>Still no horror movie about sleep paralysis
Wtf Hollywood?
Still no horror movie about sleep paralysis
It isn’t real
People who say they’ve had it are lying. Like aliens.
I've had it twice.
There's plenty. Every jumpscare featuring a scared kid in bed is sleep paralysis the movie.
>movie about some guy laying still in bed as life goes by
My biography
I've had it after drinking heavily
it's something you can fight mental therefor it's as scary as someone running at you with a knife
I've had it twice and were the scariest moments of my life. Both times a sort of luminous ball was going towards me and I couldn't move or say anything. When the ball finally hit me, it stopped.
Its just a nightmare with your eyes open. What's so hard to understand?
There's a pretty creepy documentary.
I've had sleep paralysis like 4 nights in the last 7 days. I usually never see a demon because I'm too afraid to open my eyes but the last time I did because he was choking me and another time this week there was a girl and she climbed into my bed and hugged me from behind and was whispering stuff to me that I can't remember but I think she was being nice even though I was still terrified.
There's this documentary
i hate reading these threads, i always get paranoid that tonight will be one of those nights
There's a horror-ish documentary called The nightmare which fairly creepily dealt with this topic. It came out in 2015.
I've had it a couple of times too, last time was like ten years ago, I was day sleeping and had a nightmare that woke me up, but when I woke I couldn't move my body, and felt like I couldn't breathe, until I felt sleep again.
It was quite scary.
>Sleep paralysis isn't real
I’ve had it. I was always terrified reading about it, but when I experienced it, I wasn’t that scared. Even when the thing that was on my back breathed on the back of my neck and I finally was able to move my arm to swing at it, I completely expected to hit empty air, and I made contact with something made of flesh, I wasn’t that freaked out. All I did was wake up further and it was all gone.
I've had it plenty of times but I've never seen a spooky being. I've seen snakes all over my walls once though.
Wasn't there one? Maybe it wasn't directly about it but I think it was insidious?
Had it twice while adjusting to working nights for the first time
Thought I was awake, heard someone slam my front door and run into my bathroom
Wasn’t actually awake, but woke up and couldn’t move for about a minute
The first time I had no idea what sleep paralysis was, thought I was having a stroke or something
Basically the most horrifying thing I’ve ever experienced
Damn, other peoples posts saying the same thing got through as I was posting mine.
It made me feel paranoid and creeped out, and fascinated by it, because at the time I had no idea what it was.
I sleep on my side at all times now to avoid it ever happening.
Here's one about night terrors.
I see these fuckers literally weekly.
so everyone experiences the exact same fucking nightmare on the off chance their eyes are open?
how the fuck is sleep paralysis scary? just get out of bed
The scene with the phone fucked me up. Also how a couple woke up and both remembered the same vision from two different perspectives. For a perfectly explained natural phenomena it's still pretty creepy.
This. I think it's called Nightmare.
Same first time was the worst. I thought people were breaking into my home and ended up spending like an hour staring out my window to see if people were there.
Agree, it's a big meme started by reddit
Also Paralys 2016, is a short film that deals with sleep paralysis.
Not a movie, but The Haunting of Hill House kinda has it
tfw the little black witch sits on your chest.
This guy gets it. Like paralyzed and shit? Just get your lazy ass out of bed dude lmao
so what are her plans? thoting around?
w-whar are the plans for today?
Anyone think sleep paralysis is linked with drug use?
Once I stopped everything, weed, heroin, coke, they were gone for good.
What about an astral projection movie
Same here, have only had it while getting naps through the day so I'm a lucky brat in that when I woke up, everything was still relatively well lit.
Now I sleep with the lights on hehe.
Nah, I used to have it before ever doing any drug.
works on my machine
It's genetic.
I lucid dreamed once, ANA.
Sleep paralysis aka cowardice. Fuck off autists.
Nice bait
this shit is real and redd|t niggas dont want to accept it, they make excuses for it and call it simply sleep paralisis but there is more
Low electrolytes. Breathe faster to get oxygen to your brain and wake up.
same its the creepiest thing because your awake with your eyes open and your brain is amazing you with the shit its able to produce its basically like you in a vidya game. For me the ball turned into a baby creature that was crawling on my wall then down my furniture towards my bed. The moment I got freaked out when it crawled up my bed and up to my chest and stared me down hard. Had a football sideways oval sphere for a head with a bunch of eyes in all blinking individually at me. I turn left to wake up my mom cause I was like AM I SEEING THIS SHIT. The creature looked at her as curious then jumped to my wall to my right and transitioned to the wall. I had a bunch of dreams before but this was like next level x10. Did not know human brains can produce this kind of shit.
Ya..so believe this or not..ive been having alien encounter my entire life..last year i was in my bedroom watching the amazing world of gumball..well let me say this first, i work night shift so i have my window blacked out, anyways..so watching a stream of awog it was about 3 or 4 mins into the stream and then time sort of jumps..im in this almost sleep like state and i think my head dropped over toward my door..i then notice that a shadow is blocking the light coming in under my door..i joke to myself that i should have put a shirt down to block the light coming in so when the aliens come in my room ill get an extra second to run..when i think that the word aliens rings like a bell in my head..and whatever state i was in, i was out of it and wide awake..i start looking at my door for about 5 seconds thinking hey something is wrong something is at my door..well they somehow knew i had noticed them and stepped away from my door...when i seen that i tried to jump out of bed and as i started had sleep paralysis..i could fight it a little and started to reach for a knife i keep next to my bed..then it increased and i feel back on my bed all i could move was my eyes..then swear to god..a freaking grey walk right through my wall and starts walking towards me..i get so scared i look away and start telling myself this isnt happening..then he grabs the arm that was reaching for the knife..i look up and for a moment it looks like a man is there but it wasnt right, and i think thats not right and when i thought that that fucker was right in my face..come to about 45 mins later, have finger shaped bruises on my arm and my knife is gone..point is i think sleep paralysis is your mind becoming active when they are doing there thing..just food for thought..pic is sort of what they look like..
There are like 80 of these...
That doesn't answer my question!
My plans for the day include getting piss drunk and watching anime
>tfw no alien gf
>I turn left to wake up my mom
There's a pure dogshit flick from last year called Mara. It's about sleep paralysis but, surprise, it's just a creepy old lady demon thing who strangles your ass while you can't move (played by the dude who did KO-cap for Mama). Terrible movie, avoid at all costs.
for me it was a giant bony hand reaching out of the closet to grab me and drag me into the dark but I woke myself trying to armbar it
wear a sleep mask, you'll never have it again. i've been wearing one for 8 years and haven't had it since. used to happen to be at least once a month.
