Best of the Worst: Plinketto #8
ruh roh
Best of the Worst: Plinketto #8
ruh roh
ri rilled ry rife
It can't be healthy how much I like these videos
>Patton Oswalt
Call me when they have Paula Patton
He's IN
but Patton is BASED
>heroin doesn't pay for itself
Does his wife make a cameo
What the FUCK is this guy’s problem?
>I'm not like a regular white male, I'm a COOL white male
My "review" of Reddit Letter Media
>posting in a friend simulator thread
>idolizing an aging group of youtube vloggers from Milwaukee
>he gives his real-life "friends" money every month
>an unemployed construction worker, the trick monkey fraud of the group. knows two tricks: forced laughter and becoming violent. brava, rich! brava!
>a failed viral marketer with an ugly wife and children with terrible names ('myson packard?'). he knows he's the least popular cast member and desperately tries to fit in by making fun of reddit on stream
>an over-the-hill "director" weighed down by his talentless friends. only makes "ironically bad" videos because they're immune to criticism. his latest production 'Space Cop' will expose him as a fraud and be a spiritual and economic disaster. he will eventually go the route of orson welles, balloon up to 500 pounds and die at the ripe age of 50.
>the curdling definition of a parasite. ditters on her phone while the men do all the hard work. got caught buying jewelry with actual Patreon money.
>the only cast member showing any self-improvement or growth. still has a long way to go, but has already outgrown RLM.
I like how Reddit Letter Media is a company founded upon criticism, insulting and berating others and their works, but HEAVEN FORBID that anyone criticize them! They'll even ban you from their stream if they catch a whiff of dissatisfaction. It's amazing how creatively lazy the group has become. They were better when they were a starving group. Now they can sit on their fat asses, drink beer and make fart jokes while you throw money at the screen. Amazing.
>the guy actually tires a joke when they are announcing the tapes already
Why you americans have such a shitty taste to comedians holy fuck
being a male feminist living in hollywood he's 10,000 times more likely to be a rapist.
Is. Oswalt as much of an annoying blackhole as Home Alone?
Mike>The Canadians>Freddy>NuJack>Rich>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>everyone else
Man, Jack is getting fat as FUCK.
Legit taste in all honesty.
Wife killer oswalt
There are LITERALLY people in this thread that give money to RLM so they can feel closer to their internet friends. Think about that.
Shots fired at James Rolfe just by having him on.
does patton call out orange man
this guy looks like a washed up piece of shit
even more so than home alone
he has a weight problem
How did he get away with it lads?
Just over 40 minutes in, Mike is making Anti-Trump and GG jokes with him.
Fuck guys, we lost.
it hasn't even been up for 20 minutes
i meant in the plinketto episode, im aware of his twitter escapades
>Mike is making Anti-Trump and GG jokes with him
I thought Mike was /ourguy/
What the fuck?
It was put up for Patreon subscribers a few days ago you idiot.
>Patton Oswald
I'm unironically unsubscribing
>was going to be soon
>now have to buy beer and watch
Fuck, I need to go to work tomorrow
unironically tempted
the canadians are objective trash and anyone who ranks them as number 2 has pleb taste
Bye snowflake. Jay said on patreon that they’ve done more than one episode with Patton.
These guests are getting obnoxious. That bunny ear faggot in the last episode was literally worse than Landis. Being back the Canadians.
Their best intro in a while
>needing to buy beer to watch because that’s what the guys on the show drink
It's a shame they didn't land on Blood rage - a genuinely entertaining slasher.
RLM have completely lost their midwestern charm with all these guests.
Like if you agree.
Canadian with beard is criminally underrated and one of the funniest people to appear on RLM.
shouldn't you be posting on reddit Josh?
lol what a fucking manlet
Still less of a get than Gilbert
agree 100%
gilbert is actually funny
>implying supporting the human equivalent of a tornado is npc-like behavior
I'm not such a cuck. Also they've done vodka, whiskey, and so on multiple times. I want beer because I just drank 2 bottles of wine and if I drink more, I'll never wake up again.
