series.
>fuck you racist white males
>white males why aren't you giving us money
>he's never heard of KOTOR
Imagine being paid minimum wage to dress up like a stormtrooper in 110 degree weather and there's nobody there to even appreciate it. That would leave a lot of time for introspection.
wtf is this as your source:
gay as fuck website and domain
i hate disney but at least gib reputable source niggie
The objectively better version.
Woah now user, I thought no one was ever truly gone.
The blackwashing bullshit has gotten totally out of control.
I bet they would have let people dress up as star wars characters there.
>hasnt heard of battlefront even though even disney remade the battlefront games
either troll or third world
Managerial finance people just run numbers to support decisions that are already made. I guarantee nobody was asked to actually look at merchandise relating to prequel/original/sequel trilogies to see which sold better in what demographics.
In actual market research you are supposed to gather data first and make decisions after. Companies run by anyone who fancies themselves a “creative” never do this.
They were just asked to gather market/sales data and turn them into favorable graphs to stick into the powerpoint that was shown to the board, or whoever.
I would say that they discarded reports and graphs that appeared to be unfavorable to their decision to go this route, but I’m sure the analyst doing this shit was smart enough to not even waste his time making them.
They always were.
>White guys like star wars
>Star wars dying because white males were pushed out and diverse audiences do not like star wars
Really makes you think, huh?
1. They banned annual passes, the thing that most people use that brings them money
2. There is literally nothing to do. There is only one ride (which is lame). The whole thing is just an overall expensive ugly looking Mall with cheaply-made expensive toys and over-priced drinks.
You're noticing the elephant in the room. Towards the end of Lucas star wars, before Disney bought, it wasn't the movies retail sales or even the toys or other media, that was making the most star wars money. It was the video games. Not that the mercandise and other media wasn't profitable, but the video games were earning the lion's share and continued to do so, in contrast with how traditionally for example it was the toys and mercandise in the past that made the most money.
Then Disney bought it and EA got the game rights. Disney fucked up with the movies and the merchandise, but EA fucked up the REAL cash cow of what star wars had become overtime.
It wasn't Disney that did the most damage to star wars, in terms of finances. It was EA.
>white father
>black daughter
>a group of 30 at a time are lead into a replica Yavin hanger
>given rebel pilot jumpsuits that go over clothing
>guided by attendants dressed as the groundcrew guys with the big white helmets
>everyone gathers into a replica briefing room and given their "mission"
>"Now, man your fighters, and may the Force be with you"
> groundcrew attendants lead guests to 30 VR-cockpit X and Y-wings
>hand them their helmets just like in the movie
>massive 30 player PvE VR flight simulator takes place
>everyone gets to take pictures with their helmets and uniforms at the end
Tell me that shit wouldn't be the most popular attraction in the entire park, I fuckin dare you.
As a PrequelChad, this doesn't amuse me.
See the problem with that is that you believe news from Matt McGloin, the dumbest motherfucker on the internet along with his retarded ass page CosmicBookNews. He’s like the gameology/ wegotthiscovered and buzzfeed rolled into one with a dash of ComicBookCast2. Trust me if they’re still selling out on merch, always full in the cantina and then some, this land isn’t failing at all.
Two billion dollars
Story of literally every form of entertainment media in the past 20 years.
Other interchangeable emotions
If it was handled well, it'd probably be the most popular attraction of any theme park in the world.
Fuck, marry, fuck, date for 5+ years.
All of them unironically better than vanilla Rey.
>It wasn't Disney that did the most damage to star wars, in terms of finances. It was EA.
i see what youre saying but disney and KK were the ones who handed EA the license so theyre still primarily at fault.
>go spend money on fake shit instead of ensuring you have shelter into old age!
Wait are people not even allowed to dress up as Star Wars characters at nu disney?
I assume this is fake but the fact remains that making the park based off something like this would easy make billions and people would absolutely love it
That's a cool looking stegosaurus. I kinda want that.
No costume policy.
This, can't wait for Yea Forums to get BTFO for the 100th time when it turns out people showed up in droves after some time passed just like it happened with Pandora
I second this. She actually seems like a nice gal
Ok fair point there. Either way, it's just endless stupid mistakes at every level from everyone involved.
