>I don't want to, I want to go home.
I don't want to, I want to go home
Other urls found in this thread:
You'll never go home again, TARGARYAN WHORE!
The targaryans are fucking morons.
It comes from inbreeding.
I love Emilia but Harry LLoyd makes me doubt about my sexuality.
They were tight on the set. You can tell just by the way they tease each other in the season 1 commentaries.
Go on, you can have him, I'll take Emilia
>Hop on everybody
>Except you Jon.
>Get fucked, you manlet bastard
You're just jelly because you don't have dragons
And we shall, Khaleesi
Yeah, I really want to go back to a time when the game was shit and I had to grind all my weapon skills before I could even use them, and 40-man raids took forever to get going. No thanks.
Classic will be shit because nuBlizzard ruin everything they touch and you won't be able to relive your childhood
>Ned died protecting Jon and Dany so his daughter could ruin both their lives
If she looked at me like this i'd probably go into cardiac arrest bros
actually was the midget that ruined everything
>she will never look at you like this
>you will never oblige and protect her
nth for the cutest queen
She's cute
Bookfag here. Lou just punched a motherfucker out. based as fuck.
>Jon, i know what i did...i killed so many innocents. i'm deserve to be punished... i choose the wall
>i hope you forgive me someday
She's been studying the blade ever since that fateful night
>we could have had this
Instead we got 6 seasons of emotionless Dany
dumbass DABID creeping behind her
*slaps her*
No no no dear sister
You will be married
You will be ravaged
You will be impregnated
And you will love it
>suck it or I ruin your character
We all know how this ended
Good, morons like you should stay on retail.
>wastes life playing an MMO
>Calls me a moron
Okay buddy.
>and i'd come back and be like, "What's up, yeah, she's going to sit like this" (slouches down in a chair). And every time, they're like, "That's really cute, but sit up straight and don't smile, you're not funny."
What did she mean by this?
>they turned me into hitler
Cutest psycho
She looks pretty happy to see me?
>Game of Thrones ended 2 1/2 months ago
>Still get Emilia threads on the regular
I knew she wasn't a fad.
god I wish I was fun and not a gloomy tard so women would be like that around me
Our numbers have been constant too and will only increase with Emmy 4 Emmy and Last Christmas
They probably harmed her career making her not act tbqh
>dany was scared and confused and thought she was going to die
she took the method acting a bit too far in season two
I miss her
You just need to find an Emilia, she's smiling 99% of the time
Here's the cringe face this post was referring to when the interviewer complimented her on being able to sing and play instruments. Does she not think she's good at those things?
wtf is this, JOI prototype?
She's very humble and probably self conscious. She probably doesn't even think she can act well
Emilia is forever
It's a shame if she thinks that, she's really good
kill the thread with 2 shitposts
Just a contrarian icon.
>spend 7 seasons shitting on YAAASSS DRAGON QUEEN SLAAAAAYYY
>suddenly she's fire-lizard Hitler dindu nuffin!
Leave now and don't watch any of her interviews
Keep your sanity
no wonder she loves kit so much, he is such a chad
^ No wonder she dated Seth McFarlane. They probably sang show tunes to each other.
We always loved her man what are you talking about?
Emilia is a cute, always was. I'm not a incel and actually had sex so i never got into the hating bandwagon. Also season 8 is fucking horrible
dany literally did nothing wrong though
Considerately killing me...
Season 8's writing is horrible. Emilia's scenes are still kino as fuck.
>implying he needs to watch a full interview
This should be enough streamable.com
>Clarke's response to a recent AskMen survey that named her Most Desirable Woman of 2014? "I'm sure it was some member of my family clicking a thousand times," jokes Clarke. "Maybe one of those men could ask me out on a date."
>“I want someone who is super smart, can make me laugh, has like a dad bod,” Clarke added. “I don’t need no six-pack. Like, I ain’t kicking it out of bed for sure, but every character I’ve been with has been too perfect.” That's definitely true, but we aren't complaining.
>"Personally, I'd like as many children as I can pop out, I reckon," the actress, who portrayed Daenerys Targaryen on the HBO hit series, reveals. "You come from a happy family; you want to create a happy family."
>But somehow a solution will be found. "Yes, I want babies," she says. "I don't know about marriage. That's probably quite a painfully millennial thing to say. But I do want to find a human that you'd want to create a family with." In England, in the country, not dissimilar to the Oxfordshire countryside where she grew up.