>no macaulay cuckin
thank the god
How did Cameron Mitchell go from being a serious actor to doing trash like the movies on BotW? I mean, say what you like about Nic Cage, but some of these Cameron Mitchell movies are fucking horrifying.
Gilbert Gottfried more like Gilbert GETFUCKED
>get a celeb guest and just jerk them off endlessly
>actually watch that ratatouille ripoff and pander to the memes
fuck these hacks
I think they're good on review but yeah they kind of suck on botw.
can they stop doing this? macaulay culkin was fine the first time since it was some weirdo appearance. now he's just getting annoying, and surely this episode will have the potential joy sucked out of it as well
i literally just got done watching the best of the worst playlist. took me a week.
McCulk was already bad. Now having Beardfat Ultimate over here as a guest is just so very off-putting. RLM has been nosediving for quite some time now, I just wish they understand that they're at their best when they have established dynamics with friends and not forcing this Pedowood celeb bullshit like a bad talkshow.
>dude lets film ourselves watching shitty b movies and overreact to every single thing that happens and film our reactions
people actually watch this fucking garbage? at least re:view and half in the bag dont feel as forced
No he didn't.
>He keeps his dead wife's ring on as a murder trophy
do you think patton or mac invited them to partake in some pedo SRA shit?
>Not just downloading them and having them play on repeat on your personal media player every day
Eloise Cole is dead is top tier
>cheating the plinketto twice just to pander to the celebrity guests
fucking hacks
Mculkin worked as a solo guest imo. The faggot friend he brought along last botw was gay though. Oswald is just insufferable but McCulkin, Mike, Jay, and Rich is better than MJR with beardfat or aidsmoby.
>being so fragile that seeing Bad Man Me No Like results in more than fifty replies (with more coming in at a steady stream) about Bad Man Me No Like
Sweet, the man from Spacecop
Doubtful. They're just there as reassurance the hosts and the audience that Pedowood is just weird, cynical, corporate but ultimately harmless.
it doesn't help that patton isn't funny
>needing to buy beer to watch because that’s what the guys on the show drink
Sounds comfy desu, I've never had a drink while watching rlm.
>I just drank 2 bottles of wine
I did open a bottle of wine this weekend though and might as well finish it.
surprised he would come to a red state like wisconsin
Jay is such a fucking faggot. He's the worst one for that overreaction shit.
i just finished it. you trolled me hard.
I just laughed out of memory.
Also all Canadian Review on that "eh?" movie was the best Re:View we ever had.
>sees Patton Oswalt
>dude watching these le bad movies is so physically painful i want to le die xDDD
he looks pathetic
Which BotW was it where they watched a movie about contrails?
>steals right wing memes
Culk's friend was terrible, and then they tagged in Josh for the last movie.
isnt that guy his sober companion?
Maybe im in the minority but i felt his friend was funnier than mac was
Mac was "charming" but his friend clearly had a background in comedy
wow why the fuck did mike launch into a 5 minute anti gamergate rant?
He was the worst part of veronica mars season 3. Hope he doesn't come back for the 4th one.
Yea Forums eternally seething
It's his podcast co-host
>eveyone freaking out because some guy I never heard of doesn't like Trump
How fragile are you people?
>I just drank 2 bottles of wine
That’s beyond my body’s capabilities.
Have sex
>This movie looks bad and I'm not going to see it since I'll just be upset
oh, ok. I thought he had one.
>never heard of Patton Oswalt
>Culk's friend
You mean his annoying and unfunny Jewish handler that was probably just there to sedate McCulkin if he started blabbering about John Landis and his Jew friends fucking his prepubescent asshole until it bleed?
It's all our fault. Since Previously Recorded ended, he's had no one to remind him to stand up every hour.
