Yea Forums is fuckin' diabolical

Yea Forums is fuckin' diabolical

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I stayed up until 7 am watching the whole thing last night.
Was pretty fucking good

Weak ass show.

>I stayed up until 7 am watching the whole thing last night.
Fuck, me too.

Disney BTFO

Absolutely based and redpilled show

are you guys me?

holy shit same

except it was more like 11 am and i watched the remaining 3 episodes today

I liked season 1 but I foresee season 2 falling off very hard.

And Butcher is a fucking cuck. Fuck this show, it had a lot going for it but they just completely butchered Butcher's motivation. Making him a super cuck just invalidates his entire character and the reason he does what he does. They should have sticked to the comics' Butcher where his wife was raped and saw it first hand, not this pathetic super cucked and keked bullshit. Fuck Amazon and fuck that hack Seth Rogen for runing the Boys.

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>And Butcher is a fucking cuck.
That's the only thing I didn't like about season 1. It was just out of character for Becca to leave Butch like that without telling him. That's the only thing I think the writers got wrong in their universe.
>They should have sticked to the comics' Butcher where his wife was raped and saw it first hand
Did I fucking miss an issue. Where does Butcher see his wife get raped? He doesn't realize she was raped till the baby disembowels his wife.

>Where does Butcher see his wife get raped?
My bad, I wasnt clear enough. I meant Butcher seeing the effects of her rape first hand by killing the super baby. It is certainly a better and more powerful scene than the show, where he instead simply watches her dissapear on a security camera only to be revealed that hes a cuck.

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Yeah, Butcher getting cucked was a dick move on the writers part. They had a fine balance with female power and white male uselessness that it was a believable and likeable show. Then they cucked Butcher. Good thing they did that on the last scene. Else, it would have ruined everything for me that came after.

Becky dies early in Season 2. Else, season 2 will be a flop. Butcher being a cuck just doesn't fit his character. It will be too much for viewers to absorb emotionally.

isn't homelander, the whitest malest character in the show, also the most powerful character??

I mean it was a ending scene i'd wait till we see how they handle it before I get mad

In the show, yes. You can read the comics to figure out if Homelander is really the most powerful or is there someone who can equal him in power.

The flight plan I just filed with the Vought lists me, Queen Maeve here but none of you

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yeah but that other character that could rival homelander is a white male too

How can you know homlander wasn't lying?

if I tell the media what heppend here will you die?

He has no reason to lie.