Was it kino?
Invader Zim
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son of a bitch
yes, but it brought cringe
It was gross, disturbing, odd, uneasy and totally unique. It was one-of-a-kind and not even this cuter TV movie will reach the same heights. It should have gotten 5 seasons and a movie instead of the Fairly Odd Parents getting 15. But what can you expect, TV is where art goes to die.
It made a pleb filter
Always hated it. Loved by edgy mexicans.
it got me laid and was funny
new movie is coming out in less than two weeks and no one bats an eye
>it got me laid
Please go away
Foamy is funnier
The pimple episode really stands out in my memory
>tfw rawr random XD mallgoth gf
It is Pustulio's desire.
Invader Zim
Billy & Mandy
Both are incredible tv shows but zim holds up better as an adult in my opinion.
Ridiculously good.
That's what everything does, eventually.
Did you guys know that TV's Frank from MST3K was a writer for the show?
Might have heard about it. Man, I really really really need to rewatch MST3K. It's been more than 7 years I think.
Yep. Toldja he'd come.
I hope neflix shows more grittyness..
my favorite scene was in the germs episode and zim saw a giant fucking germ that was actually a baby
certified kino
Billy and Mandy was funny as fuck
This, Zim was kino, but holy shit the memes it brought into the world did a lot of damage to 2000's society
everyone had a jhonen vasquez mexican friend in highschool that might have shot up the school
Would have been classic material if it were adult swim syndicated, it was held back by its network
I always read the "holds up spork" copypasta is read in GIR's voice
I wanna fuck gaz
Gir, your waffles have sickened me. FETCH ME THE BUCKET!
Watching Ep 406 - "Attack of the Giant Leeches" right now
I read the blog posts the creator did about working at footfetishalodean. he noticed how smug the live action producers were and how the voice actor of mr. krabs was batshit insane
Sneed, your gummy bears have sickened me.
I found out the other day that the voice actor for Zim also does Rasputin from Psychonauts, really threw me for a loop.
I re-watched a few episodes of Invader Zim recently and while there is some lol ECKS DEE SO RANDUM humor, I really appreciate the general feel of this show. Everything has some sort of creeping evil feeling, it's disturbing how retarded the "people" in this show are, and the school, the obsession with pork, etc. I don't know what it is but I feel like if this wasn't a show for kids that it would be pretty horrific. The germs episode was amazing, the "dark harvest" one I actually had to stop eating, it was a little too gross. How this show got cancelled when as others mentioned, Fairly Odd Parents kept going FOREVER is such a fucking crime.
Did anybody else get one of these dope Chicky Licky replicas back when they were available?
h-how long has it been
That's pretty awesome
>their head can be used as a little grappling hook
>that's a weird thing for a chicken to do
Minimoose > gir
This shit always cracks me up, fuck this show was funny.
Hot topic kino
What a healthy boy that is, so many organs!!
Love and waffles
B&M was too safe. Zim at least took risks and was more unique
Former goafers?
Whose side are you on?
The highest of.
Mr. Meaty was actually based.
AAAAaaaaAAAAAaaaaiiiiiiiingry BeeeEEEEeeevers!
Kappa Mikey, Mr. Meaty and Cat Scratch were actually based
That episode where Zim makes himself tiny and gets into Dib's insides with a nanobot and then they make a robot battle was so fucking rad.
It was truly a kino animated show.
Gen Y
For me, it's Shunk. Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.
The Zim flash games they had on nicktoons.com was kino like the germ and doom ones
All of the action sequences were surprisingly fucking kino and had god tier soundtrack.
>Battle of the Planets
>Gir in the library
>Future Dib taking down the armada
Why did they kill off one of the best characters so early? Tak should have been Zim's long-term rival.
>well, he does look... pretty WEIRD
>yeah... and he is SITTING
I I've still got a Gir t-shirt that I wear, and to this day, I get approached by chicks because of it on a regular basis. Bitches love Gir.
Reminder that the creator of Invader Zim later worked on as a director on Veggi Tales, which he enjoyed because he's a devout christian. Just overall nice guy, wasn't even jaded that they cancelled Zim.
>and how the voice actor of mr. krabs was batshit insane
I'd like to know more about this
t. 95
Gen Y, don't recognize anything on the Z side.
I dated probably the prettiest girl of my life who was into all the emo crap and loved invader zim.
absolute kino. I was an emo in the early 2000s though so I might be biased. And if you were wondering... yes, I got tons of emo girl ass.
>took more risks
In what ways that B&M didn't?
I'm jelly and I'm a literal faggot
no fucking way jhonen worked on veggi tales
>he can't appreciate kino regardless of generation
He's lying about everything
for some reason.
Yep, he was director on the tv show. Look up the interviews, He liked it because he's a practicing Christian.
Pretty unexpected huh.
in his blog he wrote about it
jhonen was a fan since mr krabs was Sargent Zim in starship troopers
Who here doesn't like beans
Was Gir based and cutepilled?
