When is Neil going back making television?

When is Neil going back making television?

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Damn he’s right. Where’s the outrage at all those incompetent doctors?

>comparing sickness, freak accident or suicide to getting publicly executed
The point appeared to fly right over his head. Fucking Drumpf

Brainlet analogies: the post

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I don't get it he was shilling for gun ban less than a year ago.


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Much like every leftist, he just grew up.


Holy shit, it's real.


poor nigger already was forced to apologize for presenting real, objective numbers that didn't follow the narrative

>700 bicycles to me

goddamn based science guy

Neil "AR Ban? Take It Easy Man" Tyson
Neil "Don't Be a Gun Hata, Just Look At The Data" Tyson
Neil "Gun-grabbing Virgins? Go After Bad Surgeons" Tyson
Neil "Bled Out In Aisle 3? Look At It Rationally" Tyson

soibois will say "its not about the numbers" but when someone brings up the same point regarding muslim terrorism they will cheer it on as undeniable proof that terrorism isnt a relevant problem

Wtf when did this faggot become based?

wtf black science man is secretly based??

>publicly btfoing and humiliating disney

The point is really that it's a incredibly small number when you control for population. In fact, if you've ever taken a stats course - that number would literally be described as "statistically insignificant" :^)

After he got #metoo'd


8/10 made me laugh,thanks user.

Whenever you speak about Muslim terrorism in the West you'll be barraged with the "You're more likely to die falling off a ladder than from an Islamic terrorist attack, bigot". The same bizarre logic doesn't count when the terrorist is a FUCKING WHITE MALE!!

The point was about preventable deaths, but there isn't any objective, scientific way to prevent mass shootings, is something deeply embedded on ameritards dna or something

Neil is a contrarian about everything and pisses off almost everyone
I wish I was as based as him

Neil has proved himself to be so based that even if he promoted reparations id be cool with it

i miss the old black science man

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Looks like all those sexual assault allegations have blackpilled him.

What do 125 people kill themselves a day in America? Crazy.

His apology was literally
>sorry you got overemotional and offended by my facts

It's ranked 34th highest in the world.

Ehm actually sweetie Islamic terrorism has been at an all time low from September 12th 2001 til now!

so I guess hes canceled now

>It's ranked 34th highest in the world.


jesus I knew that place was cursed

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Holy fucking based.

This guy gets it.

Holy shit overreactionary libs btfo

>it's a incredibly small number when you control for population

its funny how this logic is never applied to non-whites. ONE illegal does something now suddenly every hispanic is in MS-13.

Also his point becomes even more clear when you consider that the vast majority of 48 hour periods don't have anywhere near that many people killed in mass shootings. He's comparing an outlier peak and it's still statistically insignificant.

yeah, because there is an easy way to keep illegals and muslims from afganistan out of the country that won't work on white people moron

It doesn't matter they won't listen


Well per capita, illegal immigrants from Mexico have much higher criminal rates than native whites - so the argument actually makes sense. Also, it's very difficult stop these issues from occurring internally, but the way to stop external violence from affecting our country is simple - keep them out.

What is the objective definition of 'medical errors'


Neil "Nigger" Tyson

The majority of murders in America take place in black neighboorhoods in the form of black on black crime. It has been consistently shown that the overall violent crime rate, including gun related murders, drops when a state institutes stronger conceal carry provisions, because it provides a deterrent against a criminal attacking an innocent person who might be carrying; and most of the gun deaths beforehand came from illegally owned guns in the ghetto anyway, so introducing legal guns counteracts that monopoly on force held by criminals. The number of people who die in mass shootings is insignificant compared to the number of people who die in these everyday inner city crimes, and are disproportionately more likely to be white than the victims of this everyday crime. So even if stricter gun laws would decrease the odds of these public mass shooting occurances that kill a small number of white people relative to the total population, they would increase the rates of muder afflicting far more people in the black community on a day to day basis. The implication of this should be obvious taking these facts into account: supporting gun control is a form of White Privilege.

Neil didn't jump on the leftist bandwagon like his friend Bill and therefore the media must unperson him.

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there is an easier way to keep guns out of the hands of lonely white incels

what now faggot?

>uhm ackshually, per capita

neat, you're changing your interpretations of statistics to fit your narrative. look at pic related. legal hispanics commit less crime than native whites.

guess you need to go back, Kyle

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>simple - keep them out
Isn’t that what they’ve been trying for like 30 years?