The Entity (1982) might be kind of close. Don't know how it's aged but it scared the crap out of me when I rented it.
I was totally scared to death, of course I was breathing very heavily, didn't do shit.
I was trying to call my mom even though she was hundreds of miles away. It's funny how we always call our moms when we're scared as hell.
you trying to troll is so embarrassing
i've only had exploding head syndrome a few times
the first time it happened i nearly pissed myself because i thought there was sometimes screaming at my window
don't even want to think what sleep paralysis would be like
I'm glad the only time it ever happened to me I didn't see or hear anything strange. Nother else but not being able to move. I did have a scary realistic dream about aliens but I threw my pillow at it so I guess it was just a nightmare.
god i hate women like this
I saw Virgin Mary in sleep paralysis once and I'm not even a christian
it was weird and I didn't feel fear but I was just overwhelmed
Or just drink more water, dumbass. People who get sleep paralysis drink energy drinks all day.
h-how did you know she was a v-virgin uwu
maybe she was looking for other virgins and found you lmao
t. paulie
It's a major plot point of The Haunting of Hill House.
Had it a dozen or so times as a teenager. Had it once or twice as an adult. Thought I was nuts until a friend mentioned it in my mid 20’s.
I think everyone gets those sixth sense feels at some point or another in their life. Most basic one someone is staring hard at a distance and you know exactly where they are and turn your head and make direct face contact.
I once saw Tim and Eric sitting at the foot of my bed during sleep paralysis, one of the few times I've had it and it wasn't scary.
Who, the shadow people?
no other human beings.
I'd absolutely die of fright if I saw anything freaky. Aside from a horny succubus wanting to molest me. For that I'd have to learn lucid dreaming somehow.
Dead Awake literally is entirely about sleep paralysis you zoomzoom fuck.
*stands in your way*
Let me tell you about sleep paralysis, nigger
I have been experiencing it since childhood, the visual hallucinations forced me to sleep under my sheets and I have retained that behavior to this day, because the shit I have seen was genuinely frightening. During a period of extreme despair and stress, I was experiencing sleep paralysis on an almost nightly basis. Do you know what it's like to wake up almost every day completely paralyzed and hallucinating? Unable to scream or move my arms or legs, I would sit there in fear until I lost consciousness. Eventually, I figured out that I can wake my body up by aggressively chewing on and biting my tongue and suffocating myself. When I finally regain function of my body, it reacts as if I was hit by lightning. Full body paralysis is a fucking miserable experience, and I can fully appreciate why those that have to live with it want to kill themselves.
As a side note, I have experienced this rare phenomenon so many times that I have plenty of chances to experiment with ways to get out or even sink back into it. My general hypothesis is that the mental state you are in can affect it, much like taking shrooms. If I have negative thoughts, I can increase the chances of going through it again. My record is inducing it 3 times in a row during one morning, each time more scary than the last. Pair this with lucid dreaming and that is some real Hellraiser sort of shit
How can someone get sleep paralysis? I actually want to experience it for once in my life. It seems cool.
I've had it many times, it's horrifying
Feeling that someone is watching you is supposedly evolutionary. Of course they also say this about boys liking blue and girls pink because of some genetic hunter/gatherer memory even though the color-coding was reversed a hundred years ago.
are sleep paralysis hallucinations always scary? never good things?
I wonder if those scary thoughts are because you are aware you can't move and feel vulnerable
Try sleeping at times you don't usually sleep in (early in the day, or around late afternoon). Maybe even somewhere you're not used to sleeping, like a a couch.
I get it at least once a month, it's always a feeling of someone in the room and an inability to move or scream. Have woke up and done damage to myself from freaking out and hitting things in a semi conscious state. Kicked my gf out of bed and other things.
Ps what causes it? My father has same disturbed sleep.
It's real but there's nothing paranormal about it.
Ive only had it if I sleep on my back like OP pic
lay down on your back and don't move for sometime before actually sleeping.
>Kicked my gf out of bed and other things.
I don't know why, I always felt you wouldn't be so freaked out if you had someone in the room with you (a girlfriend, or hell a friend if you had to share a room). Not the case?
For example today I feel like shit and I always sleep on my back. Also I'm scared of the idea of sleep paralysis. I'm the perfect target fortunately I only experienced it once.
That's the healthiest way to sleep. Sucks I can either be healthy and get these, or not be healthy.
Aka vividly hallucinating for seven hours
What kind of hat is that? I want one. Very aesthetic profile with a wide brim for rain.
I’ve gotten it countless times. It always seems to happen when I’m laying on my back. The first time it happened I had no idea what it was and I was terrified. I think I was 9. I couldn’t move and I heard distant laughter. Like a deep evil laughter. Then over the years it would happen repeatedly. Mostly just the dark figures stuff you hear about. It’s happened so much that it doesn’t really bug me as much as it does inconvenience me. It’s hard to get back to sleep sometimes after it happens. One time I woke up from a nap and half of my body was still paralyzed. Was able to snap myself out of it after about 15 seconds or so. The best way to get out of it is to let yourself fall back into sleep and then wake up that way. I think the panic and tension of the situation makes it last longer. If you relax it goes away a lot faster.
what's a sleep mask? just one of these things you use to cover your eyes with or a full on oxygen-to-mouth kind of deal?
I'm sure there's a baseline you already have to be under, but the factors that seem to increase the likelihood are
>mental exhaustion
>getting up multiple times during the night
>sleeping on your back
>ability to lucid dream
>negative thoughts
The most common time it would occur is after I woke up late in the night to go to the bathroom and then laid back down. I did not move my body but kept my mind awake with negative thoughts. The body falls asleep and the mind stays awake, sort of like lucid dreaming, which is why I'd say learning how to do that could be a defining factor in triggering it voluntarily. The second most common would be waking up in the morning from a dream or nightmare in which I was lucid dreaming, my mind presumably would become a bit overactive and the dream would just end and I'd "wake up" but my body wouldn't
At best, they are auditory, and it'll be unpredictable but short sounds, everything from car noises to voice sound bytes to musical instruments, usually pretty loud. At worst, they are visual, and in my case, the light around me would actually be significantly dimmer. On one notable occasion, it was around 9AM when I was going through a night terror and as soon as I shook myself out of it, I had my eyes open and it was almost as if the sun rose in mere seconds. The figures I've seen range anywhere from shadow people to aliens to strange furry creatures, but the absolute worst thing I ever saw was when I was facing a mirror and watched my reflection morph into some frightening demonic entity, but even demonic doesn't describe it. Shit was fucking unreal, my heart has never raced faster
There usually is a pattern for when it's gonna start. For me I've had it once almost twice if wasn't able to stop the second one. It usually starts when your whole body starts going numb from your feet and the numbness crawls towards your upper body to the head and if you sleep while ignoring those things you'll have sleep paralysis. That's what my cousin told me who has far more experience with this shit than I do.