Born 98 but grew up watching everything on Gen Y on nicktoons. Haven't heard of most of the stuff in Gen Z, with the exception of catscratch and mr meaty, catscratch basically filled the void of ed, edd, n eddy to me whenever it wasn't airing on cartoon network.
Absolutely the funniest, edgiest, cutest show ever. I miss Hot Topic kids when I was in school.
I was born early '95 and I liked Catscratch quite a bit
>early 2000s
>no ATLA
Absolute kino. Still cracks me up. And aesthetic is great, with all the bizarre machinery and general grimy-ness of the world. Hope the new movie is good.
>Battle of the Planets
The Can Crushing segment still makes me laugh.
>Invader Zim
>Attitude Era
>Lord of the Rings
>Samurai Jack
>The Matrix
>Kill Bill
>Star Wars Prequels
>Freddy vs Jason
>Austin Powers
>Raimi Spider-Man
>Metal Gear Solid 1-3
>Final Fantasy 7-10
>Resident Evil 1-3
>Silent Hill 1-3
>Zelda OoT/MM/WW
Why were the late-90s/early-00s so based?
MAN, kappa mikey was fucking based
It's at the bottom, right in the middle.
Based Nostalgiafag
Netflix only bought the rights for the movie so only Nickelodeon is to blame if it's shit.
Am I a boomer if this was my childhood?
You're Zoomboom.
almost a 100 posts and no one wants to sing the DOOM song, nvm
I hated it, HATED it, at the time, but in retrospect, PeNgU1N oF d00m, scene kids, Boxxy, Fallout Boy, all that horrid Hot Topic shit, is nearer and dearer to me than I would like to admit.
There was something really sincere about it. I dunno. Kind of endearing.
Anyone got any good Invader Zim Webm's
What’s wrong with Clancy Brown?
he's insane and based.
>Clancy Brown is Mr. Krabbs
What. The. Fuck.
>no johnny test
I came so hard to the episode where the red-headed sisters ate a bunch of ice cream.
For me, it's Red Tallest
Manlets BTFO
Oh, right. sorry, i'm a blind fuck
Waffles is still my favorite fucking episode
>wagecucking at electronics store
>qt girl comes in wearing Gir t-shirt
>I say "hey you like Invader Zim!"
>did you know they're making a new movie? Yes, really!
>she literally puts her hands next to her cheeks and goes "SQUEE!"
>literally SQUEEs at me
Not gonna lie my heart did a little flip but I also gagged a little
>tried to show my manlet friend Invader Zim
>get like 3 minutes in
>Tallest are dabbing on all the short invaders
>friend says "quirky" and goes to the bathroom
>doesn't come back
That would have made me immediately switch over to "What can I help you find today?" mode.
made me uncomfortable like courage
Thankfully she was paying and on the way out already. Probably headed next door to paint miniatures with the neckbeards at Games Workshop. She seemed like that sort of chick
Reminder that a full length movie is coming out this month.
It will probably suck but w/e.
manlet btfo
she was supposed to be a recurring villain, but Nickelodeon axed the series just as season 2 was getting started.
>the tallest are actually just slaves to the control brain
deepest lore.
Worst part is he btfo's himself. He's only like 2 inches shorter than me but he has a serious complex about it
When will they learn?
I never liked the color pallet. Without going into the faux edgy content, it just made it tiring to look at for too long. And it wasn't as clever as it thought of itself, which I remember bothering me a lot.
was a based episode though
Perhaps I may have to invest in this shirt of gir
I think it ripped off secretly Junji Ito manga
I, too, am considering investing in Gir apparel
oh come on, don't give me that shit
The flashback 'iunno' bit still gets my sides hard
I wanted to sell enough candy bars to get adhesive medical strips.
I think the reason it was cringey was it helped spawn a shit ton of “lol I’m so random” girls
Any source to this? That sounds really interesting
> I used to draw Gir, cut him out and girls would ask for their own so I'd make copies and write "For Lexi" or "For Nicole"
Were the tallest the beginning of the Manlet wars? I also sympathize with their love of snacks
Top kek! I still think about that whenever I put on a bandaid
00 Zoomer but only watched Y cartoons
>I make cartoons
>I am ..
>I am ..
Fuck man I did something similar. Truly a simpler and happier time.
Repost from the last good thread because user always delivers. Not the originator so hopefully these links still work.
1080p upscale since Nick are fucking useless.
Season 1: mega.nz
Here's a filecrypt with Zippyshare links if you don't know how to bypass MEGA limits. Use JDownloader for this. filecrypt.cc
somewhat cringy but over all based and redpilled
surely it was a weird show, beyond all the lol so randum humor there was some really dark underlying themes, like you see all that silly shit, but there was human experimentation, suffering, poverty, mental illness, degradation and degeneracy, and many other sci fi and horror dilemas in fiction
it was really kino, and I always will remember it
video related it's favorite joke
I can get down with this
occult > aliums