Would it actually work and be popular?
Would it actually work and be popular?
ah yeah, we need more pg13 capeshit, because there's too much r-rated...
its a good idea, since all deadpool fans are 13
Now its primary audience can finally see it without having to drag their parents.
I literally hope he gets cancer
what if deadpool said the n word
Deadpool 2 was utter shit
this, he is much more fucking popular with kids
So a PG-13 Deadpool will be successful.
How snarky. You want a medal for that burn?
I unironically hated the deadpool movies. The way they censored swears was obnoxious. I thought I was having audio issues until I figured it out. I expected blood and gore, but the liberal leaning jokes they made over the top of them were gay.
All around bad experience, wouldnt recommend.
I've been a Deadpool fan since the initial Joe Kelly run. I liked the first movie OK, wasn't in love with it and didn't totally get all of the love it actually got, because it really wasn't that great or interesting. Thought the second was a huge improvement in its story and structure but there were a lot of jokes in both of them that didn't land for me and the humor in both gets pretty grating. I like this character best in uneasy stories where you're constantly unsure of where it is he actually lands. Shit can get tense when written well, pic related is a good example and one of my favorite Deadpool stories. I don't think either movie really captured the best of what this character has to offer (which is understandable because Deadpool comics haven't been good in like 15 years) but I'm happy enough with what we have, I don't really need a third, especially if they're going to water it down. It will undoubtedly be successful but it won't be for me.
what burn?
Does it count as dubs?
I can see it work. If it can toy with the fact it’s a PG13 movie after coming off 2 rated R movies,it could be clever/funny.
its an abstract kind of get
Based Armistice get
It would be financially successful but less well reviewed by fans, being R rated is the only thing unique about Deadpool.
Deadpool at least as far as I can tell was a passion project that ended up doing really well.
Deadpool 2, although decent had all the hallmarks of being committee made, that fake edgyness despite being very political correct.
How can I enjoy a movie with only one or two fuck words?
disney does it again. next they will destroy the venom movies and make carnage a joke villain
And now they have less ticket sales. What retards.
they may as well make it G rated and have him flossing on all the bad guys.
but it wouldn't be popular with them if it wasn't rated R
cringe and shillpilled
they already did exactly that with the PG-13 cut of Deadpool 2 and it sucked even more than Deadpool 2 itself
Saw it coming the second they announced the PG-13 cut of the second movie and even told you fucking so.
seething zoomer
I played this at a resort a month ago
And after months of constant reassurance from the retarded mcu fans they wouldn’t change the rating they’ll defend this anyway because they’re retarded faggots
Deadpool isn't MCU
As of the fox merger it’s an mcu property now hence the possible change in rating
Only as far as it's a Star Wars property
All capeshit is for kids yet almost all normal adults go and see every one
Venom was already shit don’t act like Sony made a classic. That movie is infamous for being so bad it’s good.
DP2 was okay but could basically be summed up as Fuckity Fuck Fuck the Fucking Fuckers. I’d argue a PG13 DP could rein the writers in and make them make smarter humor.
Kids are the only people who want tits blood and sex.
>mcu drones already making up excuses now that they won’t get their shitty meme character again unless he’s totally watered down