What is this clown doing on Best of the Worst? He white knights for everything that RLM is famous for making fun of. This is the man who tried to start a twitter war on James Rolfe for saying the Ghostbusters remake looked like shit.
What is this clown doing on Best of the Worst? He white knights for everything that RLM is famous for making fun of...
Other urls found in this thread:
stay outraged goy
why the fuck is Patton Oswalt on my fucking Yea Forums page right now!?! ANSWER ME OP. Why the fuck did you post this assclown?
all of his white knighting and grandstanding is just for optics
Because they don’t give a fuck about some c-list comedian’s politics and neither should you.
I don't even know who the fuck this person is.
Daily reminder that he killed his wife
Patton Oswalt is the ultimate male fake geek girl. The only one who might be worse than him is Wil Wheaton. He's a corporate shill with extremist political beliefs, and any time someone questions the consumption of the newest product that his tribe has an investment in, he sics the Twitter attack dogs on them.
If he didn't killed his wife, she would certainly wish for death after watching this shitshow.
No one is worse than Wil Wheaton.
Is this you?
Lame episode
Stop with the fucking guests
Satanic cults/bus accidents/REM LEZAR episde was fucking hilarious and there were no shitty guests
how did he get away with killing his wife?
Because politics don't matter when you're watching some shitty movie wtf
>that forced smile from Jay and forced laughter from Rich
How desperate is Mike to get more connections with Hollywood? First sucking off Max Landis to the point where even Jay was disgusted and then moving on to Memecaulay culkin and a murderer.
Didn't this guy murder his wife?
He told the prosecutor that she voted for Ghlomrph.
The Ultimate Gamma
what other shows started bringing shit guest celebrities on when the ideas dried up?
business decision from the company that owns RLM to consolidate half in the bag into the current dominating liberal leaning pop culture
The point is that Patton REEE'd and shat all over Rolfe for making a video criticizing Ghostbusters while RLM spent the entire year shitting on everything about it and Patton doesn't give a shit.
It's just weird but ultimately makes sense I guess
I wish there was a way to watch the video without them getting views. I really hate Fatton Oswalt.
"my bad"
God he looks terrible...hopefully he is filled with grief and paranoia after killing his wife.
I hope Trump personally arrests him for murdering his wife.
Would the Ghostbuster come in to rescue him? Or would they be trying to silence his wife's drug addled ghost before she can let the cat out of the bag?
It's a real pickle. On one hand, he's a corporate feminist gayboy and woke AF. On the other, he's a wife killer and technically male.
How many brownie points would he get if he transitioned?
What the hell happened to mike in this episode? He completely dissapeared, did patton mogged him? Or is he on medication? It wasn't just the shitty apartment joke, he even was just laughing like an idiot at everything. That's way out of character.
He was clearly drunker than usual.
Have to keep sensitive Patton happy dude, or he might not come back!
he´s anxious and insecure about ruining the celebrity´s ego since he thinks they´re the ticket out of milwaukee to the movie industry.
Patton's first few specials and stand up CDs were great. The bit about TiVo and the one about Soldier of Fortune convention always make me lol
Patts can probably hand them an agents of shield episode. It's star trek adjacent so Mike should be able to write for it
He drank himself into retardation to stop thinking about the fact that Patton Oswalt murdered his wife.
>picked a Twitter fight with James Rolfe
>picked a Twitter fight with Sam Hyde
Is RLM telling fa/tv/irgins to fuck off?
>What is this clown doing on Best of the Worst?
RLM is currently at war with Cinemassacre, and them having patton as a guest is basically saying "fuck you" to james rolfe.
Cool fanfic bro
that was terrible, mcculkin episodes were terrible.
the only good guests they had were the curse of the wolf guy and the max landis episode(which was seemingly taken down)
What's the lore here?
maybe I left them in my other pants
I'd rather their special guest was Ken, Tim, The Canadians, Jillian etc. I'd even take the fat fuck comic guy. Hell I'd take BeardFat.
I guarentee you mike and jay have no idea who this "james roof" guy is.
He's not a fake geek. He's just a "that guy" geek
that the guy that killed his wife?