If you put a gun to my head 10 years ago and told me to fuck up star wars the worst way possible, I couldn't have done as bad a job as Disney has. Hell, I would have thought it was literally impossible to shit up star wars. Yet Disney found a way.
Disney has made the once prestigious Star Wars brand into an embarassment. The gender / diversity quotas on the toys have guaranteed that stores will be flooded with peg warmers, not to mention how utterly dull and unexciting the characters, vehicles and aliens for the new version of the franchise are. Disney also opened the floodgates on licensing without giving a damn about quality control or brand image. There were official Star Wars cabbages, girls' makeup, and action figures from like 6 different companies and none of them were the same scale.
Kathleen Kennedy hollowed out Star Wars to make Disney's purchase look profitable right away. And for a little while, it worked. And now we are in a post-Star Wars world where the only merchandise is going to be $300 Hot Toys and those deformed Funky Poops toys.
>Franchise that hasn’t had a film in 8 years making most of its money off it’s only new product
Like the other user said, you'd have had to do it like 15 years ago.
Disney could have given the rights to anyone but EA and the current state would be better. But they like other big companies so that probably would have been Activision and still sucked
The force better go back to sleep...
the reason is sound: they are afraid that people will dress as the characters to abduct children. What isnt sound and is flat out retarded is that knowing a huge draw like cosplay was off the table that disney didnt put more effort to the park itself theres no draw at all to go.
Unfuckingbelievable. What reason could they possibly fucking come up with that makes any sense for this bullshit?
They could keep making films but video games would still make more. The video game industry currently humbles the movie industry in terms of money, to an embarrassing degree.
>japanese living in japan don't give a single fuck about people wearing kimonos and weebs, they actually think it is great that others appreciate their culture
>dumb westerners think they have the right to be offended in the place of people from another country
Nuke us
They say people would impersonate park staff and cause a safety issue.
This modern star wars trilogy is the only media where I truly feel I should have been hired as an advisor for the park
Mini can start a new job as my wife haha
>i'm offended on behalf of a people who i believe are so ignorant they don't know enough to be offended for themselves
It's a benign form of imperialism I think.
>huge draw like cosplay
I think your overestimating the actual popularity of cosplay. Especially people who are really into cosplay and at the same time take Disney vacations.
Also underestimating the power of fear mongering.
>hapa rey
>the reason is sound: they are afraid that people will dress as the characters to abduct children
What?? How is that fucking sound? That's apeshit retarded.
They have to disinfect 3D glasses off site after every use and they're tiny pieces of plastic. No way they're going to have thousands of helmets, not to mention supersize jumpsuits for all the fat asses that wouldn't be able to climb back out of the cockpit. Then there's the same problem the falcon has, you get a little kid or someone who don't speak no ingles flying and they spend the whole ride slamming into walls and you.
Maybe if you ditched the dress up and used something that can be walked into. Like being the empire during both.
They got a shopping mall guy to run their park. They paid for it.
>hoth rollercoaster does a loopdeloop around an AT-AT instead of circling its legs 3 times to trip it
Yes, their costumes and acting would be better and 4 disney execs would burst blood vessels in their necks.
that's clearly and obviously a black man with nappy black "person" hair
>wants to make the world a more inclusive place for everyone in it
>still uses divisional terms like "african american"
just call them americans, thats what they are.
>overestimating the popularity of cosplay
True, but at the same time, Star Wars is the very shallow end of the cosplay world. You basically just have to modify a bathrobe or buy a mass produced pre-made costume like a storm trooper.
my point was that to the uber fan who would even go to this star wars park post-disney is likely going to be the uber fan who goes out of their way to cosplay and dressing like a star wars character and interacting with other people dressed like star wars characters is essentially the ultimate fantasy that would very well draw people in.
>Also underestimating the power of fear mongering.
not sure what this refers to....i do agree their choice to ban cosplay based on grounds of child endangerment is reasonable.
This. I'd leave my wife and kids for her.
despite their issues the nu-battlefronts have sold like 40 million copies altogether.
How fucking dumb are you?
>More people now remember pic related more fondly than Star Wars
they already have a VR star wars experience at Disney you fuck
and I'm pretty sure that user was talking about it just being a big-ass screen in the cockpit
I hope Star Wars brings less and less money to Disney until it gets discarded forever, especially until this earth collapses.