I'm not sure how you could arrange this, but I'd love to know what would happen if your gf woke you up while you were paralyzed. I can't test this, but it would be interesting to see whether outside stimuli from another person would work, or at least whether it would appear different to you while you are hallucinating.
Actually tend to get it more with her in bed, might be that I find it more difficult to sleep next to someone.
She has woke me up before, its hard to tell what is real at first because for me I have loops where I think I wake up but I go back into the paralysis. If I wake up from it and go back to sleep I tend to repeat and it keeps coming back. It's like my body falls asleep before my brain does.
I've had sleep paralysis but my eyes never open and I never have feelings of being watched by an entity like most people report. Is this even actual sleep paralysis?
I usually never post, just a lurker, but I had sleep paralysis very frequently about 3 years ago. Some things trigger it more than others, for example getting asleep while watching TV with things on your chest, or stress, and sometimes even the exhaust of exercising.
But one thing that always worked for me was moving my toes, just do it! move them rapidly and you will wake up, it worked everytime and now I'm free of that freaking nightmare. I hope it is useful for somebody.
The toes thing never actually stopped the paralysis for me but I gives me something to focus on so I don't freak out.
The main reason why "entities" show up in those states are because they wake up in their room during night time when all the lights are off and they can't move a muscle so they freak out and their minds start to make sense of the darkness coupled with the fear of that pitch black room and all the scariest shit you can imagine becomes reality. Basically if you ever get into a state of sleep paralysis just tell yourself it's only a dream and close your eyes or get into a state of meditation.
It probably works different on each person, but as you say, at least it takes away some of the creepy thoughts and lets you regain focus
>he hasnt seen shadow people and demons in this state
>he hasnt been hit by unseen entities in this state
udk true terror
I've got a spooky story about sleep paralysis and it's 100% true.
>lying in bed
>trying to fall asleep
>SP starts to set in
>try to break out of it but it's too late
>I'm frozen
>auditory hallucinations kick in
>some voice starts screaming at me
>it doesn't sound pissed off but rather insane
>i have no clue what it's saying, it's a different language I've never heard
>eventually i break free from SP and the hallucinations stop
>shrug it off and try falling asleep again
>to my annoyance, SP starts to set in once more
>suddenly hear a still voice speak to me in english
>"I'm back"
>the deranged shouting starts once more
/x/ told me this was a demon. I'm not sold on the idea but it seriously freaked me out and I can't explain it.
getting away from SP and then getting it back is fucking hell, like a continuation on a horror movie and you are the protagonist.
The demon part might be just your imaginative mind, If you ask me
Lived with grillfriend for 5 years. Every few weeks she would jolt up in bed and scream. Claimed she was having a bad nightmare but was paralyzed.
Was pretty spooky.
Same thing, it's so comfy sleeping on my back until it hits you
> It's like my body falls asleep before my brain does.
Yeah I've experienced the exact same thing. That is interesting that it isn't an immediate snap, do you tend to gasp and almost jump out of bed when you regain function of your body, or does it gradually wake up like it normally would?
>they don't sleep with the lights on
Means you can't sleep with anybody else, and are throwing money down the drain on the electricity bill, but it's well worth it.
A lot of sleep paralysis episodes occur when waking, when there's light out. The light won't save you.
The absolute hell is when you're in SP and you hallucinate/dream that you break free from it, thinking it's real as you get up and leave the room to do whatever, but suddenly you're back frozen in your bed. I've been stuck in loops where it's happened over a dozen times.
I wish it was all just your mind having trouble discerning objects in a dark room, but this has also happened when the lights are on or the sun is up
Hey you stole that from me.
You failed to mention that...
>for a period in my early 20s I experienced sleep paralysis multiple times every night for months
>It's awful. You feel awake but you have no control, or very little control, over your body.
>The sleep paralysis dreams would often be me desperately trying to wake myself up. Trying to control my body by rocking side to side. Other times I'd grab at myself, pinching my face and trying to force open my eyes with my fingers.
>Other times I would feel multiple hands grab and shake me.
>Sometimes there would be shadowy figures standing at the foot of my bed. They would stand there, conversing with one another and occasionally gesture at me.
>One time a cloud of insects swarmed about my ceiling and formed into the shape of a humanoid face. It watched me for a time.
>It was such an unpleasant and draining experience I dreaded going to sleep.
>Lack of sleep made the sleep paralysis dreams increasingly worse
>Until one night I AWOKE.
>I knew I was experiencing sleep paralysis but I felt more awake and alert than I had been in years.
>Then I heard it.
>A low rumbling ressonant mechanical thrumming.
>And it phased into my room through the wall.
>A giant glowing green and white sphere
>It flashed rapidly and bathed the room in an eerie green glow
>It extended a beam off light and scanned me.
>I felt waves and sound rushing through my body.
>It was an powerful, yet soothing physical sensation
>Then I woke up...
After that I never experienced sleep paralysis again.
I don't know if it's actually sleep paralysis, but I often have this dream that i'm completely aware and conscious that i'm dreaming, but I can't move whatsoever and there's always this deafening wind sound that gets louder the more I try to get out of the dream or move.
Last time it happened I thought I had shouted as I woke up. my gf turned the lights on and shoved me to wake me, I asked her if I was screaming and she said no. I was realy dazed and confused couldn't tell what was real or not. Still not sure since she was tired too, its like waking up as normal confused and groggy.
I know, I know, I've said this in an earlier post but my only instances of sleep paralysis were upon waking from a nap, so full afternoon light shining through my windows.
But they were scary enough that I haven't wanted to experience what it would be like if I had it at night in full darkness. And I don't like the dark anyways, never have.
This is the worst, it happened to me once where I ended up breaking my wooden chair and cutting my leg up through repeated cycles of running out of bed.
You guys know that being in the state of sleep paralysis is like a gateway to lucid dreaming right? Sleep paralysis basically means your brain put your body to sleep out of order, which allows you to fall into a dream while your mind is still awake.