They gotta get someone higher up the ladder. Like Tom or David.
I disliked and unsubscribed. I hope others do too so they drop below a million again just so they know how shit Patton is.
he needs the exposure
Macaulay ugh! I'm rooting for him, but cringe.
what did he mean by this
he's a sellout traitor to other geeks too
Is Mike getting wife killing advice from Patton so he can murder Jessie? I know she gained some weight.
fucking christ, it's comic books and movies, not a fucking identity to "betray"
imagine caring about a youtube movie review channel this much
He was in their Space Cop movie for about 2 min. Not sure how they made the connection or why, but there is a history there that predates Half in the Bag, and probably originates from the original Plinkett Prequel videos.
Was that before or after he killed his wife?
Fuck off Jay, you booked a massive faggot on your show. You had no chemistry with the blubbering shill.
dead meme
>like his wife
Is wife-killing trendy?
That dude is so fat he's wearing a black shirt under his regular shirt in the middle of fucking summer hahahaha
rlm strikes, then james strikes back
rlm makes a video for justin roiland. a month later, james meets with justin in cali.
the most blatant response was when james reviewed psycho series right around the same time rlm did. wonder what will james do now after the patton appearance
Before I think. It took them something like 10 years to shoot Space Cop. The movie overall is pretty crappy. The kung fu guy with the blond ponytail they're friends with now puts out better movies.
Its always been pretty popular in Hollywood and Washington. If RLM want to run with the big dogs like Patton they better pony up and drop some dead weight.
I thought it was funny, but then I'm able to enjoy things I watch on youtube
>Patton slowly moves towards Mike away from Rich as the taping progresses
Its ok as long as its pathetic.
Aiderianna was killed by Silvio though.
His murdered wife, you mean. The wife that Patton Oswalt murdered.
Hmmm then maybe he was in Wisconsin to build up his resolve (to murder her). Would have made more sense if he was there on the lamb but spending time in Wisconsin is a pretty good way to build up the urge to kill.
Gonna skip this wife killer episode
Did you notice that he wears two wedding rings? One is his and he took the other off his wife after he hacked up the body.
What the fuck is all this shit about murder in this thread? Does it have anything to do with that time Patton Oswalt murdered his wife?
I don't or else I would have stopped watching the video. It doesn't change the fact that I think Oswalt is a fucking scumbag.
desperate attempt at relevance because the last time he was funny was werewolves and lolipops.
then he got a taste of hollywood dick and hasn't turned back since
Its a shallow attempt by Mike and Jay to deflect at the libs starting to call them racist and sexist recently. Who better to call then a fat, worthless male, wife murdering feminist like Patton?
Old meme, because he said some mean things about Trump before, so people pretended he killed his wife.
Mostly a joke to most people, but there's a few loons who actually believe it.
>avgn movie
aidsmoby probably made this prop
>James Rolfe
well, Rich' BO stench is infamous....
No I think he just remarried.
Read her autopsy.
It was his drugs that killed her.
All the pills in her was ordered in his name.
Honestly the fact that now he appeared on RLM the chances of him getting indicted for the murder of his wife got increased
the rlm curse is real
>rlm collabs with screenjunkies
>fat fuck from screenjunkies gets metoo'd
>they collab with landis
>he gets metoo'd too
patton might be next
>t. guy who brought a gun to a pizza place in DC
they weren't even good jokes against Trump, they were lazy and unoriginal. shouldn't be assblasted about it.
I wonder if it burns Harve Lee Oswalt's ass that a youtuber that he accosted for not liking the Ghostbusters remake is more popular than him? If Oswalt started a youtube channel and was not getting any help from the admins, he'd never get Rolfe's numbers.
>thinking wives simply murder themselves
OK, Oswalt.
He did a good job, fit right in with them and provided good commentary. Way better than McCulkin.
It's unlisted but it's still up. youtube.com
fucking hypocrites
And he sat on her face until she suffocated.
Most of their criticism is more towards executives, and occasionally vapid celebrities. And they’ve worked with Oswalt before (Space Cop).
Why did they unlisted? Did Landis murder his faggot boyfriend or something? Oh wait, if he did they would probably have him back on.
