
Notice anything?

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Jazz hands?

he has a faggot walk and was obviously the wrong choice for this fucking role as an fbi agent?

he walks like a queer

If producers are too lazy to take out a Starbucks cup you think they give a shit about cameras in a period accurate piece.

feds are all faggots. They were founded by a faggot and you have to suck 10 dicks as your final exam before you can be sworn in.

That’s uhh, pretty flamboyant.

What did the FBI ever do to you user

Projecting much?

Is he wearing slutty high heels?

I did notice this
>googled him
>he's gay

Why does he do that with his wrists?

they harassed my hero malcolm x

He’s a gay man? Like the other user I googled and turns out he is in fact a gay dude.

>Liking dick makes you wave your wrists

I think hes walking like that because hes about to pass out


have any of you even watched the show? his character is a complete sissy

They made him suck 9 1/2 dicks

OP is referring to the 21st century security cameras in the background, not his gay walk.

yes flamboyant fags do walk and talk a certain way.
grow up

One user pointed out how in the sex scenes with his gf, he does the gay bareback fuck position and now I can't unsee it

Sorry, triggered fag but it does.


The Fagmount

Attached: mindhunter-season-2-release-date-trailer-june-2019-leak-video.jpg (767x431, 32K)

No black people?

I was so excited when I heard about this show because I devour true crime books and docs, but then they introduced the needless lesbian and I was going to grit my teeth and go with it, then they had Holden literally be a cuck and that was it for me. It sucks because they’re doing Manson, Son of Sam AND the ATL Child Murders next season, ATL being one of my favorite cases. Am I just being autistic and should I power through the retarded propaganda or did I do the right thing by abandoning it?

What a waste of digits

user, and I can't stress this enough, skip the parts you don't like. It's that easy, you have the keyboard/mouse/remote at your control, you can just skip the bullshit (and there will always be bullshit in a Netflix show) for the good bits.

You are being autistic by refusing to accept this methodology.

Do it for Kemper.


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What, he's walking funny? It's very obvious it's because he's distressed in the scene over some revelation he just found out

Also acting weird or autistic =/= gay

Kemper assfucked him.

I mean the actor is gay so it's not all wrong.

Looks like he snaps his fingers subtly. Does he have superpowers?

>The lesbian
She was a footnote in the story and relatively bearable compared to most of Netflix's forced garbage. It would be par for the course for netflix to give her a bigger role in season 2 but that remains to be seen.

>they had Holden literally be a cuck
Didn't Holden BTFO her for her thottery? I haven't watched season 1 since it came out so I can't remember, but I don't remember being enraged at this plot line. I'm just hoping they don't walk back his degrading mental state and addiction to power. his slow walk to madness was extremely kino. They probably will after that breakdown he had in the finale though

Nothing I love the FBI and every comment I've made on this site is satire, except for this one of course :)

it's this you dumbfucks

>gay bareback fuck position
Care to elaborate?

>ATL being one of my favorite cases

I'm worried they are going to spin a "muh racism" angle to this season and blame the KKK for the killings in some obscure way like they "created an atmosphere of fear" or some bullshit that caused the serial killer. how solid is the evidence on the black nerd that did the killings? is there any way netflix do some SJW angle where his involvment in the killing is left open to interpretation?

yea, bend over

If he got fucked to death at the end and the series just became Tench going around solving small town cases I would be incredibly happy.

>how solid is the evidence on the black nerd that did the killings
there's a decent podcast about the case called monster. afaik they have him dead to rights for dumping bodies off a bridge

French is the only redeeming part of this show

Gay or not is not my goddamn problem. Is a good actor, is a good series. Watch the performances and the series for fuck sake Yea Forums you are better than that.

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Tench, you mean

No. No gays, ever.


He's a faggot

It's called a fagmount you fucking pleb

it's the wrists

Please explain or post a pic. I'm not a faggot but I'm curious as to what it looks like.

let's see the webm

Yeah im not a native english peaker nor an american faggot so i dont know what that is

I actually work as a set decorator, there are so many techniques for covering up anachronistic items in shots, this is just lazy.

>fuck sake Yea Forums you are better than that.
What are you basing that on?

Ok faggot let me explain: It's how the top gives the bottom enough space to arch his asshole around so it's fuckable.

Make a thread about your favorite movie and find out for yourself.

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Just post the webm already, you humongous faggot.

Thank you

someone post the fagmount scene already

threads a bit gay tbqh lads

Whenever I do that, a few people chime in and then the thread dies.

Here, fagmount

Attached: 111-5.jpg (1920x872, 168K)

It happens. You have to touch the right buttons on user to awake him from his depression. Anger is the best way.

How do you know this? Do you watch a lot of gay porn?

I don't know shit about sex. I don't know the technical implications, I just watch the show because I feel empathy for Edmund and that's it.

Why do fags always have big asses

My stepdad molested me

this my dads in the FBI

why are you staring at his ass faggot

Yeah, it's not like this guy's profession is to change who he is for a few hours of filming a day.

Why do you know so much about gay sex?

That's another show I liked ruined by Yea Forums autism.

I would have thought Groff was a bottom

>goes on an autistic rage over some lesbian character

Yeah, his faggotyness was so visible and distracting during that opening hostage negotiation that I almost gave up on the show. I googled to confirm my suspicion and sure enough discover he's not only a fag but he's such a fucking butt-plunderer he got his start swishing around in theater.

why the homophobia?

