Time is a flat circle

Time is a flat circle

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just like the circle rust's car made on marty's lawn

i am so pissed off by this still

Literally me

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living the life desu just throw a motorcycle in the mix

And spicy tacos every thursday.

>Time is a flat circle
Like the brain of anyone who takes that line seriously.

takeout day is sunday for me
and I though life was hard eh

if it's not a flat circle then what is it? a puffy square?

rust has a purpose

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Steel reserve is disgusting.

Are you surprised that lonely alcoholic virgins have no taste?

At least get a mickey’s you bottomfeeder

Time is projected onto the universe from a giant cosmic camera

T. Grant Morrison

I am all three of those things and if I am going to get plastered I buy cheap rum or vodka.

Ok, you made me laugh.

It's called a clock you sperg.


talkem bout she wanna be a nun
talkem bout she seen a kang

Lets take a pose for your comment

Based Morriposter. Flex Mentallo and The Multiversity are kino.

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we puttin togetha a task force to invetigate crime wit an anti-chrisdan connotashun

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whatchu know bout that

prolly something

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>he doesn't know what M-theory is
Rust actually offered a pretty good lay explanation for what time actually is. I mean, it still eluded you, and you wouldn't believe how many R*dditors think that's a metaphor and not a literal explanation, but for a cop he has a pretty fair understanding of it.

Time is a flat circle and desires are the spokes.

Was rust just talk in crazy to see if the cops were in on it?

Time is a straight line that only goes one way, you retards

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He was definitely fucking with them a bit but I think a good deal of it was Rust legitimately waxing philosophy after a few pulls from the flask too many

It's suhtanic.

I don't know how I continue.

>rewatch this great show
>always stop at the final episode
Why was it so bad?

Rust always liked to stick out as a sore thumb, like a Lot of people like doing in life, his way of sticking out was saying wierd shit to throw off his interlocutors

Who threw a tomater at his head?

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ending was perfect
i have no idea what dummies mean when they parrot this shit opinion endlessly

people were expecting the real killer to be cthulu or some bullshit

>ending was perfect
? Killer was some fat fuck who barely had any of those "spaghetti scars" that they kept hyping up. And the whole "his ears were green because he painted a house green" was fucking retarded. I've done tons of painting and never got enough paint on my ears to the point where they were "green wears"

Nah this is a splitting image of Errol Childress lmao

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Based Karl

the descriptions came from children what were you expecting

I wonder how much of this we will be seeing irl?


Circles are round, not flat. Fucking idiot.

I'm absolutely fucking TERRIFIED of growing old alone, I live alone now and it's just fine, but I'm pretty busy. I go to work everyday and I'm going to college and I see my parents and my brother at least once a week and go out with my friends on the weekends. But once my parents are gone and I grow old I'll probably become an alcoholic just to keep my brain quiet when the sun goes down. If I go blind or something when I'm old I'll 100% kill myself

now imagine a circle with infinite radius