The irony being that these are the same people that call the far left frail
>far left frail
I mean...they are.
Normal libs maybe not but the far left are fucking nuts
he also killed his wife and then attempted to send her soul to haunt James Rolfe
it’s another “beardfat desperately shoehorns himself into the show again” episode
>How fragile are you people?
Extremely fragile.
Some people can't stop obsessing about peoples politics.
It’s not a bunch of Leftists REEEEEEEEEEEing cause a d-list celebrity they don’t like was on a movie reviewing show on YouTube.
Leftists go reeeeeee about way dumber shit
Pronouns, for example
His tweets show much work comedians have to do for their material. Having access to Twitter where you just shit out any thought immediately shows how unfunny things are until you put effort into them.
Who's REEE'ing? Most complaints are about how unfunny Oswald is.
>y-you're only upset because he hates trump
>definitely not because he is unfunny
fuck trump and fuck patton oswald
For me?
Mike - Rich - Jack - Len/Jay
This. Patton is a comedy vacuum. And it's not like RLM is consistently funny or anything but at the very least they have some sort of chemistry together. This celeb bullshit just makes the show lose its appeal. Patton, Culkin, Landis, it's all the same problem.
That's my all time favourite line up. Jack Jack is the key to all this, when RLM makes him work it's always the best episodes.
First post in the thread was someone being upset about his politics, 7 minutes in user begins posting his hillary tweets.
He may be an unfunny fat fuck, but that's not why they're upset.
>enjoy RLM because they're funny and work well together
>every video has some special guest who I don't like
I've done worse. Liter of Vodka, 4 bottles of wine.... not at the same time.
Don't drink 1 day and i suffer withdrawal.
Is that like how GamerGate is actually about ethics in journalism?
>I’m not so emotionally fragile I can’t see an actor I don’t like without freaking out, but it’s actually because he isn’t funny
>its another im a successful actor appearing on an episode of botw and am hilarious and adored by the fans daydream
this is the fat fuck who tried to ruin James Rolfe for not wanting to see Ghostbusters right?
the same fat fuck that killed his wife
>Is that like how GamerGate is actually about ethics in journalism?
No because that was what it was.
Unlike this Oswalt thing.
Be honest, do you actually find Patton Oswald funny?
what evidence is there that Patton ACTUALLY killed his wife?
Hung tho
I love his standup
patton is on the phone for most of the viewing clips, and then the fat fucker has the audacity to interrupt their bants with his shit humour
that's not even the worst part
the worst part is jay mike and rich fake laughing at every shit joke he makes
>the human equivalent of a tornado
He's the most blithely predictable reality tv character imaginable. He even has his own little sitcom-like catchphases he drills into people's heads. The only reason Washington types have such a hard time coping with him is because they're used to everyone adopting multiple layers of persona as part of a political 4D chess game and it's never occurred to them that he might just be a retarded old boomer who means exactly what he says.
Sure everyone just wanted to live out their sexist fantasies and ruin the lives of a random woman, that is the only thing gamers care about.
I was cleaning the other day, and I found a fucking gram of shatter. Not just a gram of shatter, but really expensive shit too. I have no idea where it came from. All I know is it’s real hard to concentrate right now.
It didn't start out that way but the retards stormed the clubhouse and that's what it became.
pretty bad BOTW all in all, films were good, but they hardly discussed them apart from
>lol nothing made sense xdd
i dont know why I watch their content anymore
RLM trashed the new Ghostbusters way, way worse than James did, and he's appearing on their show.
What a spineless faggot.
I can't believe Rich Evans fucking killed his wife.
lol gay
they got a million subs and make god knows how much on patreon what do they need to try for anymore
just pander to the reddit "omg this movie is so bad i want to le kill myself its so painful xD" mentality and call it a day
i dunno patten oswalt really killed it
like he killed his wife
>jay casually confirming he's gay
effectively bullied off the show.