If you were watching this without knowing Patton Oswalt from his previous work you would never know he is an actor or a comedian.
No wonder Space Cop sucked.
No, but I would definitely think that the guy who decided to put him on the panel was a joker.
He’s always looked like that. He looks a little better than normal actually. Like he might’ve bathed recently.
No, but I would definitely know he was a murderer.
>Does that mean ____ or [opposite of _____]?
I'm 7 minutes in and he's said that at least four times.
Nazis mad.
>First sucking off Max Landis to the point where even Jay was disgusted
Jay was just as desperate, don't pretend otherwise.
>I could have flown home and been with my wife
>Hell I'd take BeardFat.
Now user, let's not say things we can't take back.
>black muscles vs white muscles
Maybe they became friends outside of the show and wanted to do one with him. Maybe their silly web show about watching terrible old movies doesn't have to be about SJW shit or politics.
I fucking hate Patton Oswalt as much as any sentient being with more than two brain cells but they watched some VHSs and did riffs. It's not exactly high art. Entertainment.
Oh fuck
newwave youtube is just all the washed up hollywood literally-whos from the early 00's, acting like Steve Buscemi in Community
Wait, what the hell?
I thought it was all a meme - is there really evidence that Patton Oswalt might have killed his wife?
There isn't any. He's complicit as far as not confronting her about her addiction earlier and shipping her off to a rehab.
not just a meme
also, pizza was secretly a code word for pedo
So did they have to vet the films on the Plinketto board to make sure none of them involved any murdered wife plots?
Deep down, we all know that in the end Patton Oswalt was, truly, the wife murderer.
>also, pizza was secretly a code word for pedo
That one is probably unironically true though.
The wife murderer strikes again.
No wonder Jay seemed so sad.
Unlikely. You know how sensitive nazis are online.
probably not. probably a false flag to make the real thing less believable.
Mike was definitely drunk out of his mind by the end of the episode.
i liked him on Agents of SHIELD
Mike is totally wasted.
Tell that to DrPizza.
He is a semi famous wife murderer
There is certainly an element of that. But I wouldn't disregard the entire thing.
is Mike secretly redpilled?
dont really care for Patton but this ep sucked hard. i prefer canadians, Ken or even Freddy, hell even Macaulay wasn't really funny the last one either, especially for the faggot that he brought to the table
I don't doubt there's some shit going on, the Epstein shit makes that much obvious.
It was pretty obviously a false-flag when they tried to make it look like it was purely a democrat thing, to make alt-righters cling so hard to it that people will immediately wave off things that should make people pause.
>i'M pLaYiNg 4D pOkEmOn gO
Landis got MeTooed
Any other episodes where Mike gets too drunk besides this and Ghostbusters?
any random Milwakuee schlub would've been better
Did you notice part where a dwarf appears on one of the movies and Patton calls him a "little person" and they just move on? I feel like if he wasn't there they would at least poke some fun at him.
>asking if Mike "The Reich" Stoklasa is redpilled
last year's Halloween Best of the Worst has everyone present (except Rich) get completely shitfaced. They had to re-record the episode.
>Way better than McCulkin.
Literally any one of us here could fit in with these dickbags and pass for Rich 2.0 the way Patton did.
You're right. It's disproportionately a Democrat thing because Jews are disproportionately Democrat, but there are also plenty of non-Democrat and non-Jewish pedos.
Not a meme, there's even a show coming out on it.
yeah pretty sure it wasn't even a year after the first wife died
Yeah, I won't deny that some (if not most) of the Pizzagate conspiracy is a false flag, I also think that is very obviously the case. I just think that there are some aspects are credible enough to not throw the baby with the bathwater, there is abundant circumstantial evidence to suggest this. And the fact that people like Culkin are paraded around throwing casual pizza references is fucking creepy and seems premeditated. We know that underage sex trafficking is real, but even the Epstein thing is just the tip of the iceberg since all we know of his sex crimes is that he was fooling around with adolescent girls (i.e. not pedophilia). But we also know that his entire operation involved intelligence agencies (definitely the CIA and likely the Mossad given his ties to Maxwell and his daughter). The whole James Alefantis thing also reeks of pedophilia and no one can convince me otherwise. Despite the obvious bullshit mixed with Pizzagate, I don't doubt for a second that there is a real component to this.