I know sleep paralysis can be scary but next time it happens, just relax and close your eyes. You'll feel a strange sensation like you're falling or floating, and suddenly you'll appear in your dream realm.
Hmm, very interesting... I wish more people spoke about this, but so few do, so each experience is incredibly valuable.
Story time, not mine but my cousins.
>lying in bed
>fall asleep
>wake up in the early hours
>dark room, can't move, start freaking out
>hear footsteps two silhouette of what seems like two ladies covered in veil.
>Get's closer to my bed, eventually stands at the side of my bed starting down at me
>close my eyes and start praying Hail mary
>after a minute or two praying open eyes
>They're still there mfw
>Once more I pray, scaredshitless at this point
>Open eyes the veiled lady is next to me in bed crawling on top of me
>last attempt I close my eyes and pray to God begging for the nightmare to end.
>Open eyes see the veiled ladies face in front of mine with a shit eating grin praying with me in a whispery sounds.
Yeah after hearing that story, we all slept together that night with the lights on. Never forgot his story.
Good bait
I had this happen to me once when I served in the millitary while I was at a post in the entrance of a base. Ir aas like 3 am, and I fell asleep. I knew I had to wake the fuck up or i'll be in serious shit, and I tried to rock my chair so I could fall and wake up. That was the 2nd scariest night of my service
used to have it pretty consistently a few years back. Would wake up and not be able to open my eyes or shift/lift my head. It only sucked because it always felt like I was laying face down and couldn’t breath but I always jolted awake to being upright and on my back
I thought invoking the name of God/Jesus was supposed to end these sorts of things. That's what people who claim to have been abducted by aliens or possessed by demons say anyway.
Have you guys ever had a dream where in it there's this girl who loves you vehemently and vice-versa, but when you wake up you have this dismal, miserable feeling as if the closest person to you just died, as if that person in the dream actually existed.
Post first
Not for him I guess. Also he never slept back to that room. Spent the rest of the semester sleeping on the living room in a corner.
I've had this several times. A few occasions I just rise 4 or 5 Ft. above the bed and then to the left or right then slowly sink down to the floor and wake up but others I've managed to rise straight up through the roof and soar over my town. Other times I just suddenly 'become conscious' and I'm out of my body and bumping around the house like a balloon and crashing into ceilings and furniture. It's cash but hard to control.
>manage to lucid dream very on very rare occasions
>every precious time I do, my stupid half-awake ape brain conjures up women to fuck and the excitement causes the lucid dream to end in like 30 seconds
I just want to do cool shit in a lucid dream. Like talk to God. Or become a God. Matrix type shit. Or even just fly around. But nope, my own horniness holds me back.
Didn't mean to reply to that user. I'm very tired.
tfw the hat man slowly floats towards you
That's exactly how it was for me when I was a kid. I was awake but couldn't see or move and it felt like I was facedown and suffocating. I'd try to "throw" my body to force myself to wake up in a jolt. I haven't experienced it in probably around 20 years now thankfully though.
tfw the shadow puts it's hands over your stomach
I first started having it a few years ago. It happens almost daily for a few days or couple weeks, then stops for a few months, and starts again for a few days or a week. I never experienced the shit with the demon holding you down or whatever, must be christcucks who experience that. Being paralyzed is already scary enough. It only lasts 20-30 seconds but each time I'm afraid it won't stop, and it's extremely uncomfortable. I've also tested myself and realized I'm still half dreaming. You think your eyes are open while you're paralyzed, but that's part of the dream too. When I woke up the view I had was different.
I've been able to try "flying" in my dreams, but so far I haven't been able to do more than slow floating like 10-20m off the ground.
Last night near dawn I was in this weird semi-sleeping state and I got this massive rock hard erection. I was so hard it hurt.
In my semi-lucid state I thought some force was pinning me down and crushing my balls.
Whenever I try to fly, I lose control and just keep going up higher and higher until I wake up.
Deep down you know the spiritual realm is 100% real and death is not the end.
>Find someone to relate with on the subject of sleep paralysis
>They mention something about some demon fucker sitting on top of them and that's why they can't move
Why the fuck does everyone have some supernatural twist to their sleep paralysis? Mine is just that I simply can't move. Maybe years ago I had a dream I was underwater and I couldn't move but that's it.
>it's another "teeth all shatter and fall out" dream
>It's another teeth break apart followed by pieces of your face bones dreams
You’re a fucking idiot
Teeth falling out is one of the most popular dreams out there. Thought to be a sign of the fear of getting older.
I had sleep paralysis once and I basically told the demons to fuck off and I've never experienced it since.
someone in my film class made a horror short about sleep paralysis. it wasn't scary at all and actually really fucking hilarious because every character was obese as shit for some reason.
I'm bad at story telling but here goes. One weekend mid july a mission got dropped on us out of nowhere. this happened often cause our superior officers were warmongers. The mission was to tour a valley near the Lebanese border, then stake out a bit beyond the border in an attempt to kidnap and question a Lebanese sheep herder whom we thought was actually trying to detect mines using his sheep. It was a 72 hour thing. In our preperation for the mission we were practicing scenarios and I layed down on a hornet/wasp nest on the ground and got stung like 8times in my right arm. As mentioned my lieutenant was a crazy warmonger so he forced me to go, since we already lost my commander to a flu. I called my father that night before leaving and I cried like a fucking bitch. My hand was numb and I legitimately thought I was gonna die. So we begin the patrol of this valley from the top (it was on a mountain). The day was actually hilarious. I was on pain killers, at some point we got spotted by the UN. Theres this one point i'll never forget where 2 of my squad mates and I just sat under an olive tree and ate a bunch of jerky right across the border. But here comes the scary part. Like I mentioned earlier the mission was composed of 3 parts, patrol-stakeout-patrol. So we got to the first night of the mission and had to rise from the valley and cross the border. But there was a problem. When our dumb lieutenant planned the route of navigation on the map, he didn't account for the height of the point he chose for us to cross the border from. The climb from the valley was dangerously steep. We liked to say the angle was like 70 degrees but maybe that's an exaggeration. We begin climbing up, each of us with heavy bags that are threatening to make us fall back. At the point we were climbing from there were a ton of pebbles, and there weren't really places to get a good grip. We all made it to the top but that climb couldve very well end with multiple people dead.
It is and you can get it easier if you lucid dream.
Try this for a week. Go around randomly checking your wrist for the time (regardless of whether you wear a watch or not).