Asians have higher IQ than most westerners, americans have no right to beg for woke points on social media by pretending to be offended in other people's behalf. This is just pathetic attentionwhoring by using politics as a disguise. There's no such thing as benign cultural imperialism, it is just plain cultural imperialism, and people who do it must learn to keep their noses in their own business.
People should respond to "muh cultural appropriation" accusations with a simple "if you think you have the right, then sue me for copyright infringement."
>The gender / diversity quotas on the toys have guaranteed that stores will be flooded with peg warmers
They might sell if they cover up their faces with a sticker .
God damn go eat your own fingers ffs.
>the reason is sound: they are afraid that people will dress as the characters to abduct children
>the reason is sound
was spending 4 BILLION dollars on star wars the ultimate boomer move?
Disney can afford all that shit, for 30 VR ships? It would just take some actual logistical effort but teh payoff would draw in people from around the world.
>post-Star Wars world
>turquoise afro
>i-it's because people thought the lines would be too long
They couldn't come up with a better excuse huh
This, make the screen VR
Imagine the smell
ow the edge.
sound in the legal world of lawsuits, insurance and plausible deniability not in the real commen sense way
the ultimate boomer move was to not take the video games seriously. like literally look up Eisners explanation
>ah we just dont know about that lol
what the fuck bro
White Americans have the highest IQ out of any group of whites and they're still painfully retarded. IQ is jack shit especially when countries like China cheat their asses off.
The girl in the big pic isn't even white, the sad thing is she probably counts as white in Amuttica.
It killed their biggest competition and they did make a return
what about star trek characters?
i clarified what i meant by sound
how great would it be if Disney actually had to demolish Galaxy's Edge a few years after it opened?
>Oops, we killed this IP, let's turn it into... Frozen world?
Is it vr or a screen? Why would you have both
Go put on your Luke underoos and sit in a box, that's the closest you're getting to your fantasy
>"Now, man your fighters, and may the Force be with you"
Yeah they fucked up. If I'm being completely honest, the most important Star Wars media I ever consumed was never the movies. It was Rouge Squadron 2, or Battlefront, or KOTOR. When you have dozens of hours to immerse yourself in media, movies can't compare to your own personal investment in a game you love.
I would say this is worth a dollar, but then I realized how absurdly small that shit is because of the guy's hand.
Still not worth it.
The prequels were the only objectively good starwars movies
What the hell? I'm not a star wars fan so I googled this character and clicked on
My firefox stopped loading pages after that.
Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with these people?
Fuck I laughed
Star Wars
They spent 2 billion on the theme park
And Star Wars merchandise is in the bin.
im trying not to, thank you very much mister
It just released in March of this year. I don't think 5 months of data is enough for anyone to determine it's success. It's a Disney Theme park. They don't make their money all up front at once, but from families going year round.
My family is a big Disney family. But we only go every other year or so, since we don't live in Florida. This wasn't our year, but we'll be there next year.
It's a screen on the cockpit like with the current Falcon ride. VR doesn't exclusively refer to wearing a headset.
Maybe they are greedy and demand all the money in the world
>a dollar
>Still not worth it.
How about 3 cents?
I'd rather see the franchise dead than in the hands of the mouse.
Again. FUCK.YOU.
>Empire at War
Land battles were generic and boring, but holy shit the space battles were awesome.
Did he forget about Lando and Mace Windu? Were they seriously trying to push the idea that a black character in Star Wars is progressive or new?
can you blame them?
Also if any user can photoshop the family in the vid to the OP pic that'd be wonderful
I could make a Star Wars land more fun than this by just upscaling Star Wars arcade games. Episode 1 wasn't that good, but people want to fucking podrace
Dis nigga spooky
I don't want a new Tie Fighter. I use to want a new one, but it would suck now so never.
Thing about Americans is its painfully retarded at every single thing whether its their culture somehow going from very stiff upper lip esc bong based culture to a culture that idolises stupidity and everything wrong with the world, education system is likely purposefully made to make Americans retarded golems.
Everyone in America is disconnected from reality in one form or another regardless of race.
It's not a theme park though, it's a theme park land. It was 2 billion for both lands (the one in Anaheim and the one in Orlando). They still fucked it up though.