Now we're talking here
he seemed bored too, like he was above it.
if you got those kind of pills in the house, you're either sharing or getting robbed and if you think otherwise you're a child.
cheese pizza was literally code for cp on Yea Forums when i first got here a decade ago.
I heard his wife is in the new Ghostbusters movie, is this true?
culkin for sure fucks kids. he's such a creep in everything. look at his views, he gets big names and no one care because he's unsettling to be around. anyone that would keep defending jackson after getting raped is a fucking pedo. not even his fault, people that get molested turn into pedos all the time.
That shit is not hard to believe. I don't understand how anyone can be in denial of that. There's fuckin code words for all kinds of illegal shit. It's right there in front of your face.
Fuck patton oswalt so badly. That guy is a complete worm.
it was a running joke on the whole site for YEARS.
But that was meme created by neckbeard pedos on Yea Forums decades ago, it has nothing to do with international pedo rings being run from the basement of a pizza shop.
What makes you think there's no overlap?
no it doesn't but it definetly is a code word for child porn and anyone who denies that is just wrong. i don't know how you can be on this site and not know that desu.
a nigger snuck into their bedroom and drugged his wife to death!
What happens if a woman accuses him of rape? Does he instantly admit guilt and demand to be thrown into prison for the rest of his life?
he marries and drugs them.
I don't know if he rapes or if he was raped, user, I just know that at the very least he's involved with the psy-op aspect of pizzagate and that it is too much in-your-face for it to be disregarded as merely coincidental. The guy is a creep. There is no way he doesn't know that all his cryptic pizza shit fuels all sorts of conspiracy theories, but instead of toning it down he doubles down. It's way too fishy.
What bothers me the most is people like Epstein being scrutinised for all the wrong reasons. Firstly, his underage prostitution was not pedophilic in nature since all the known victims were adolescent. But we know of his ties to domestic and foreign intelligence agencies and several NGOs operating in 3rd world countries and having known ties to underage sex trafficking and pornography. And he's all over Washington and Hollyweird too. Yet all the focus is on his supposed pedophilia when he was sentenced in court for underage prostitution (not the same thing as pedophilia). The guy will probably be suicided or the court will obstruct any relevant findings because nobody wants to open that can of worms. And in the meantime, we're here in the chans chasing Q LARPs and the most sensational and obviously bullshit aspects of the pizzagate conspiracy. Jesus can't return fast enough I'm afraid.
That codeword predates Yea Forums, though. It was already ubiquitous on IRC.
Is this wife killing shit just a stupid meme on here, or is there actual evidence that he might have done it?
>his underage prostitution was not pedophilic in nature since all the known victims were adolescent
Dude, no one on here knows the difference between hebephelia and pedophelia.
>I don't know if he rapes or if he was raped, user
bruh. he rapes.
Only thing this faggot was good in was king of queens and even in that show he was annoying.
>Patton making jokes about gender-fluidity and nobody notices
He was fucking prime Mila for a while. Who cares what else he does.
yes, drinkin yourself to death until you are a fat shadow of your former self is incredibly redpilled. please start now to be as redpilled as possible
He thought Plinkett was an actual murderer and wanted to meet a kindred spirit.
I never thought I'd intentionally skip a BOTW until today.
At least it's not as bad as finding out Dunkey filmed his fiance get railed by a nigger.
Lol the amount of triggered neocucks in this thread alone is probably why they did it and I agree it was worth it.
He kills them. Duh!
have sex
I hate Patton but beardfat is still worse
Huh, now that I think of it, Dunkey might as well have murdered his wife too.
>his schizoid culture war side requires him to pretend to like Fatton Faggot.
They knew this was terrible, even before editing. Optimistically there will never be a worse episode congrats Mike.
Pic related, me after the conclusion of the episode.
oh okay, I can skip this now.
He's a geek who goes around saying he's a geek.
>Dunkey filmed his fiance get railed
What?? Source
Remember that time he killed his wife and sacrificed a baby to Moloch?
