>leftist mass shooter
>is a literal cuck
Why can’t radicals on the left ever be cool? Are there any movies that successfully portray them as badasses?
Leftist mass shooter
Other urls found in this thread:
heres your eat the rich moment bro
Call of Duty WaW made the Soviets look pretty cool when they were nae-naeing the Krauts.
>and all parties involved knew about the situation
Any Soviet movie
Quit bringing politics into every fucking thing.
not television, not film
How come all the people on here keep saying the DAyton Shooter wasn't a left wing Anti-Fa cuck? Was he a left wing cuck or not? Please halp
>this wasnt a hate crime
>he fought for equality
what the fuck
>Menstrual Munchies
how much you wanna bet he sucked on her used tampons or cooked with her period blood when she wasn't cucking him
He was a liberal retard like the 5 others were conservative retards.
Fucking an engaged women sounds pretty based
He was center left.
>leftist guy murders ppl for no reason at all
>*goyim enters panic mode*
He made sure to shoot a man and women of every race, quite thoughtful really.
Thank you and dubs
why do /pol/tards always desperately insist that every mass shooter is a registered democrat bernie bro? They do it literally every time.
delete /pol/
not because i dislike plurality of opinions....but because it will sink the whole site.
go to the other chan or back to T_d
Center left people support Antifa and committing mass shootings?
he followed chapos and rt antifa
you need to find a better way to cope over why you’re a loser, friend
So that's why he looks like a somewhat normal human being compared to the right wing incels.
>for no reason at all
Didn’t he kill mostly black people? lol
Yes, people were very eager to report that before more details came out.
he was an angry loser
wonder who's behind this post
It says she was engaged to another man, wouldn't he be the bull in this instance?
You’re right. We should be blaming the patriarchy that causes women to act like obedient breeding stock to be raped, and the secret white supremacist Illuminati that sends black people to jail for not doing anything.
absolutely baffling
>also killed his sister and the guy who was likely currently fucking her
>police point out it would've been basically impossible to profile in the time of the spree
It's literally nothing.
Here's a better question, if El Paso's manifesto is a "fraudulent CIA plant", then why haven't they done something similar here?
The owner of (site redacted) is alleging that El Paso didn't post the manifesto, whatever that's worth.
We're at the point where the left is just gonna say what they have always believed. To them human life has no value and no amount of death is too great a price to pay for "equality". They have always legitimately believed that killing people is fine if its for the politically correct reasons.
He’s also an incel
now show the per capita version for the retards in this thread
Simple searching for keywords in the image.
stop being a nigger. That's part of the url, fill out the rest of it.
Shush russian troll.
I was about to say, he was cucking the fiancé, not the other way around
Dayton shooter’s motivation has no clear ties to his left politics. He was just an incel with sister jealousy like Eliot Rodger.
Meanwhile every week a reactionary rightard shoots people like in El Paso with clear political and racial motivation
FBI just said they found evidence he was "exploring violent ideologies"
as shockingly lopsided as the stats already look, crime in poor black areas is under-reported due to limited resources and a cultural bias against cooperating with police.
Huh, Hispanics are the nicest of he bunch.
Why do you guys hate them?
>OP says leftist
>all actions and thoughts are those of a alt-righter
not going by proportion of the population
*violent ideations
this one was, or at least he was a lefty bitch who took his impotent rage out on some poor bastards, the el paso one was a pol nigger, learn to understand the intricacies of stories like these man. If you do nothing but buy into the zeitgeist of your own shit nothing will ever get better
it's the standard /pol/ pilpuling to try and muddle the facts. they do this after every alt-right retard sperges out and insist that they're all actually registered democrats and antifa members.
hes twitter show him following chapo host and karl marx twitter
he was a try hard commie fag
no, the agent in the conference says "ideologies" and the CBS news headline says "ideologies"
No. He literally said violent ideations.
do you have a source to prove that?
Bro bro...this isn't right wing...why we gotta talk politics bro
The police chief said ideations. Maybe FBI agent said something else. Either way, I don't really see how being a turbo commie fits with shooting up a bar filled with blacks.
I stand corrected. Police chief said ideations.
And it has no connection to the crime unlike El Paso shooter who was clearly motivated by Trump
You would have a point if we were talking about the ICE Bomber guy who was clearly motivated by AOC and left wing anti immigration enforcement politics but Dayton guys action have no connection to his crime
Nigger he was a leftist. Stop sperging out. You could tell straight away when CNN and the like started focusing on the other shootings and dropped all mention of this faggot mainly killing blacks.
>I don't really see how being a turbo commie fits with shooting up a bar filled with blacks.
radical ideologies + depressed weirdo = illogical behavior
sure, just like all the other times