It's up.
It's up
Do they spend the first 10 minutes bitching about the plinketto aspect of the episode?
isnt blood rage that twin movie. killer frames the good twin?
I was really hoping that instagram screenshot posted here was fake.
Who's on?
colin and jim
patton oswalt is terminally unfunny and doesn't even seem to get the idea of BOTW is
I can't stand this fat butch dyke tranny looking faggot fucker.
Patton Oswalt is even more insufferable though.
Oh boy I can't wait for /pol/ to post their twitter screencaps of the celebrity guest that triggered them today!
40 minutes in and patton and mike are attacking trump
They always do a wacky skip over the one movie I want to hear them talk about.
and? who cares?
i don't give a shit about his politics but patton oswalt is incredibly unfunny and watching jay mike and rich desperately laugh at all of his jokes is just cringe
they really are fucking sellouts
Patton Oswalt murdered his wife with a drug cocktail that included fentanyl.
We all know you did this thread because of the discount Gilbert Gottfried
The reddit fags will lap this shit up but this is embarrassing.
Dude looks like he's high
gross, no thanks
Why did they shill for TFA?
>Short stubby legs
yeah... maybe I'll pass on this episode. Mccully Culkin or however the fuck you spell his name is a good guest but I don't want to encourage them to keep doing this. Jack or Josh would have made for a better episode. I don't even know why this guy is a celebrity, if he's an actor or what.
>shoes on coach
rude and gay
It's nice Macaulay Culkin is lending his network of b-list celebs to his new friends.
Josh is fucking horrible. Jack is top-tier.
>Jay confirming he's gay
Based throwaway line
We haven't reached peak quality until they get a senile retired George Lucas to show up as a guest star
I know.., even still.
>being so short and tubby you can do the "sitting in a motorized wheelchair their whole life dwarf" sit
>Rich Evans is taller than Patton Oswalt
surprised they were able to get a murderer as a guest, do you think they'll get OJ next?
Time code please. I want to explore my latent homosexual tendencies.
Seeing Mike and Jay together having fun in the thumbnail makes me smile.
What camera model is that?
Patton Oswalt really doesn’t fit well with these guys. I never thought I’d wish for Culkin to come back.
i hate this fat pussy
>more unfunny D-list celebs
Fuck off you anti-semite.
it's when they're talking about a gang.
Jay says he wants to see black muscle men on white muscle men
Hey, I didn’t even know Oswalt’s a kike.
he's a pedophile and a murderer, it should go without saying