Told the police he gave her a Xanax before bed. Then she never woke up. She was also on more than half a dozen other medicines, some legal and some not and they had a lot of drugs found by the police. Downers, uppers, coke, etc. Cops chalked it up to typical fat 46 year old druggie dies from heart not handling it anymore.
Funny though, the only Xanax was in an unmarked pill bottle that Patton claimed was his.
>AGVN gets GIlbert GODfried, and absolute legend of comedy
>RLM resorts to this
Big Dick Jimmy STAYS winning.
But we all lose when the AVGN reviews movies because he is a hack when it comes to anything but retro gaming. Their reviews are even worse than collider shilling.
Housewives mad.
>got away with it
Every man's dream
Fuck them for skipping ratatoing it was fuckign kino
Jay talked about James Rolfe on PreRec you braindead fucking retard.
>watched prerec
>remembers lines from prerec
Lol that’s sad bro, I feel for you.
They're just nabbing Hollywood rejects to look legit.
Everytime they cut to them watching the movies Patton is on his phone
Do you blame them?
Have you been to Milwaukee?
It’s the next Detroit.
>if I say objectively wrong dumb shit and get called on it it's you who is the asshole for remembering things
Eidetic memory, faggot. I have total recall of far less interesting things than things Jay Bauman said while playing DuckTales.
>This is the man who tried to start a twitter war on James Rolfe for saying the Ghostbusters remake looked like shit.
According to the 2010 Census, 37.0% of the Milwaukee population was non-Hispanic white and 40.0% was Black or African American.
Now do you understand why Mike, Jay, and Rich want to escape to Hollywood gated communities?
>40.0% was Black or African American
How is that even possible?
Section 8
Blacks having much more kids
What'd he say?
>even Wisconsin
Could he really get sued for shit talking Ratatoing? That looked a hell of a lot more interesting than the shit we actually got
This is why we must all vote for Trump
MAGA 2020
Cope, faggert
He's funny. Stay mad
Eidetic memory is actually a symptom from OCD, sad.
He's a fat, weak goblin who knows he is an absolute fraud. He lashed out at a nice boy who produces content with soul to a loving fanbase because he is jealous.
All because James had the AUDACITY to politely decline seeing a movie that didn't look very good.
Checked n' based
Bathed in the blood of his wife - whom he murdered. I fucking hate him and fucking OJ. At least Robert Blake got busted, but Oswalt is a deceptively crafty little fat fuck. Fucking murderer. Wears his wife's ring as a murder trophy, like the sociopath that he is. If I ever saw him I'd fucking break both his hands and blast him with piss.
they should have put Ghostbusters on the Plinketto board alongside some of his tweets.
What you're saying ironically is unironically the truth.
Domestic abuse thread. Where is OJ?
>and blast him with piss
Can we all agree that he is much worse than Landis or Calkin?
I thought something was off just by how it started. The videos seemed underwhelming because they don't have enough "bad but entertaining" material somehow. The Ellen joke that was extremely late. Patton Oswalt was alright and he seemed to be comfortable around them though.
>because he is a hack when it comes to anything but retro gaming
His movie is better than Space Cop tho
Could tell there is no good chemistry between the rlm cast and this guest star (I had no clue who this guy was when they announced him desu). It felt like they had to keep themselves in check to keep this dude on set. Just wish they did their own thing, and if they pissed him off or he just left whod care itd make for an actually good episode desu.
I dont mind culkin's appearances, but rlm is best off when it's just the main cast
Latest AVGN episode sucked ass because of the guest, now this BotW sucks ass because of the guest
I know hes been doing a gig with Shriners, but im not sure what else lately
Drinking heavily next to a known muderer seems a terrible idea.
>Patts can probably hand them an agents of shield episode.
Hey, and RLM already sucking up to Disney
There's a reason why he remarried less than a year after making a huge spectacle of his wife's passing
Is that a young Ben Shapiro?
Mike is wasted and right wing, and doesn't want to poke Patton's big fat SJW belly.
Exactly. YouTubers are getting these washed up celebs to cameo and for what? Who is this impressing? I doubt it's going to bring in new viewers, and even if it does they'll more than likely be disappointed in what they watch.