Eventually you will do the same in your sleep and you will begin to lucid dream. Its extremely common to experience sleep paralysis if you lucid dream this way.
If you are ever stuck in sleep paralysis, a easy way to get out is to imagine yourself laying on the bed and having a out of body experience, where the ghost version of you comes out from your body, concentrating on bending at the waist first and eventually working your whole body free
its a very controversial issue
It was pretty terrifying but looking back was also fun.
>first half was more generic shadow in the corner absolutely freaking me out
>second half i was calm, had a demonic version of me saying I'm actually awake
"okay then smart guy, if I'm awake touch me"
>my face as I found out that sleep paralysis allows you to hallucinate tactile response
ive had it 3 times. very real phenomenon
i literally went through sleep paralysis the same night i watched this documentary. ive only ever had it 3 times and this was one of them. is it because the subject was in my mind as i was falling asleep?
I've had it a couple times, but I was asleep in a chair
Didn't see anything weird, everything just had a yellow filter over it with dark spots
i think i have exploding brain syndrome or whatever its called. ill be just about to fall asleep and all of the sudden ill sit up super fast while inhaling really hard like you would if someone scared you and made you jump. i used to freak out my ex doing this. it happens a lot more than sleep paralysis does anyone what this might be and what causes it?
Bullshit. I only drink water and have sleep paralysis.
Not sure but it happens to me sometimes. I usually have something where it feels and sounds like a plane is crashing into me and I’ll jump awake with my heart racing. Last time something like this happened it felt and sounded like someone shot me in the head. It was really weird. Didn’t have a headache or anything afterwards but the sensation of it was bizarre. Not sure what causes it but I read that it’s not anything to worry about. It might be if you have other neurological issues but on it’s own it seems fine.
How does breathing faster compensate for low electrolytes?
I don't know if it was sleep paralysis or I was just dreaming, but I was in my bed, I couldn't move and some dude with a black hat came into my room and walked toward me. I lay in my bed screaming but couldnt move. Was scary AF
Looked like this faggot
>dream raptors are outside my house. Gonna break in and eat me
>Wake up. Feel to tired and weak to move
>Even though I know raptors were dream feel like I should get up and load my shotgun
>Too weak to move
>Too weak to move
Probably better I couldn't get to my gun in that state
>was a girl and she climbed into my bed and hugged me from behind and was whispering stuff to me that I can't remember but I think she was being nice even though I was still terrified.
was she hot?
>have dream about shitposting
>wake being not remembering the posts and am spooked out over what fictional anons could've said to me
>always used to sleep on my back
>start getting sleep paralysis, it's always of some shadow figure just staring at me from the foot of my bed
>switch to sleeping on my stomach, sleep paralysis stops for a while
>all of a sudden it starts back up again, this time when it happens i feel someone/something breathing very quickly on the back of my neck
fuck this so much, why me
I had it once, I "woke up" staring at my door and something was coming for me loudly up the stairs. I needed to move to hide or arm myself but I was stuck on my side. Then there was a sensation and sound of my door bursting open and the fear reached a crescendo. But then it was over, I could move, the door had never moved and the house was silent.
Pretty cool desu, but it shit me up at the time and i don't envy people who have it regularly. I wonder if they're fat and get sleep apnea or something and wake up half oxygen-starved.
yep. this is exactly what im talking about. but its not even like i can really hear a loud noise, its more of like a feeling that a loud noise just occurred to make me jump. i know that doesnt really make sense but its the only way i can put it into text.
>It's another "you clench your teeth so hard they bend and snap off" dream
Same, but for me it's hornets crawling on my body.
>get sleep paralysis
>wiggle my toes and just try to stay calm
>eventually it subsides
>fall back asleep
>wake up again paralyzed
>this repeats itself like 10 more times
>never even think of maybe getting up or readjusting myself to stop this
whats wrong with me?
>have a seizure and have a dream about being in a different place at nighttime
>wake up and you're in the same spot minutes later during the daytime
Iv suffered with sleep paralysis for 15 years. After awhile you get so used to it, that it doesn't scare you anymore.
With me it usually happens if I sleep on my back and it happens the moment I fall asleep. I feel wide awake yet cant move. The more you try to move and panic, the worse the hallucinations are.
When I was a teenager I used to hallucinate that a dark shadow with one eye was sitting on top of me, or standing at the end of my bed. Would scare the shit out of me.
Now when it happens I tell myself its just sleep paralysis, stay calm and you will wake up within 30 seconds. I don't see the shadow anymore because im not in a state of panic.
Its really not a big deal. I understand why people think its demonic possession tho because of the weird shit you see.
You were extremely tired?
How many of you fucks happen to be on meds of some description? The only time I had it I was on SSRIs as a teen.
No meds at all. It’s just a weird thing that happens.
You were visted by an angel
i never hallucinate
my breaths feel like they are getting shallower and shallower over what feels like an eternity and i slowly have to come to terms with the fact that i am going to suffocate to death
i wish i had a cool ass demon
I had a weird experience relating to sleep paralysis one time. I get it relatively often. Often enough to know what to do and not be bothered by it. But one time I was laying in bed on my back and I fell asleep. I had a lucid dream that I was standing next to a shelf in my room and then I laid down in the exact same spot on my bed that I was laying in in real life. For a couple seconds I was going back and forth between what I was seeing in my dream and what I was actually seeing. The light in my room was on in my dream but off in reality. It was like 2 timelines merging. It was pretty fucking awesome honestly. I think sleep paralysis only occurs when your REM sleep is disturbed. I get it either right as I go to sleep or if I wake up in the morning and immediately fall back asleep. Don’t think I’ve ever had it in the middle of the night.
yeah right bro
thread theme
Once saw a figure at the side of my bed standing there with it’s head hanging over near my legs (Ever play Ocarina of Time? It stood like a redead does in that game). That was the worst thing I’ve seen during these episodes. Other than that not much has happened like that.
Hereditary was very very good about depicting that. The miniature of the couple's room with the Mom standing in the doorway is the best depiction of sleep paralysis I've ever seen. As a kid I would always wake up to a silhouette in the doorway, because of course I was screaming in my sleep. When I saw that miniature my blood ran cold. I've never been so nailed in a movie before.
Dude. I hate to break it to you but you're actually in a coma. This is just part of your coma dream. Yes even this post.
Even though I live alone, I've had times where I've been lying in bed and I feel the corner of the bed depress like someone is sitting down on the bed corner, but then there's nothing there when I open my eyes.
