
historycucks on suicide watch edition
geelong 54-57 brisbane, third quarter

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Loom check?

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750pm start wtf ive got work at 9am wtf


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Tom Hawkins is really handsome.

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finished a bit early didn't you dollfag

has anyone here actually pooed their undies or is it all a meme

>on a saturday

>hot stone grill
cringiest bogan shit I've ever encountered

anyone see my pub feed from last thread?

>there is an unironic christcuck in /afl/

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what is your goal kick music lads



it looked fucking raw

pooed my undies around 18 years ago when i was at school
tbf I had gastro

better than being a pathetic nihilist schizo that fucks a plastic sex doll

>you now remember michael hurley

>Not being a Christchad

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you cook it on the stone grill mate

tell her you had to cut ties with your friends because weren't growing in the same directions, all my extended family lives in different states. ez pz

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>need to go down to my car and get the toilet paper in my trunk before I can do the post-'ffee poo
grim grim GRIM

out of curiosity what would a non-bogan meal consist of?

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*cleans the ball with his greasy rag*

based tradie

friendly reminder that your politicians absolutely REVILE you and want you to suffer

raw beef is amazing

God is real, hebrew shenanigans with the bible keep me from fully embracing religion though

Engages in ball tampering

more like pee n pee


and what does religion have to do with God?

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>Gryan Miers

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imagine the penalty rates old mate is on just to watch footy. tradieGODS I kneel...

good point

i'll pray for you

In awe of the Cats. They smashed Brisbame in 2020 despite that final being rigged against them, and now they're fighting hard here under more intense matchfixing. Don't think they can hold out though.

Why are nurses protesting?

>Quinton A(r)nkle

if I were a tradie I'd just be blowing my money on prozzies, beer, steak and electronics like speakers and a tv

well you certainly have the right mindset to be a tradie. hop to it, debtcuck.

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no i don't think so

a proficiently cooked steak.

I basically do this. I bought a Jeep last year and am regretting it big time right now.
t. Project manager

"frontline heroes" one day, unvaxxed dangers to society the next

holy shit kill yourself

so that means it stops being a bogan meal once you cook it

You bought a Jeep?

how many steps can you take with the ball before bouncing or passing it?


phone posting lad

>Project manager
based "work" from home on 200k enjoyer

I bought a jeep

once a week at least
t. wasting alcoholic

about tree fiddy

unironically every tradie I know does this, less on electronics and more jetski/motorbikes/4x4's though.

Only religious scripture I follow is the book of RealityCheck

yeah id give the young bird in that geelong dementia ad a go

>9.8 to 10.3
squeaky brisbane bums

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Are you baptized

Nah it’s the absolute shits. You’re the middle man between workers and the boss and you cop shit from both ends. Had some roided up wog threaten to stab our Sri Lankan boss a couple of months ago and had to calm him down.

Jeep's are cursed mate, they pissed off the wrong injuns and shit went down

basedbane tbqh lads

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You are now Gryan Miers

how old is she?

about 15 steps give or take

can we have less bmwf ads and mre wmbf ads yeah thanks

>roided up wog threaten to stab our Sri Lankan boss


she goes to the game with her nan, but her mum drives them, so I'd say she's underage, mate.

trips and I poo my undies with proof

your age halved plus seven

yeah, i thought so much. reckon the other poster should delete his post before he gets v&

15 steps. that's why the new meta is players who can take big steps

about 50 feet but it's enforced based more on 'vibe' than an exact measure.

>get rid of gawn two weeks ago
>140 this week
>100 something last week

psgf 2022

So lads what’s even the appeal of anal?

The Misso is preparing in the other room for after the footy and What does she mean prepare?


stab him over what?

If I had a dollar for every fake goal Brisbane scored, could probably buy a plebocrat a big mac meal. Drone is getting a workout tonight, wernt the Lions supposed to be one of the most inaccurate teams in the comp?

am i actually seriously genuinely nostalgic for that google "blindah" ad?