>Are they trying to dismantle Lucas's legacy?
That's what they're trying to do with AAAALL reboots. Talk to anyone younger than 30. When you ask them about any movie that has a reboot like Ghosbusters or Spider-Man or Batman or IT or even the Disney reboots like Aladdin and they haven't seen the original, or in some cases they don't even know there was an original, and if they do know they probably don't care about the original.
This is all a Jewish plot to erase white history and replace it with a globalized, diverse alternative. They want people to forget the originals because they were made by white men with white culture and white values. The same reason (((land owners))) are destroying old art deco, renaissance, and victorian architecture and replacing it with culture-less geometric bullshit.
Based Cameron taking control.
Phantom menace on ps1 is kino as fuck, also the revenge of the sith game on ps2 was badass too
Fuck Chapek and fuck Kennedy.
The (supposedly) good ride broke halfway through development, so the land is stuck with a pitiful glorified arcade game
You have done that yourself.
Holy shit I think I'm in love. How much is a ticket to this place?
Easy, admit TLJ is shit
adults never got to dress as anything at disney unless its a special event like Halloween, only kids get to wear princess dresses or whatever
None of those come remotely close to being what a nip would describe a being a kimono. Looks like an open sundress at best.
Mini doesn’t even work there anymore she got fired because if you
I feel the the prequels were much more fun to film for everyone compared to the ST
>wow these people have guns and free speech, can't they even think for themselves??
Park rey looks better. And is for special meets
Minimum wage ray walks around sweaty in a budget costume
Why did they just lend the liscense to EA again? Or rather why did EA waste it so horribly that they have basically nothing good to show for it? Two panned and mediocre shooters and they even fired the uncharted director for making an uncharted Star Wars game and get all pissy whenever they try to do something new
>be george
>sell the headache of dealing with star wars for $4bn
>half cash half stock deal
>stock more than triples
>all due to non star wars properties
>star wars has turned to shit while lucas laughs all the way to the bank
(((they))) must be so angry at him
Don't worry, Disney's going to fuck up Marvel too. grim_reaper.jpg
does this mean they'll bring back "Toon Town"?
Woke Marvel stories are coming to the MCU.
Pure ideology. Feminist Thor with cancer.
>Park rey looks better. And is for special meets
Does anyone remember when the 10/10 female got cast for the part and the ugly androgynous ones got stuck playing dress up in the parks?
The franchise survived THREE prequel movies that no one liked. Was Last Jedi that bad?
Please meet the new character of color, Trannia Disablah
>Directed by a jew, and written by a jew and a canadian
I am sometimes surprised you /pol/locks can breathe without assistance
As was stated earlier, when the vidya they spawned made their world-building contributions worth it. (see: original Battlefront II, and others)
Saved. 3 Jews among the ruins of their meddling.
They could fuck over marvel several times over and they will still have made the greatest feat in cinematic history with their infinity saga, so I wouldn’t care. 23 movies none that are bad many that are great even with a theme that carries through and delivers.
I feel sorry for the haters.
Yes. LJ doesn't have good video games or EU novels to redeem it.
>it's edgy to respond to a hostile edgelord by insulting him
how far 4channel has come
>Vi Moradi
Disney Star Wars confirmed taking place Holiday Special, Ewok Movie Universe
You’re a good father user
Yes. There is nothing worth redeeming.
if that's that rogue one chick I'd buy it in a heartbeat for $0.03
Wow, black people sure do love Star Wars.
she's so cute
I think a more likely reason is that Disney's whole thing is based on theming; They literally pay people to dress up like the characters and pretend to be them for the kids and for photo ops, you don't want to muddy the waters and possibly damage the reputation of Disney's performance staff if you allow any landwhale to put on a Princess Leia outfit and walk around and get confused for an actual employee
That's . . . not a Kimono . . .
Also I lived in Japan as a kid, Dad's work. The Japanese women there that became friends with my mother used to dress her up in local stuff all the time for holkidays, festivals and dinners. The Japanese love dressing foreigners up in their stuff. I hated that shit as a kid, one of the moms my mother knew always tried to dress me in traditional stuff and like any normal bratty kid I hated anything that wasnt my normal go out play and get dirty clothes.