I've tried many times, and not sure if I did it or not. Basically it just felt like iI was sinking into my bed and getting heavier but never developed into anything else. Not sure about the figure above you but that shit sounds scary as fuck
lol, i've experienced it countless times but its not as scary as people describe it to be
draw it
Yeah us who’ve experience it often aren’t really scared by it. It’s just a thing that happens. It’s overblown by horror junkies who have never experienced it. The only reason it has the reputation it does is because before science figured out that your body paralyzed you when you sleep, they thought it was demons and shit like that. It’s so easily explained yet for some reason is treated like some supernatural event.
im glad you didnt die in such a stupid death user
I've lied about it before.
It must´ve been a hard childhood, also you imagine diferent creatures in diferent places?
what kind of insecure reddit faggot genuinely replies to shit like this to complain or pretend they have a life tortured by a rare thing
I haven't had a dream since I was a little kid.
I’ve had it atleast 100 times lol fuck off retard
I experience pretty often when waking up, in fact it happened to me yesterday when I fell asleep on my back. I almost never hallucinate anything so it's not usually scary, just annoying.
>Be 14-15
>Home alone and sleeping on the couch in the living room
>"Awaken" in the middle of the night
>Pitch black outside
>A faintly glowing green human shape stands on the fucking balcony looking into the room
>It extends a hand straight through the window
>Wake up for real, start screaming in panic and call my parents, I didn't know shit about sleep paralysis at the time
>few weeks ago
>sound asleep
>open eyes and look at ceiling
>see enormous black spider clinging to it right above my face
>scream hysterically and jump out of bed
>heart is racing super fast
>have difficulty breathing
>covered in sweat
>takes a good 5 minutes to clam down realizing it wasnt real
I remember the couple but what was the phone?
Why would aliens lie about something like this?
It's still great, if you're a fan of paranormal horror. I have it on DVD. But it is not related to sleep paralysis, even though in some scenes it might feel like it.
Oh that's normal. That's why they tell you to not try inducing OBEs with open eyes. I literally see giant square spiders sometimes vaporizing in front of my eyes when I wake up, or when I'm falling asleep. You start hallucinating.
Now what's more scary is if you play around with sleep paralysis and try to make your arms float with subtle muscle movements sometimes they start moving on their own like you got parkinsons. It's like someone has a string attached to your arms and shakes it. Had this two times and it's not nice.
>not willing your sleep paralysis apparition into having sex with you
Get on my level, plebs.
I wrote a horror script about sleep paralysis called "Second Sleep." Of course no one gave a shit about it, because it wasn't a mindless slasher or some torture porn bullshit.
I'm not sure if sleep paralysis would make an exciting movie dude. Two hours of a guy lying in bed and then twitching for a few seconds and getting up, you know?
That's not it's all about, obviously. And the story delves into the theory that sleep paralysis is something more. What you described would be the gayest shit, ever.
Sounds like sleep paralysis considering a lot of people have experienced that very thing. Or we're all having the same dream. My question is, why a man with a hat? He is supposed to represent the most malicious of all of the common figures of sleep paralysis but why do we all have this innate fear of a shadow man wearing a hat?
For me it was always a dark, shadow demon-like figure. And in dreams before or after the sleep paralysis, there was sometimes a serpent-like entity. Always super malevolent, of course.
Never had that. Only demon I've met was like when I jumped out of a window in a dream to check if I was dreaming. The ground suddenly disappeared and I was floating through darkness. Then a giant short nosed dolphin like red face with three eyes appeared and started laughing louder than you can imagine. It was like something alien invaded my dreamscape but didn't belong
i think there was a halle barry one? was that sleep? or anasthesia
Please wake up
I get this a lot but it's usually the illusion of a spider dangling from a web just in front of my face. Every time I have to get up, turn the lights on and shake out my blankets to be 100% sure it wasn't actually there. I also had to start turning the TV in my bedroom off at the wall because the standby light was giving me other hallucinations.
have sex
Weird. My sleep paralysis was always accompanied by growls and malevolent whispers from the corner of my bedroom, even when not having a paralysis attack. And the vocalizations were directional, too, which scared the shit out of me. Didn't sound like a voice in my head, but a voice from my left or right only, like an invisible entity hissing at me from a few feet away.
You're dead inside
>it's another dream about accidentally posting hentai/porn/nudes of yourself on social media for all of friends and family to see and you're too groggy/clumsy to delete it
Had a female voice once ask me if I wanted to sell my soul and I said no. I met her again in a dream and she promised things and then I asked her to tell me something I couldn't know otherwise, which she should've been able to if she really was a divine being like that. But she just said, well shit, and the dream ended.
Holy fuck I had it last week for the first time. I turn 26 this year and obviously I've been constantly reminding myself that my body will be starting to deteriorate.
This video seemed all off.
Stop spooking me. even the YouTube ads are creepy now.
You just saved yourself a trip to hell, well done user
Honestly I love having sleep paralysis, and nightmares in general, they are so rich in composition and detail
this while saying that I have a really good dream memory, I remember a lot of details, colors forms and scenes, I have noticed this, because everyone always talk so ambiguously about dreams
looks like I have lucid dreams, I do write them and make drawings about it, it's like watching kino in my sleep, it's really good, considering I'm writing a lovecraftian fantasy novel
>mfw my life is so fucking average and dull that my nightmares are the most revitalizing thing about it
Shut up you larping faggot.
Sleep paralysis is like being mind raped.
You've obviously never experienced it.
I had it, the Shadow Man, multiple times. Last time I was able to muster up the willpower to get up and I screamed and kicked the wall and hurt my fucking foot.
>lucid dreaming
>Use it as an opportunity to feel up girls
>Feel like I'm walking on thin ice becxsu whenever I move wrong, I wake up in real life
Does anyone have tips on lucid dreaming in deep sleep?
I can only do it in light sleep, and it's very fragile. Random movements shatter it entirely
nah man, it's true... all of it
I have seen the faces, the figures, and their looming presence around my neck and lips, the blackness of their skin and the sudden silences that make your hear go raising
pic related I drew we was demons and shiet
I wonder who could be behind this post.
Nice try but that would require reddit to come up with something original.
try to remember, look at your hands when you KNOW you're in a dream
it's like a feeling of control, a stabilization method, makes you feel less ethereal, I remember hearing about this from somebody else, and it works, maybe out of suggestion, but hey give it a try
You jerk off to creepypastas, don't you?
I don't really get it but I'll try.