YouTube in general is going to get replaced by these c and b listers soon enough (in between all the tv show clips/sports highlights they promote from well established entertainment complexes)
Mike has been radicalized by Jessi and is now a Strasserite.
Youtube will be replaced by manufactured celebrities who got their views boosted by bots while they stomp out problematic weeds before they can get too big
Has he been tweeted this?
oj unironically would be better and could talk about the te he was on naked gun, how leslie nielsen was or how it was being too nice to play terminator.
Mike will kill her soon tho
He sure as shit murdered his dignity.
That’s Rich lol
Where can we run away to, bros?
Damn, did Patton genuinely have a bad time or what? Everyone kept complaining it was the worst set of movies yet and his rant sounded legit miserable haha
But Mike and her broke up....
>it's Rich Evans
Cute, user.
Anyone else notice both that Mike was more drunk this episode than he has been in a long time, and that Patton and Mike were both drinking liquor (I assume whiskey, since they were using Canada Dry as a mixer)
Clearly Patton is a major alcoholic who drinks whiskey daily and has a huge tolerance, and Mike tried to hang with him, switching to whiskey instead of his usual beer, which is why Mike was acting so silly and lost his train of thought so much
>another celebrity guest episode
Is it too much to ask for a BotW featuring just Mike, Jay, Rich, and maybe Jack?
Jim and Colin are fine too.
I like Jim. Understated and he knows his shit when it comes to matte painting.
remember when he used like 7 different adjectives to praise TLJ in a single twitter post like some neckbeard nerd and the movie turned out to be utter shit? that was awesome.
>Clearly Patton is a major alcoholic who drinks whiskey daily
Murder's a hell of a stressful thing.
Murder his wife
Because RLM were shitting on Ghostbusters AFTER the movie came out, criticizing it.
Now, I'm well aware that James' argument had nothing to do with the female aspect of the remake, but I'm also pretty sure that stupid Patton just fell for the clickbait.
When you see "Man refuses to watch all female Ghostbusters" it's easy to assume sexism, no one really bothered that the more accurate headline would be "Die hard fan is unhappy about the remake of his beloved movie period"
It was really a retarded move on James' part not to foresee that conclusion from the masses
I miss jack
I miss beardfat
Imagine shitting on a genuinely good guy just because your retarded dead wife worked on that pile of shit. It came out and guess what? It was forgotten for being a shitty unfunny cash grab. James always wins in the end because evil never prevails.
i'm going to be a guest on an upcoming botw. ama. episode should be out in mid-september.
>It was really a retarded move on James' part not to foresee that conclusion from the masses
No it wasn't The ONLY reason why he made the video because he was getting thousands of comments and emails a day from people asking if he was gonna review the movie. He made a video kindly explaining why he wasn't. He did nothing wrong and made the best decision he could.
I honestly didn't really get the hatred toward James for not wanting to see ghostbusters
Has Mcaulley killed anybody? The other two Hollywood rejects are a murderer and the son of a murderer?
How big is Mikes dick?
>not remembering all the absolutely retarded shit Rich and AIDSMoby have said and done under the radar because they knew nobody watched Pre-Rec
nu-Ghostbusters was turned into a political signalling type of deal. James did the smart and normal move of just not watching a movie he knew was gonna be bad.
"Believe women" is such a load of shit. They might as well just say "women don't lie" or "don't believe men" because both are just as preposterous. Valuing anyone's testimony over another's because of what's between their legs is retarded and I believe it's what the SJWs would normally call "sexist" if they didn't have such convoluted double standards about absolutely everything.
introducing first.... from the red corner. weighing 290 pounds... he hails from Milwaukee Wisconsin, and was rated by many, as the best pound for pound boxer of the last decade. with 88 wins, 88 of them coming by the way of knockout, and 0 defeats. he is, the former middleweight champion, former, super middle weight champion, former light heavyweight champion, and former HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD,
Does he think that early 00s fauxhawk will make him look trendy and in with the young folks?
So why did he agree to do it after how much they shat on his precious Ghostbusters reboot?
Do you think Patton Oswalt watched Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and shifted uncomfortably when wife murder was mentioned?