>It didn't start out that way
It started with ethics in journalism which is what matters and defines it. Not whatever random people and acts the other side tried to paint it as to dodge the criticism.
You mean once?
Jay’s a lot better looking than most twinks in Milwaukee, and he has better taste than most twinks in Milwaukee too.
8/10 would date
what, when?
Why did they shill for TFA?
No, come on. James is peak Boomer, dude literally cross his arms and went NOPE! Not gonna see it.
RLM tried.
He tells good stories
Shame, one of the best. His knowledge complements Jay's and I enjoy their ReViews together
>It started with ethics in journalism which is what matters and defines it.
That's not what it stayed focused on though. The retards took the reigns and ruined it. I was there, whenever you would try to persuade said retards from spamming email accounts or FBI submit a tip page with spurious shit related to whoever was the new perceived enemy, they would shout you down, label you as whatever the current boogeyman is, and wallow in shit. The criticism didn't need to be dodged because it wasn't being presented thanks to the retard brigade.
>Gamergate boogeyman out of nowhere
Holy shit, you’re still triggered after all these years? Let it go, cupcake.
not really no
every time you tards say that he's in the next episode
Even if Patton didn't kill his wife, he appeared on the MST3K reboot so he can go fuck himself.
how old is this pasta?
i require fresh pasta and sauce daily
Tfw you’re burping up smoke from a hit you took a half hour ago
Literally none, it's just a meme.
>peak boomer is not watching a movie you're pretty sure you won't like
shut up, whitey.
>been with my wife
he keeps his dead wife at home?
He also attacked anyone that criticized the Ghostbusters remake
Because taken on its own merits it was perfectly fine 9if completely derivative) and worked as a groundwork for future films. It was only when we saw what that groundwork led to that the movie was recontextualized and cast in a much harsher light.
Honestly, the way they reacted to it makes perfect sense when you don't diminish it into oversimplified hyperbole. But, ignoring context is basically the internet's go to way to try and win an argument. After all, you can never really lose if you're so purposely misinformed that you don't actually know what you're arguing for.
One sec, gotta pack a bowl
>I was there, whenever you would try to persuade said retards from spamming email accounts or FBI submit a tip page with spurious shit related to whoever was the new perceived enemy
Odd, I was there too and whenever some guy said something like "Is this our next target?" or stuff like it there was a stream of replies telling him to fuck off and stop, calling him a falseflagger. I'm not sure if it was a falseflagger, if there was one genuine person the first time, but most of the times after it was probably just a troll baiting for those (You)s as a meme.
Breathe dude, you’ll be aight
I hope it's all movies where the main character kills his wife.
Strange, I had the exact opposite experience. Newfags were treating it like le ebin raid, and any voice of reason was shit on. I didn't stick with it because of that.
What other C list celebrity will try to get on
Rory Culkin
NuUH movie ICKY cuse it's not orginal Ghostbusters. Remakes BAD- tier takes are Boomer shit, yes.
It's not just that he passed on seeing a movie, it's how he does it and it's completely in line with Jame's personality. If he were any younger he'd be one of these 'da only REAL music is classic rawk' kiddos
James Rolfe for kaiju/b horror movies
What's Kevin Sorbo doing these days?
Can we just get the Twink Canadian and the big-tidday THICC lady cop back? I need my comfy RLM and its deep lore back.
>Sony paying all the bloggers and online news outlets to regurgitate the same "LOL WATCH THIS OR UR XIST"
>desperate damage control to salvage a stupid movie that nobody asked for
>cynical antagonistic marketing campaign for months on end pumping out the same ball grinding articles
>everyone was fed up with this obvious ploy
>the movie didn't look any better
>Rolfe decides that the only way to win is to not play
>says he won't be seeing the movie
It's all so tiresome.
And Rolfe lives in Chi-town, so he could just drive.
based uxoricide
Oh man doin pretty alright now, bummed out that the people that made it aren’t in business anymore, though.
