Who was right?

Who was right?

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Unironically, fat head. High fat, low carb diet is god tier

>exclusively eating at McDonalds is bad for you
Isn't this self-evident? Who thought otherwise?

Hot Heat.

fat head is "WELL ACKSHUALLY" tier

its not bad for you. He drank like 2 liters of coke with every meal


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Supersize me shows how bad a fat food diet is when one is counting calories - ie replacing a normal meal for a fast food meal.

Fat head correctly details that cico is the best way to lose weight and fat and protein help dissuade hunger.

Two different ideas. Both done well.


Supersize Me was such annoying shit, but the fact Fat Head had to be made to dispute it annoys me even more.

I eat at McDonald's literally every single day and I'm not fat. Feel like shit though.

Both have problems but Fat Head is by far the lesser of the two evils.

He was also drunk too.

Lots of McDonalds shills in here.

fat head is based. supersize me is brainlet-tier

MIND=BLOWN. The annoying part is that there are plenty of other things to criticize the shitty fast food industry for, and the whole thing is absolute cancer, but he fucked this up by making the fundamental premise something completely tangential.

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Morgan is a faggot that won't release his food logs.

I couldn’t watch more than five minutes of Fat Head because the production values are dogshit.

clearly mcdonalds isn't good for you. back in like the 80s white people used to feed their children mcdonalds multiple times a week and kids got fat. now blacks and mexicans feed their kids there all the time and are responsible for like 98% of childhood obesity in the country

Eating McDonalds isn’t bad for you. Eating too much and not exercising is. There was a high school science teacher who ate nothing but McDonalds every day (and had to eat everything on the menu), but he balanced it with exercise (walking). At the end of the experiment, he had lost weight, because calories in calories out applies to Mcdonalds, too.

Fat Head. It completely debunks Supersize Me.

Fathead is fucking dumb. Anyone who defends a megacorporation for free is a big tool.

He ate the same number of calories he normally did, but exercised the same as the average American. The point was to show how poor the average Amerifat’s lifestyle is.

Then that’s a critque of how little Americans exercise and not Mcdonalds, but the whole things was levied as a shit piece against Mcdonalds because “you ought to exercise more” is a way less interesting message, way more appealing to blame someone else.

>He ate the same number of calories he normally did
>source my ass

ATE is the key word. For some reason he left out of the documentary that he was an alcoholic and was getting near black out drunk every night.

Supersize Me is full of deception and misinformation. Fat Head covers this.
The only valid critiques of Fat Head would be that it is obvious (but I guess needed to be told given how many fools fell for Supersize Me’s tricks) and it had poor production values (who cares it is a documentary), plus he used a few bad sources (but the information is spot on).
So going to have to say Fat Head was right.

Low carb and keto are the true nutritional redpill. Your ancestors were hunter gatherers, not pastoral grazers.

Which one of them looks like they eat right?

Keto is good for relatively short term loses (several months), but in general yes lower carbs is not bad.

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>He ate the same number of calories he normally did
>Spurlock ate at McDonald's restaurants three times per day, eating every item on the chain's menu at least once. Spurlock consumed an average of 20.9 megajoules or 5,000 kcal (the equivalent of 9.26 Big Macs) per day during the experiment. An intake of around 2,500 kcal within a healthy balanced diet is more generally recommended for a man to maintain his weight.[3]

why would you lie on the internet?

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>sicking the truth
you dumb nigger, the true will make us free

He lied about the amount of calories he ate in order to make a more dramatic transformation. He was taking in way more than what McDonalds was giving him. Fat Head guy exposed him on this.

ketards are brainlet skinnyfats

>He ate the same number of calories he normally did
This isn’t even remotely true. Bad move starting your argument with a boldface lie like this.

>He ate the same number of calories he normally did

that's not true, and to this day he has refused to release the logs of what he actually ate.


I'm waiting for the Zack Snyder remake too.

Real talk. It's done wonders for me.

For me, it was going vegan.

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Supersize Me guy did a bunch of unscientific and misleading shit, but he had the right general idea that fast food, especially in the extra-large sized varitieties, is a major public health problem. Seems super-obvious now but he did a lot to make it more of a talking point than it had been until then.
Fat Head guy is probably more technically right, but he's shit at communicating the idea in an entertaining or compelling way. Just comes across as a lame amateur parody video you might see up on youtube. And his ideas are myopic nitpicks in contrast with Supersize Me where, say what you want about the accuracy, but the guy had a clear vision and made major impacts on both public health policy and private restaurant franchise behavior.

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I wonder if this guy made a good point. Unfortunately since he posted a frog, I can't read it.

It's been over a decade now, you can stop pretending frog posting will ever die.

You dont even have to go low carb just keep it under a 100 gramm per day and sugar to 25 gramm and you are set for life

>burnt husk of phytoestrogen
>I made a brisket!!!!
Stop trying to copy meat, guys.

god that sounds unhealthy as FUCK

Fat Head because it follows basic nutrition knowledge instead of sensationalist bullshit like everything from the Super Size Me guy.

>the guy had a clear vision and made major impacts on both public health policy and private restaurant franchise behavior
Such as?

The idea is that you could get more nutrient dense carbs/calories from other sources. Although like you said calories in, calories out is universal.

>He ate the same number of calories he normally did
No he fucking didn't. He made sure to get the absolutely biggest possible meals three times a day and eat until he puked.

bro I love eating vegetables but I fucking hate when I go to the store and see "chiken". motherfucker Im looking for veggies, dont confuse me with meat products I already picked up

You carnimurderers are still a problem.

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Except that wasn't enough for his movie, so he intentionally ate like 6000 calories per day. And on top of that he was a raging alcoholic during the filming of the documentary which didn't come out until recently, which might explain why he had mysterious liver problems when he visited the doctor during the documentary. It also would add a bit more weight. He made the movie to appeal to idiots and it worked.

even if you eat only meat or only vegetables, you cant escape the fact that BOTH categories are poisoned to hell and back


Even ignoring the actual science and such, the guy in Fat Head made an excellent point, when he said something like:
>If McDonalds wants to sell me a bucket of fries for 50 cents, and I agree to buy it, then that's my decision
Let people buy whatever the fuck size they want.

>who cares if everything he said was wrong, misleading, or an outright lie, he made the bold point that fast food is bad for you if you eat it everyday!

This. I haven't seen Fat Head, but Super Size Me tries to make McDonald's look shadier by revealing that they use commonplace advertising techniques to sell their products. Somehow it is a crime to put food ads on TV during dinner, and somehow it's terrible to paint the inside of your restaurant red to encourage people to eat there. Fucking ridiculous.

>He's right but not entertaining so he sucks
I hate other Americans