>we wanted to make it suck
Literal goddess like
This bitch has never once learned to think before mouth-shitting
I guarantee you it was some diversity quota about not having enough roles for black character actresses. They have one princess I think and that's it.
The PT at least had enjoyable and iconic characters, unique and interesting alien/droid/vehicle/weapon/armor designs that could be heavily merchandised, and the spinoff material (eg The Clone Wars) sort of made up for the weaker movies.
People of color literally means "not white." Whenever you see that term what they're really saying is "everyone who isn't white"
>Wow these people who have the freedom to do so much yet all they can do is speak too much and say far too little in the process
B R A V O.
Well then, the park must be considered a smashing success from management's perspective, if their goal was to get as few attendees as possible.
He looks exactly like this
>If the mistake can't be blamed on Michael Eisner is it really a mistake?
Definitely not true. As bad as you want to label the movies, they sold a shit ton of toys, video games, books, everything.
They're making movies and shows out of IPs that the comic fans always hated and rejected because Disney thinks the movie audience will eat up anything they shit out. And they are correct, but for how long? How many movies based on thoroughly hated comic books can Marvel actually churn out before the audience catches on that something has changed?
Internet rumors are that it was decided to cut a ton of immersive aspects of the space and instead just focus on selling exclusive shit. They turned it into a mall.
>How many movies based on thoroughly hated comic books can Marvel actually churn out
20 at last count
There's like 20 movies and miniseries in phase 4.
Weren't there some garbage LEGO Star Wars games released recently?
Because that would imply that Jews are either POC or White - which they are neither.
That is literally what Universal did with the Simpsons and harry potter
Glad I decided to wait a few years to check it out. Hopefully, they'll turn that shit around, and bring back live shows/stage battles, and shift the time period back to somewhere closer to the OT in a bid to win back people.
>bring on the C-listers!
Squirrel Girl and the Great Lakes Avengers, The New Warriors, Spider-Woman, America, Ant-Man 5
Oh my good I apologize. Ma'am your fighters.
Began, the Nigga wars have.
Sometimes Asians are thrown into that group just because.
Also, I heard they have a policy that discourages guests wearing costumes. Even the costume you buy in the park.
>policy that discourages guests wearing costumes
Guests passing for cast would be a nightmare
To keep kiddie-diddlers from tricking kids into thinking they're a cast member. Not exactly sure why that's not an issue at Wizarding World though. People are running around in Hogwarts robes all over the place over there.
Star Wars toys not selling killed Toys R Us.
She looks like Drummer from The Expanse. Muh dik
Because everybody wants to dress up as the new black character nobody even knows the name of, right? Besides, I'm not even talking about full body Chewbacca costumes. I'm talking about not being able to wear the child costumes on sale inside the park. Your choices are 1 ride or buy costumes you can't wear.
Star Wars was the noose around Geoffrey Giraffe's neck.
Fyi, kids don’t want toys nowadays, only smartphones and vidya. Manchildren buys plastic toys
Guess what? The manchildren all got chased off and told not to be fans anymore.
thats because she'd have to be mixed to the point of being "not black enough"
Totally worth it losing access to China and the rest of Asia.
one is promoted by the cult
>White character recast as a black person.
>"Why does the race of the character matter? You're not racist, are you?"
>Non-white character cast as a white person.
>"Yet another blatant example of racist whitewashing!"
It's all so very tiresome.
Regressive Leftism. I personally couldn’t care less if people call me a spic
t. SEAmonkey
Just a new convenient way of calling them niggers.
Kids can wear costumes.
Ok, but I never really was boycotting Star Wars, I just haven't cared about it since TFA was utterly unoriginal and made completely to play off nostalgia.
I haven't even bothered with TLJ, the franchise is dead, there is no boycott, SW jumped the shark and people have moved on with their lives.
The problem is they don't want to acknowledge the prequels, but if anyone was to ever go to a fucking star wars theme park, it would be prequel fans.
I watched TFA and the minute I realized Luke wasn't even in the movie and all of the ads were one big lie I said fuck Star Wars.
I can count the white people in this pic on one finger
>why the space assassin has the same hair as a red robin waitress
Isn't the bottom half supposed to be the fish?
That actually looks affordable to build without losing anything significant.
It's going to be the bottom of a piece of fried chicken.