No, you're giving him too much credit.
I'm not defending the movie either. This was right around when Fatty crew started being involved in Jame's vids and you really saw too much of Jame's personality in the vids in which he rambles on with Mike forever.
You didn't lurk enough lmao. Stop trying so hard to sound like a veteran. It's embarrassing.
Has anyone really attacked Trump's properties other than lazy liberals who just shit on the premises?
Yeah I don't care about that. I'll insult anyone who enjoyed the Ghostbusters remake (I believe this is an academic point though) so it's only fair that any other retard can do the opposite.
There are lots of people/celebrities I think are dumbasses, but there aren't very many I actively hate. Every single person involved in the MST3K reboot makes it on to that second list though.
He did a standup set a few years ago. This was before God's Not Dead mind you.
I lurked plenty. You pulling a no true scotsman to hide the fact gg is still a joke is what's embarrassing.
Just to interject, it didn't start off being about harassment. When harassment started, it still wasn't about harassment. Once the internet """media""" decided it was a harassment campaign because they had screenshots of harassment, then the floodgates opened for every would-be internet troll to do it for the lulz and the well-meaning anons lost control of the narrative.
Logan Paul
This. It's why we can't have nice things.
Just fuck off already with your bait, user. GG was indeed a joke but revisionism just makes you the only thing to laugh at here.
Don't they usually have one of them behind the scenes? They just watch the movie with them during with the one camera on them?
I couldn't finish the Culkin episode once Beardfat showed up. Let's see how long I last
>can't watch last BOTW because of Culkin's gay ass friend
>"oh well next one I guess"
>actually upload a new one pretty soon, sweet
>ANOTHER fucking guest
What are these faggot thinking
Kevin Spacey
Oswalt is one of the comedians that I stopped following after all the stupid leftie shit he wouldn't shut up about on Twitter. Worst being his defence of the awful Ghostbusters reboot as if he was some proud progressive when all he was doing was being a corporate shill for a giant company with a horrible marketing gimmick.
welcome to the internet, it only takes a few retards to drag everyone into something
see Stop trying so hard newfag.
You know that's bullshit. It was about some rando aricle about a small indie game. The woman hating rage was transparent as fuck
>GG cucks are still here
And they’re still claiming it was about ethics in journalism.
Jim is based you fuck. Colin is a bitch though, granted.
I literally couldn't even finish it. It just wasn't funny.
Tom Cruise is the guest on the next one.
Does RLM purposely invite unfunny people on the show to make themselves look better?
I am really starting to hate these fucking rando nobody celebs they invite on.
Mike was so excited to make a gay joke but didn't
>a nobody
You still in high school, bud?
Jim has had a couple one liners or stray observations that are the funniest thing in BotW. He’s just so baked that he can barely muster the energy for bantz
Do I have your permission to screencap this and post it on Twitter?
>thinking having lived through 2014 drama makes you and oldfag
You're cute. I was there, I know the "movement" was well-intentioned and that to this day the media simply failed to steer the narative into a controlled zone. But that doesn't mean that GG wasn't terminally naïve and reeked of newfaggotry, which it was. Worse than that are the faggots who are still claiming it to be about muh harassment when in the midst of all that chaos everyone was essentially trolling everyone.
And we should care about your opinion why?
Fuck off Patton
You know you're bullshitting, or you weren't there. Media corruption, shills, etc was long before that a focal point on Yea Forums, see dewrito pope, but this time it was about a woman and an affair, some people are sexist assholes but that doesn't mean it was about their sexism. It is very convenient to claim it was that if you want to protect a corrupt journalistic industry though.
>Patton Oswalt
Guess they finally found someone unfunnier than beardfat.
I just meant on Yea Forums. There are lessons to be learned, but you haven't grasped them yet. No one will take you seriously, if you don't at least attempt to understand board culture. I'm not talking about right or wrong, just that your posts might as well be trash with that posting style and that sophomoric attitude.