I just want to watch other drunken losers talk about crappy movies so I can pretend I have friends for an hour
>with extremist political beliefs
What a pathetic thing to say
Why? Care to "unpack that" for the non extremists in the room?
Brown-nosing the only guy in the room who has hollywood connections
I saw McCulkin on the warriors episode and though he was alright. At some points it felt like he googled the movie beforehand and was just trying to show off with his movie knowledge
He's the first non-cringe guest they've had on. He actually fits into the style of the show.
Chicken or the egg user. Did Yea Forums invent cheese pizza, or did we simply adopt it from the poeple that were already using it? The people who had archives of it to dump?
Holy shit you guys are fucking crazy obsessed with this Dunkey thing. You even have it spilling onto other boards weeks after the Octopath Review. He didnt like your bingbing Wahoo, grow up.
>some random girls back
Compelling evidence. Is this just a meme to trick people into watching cuck porn?
Yeah, it was pretty boring episode, I hope they don't bring him back anymore.
Post the webm?
What was Mike going to say in response to Jay's "Now that's a movie I wanna see"
Dunkey and GmanLives are fans of RLM
Many people do
wife killer
Keep sayin it.
Holy shit Dunkey you are fucking desperate with this damage control thing. You even have to keep saying it in other boards months after you clumsily trimmed out your cuck voice from your wife's porn video. She already said thank you once, Dunkey, she didn't have to keep saying it, settle down.
Seriously RLM has absolute garbage taste in guests. It's always some coastal faggot trying really hard to be "just a regular guy like you"
There must be truth to it why else would people talk about it user?
LOL @ all these obese trumpanzees blowing a gasket about this shit. What's funnier is how they post their sissy bitchfits as if everyone shares their outrage.
What a bunch of hypersensitive mangirls.
A lot of people are fans of AVGN too.
Did he ever play any role that I should have heard of, other than Spence in KoQ? That's the only thing I know him from
You are so crazy you actually think I'm Dunkey. You actually think that Dunkey would be up at like 6-7 am counter posting on Yea Forums? Holy shit dude get a fucking life. I'm a random dude on break on my night shift. Get a hold of yourself.
people are just talking, that's what we come here for. remember?
Patton is a legit b-movie guy. I read his book about it, which was totally unfunny (and I normally really enjoy 'comedy' books) but it does show he loves movies.
>oh cool a new best of the worst i can't wait to-
>patton oswalt
that's an unsubscribe from me.
Alright, I will.
Used to be on king of queens. That’s about it
Yes he is. As soon as he started getting roles in Hollywood like with Ratatouille he moved down there and was able to live it up. He gave up following anything seriously nerdy and instead enjoys the good life while treating 'nerdy' things as a joke to enjoy rather than something to genuinely enjoy. It's like the difference between someone that would read comic books and get into arguments about storylines versus someone that considers themselves nerdy for liking Iron Man movies.
That's common misconception. He hangs around people that are funny, this creates the illusion that he is funny himself.
Here's a test, it works on all 'comedians'. Without using google, name one funny joke he said that you remember. One that stuck with you.
yeah i've never been called a nerd or geek by bullies for reading comic books when i was a kid
as jay said it's not an identity because marvel is popular with normies now.
And what radical belief is being expressed in this tweet?
oh, you're just one of those people who doesn't think what the dems, fems and commies are gunning for is extremism.
With any luck the next time you go to dilate your wound, you stab too deep and get chalked up as another suicide statistic.
A mildly humorous guy with the ego of a king and the body of an 8 year old. What could go wrong.
>imagine wanting anything to do with hollywood
According to Patton, the worst thing to happen to him in 2016 was Trump getting elected. NOT his wife dying, THAT he was ok with.
his entire twitter feed is a cringe ragefest, people here just remember the personal attacks he made against James Rolfe for not watching ghostbusters.
He appeared in their movie.
How does this random guy trigger you fags so much? Did he pos your boi pussies?
This. Right at the start too. Have none of you watched it?
What language is this?
>people here just remember the personal attacks he made against James Rolfe
Yeah, but Yea Forums hates James, so what's the problem?