>"I grew up with ducks in the garden and a stream," she says. "We used to go mushroom picking in the fields. My first plays were done inside of trees. And if I manage to push out a few sproglets, I'd like them to have that experience as well."
>When I’m 90, I’ll have a million stories to tell my grandkids. It’ll be lovely
what the fuck happened to her face? she was already grown.
>mogged by fucking SELTON MELLO
*carries your retarded script and collects and Emmy for it*
nothing personnel DABID
Whoever edited this should ad the "yep yep yeep yeep" from this scene.
What did he mean by this?
she was still young at the beginning and her weight has fluctuated a lot over the years
she was never fat btw, before the fags get here
She was her biggest in season 6, and even then she wasn't fat, just a bit chubby. Still didn't stop her from getting nekky, though.
What vid is the pic from?
obligatory cute overload warning
Cutest Venus
She's absurdly cute in this, Jesus
Pre-aneurysm. This was literal weeks before her failed surgery.
This webm is mesmerizing
Just imagine the kino that could be produced just by pointing a camera at Emilia for a few hours
imagine being paid to look at emilia
She already had the first one but yeah this is pre brain damage
I would watch a 3 hours film about her eyes, just her staring at the camera
>all those nervous tics in the first few seconds
I seriously think she is somewhat autistic, or was before the brain damage. Maybe acting is a way to help her overcome it?
Now that the finally dust settled, who was wrong here?
Maybe, but i think it was just because they started the interview just after she finished eating
It's literally weeks before she had the surgery that resulted in brain damage
>sunburst eyes
How rare is this?
she looks best in the top 4 , sorry bud
1 > 7 > 8 > all
It hurts
Everything you want to hear....everything you want to see.....
It's not a prototype... and it's in virtual reality.
1 > 2 > 4 > rest
2 > 1 > 7 > 8
2 absolutely triggers my protective instinct
For me its 5>1>4>8>3>7>2>6
Shouldn't he be embarrassed to wear those sneakers at his age?
Emilia in tight dresses is kino
>still eating
they only like guys who also smile all the time
>Central heterochromia may be a rare condition, but it’s typically benign. In most cases, it doesn’t affect vision or cause any health complications. However, when central heterochromia occurs later in life, it may be a sign of an underlying condition. In this instance, seek medical attention for a possible diagnosis and treatment options.
Good thing she's had these beautiful eyes all her life.
For me its loose clothing
E-emilia stop moving around so much
Anyone have pig tailed Emilia?
>save Westeros
>one gets killed by the other
>one gets sent to die at the NW aka Westerosi prison
Did they expect people to cheer for this
For me it's the charity.
>some horny editor has the uncensored on a flash drive somewhere
anything in particular?
She's probably wearing pasties
>on a flash drive somewhere
could be leaked, her drama school work only came up because some bloke went into someones house and found a flash drive in a draw and took it home
TA or MBY?
??? Its literally taped
theres no uncensored, she tapes the shit out of everything.
some horny editor has a FULL NAKED emilia shot on a flash drive somewhere
>reminder to stock up on kale chips
non ant version here
reminder that Emilia herself has never even seen this film
She's wearing a bra in the next scene so maybe they thought she was showing a bit too much
lol why censor it then
She's likely wearing something over her pusy
ask and you shall receive
You know they don't get fully naked, right
It's not censored you dumbshit.
look closer, it's obviously censored
no i didn't know lmao
>Jorah got to see her boobs
Iain, you bad boy.
here's your uncensored bro, no need to look for some interns flash drive.
It's not though
It would be like seeing your daughter topless
>original Daario sees Emilia nude
>quits the show
Did he know about the side effects?
thanks, nothing in particular, emilia + pig tails are hot
he took it too hard
On her they are.
He was already feeling the gay
you are forgetting
>Emilia sees daario naked
So did you.
getting to close to lewd there
>CGI ash all over her instead of having makeup people paint her nude body
was it to save them?
Dudes, we're gossiping about an actress like some bitchy housewives and watching movies we'd never see if she weren't in then, and some of us are even reading romance novels to complete the connection.
I think she's turned most of us gay already.
muh mother of dragons, muh yas queen, boo hooooo, shut up you whiny faggots.
>gets drunk almost every time she drinks
She's an alcoholic isn't she
Lou drinks a lot, it helps with the maze PTSD.