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How's it going, Scomo?

death to all pedos



What's the go with the faggot on the PA

A prostate massage always feels good meet. Just make sure you lube up and I’m sure you’ll have a great time

she's preparing for her sudo bf to come round

wods a blindah

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Hey there, da Lions
What's it like in Brisbane city?

understandable given their new effort

zorko is dogshit

she is cleaning her asshole

Unpaid overtime


hope for your sake she hasn't eaten for at least 12 hours and has thoroughly shoved a glass dildo up her asshole repeatedly in the shower


based multi man

anal is just about power and domination there's no pleasure, she's been zogged. Probably giving herself an enema so don't get a piece of shit covered corn lodged in your dickhole

what is it with zoomers and being androgynous curly hair glasses wearing fucks?

see all the stuff left on the rock? that's fond/flavour being ripped off of your steak and rendered inedible. In no way given anybody's talents is someone going to cook a steak better on those rocks compared to on a kitchen grill or pan. What costs more; heating up a bunch of slabs and sending them out with raw steaks, or having someone responsible for cooking 30+ steaks an hour to different specifications, for people who 90% of have completely different understandings of what medium rare means?

If you can’t get the job in the allotted time you should get paid for being a lazy fuck.
The Sri Lankan was right.

Based SEA work ethic

well fair enough. money is money.

>Narkle out
>Guthrie in
>At the start of the last quarter
Dzhilongscum using the tactical injury to get a refreshed player up for the 2nd week in a row

anal is only for christcucks that love da poopoo

The anus has more sensitive nerve endings than the penis and the clitoris.

boss deserves it

never understood the appeal of anal
vaginal intercourse only with the misso for me

no strong female or male role models because their parents are too busy working and media is nothing but subversive garbage now

getting rimmed haha lol


do any current afl players have a lazy eye

still not as sensitive as a straight white male on the internet

*sips tea*


Objectively? Jeremy Cameron is a better full forward than Cruddy at his peak.

anal penetration feels amazing, i have a bunch of butt plugs and dildos that i use on my ashole, im not even gay just love ass stuff

pretty sure I saw a catters poof flag just then


depends on how nice and yummy the girls butthole is. sometimes a girl has such an irresistible butthole you just have to fuck it.

need another 1-pointer for cats for a loom

shawn michaels

I remember the time I smashed so many cones I slept through the 2016 grand final and missed my doggies winning

based toycunt

if you'd fuck a girls ass there is no reason you wouldn't fuck a mans ass
the beauty of vaginas is that only women have them and there is nothing gay about fucking them


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crisp convict


so you would let a man give you a blowjob? because men have mouths as well.

What's the deal with cheer squads

Cam Rayner is the biggest #1 draft bust in history now that Mccartin is playing decently in defence

what? they get the bus. shes a mid 20s hipster

based joshy


queer squads amirite

fuck up newcunt

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"Hey thank you for dinner. I just wanted to say you're a really sweet guy but I honestly don't think we would be good match. But another girl would be super lucky to have a guy like you. Take care x"

Wasted my Friday night lads

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I prefer my butholes to taste like lipstick and chai lattes not a chiko roll and dare ice coffee thanks

a vagina should be the only sexual orifice you need, anal and oral bring questions and doubt into your sexuality

Based tip

Holy fucking droneball

seen this before

based dumbpire



>fuck I wonder if my Ex is still keen

I'm at the game lads

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>google maps "you have arrived at your destination"
>mum accompanies them
watch the ad, idiot


The hardcore anal to pooey undies pipeline

*laughs in dolly*
i trust you have learned your lesson

jesus umpball really trying here. how did he call that touched

you would let a man suck you off? lmao fag. oh no but men that fuck women in the ass are the gay ones...

wish i had a gf to fuck


Loom status: potential

based connie, savaging RC afterwards was better than the game

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Reminder it was ME who fucked off TipGOD because when here DARED post I'd say hey look its the drug addict
please line up one by one and thank me
you're welcome

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