>Warner Bros. doesn't want Lynda Carter to briefly play Wonder Woman again for the CW multiverse event
Warner Bros. doesn't want Lynda Carter to briefly play Wonder Woman again for the CW multiverse event
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>alley cat vs house cat
because she doesn't belong to the tribe
Those giant bazoongas might offend someone
In awe of the size of that lass
ITT: white men calling her “mommy”
Imagine being a "hollywood starlet" and being mogged by a 60 yo
Because she mogs the hell out of Gal.
It would be like having an average height man guest star as Iron Man. Unfair to the main actor.
why are my eyes immediately drawn to Lynda? she's old af.
Despite being old she has huge milkers and can pull off the mommy look.
Because she looks like a fertility goddess
That's one brutal mogging
Because it's gonna make people realize that the current wonder woman is an IDF spokesperson who only got the job due to ideological reasons
jesus just imagine a 5'4 guy playing iron man, he'd look like a giant
I thought she was already confirmed to be in it... What happened?
Here's what I've found.
still would
they dont want people to know what a real filled out women looks like.
Dinklage has the charisma to pull off the next Iron Man, but it would be unfair to RDJ.
Davis is realistically the only replacement he would accept.
It sounds like WB is being retarded about it Probably due to the stupid embargoes they always put in place for characters. There used to be an embargo that Wonder Woman couldn't appear in cartoons if she wasn't a lead character.
New rumors say they're still negotiating though.
because older women can be attractive too. unpopular opinion on Yea Forums, though
I love Lynda's tits. Ughn!
very based
Because she's a sexy ass big titted white woman that still looks better even though she's 30+ years older than than flat ass generic bee sting tit mutt.
too old
even as a 80 yeard old he's hotter than that bag of bones
Imagine being mogged by a senior citizen.
Warner Brothers is strait up retarded if this is true.
CW guy confirmed he proposed it to DC/Warner and they're making it difficult
Nobody looks at Gadot
Why are WB/DC absolute retards who are fucking shit at everything.
>Movies shit
>Swamp Thing canceled after one good season
>Constantine canceled after one good season (character winds up CW shit)
>No Swamp Thing/Constantine crossover or Justice League Dark
>No coherent connection between most tv DCU shows be cause Muh Properties/embargoes
>Most connected properties are the CW shows which are mostly YA level, sjw baiting froth
Its almost like they enjoy getting fucked in the ass by Marvel
the embargoes thing really boils my blood
imagine having the rights to all your characters and still embargoing the characters to not be more than one version, but also not making a connected universe, just because they choose to
lol, seethe more you nazi incel.
What did she mean by this?
My guess is they do want her but she's too expensive. Kind of sad, really.
She's already appeared 5 times in Supergirl, and she appeared in Smallville too
She would also be a priority in their budget
And since they said it's likely not happening after they talked about it with WB, it's clear who the culprit is
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting, Reddit
Because you are a man, and huge bazzongas are like magnets to a man's eyes.
u mad, kikeboi?
I hope I am alive to see the day jews perish
Didn't they also want Tom Welling back as Superman, or possibly even Batman?
Kevin Conroy will appear as old Bruce Wayne
Imagine the kino
how can a 68 year old look so fertile
she is moggin on them
I'm pretty sure the people working for them are secretly Marvel/Disney plants meant to sabotage them from the inside.
>All these niggers not realizing Linda Carter is half Puerto Rican
I mean, you can claim she's white, but that black/hispanic/indian shit don't crack.
She's 25% mexican, retard
Everyone would see the girdle.
Even better.
>implying breast-loving kikes wouldn't prefer the shiksa
why? wonder woman doesn't even show tummy
imagine going for drinks with her, she looks like a fun time
The same reason Warner didn't launch Wonder Woman Bluray 1978
>Would have been a far superior Wonder Woman
Prove me wrong.
Warner can't do anything right
she needed to have sucked Afleck's balls for that
Me on the back
She's got the big tits, fine ass, and look to pull of Diana...maybe if they full on reboot DCEU, or they just barely manage to snatch her as Titans' version of Diana.
is that Kelly Preston?
still good
Me: heh, being a wagie sure has its perks!
hominahominahominahomina AWOOOOOGA boioioioioioioioioioioioioiiiiiiiiing!!!
Did that guy behind her tap her ass
perks of being gay
Does WB own the 70s WW series outright or would they have to pay the producer(s) some fee to use Lynda's version of the character? It's also possible that WB does not have the current live action TV rights to the character.
They own it
It was the first DC adaptation produced by Warner, and they have it on the DC streaming service. They also had no problem releasing it on VHS, DVD and digital, and also the soundtrack albums a couple of years ago.
The embargo being in place for decades is what gets me. Because you fucked up the movies at least once a decade, now the TV side has to suffer because of your incompetence.
Makes me think, when they ask how he's gonna help them fight he replies its not him who's Batman anymore and then cue this music
Also, there are no copyrights issues with Wonder Woman on TV currently, as they produced that failed pilot in 2011 with Adrianne Palicki and tried again a few years later.
The supposed embargo is purely a "creative" decision. Much like she couldn't appear in Smallville and they refused to use Tom Welling as Superman for a movie.
IIRC didn't they also say no to letting Smallville use The Flash? The story went that there were no movie plans at the time but WB/DC was just telling them fuck no they weren't allowed to have The Flash. Same went for Green Lantern.
They were doing the same thing with the Arrowverse, making them stop using the villains from Suicide Squad because of the movie. They only let Flash to continue because it was popular.
It's sad that a woman twice her age is way more sexy than she will ever be, all women with surfboard bodies should just end it
It's a wonder they're having Bruce Wayne in it at all
Having Superman in the Arrowverse was also a big deal, because at this point everyone already expects them to come up with retarded bullshit to stop characters from being used
Yea Forums insider user promises AT&T will overrule WB's dumbfucks
>Mark Hamill to play voice of Joker
Woah! They are bringing Birds of Prey into this?
Only negative thing I can think of is she's too soft looking.
WW is a warrior.
She’s ugly. Wonder Woman isn’t an ugly English Irish cracker.
not many women hold up as well as Lynda Carter, she also sings too.
Because that’s what we want, an ugly white cracker doing a musical lol no thank you. Gal Gadot is Wonder Woman.
for me? its Patty
gal gadot has the body of a 15 year old boy
>ywn be their boy toy
I’ve seen pornstars that look better with greater acting chops.
Gal please log off.
>No India Summer as Hippolyta