Im really not good with genuinely frightening shit. If I ever had sleep paralysis (based on how its historically been described) i'd probably get PTSD
I get it all the time but rarely have major hallucinations anymore. I usually just start breathing rapidly to wake myself up.
Last time I had it was when I randomly decided to sleep on my back one night. Felt exactly like real life. Saw a black mist manifest in my closet which was followed by a demon (whom I couldn't see) screaming in my left ear for like 10 seconds until I realized what was happening and woke up.
So i am not sure this is sleep paralysis but it is in the realm of creepy sleep shit
Basically I will dream then somehow end up back on my bed with the lights out and my eyes closed. As if I just shut my eyes. Then I will feel myself get up and walk or hear somebody next to me saying "user wake up". Yet i can't open my eyes...
Then in fear (cause I cant open my eyes nor move). Ill scream, I can't hear it usually but I know I am. Then I will wake up. Silence. I never was screaming.
It's quite unnerving for sure, it stays with you for a few days but like anything it loses its power over you with time
Also as a little info. In the times I feel like I get up and walk I do not actually get up. Yet it is so lucid I always think Ill wake up on the floor.
Also does anyone have a theme or lore in thier dreams? As in areas or people or settings that are usually in all your dreams?
Can't say for days. The real terror to me is not seeing or hearing. I always fear my breathing. I feel like ill suffocate or that my lungs will stop.
I tried to lucid dream and sleeping on your back in total silence and darkness can give you SP. However it always spooked me because I would be scared of actually dying because of breathing problems
>I hear that's a normal fear you can overcome but fuck that.
Why you sleeping with your mom bro?
I had it. It wasn't the demon scary shit though. Here's my experience:
I was about to fall asleep, slipping into an awesome dream about me and my crush hanging out on the beach. She was leading me down the beach and then the exposure of the dream started going up, shifting everything into a radiant light. Floating in this warm, glowing, pure white light, I was in a state of absolute carefree bliss. It was like I had died and gone to heaven... Actually it was exactly like that; I realized I was "going to the light" and fucking dying right then and there in my bed. I snapped back to full consciousness, but to my horror, found myself completely paralyzed. Worse, rather than fading out, my dream of the light grew sickeningly brighter. An open doorway of indescribably brilliant light had formed and I was now floating towards it. I became aware that if I reached it before regaining physical control of my body, I was going to die. I panicked. I put everything into trying to sit up, but it was hopeless. I savagely willed my arms and legs to kick and punch. Nothing. I couldn't move my neck or shake my head. My hands would not budge no matter how hard I demanded them to clench into fists. My body was a corpse as I drifted closer and closer to the doorway. I screamed in the silent terror of a paralyzed man. I had closed the distance and here it was. Here was eternity staring greedily at me through the door in my mind. I hovered at the entrance, fighting with everything not to pass through. In a last act of desperation I tried my feet. If I could regain control of anything, I would have it all back. Wiggle your big toe... And wouldn't you know it, that's what brought me back. I turned down what might have been paradise for a few more years to live my miserable life. Even as depressed as I get sometimes, I'd do it the same all over again. I guess it's just in my nature to fight to the bitter end. Life is worth living.
If you're curious about what sleep paralysis is like This scene is actually a great example.
Just imagine experiencing this while feeling an extreme sense of dread and beinging violated at a fundamental level.
Dr Strange
I had an extremely vivid case just yesterday morning. In my dream I put on The Ring to watch then went to the bathroom to clean up before I got into it. As I was washing my face I looked up and Samara from the movie was right in my face and she was gripping my arm. At this moment I woke up in my bed, room looking normal, except this bitch is right next to me and I can't move or call out. Kinda cool experience overall, but it was far less scary than these things usually are since it was already daylight, I give it 7/10.
Lel kys
Just stop sleeping on your back you fucking retards, jesus christ.
I used to get it all the time and i've hallucinated loads of shit.
Once I saw the doll from Saw on his bike flying at me. I knew it was because of sleep paralysis but it was still scary as fuck.
I sleep on my side and had it loads
I used to have it almost every night and even micro naps, followed by seeing dark entities stalking me. It started happening really bad after I lived in a haunted house which is another story. But anyway I only got it to stop by stop being afraid and fighting it mentally.
A movie about this could be good if done right
What do you mean “like this”? All women are whores
I have it constantly. Only thing is most people who say they see shit on it are either lying or being drama queens. I have it fucking constantly for 20 years and never seen shit
Never had one, but reading shit ITT made me want to.
Is there a way to force this thing to happen? I could really use some inspiration for my horror novel right now.
>He went to bed?
>Activate ze sleep paralysis
Only had it happen about three times. This was a few years ago over a short period of a few weeks. Definitely had a dark figure in the room and auditory hallucinations in the form of loud ringing like tinnitus. Pretty damn spooky. The last time it happened I was aware of it right away. Thought it was cool and in that lucid state I got real horny. Figured I could use this to get a nut somehow and as soon as I did it ended right away. Never got it ever again.
Face down your demons and try to fuck them they think it's gay and they will leave you alone, your mileage may vary.
Mara, a horror movie about sleep paralysis.
Also Mara, a cunny.
The latter comes to my mind first.
Seriously are you me?
>start enjoying sleep paralysis
>looking forward to it
>stop getting it
Fucking weird.
You lack imagination
It's not exactly that. It's more of your semi conscious with the ability to open your eyes, but your body is still asleep.
A nightmare with your eyes open is a night terror.
That's got to be the case. I never really had sleep paralysis, but I did have issues with night terrors and sleep walking as a really small child, but then I eventually grew out of it, then my younger brother went through it, and my nephew after that.
Has anyone else had dreams about browsing and posting? I swear I'll never truly escape.
I've had it off and on maybe 10 times. You sometimes open your eyes and see shit wrong. whoop dee fuckingreddit.
I dont think so
God I love women like this
Also to relate my point to a film, I used to have a lot of dreams about Freddy Krueger as a kid, along with the screaming melting Nazis from Raiders, and Frank from Hellraiser.
I'll do you one better, I've had sleep paralysis about Yea Forums before
>because I don't see shit everyone else is full of shit
>Still no horror movie about sleep paralysis
nah but a nightmare on elm street is based on the death of a bunch of men of the hmong community, all in their 20s. they all reported seeing an tall old pale women, they called it the curse of the dab stog
I'll almost always get it the week following a particularly heavy weekend.
You dream about the things you do the most and/or love. Honestly you will never leave Yea Forums unless you or Yea Forums dies.
The only time I ever recall having it, I was sleeping on my side.