But don't you know goyim, the crime rates for immigrants are actually LOWER than for citizens. Don't mind that those citizens include inner city blacks who push the average into the stratosphere and that the immigrants still commit crime at a rate multiple times that of whites, it's the whole population we have to look at!

>I don't know what per capita means HURR HURR HURR


>Here's the percentage of overall prisoners by group, not corrected for the percentage each of these groups makes up in the total population

>"statistically insignificant"
b a s e d

Pack it up boys. We're done here.

that can't be right, the media told me everyone is being mass murdered all the time!

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>in the past 48 hours, I have gotten away with 4 rapes

It clearly is another universe, where fucking magic exists

I wonder if you would still call it an insignificant statistic if your family was gunned down in front of you

I guess they really aren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

lmao based satan made me kek

I wonder if you would still call the much higer black crime rates insignificant if your sister was raped by a nigger.

Let's be realistic: 250 deaths a day due to incompetence in completely unacceptable and a far worse crisis than the rare mass shooting.

Every single facet of the American healthcare system needs a complete overhaul. The next one of you incels who decides to kill a bunch of normies should put that in your manifesto.

course I would. i'd be pissed but emotions don't change the numbers.

It would be emotionally significant, but that's not the same thing. I try not confuse feelings for facts. I'm not a liberal.

>The implication of this should be obvious taking these facts into account: supporting gun control is a form of White Privilege.
Someone tweet this argument to some woke faggots on twitter and see how they react.

I have and I will again because I’m not a piece of shit

Facts don't care about your feelings. Or mine. Or anyone elses.

>Where’s the outrage at all those incompetent doctors?

The sad truth is the majority of doctors dont know shit and are as incompetent as the rest of us despite making it trough med school.

As for the rest a doctor only is good / worthwhile at the end of his life cycle after he got 30-40 years of experience and research behind his back.

This is when they all start writing books trying to share their knowledge which younger doctors now ignore because they are all pharma shills

Facts don’t care about your feelings

Not to mention the incalcuable number who have died from the medical industry pushing opiods on people for every minor pain or recovery regimen, and turning the middle classes of whole communities into heroin addicts. But a few monsters killing people in a spectacle is more sensational and offends less of the drug companies who advertise on CNN than reporting on megacorporations knowingly turning millions into drug addicts, so that's what the news reports on.

There's something funny about a tweet saying "don't be so fucking reactionary" amassing a shit ton of angry, reactionary replies

These are surprisingly creative for a shitpost.

Appeal to emotion fallacy

>I ignore reality in favor of being "nice"
Buddy one day you'll have to face the music and realize that truth > ideals

>Doctors making medical errors in a country where people have to sell their house to afford medical care is not a big deal
>People dying to the FUCKING FLU because they believe vaccinations will give them autism is not a big deal
>Hundreds of people committing suicide every day is not a big deal
>Higher numbers of deaths by a gun due to homicide instead of mass shooting is not a big deal

Sounds like you're the one who missed the point.

This happens to practically no one statistically speaking. He’d have a better chance at winning the lotto than seeing his family gunned down. Try worrying about things that might actually happen to you.

And what if that happening to me did change my opinion? The argument is true in virtue of its content, not whether or not I or anyone else would support it in a given scenario.

Imagine thinking this is a good argument.

Yes, it's called being unlucky.

Is that Christian symbolism? No way.

This. The point of Neil's tweet is that our contry has far bigger issues, but because they're not as dramatic and not as politically convenient, they get ignored.

>completely skips 40 blacks being blacks

i wonder why you didnt mention that stat?

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baste black science man

fucking this lmao

Yes, it would still be incredibly rare even if it personally happened to me. If I got struck by lightning three times in a row, I’m not going to suddenly think it is a common occurence because I’m not a retard. I’d probably laugh at how “lucky” I must be.

>white nationalist murder sprees? They’re just “statistically insignificant”

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He’d blame white people.


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>reacts emotionally
Got em

*Denies climate change*

That means it’s less than 5% cause of death.

Well memed fren

I believe in climate change
I also believe its the solution and not the problem :^)

>murder sprees
Ok Schlomo.