That's totally true but when a straight dude plows a chick like that it's called The Breedmount. There's just enough male biology in a faggot they subconsciously choose the position most likely to pack a wad deep in the womb and keep it there.

Did he get you hot and bothered?

god i wish i could penetrate him in that position
is it gay?
I mean there's a proper woman at the other end

>is a good actor
He's a mediocre actor, mostly because he can't suppress his natural faggotry. But you can tell he (the person, not the character) is terrified by the masculinity of these killers and during his interactions with them he tones down the gay a lot to seem less like one of their victims.

My black stepfather raped me repeatedly.

kys faggot

>t. hyper-sensitive lisping enraged faggot
I can't WAIT for the next fagbar mass shooting.

Says the guy who almost stopped watching a series because of a gay actor

No, I almost stopped watching because he can't act straight. The character is straight. I don't care that the actor's a fag if he can act straight. But he can't. The fucking swish can't act like an actual man for fucking five seconds.

Look at John Travolta. He's a fucking fag and he played Vincent Vega. Groff is just a shitty actor.

hmm... unironically you have to be a faggot to notice it. At first glance it doesnt look that strange, youre all fags and poiting at him for being gay too? lmao at least hes rich and famousunlike you


why is this a gay position?

Take a chill pill faggot.

What was the deal with the ATL guy? Tease for next season?
I thought this was going to be an anthology thing with no connections between and next season was some KKK thing.

post kino characters played by gay actors

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You mean the ADT guy? That's Dennis Rader, aka BTK. One of the most famous serial killers ever.

I prefer BLT.

Yeah, I meant more why was he in the series when never interacting with the other characters. What was his deal in a narrative sense/

what the fuck does that mean?

t. have normal hetero sex frequently

that's some good acting then

best character of the movie

If you weren't here for the original fagmount thread then you didn't watch the first season. Why the FUCK are you here, you're fucking ruining this thread and this board you fucking PIECES OF SHIT

he is really good but for me it's Jon Polito

Take another chill pill, you outrageous faggot.

His deal is he was prominent during that time. He's going to be the big puzzle for Holden to solve in this new season, but he won't.

Mental insanity is reflected in your body language, yes.
You should power through it if you're pirating, otherwise leave it abandoned.
No such thing exists.

great fucking movie, its been so long since i've seen it, gonna definitely rewatch it later tonight

yeah, I love that movie. So many great characters and great performances. I might have to watch it again too.

>fbi agents are all faggot pedos
checks out, true to material

Michael J Fox is doing the camera work?

limp wrists
swaying hips

I don't see it, I've looked all over for the triangles, the spirals, even the inset butterflies, nothing...?

And digits

Attached: whatthefuckisanarchive.jpg (666x614, 48K)

Security cameras

I don't get it

Jon Polito was great in all of his collaborations with the Coens.

He's shit

That's it.
I'm done with television.
Everything I've been told was a LIE!


this my dads are in the fbi

This is gay ? Have sex for once incels

loooooooool you're 100% a fag in denial



People still say gaylord? I haven't heard that since 2001.

It's literally my last name...

My name is Gaesar Gaylord

Middle school must have been rough.

How the fuck did he make LITERAL heterosexual sex look so fucking faggy

How can you be in the middle of fucking woman and STILL look fucking gay

I knew something looked cringe/not natural with these scenes. TIL

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To clarify for the virgins and faggots: if he wasn’t a fag, he would be face to face with her, hands or elbows/forearms on either side of her head, looking at her face or kissing her. Doing this, your knees can’t be bent like a little nance as his are, they’d need to extend more, legs more stretched out. A vagina an asshole does not make. Bad angle.

That’s the least of their problems with this sex scene. Why the fuck is she completely laying flat on her back? It’s missionary with a woman, presumably PIV. She’d want some pillows under her head and upper back. This would be so uncomfortable for her irl since his face is nowhere near hers and she has to croon to look at him. What the fuck is she supposed to be doing, playing Tetris on her phone?

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Wow, learn something new on Yea Forums every day.

Excuse me, friend, do you have any idea how fucking based and redpilled that comment is?

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i just hope all the whiny faggots complaining abt this wont be watching s2, so those of us who dont give a shit can have faggot-free discussion of fincher kino

Imma finna watch it in one day, but it's ages away

Why is he walking down the hallway all faggoty like?

Does any board have frequent serial killer threads? /x/?

The actor is gay and you can tell.

The FBI was founded by the same people who helped destroy the gold standard to create a federal gestapo to crush the rights of individual states and their people's. Every FBI agent is a traitor to America and will be treated accordingly when we take back our country.

forme, it's anna torv.

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Guess he didn't get in then lol

Would tear her up. Better get graphic lesbian scenes in S2 also

hetero missionary doesn't require the "receiver's" hips to be that high

You see, he's in a position where his dick would be in the angle to have better access to the ass

This board is so fucking gay


ahead of its time

Is this real?

>Go into Mindhunter thread expecting discussion and speculation on the new season coming out
>90% of it is people bitching about the gays
Never change Yea Forums

Attached: 1561122728684.jpg (361x351, 15K)

>comes here for tv discussion
>posts reaction images

Yeah I'm thinking you're a faggot nigger.

Mindhunter will henceforth be known as Fagmount.

webm for you fagmounts

Attached: fagmount.webm (1104x684, 2.03M)

It really is gayer than straight. Did the gay showrunner do it on purpose?

Why do fag stick out butt like that