Trannybros did we get too cocky?

Trannybros did we get too cocky?

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>too cocky
Quite the opposite in fact ;)

wtf we need to send MANPADS to those trannies!

Here our government is going to ban trannies for ever from women sports.

Women support [thing] until it directly affects them, then they want it banned/changed.

Its over

damn wanted to see emma have to go up against a transwoman

based boris

>trannies are real women and we put you in jail if you claim otherwise
>unless it negatively affects the strong independent wymynz

no but my cocky just got bigger at the sight of this one

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What about Nayara Archibald?

she's got pretty wide shoulders, has she considered becoming a swimmer yet?

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he cute

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Some men are born to be cocksleeves, you just know it when you see this guy. No wonder homossexuality was raging during Ancient Greece and Rome.

isn't this transphobic? the left keeps saying transwomen are women

Who the hell cares lmao

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Does this thing get naked?

>all women support trans rights
hahahahaha no

They do. Polls show women are overwhelmingly more supportive of "trans rights" than men are, on average.

maybe in america, certainly not in the UK. please get offline

>Women want equality
>Now women don't want equality
dumb bitches gotta make up their minds

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Female athletes aren’t all women. 99% of the women spouting this shit have never spent 5 minutes with sports in their entire lives. If only female athletes were to decide, it would look way different. Unfortunately, they are the ones getting fucked over by the hambeasts

The pic you posted is also flawed, Semenya isn’t trans, but one of the very few persons who qualify as intersex. There’s no perfect solution for the this case, as Semenya is (or was) better than every elite woman, but hopelessly inferior to every elite man. Semenya got actually somewhat unlucky, as opposed to trannies

There was a YouGov poll a while back that showed it was absolutely the case in the UK. Most women expressed agreement with "trans women are women" while most mend id not.

yes, most peolpe are fine with being respectful to trans people and calling them she but they don't want them playing women's sport
there was a breakdown of this in one of the polls

>99% of the women spouting this shit have never spent 5 minutes with sports in their entire lives. If only female athletes were to decide, it would look way different. Unfortunately, they are the ones getting fucked over by the hambeasts

yeah this guy gets it

Yeah I could see that being the case at the moment but my point is women are MUCH more receptive to the trans rights movement than men are, and that is absolutely going to screw them over.
If you'd polled people on this 10 years ago the vast majority of both men and women would have not agreed with "trans women are women". Fast-forward to 2022, now women mostly agree but men mostly don't. The trend is that women are getting guilt-tripped into being pro-trans while men don't give a fuck.
I honestly wouldn't be surprised if in 5 years we have trans women competing at every level of women's sport and no one will be able to complain because women are utterly terrified of being called "bigoted" for any reason.

You're from the UK just like him so you have a greater chance of knowing it. Once you get the answer report back to us.

the balls on this prick

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You think everyone in the UK knows each other lmao

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But I didn't mean that

captcha: G44YS hahah unbelievable

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I was hoping she'd be destroyed and the farce would be majorly exposed.

>believing public polls
>thinking people don't keep their un-PC opinions tucked away at home

How the fuck will this work?
>yeah, sweetie you surely are a woman, but except when it matters
kek, you are so delusional

how do we solve the xenoestrogen problem?

that's literally what Boris Johnson said. He said transwomen are women, they should be treated with dignity and respect, but there're certain instances where same-sex spaces are necessary such as sport, prisons etc.
it's the middle ground position and most people in the country get behind that.

>biological men should not use the female's bathroom
what changes?

>semen ya
>semen now

forcing trans girls to marry incels so we solve both the incelism and xenoestrogen problems in one swing

btw apparently he's 187cm, motherfucker is way taller than me, life is not fair.

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>He said transwomen are women
but they literally aren't according to his own actions.
>it's the middle ground position and most people in the country get behind that.
for now. fast forward 10 years and people will ask themselves why transwomen, who they have been indoctrinated to believe are women, cannot participate in women's sport.

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>mogged by a tranny
oh no no no

I am yet to understand why guys with big cocks, taller or some characteristic that stands out and is a great advantage to become a pussy slayer end up extremely gay or transitioning to something they'll never be.

they usually dont. id say 95 percent of traps are manlets. maybe theyre just mentally ill, or get bored of having slags fling themselves at them

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I'd rather have slags hitting on me than ever conceding to tranny mafia and becoming a fag

Don't care if it makes gay, I need to fuck him.

She's hot


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t. unironic terf

this guy isn't even on hormones and he looks better than 99% of trannies

>men are women except in situations where they are clearly superior
femoid seethe is so funny

one sport where women will never be beaten is mental gymnastics

Gentlemen we finally found a solution to the females problem.

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Post him from any other angle

Woman are biggest pussies, they don't really give a thought about anything as long their views conform to the mass, this is one of the reasons women never made history and never will.

Reminds me of Maisie Williams abit.

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Gah, I just heard his fucking voice for the first time. I feel sick now.

Here's his butt though.

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