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and it's not even a high ranking country, the world's population is getting ridiculous and things said on the news are less and less relevant due to this

I don't go to gun free zones.

That's not what statistically insignificant means

Imagine thinking this is a good comeback.

>Believes earth is going to implode in the next 10 years because of climate
>Doesn't want nuclear power plants
Sounds like both sides want the world to burn.

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Even if I or any of the other posters you responded to did (I don't), how would that affect the validity of a completely unrelated argument?

>A data set is statistically significant when the set is large enough to accurately represent the phenomenon or population sample being studied. A data set is typically deemed to be statistically significant if the probability of the phenomenon being random is less than 1/20, resulting in a p-value of 5%.
Literally the first result.

Because it illustrates the hypocrisy of your supposed beliefs. That's pretty obvious, I don't know how you didn't understand that

why don't people care when this happens every weekend in Baltimore?


What do you think statistical significance means?

Sounds like he’s trying to channel Thomas sowell

Look up “the perception gap” because you’ve clearly fallen for it.

This image is always used to mock people who are correct
Why is that?

Just another way to increase his personal brand

He's an SJW no matter how much posturing he does here

>82 thousand likes for a boomer making a reactionary non-argument
I really do not like people

Who said it's mocking anyone? Is there something about the image you don't like?

Uhhh yeah, that's gonna be a based from me.

Who the fuck are you trying to fool by feigning ignorance?

Denying something being called what it is simply because of an emotional reaction is not anything like denying science for any reason.

You could have at least said “*Denies climate change due to small pee pee and brains*”
At least then it would be similar.

>Often our emotions respond more to spectacle than to data
Hmm kind of reminds of how liberal faggots think about black crime statistics. Let's just pretend the majority of gun deaths in this country don't come from the inner city. Whatever is convenient.


That doesn't mean a statistically determined value is insignificant if it is less than 5%, it means a statistical difference is only significant if there is a less than 5% probability it came about by chance rather than a genuine difference in two populations being compared, or one population being tested against a null hypothesis. And the lower the p-value of the test statistic, the more statistically significant it is, p

You literally feigned ignorance in your question, retard

I don't have any beliefs in regards to climate change because there's too much conflicting data and I simply do not know enough about the subject to confidently make a concrete statement on it.
How's that?

No, I'm not. I don't understand why people mock others for being correct. They used to do it with the "AKSHULLY" meme too. Is it some kind of coping mechanism for being proven wrong?

You really are stupid aren't you? You only believe in the "statistics" and "facts" when it suits you, and casually disregard them when they dont

Attacking someone for being a supposed hypocrite instead of addressing the content of their argument is the most classic example a logic textbook will give you of an ad hominem fallacy. The character of a person giving an argument is not a legitimate response to that argument itself and does not refute it in any way. As you twitter fags like to say, educate yourself.

Lmao that wasn't your previous question at all, stop backpedaling retard, or we can continue with the feigned ignorance and I'll make you look even more stupid

Nice asserion, got any examples of that specific user you're replying to ignoring facts and statistics when it suits him to back it up?

>Why is that?
Seems like the same question to me, fuckhead.

Cool, but logical fallacies don't matter at all because the people you argue with aren't the ones you're trying to convince.
Moreover, I'm pretty confident in my assumption that you are a climate change denier.

What a madman

No, but that we already addressed that caveat.

Shootings are a freak accident too and extremely rare given how many guns are in circulation.

You mean it illustrates the hypocrisy of the supposed beliefs of your theoretical straw man. My belief in statistics and fact does not vary according to partisan political bullshit. It's consistent across the board.

Can you prove a genuine difference or show a null hypothesis? Didn't think so.

>guy says you're seething
>seethe even more

Alright, so you're just making assertions. Since you refuse to make an argument premised on commonly acknowledged facts such that the validity of your argument can be used to prove to others the soundness of your conclusion, I guess I can ignore anything else you say, if you refuse to go beyond the solipsistic wank of "I claim this and don't need to justify why."


Nice strawman, climate change is real and a tool to get more third worlders to immigrate to white countries to fuel capitalism.

We can solve this conundrum easily if you simply confirm or deny my assertion

miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

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normies are so cute, they really make you question if most of the population even has free will

Yep. People don’t like being wrong or having their false assertions challenged, so they make up excuses and insults in order to cope.

probably because we're surrounded by white males and not muslims