Being aware that you are dreaming is considered lucid dreaming. Sleep paralysis is when you are consciously awake but the chemicals in your body that keep you from acting out while sleeping/dreaming are still active, hence the paralysis.
I have sleep paralysis so oftenly that it made me actually be scared of falling asleep, I usually only manage to sleep around 3 hours after I get into bed.
My worst one yet- in my gfs bed, stuck facing the door, can't move and suddenly hear faint vuvyzela toots from downstairs, in random beats. Hear someone walking up the stairs as the toots get louder and there's nothing I can do about it not even close my eyes. Enter-my girlfriends headless body. It just stands there as the toots get super loud and I finally snap out of it and see her actually there(having gotten up to piss) trying to calm me down while im noticing that I'm screaming in the middle of the night.
tl;dr fuck you
ok now thats definitely not real
If you have it so much how is it not just normal
i'm sure everyone experiences it differently
if you try to move but can't it can trigger a really bad claustrophobia like reaction.
i haven't had sleep paralysis where you're awake but i have this thing from time to time.
I get it without fail if I fall asleep on my back. I've learned to escape it by controlling my breathing instead of panicing and consciously attempting to move a finger, which will break it. It was horrifying as a kid when I'd hear my parents open the door to check on me, ask me if I wanted to go for breakfast, but I couldn't make a sound or open my eyes.
That's the healthiest way to sleep
i used to get them all the time as a kid because i slept on a shitty futon that always had me ending up on my back. had no idea why it happened or what it was called but i was too afraid to ask anayone about it thinking i was crazy
because its fucking boring
if you get sleep paralysis when you sleep on your back you're probably just fat
What the fuck do you even mean by this
>Like aliens
You mean like depression.
>Sleep paralysis is like being mind raped.
That's the best way of putting it, why the fuck does the body have this ridiculous function?
I had it one it only, and it was Satan talking directly to me, saying some fucked things and it could feel he coming closer, don't even like remembering this shit. What a horrible feeling, it was like having a nightmare but IRL, I felt like I was screaming but nobody could hear me.
The power was out and my room was candle lit IIRC, I remember waking up and running like a madman to my mom, I was around 14 at the time, who was in the next room, completely frightened.
I don't think I quite remember something like this. Sometimes I struggle to wake from a nightmare. Then I wake up, but I am still in a nightmare. I actually haven't woken up yet. Then I have to do it a fouple more times before I am actually awake. It even happened to me s a kid.
A cousin says she somewhat remembers when she saw her one night as a child. I forget if this was around the time of one of her heart surguries. Her mom came in and heard her praying to Mary. She touched her cross and it felt warm.
Same thing happened to me. Except it was sSam Hyde. It felt strange and ominous, not quite scary. He said tomorrow was a big day for him. The next day I went to work and there was a mass shooting in the mall across from my office. The suspect was never caught. I went home andd noticed my window was left partly open all night. Hmmm.
puck? sauce?
I've seen the hat man and it was weird. The whole thing just felt weird. Slipping in and out of consciousness, unable to distinguish dream from reality, unable to move, having dreams within dreams within dreams, etc. Sleep paralysis is fucking weird. But the hat man, despite genuinely appearing sinister, wasn't actually scary to me because I was fully aware of what was happening. That was the only time I ever saw a figure, and again it's fucking weird, and it's weird that everyone seems to see the same shit. But it wasn't scary because I was well aware it was just my mind playing tricks on me.
On a completely separate night I was drifting in and out of sleep paralysis and at some point had an out of body experience where I floated to the corner of the room and watched myself and my wife sleep. That was fucking scary.
>I was drifting in and out of sleep paralysis and at some point had an out of body experience where I floated to the corner of the room and watched myself and my wife sleep. That was fucking scary.
did you think you were dead?
Don't worry, that's not sleep paralysis, user. You are just being molested by demons.
I've had these and regular nightmares so often, but that I've mostly gotten used to them. I've taught my self to wake up on cue and sometimes I just wait it out calmly watching whatever demon alien poking at me. Sometimes they still take me by a surprise, but I usually recognize it pretty fast. I'm now much more terrified of it starting to happen when I'm awake. I can very vividly imagine getting similar hallucinations completely awake. Especially while trying to fall asleep.
one time i had sleep paralysis and the count from sesame street came in my room and was gonna suck my dick or something but he didn't get the chance before I woke up.
Not that user, but my gf usually is the one that pulls me out of it. Max comfy being calmed down by your waifu.
and then I realied something. I don't have a girlfriend.
I think I stopped taking melatonin because of that shit.
ffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuck you
It is somehow worse when they slowly start falling out.
had this once years ago likley because of too much energy drinks and shit messing with my sleep. woke up couldnt move for a few seconds and heard this loud slow ripping sound like canvas being torn, then it ended and that was it, never happened again.
geez. that sounds like an actual nightmare, not a mission
A couple times I had dreams where I was visited by Death. They weren't nightmares. Pretty sure one was a sex dream.
I was listening to old Art bell broadcasts and found one about shadow people, his guest was some native American shaman kook or something like that. I think I remember him saying that the shadow people are some beings from a alternate universe and that they feed off our misery/fear and become stronger from it, pretty interesting even tho it's all bullshit.
My first sleep paralysis episode will always be the most terrifying cause I had no idea what had happened and genuinely thought the 4 shadow figures I seen were still in my house when I woke up, I looked around my house terrified as I was by myself that night, then went and slept in a different room. I only found out a few months later after which I already had a few more paralysis episodes what it was by randomly lurking on /x/ and reading a thread about it.
I can't remember the last time I've had one but whenever I do get them now I don't feel as much fear as I use to, I usually catch on pretty quick that I'm in them now and figured out soon as I can twitch my finger in them is when I will wake up.
Also sleeping on your side and stomach helps a bit but I've gotten it once or twice sleeping on my stomach, it's much scarier when you can't see the shadow man but feel him withering around your neck and ears, fuck that.
I haven't had this shit since I was a kid, but I'm afraid to go to sleep now, faggots
It's called Nightmare on Elm Street
I get it around once a week, the only scary thing is not being able to breathe sometimes and the feeling of suffocating while you lie there unable to move
Why did I respond to that
Last time this happened (about two years ago) the usual screams and whispers had changed to fucking scatman's ski-ba-bop and the shadow guy was standing there in a pink cowboy hat. Completely lost my shit, woke up laughing like crazy.
Never happened again since.
I can't sleep on my back because once I start drifting away I start snoring and wake myself up.