>this thread
Gamers rise up.
beardfat is at least knowledgeable. oswalt is just terrible.
>lecturing someone on how to act on Yea Forums
>uses the term ‘sophomoric attitude’
>killed his wife
MST3K reboot was great
>he likes patton oswald
If I could I'd range ban you just for quality control.
Beardfat knows music
download before they delete it
>He's the most blithely predictable reality tv character imaginable. He even has his own little sitcom-like catchphases he drills into people's heads. The only reason Washington types have such a hard time coping with him is because they're used to everyone adopting multiple layers of persona as part of a political 4D chess game and it's never occurred to them that he might just be a retarded old boomer who means exactly what he says.
This is all true
I'm just failing to understand why you think openly supporting this man makes you an "NPC"
He's the most laughably easy target in existence
Wow, Patton is trying way too hard
Did they watch Ghostbusters?
>Yea Forums will be eternally assblasted because RLM's newest celebrity guest
Fucking hilarious.
I think they already said they probably wouldn't/don't think he would fit well with their style, but after Oswalt anything goes so.
>being this defensive of your fake internet friends
They still haven't nuked the Landis vids I doubt they'll nuke this
No they arent
if patton tried to lose weight as much as he tried to be funny he'd still be a fat ass because he would fuck it that up too
>Jay: Black muscles and white muscles. That's a movie I'd watch.
>Mike looks at Jay and almost makes a gay joke but realizes Patton would get butthurt
Jack "The Package" Packard
so does this fat fuck actually shoehorn any trump jabs into this episode?
i dont even give a fuck about boomer goy president. i just want forced politics to fuck off. its all so tiresome.
mike acts so fucking fake in the culkin episodes. no clue why they force these hollywood faggots so hard.
im not even gonna bother with this episode.
>when patton starts praising 2016 ghostbusters and mike nods along
Have sex
>goy president
Oy vey. Only one of Trump's kids isn't Jewish. Now chew on that matzo.
Something is very off with this episode. It seems overproduced.
I can kind of understand the intention of wearing this but what is supposed to be meaning?
He's way way worse than Mac. Macaulay Culkin has a shit-ton of weirdo rich-kid awkwardness that will always be with him, but he truly loves hanging out and watching shitty movies and making lame jokes and just being one of the guys.
Patton on the other hand is a guy who has built up this identity of being a geek and nerd. Which is actually more important to him than the subject matter that it uses as window dressing. Ironically, this makes him a poser.
Yeah I tapped out midway through
Just support for Trayvon, guy who was killed by Zimmerman? Not sure I understand the question since you think you understand it.
how are they getting so many hollywood "celebrities"?
1. Mike + Jay
2. Mike by himself
3. Mike + Rich
4. Jay + Beardfat
5. Jay by himself
6. all other shit combos that no one cares about
They need to bring back Lora Story.
Something about a woman who knows how to swear makes me fucking diamonds.
What good does wearing a sweater with a dead niggers name on it do? Besides giving away how little testosterone you have
A lot of people didn't like the prequels.
Patton Oswalt was one of those guys who just after seeing them was arguing with his friends about how bad they were and what they should've done.
He probably loved the plinkett reviews when they came out, and possibly spoke about it publicly, and ended up getting in touch with rlm and got his little role for space cop because of it.
If Simon Pegg didn't get so huge and was less brilliant I could've seen him ending up on some rlm projet as well.
This makes no sense, only high school atheists like patton Oswalt
Can't wait for this guest star stuff to come full circle when George Lucas shows up
I really dislike Patton Oswalt.
I don't have a problem with him allegedly murdering his wife. I hate that he only reacts after the other guys react, when he knows it's safe. Every laugh, groan, reaction, and even comment is just copying what the others (usually Jay) do first.
I've already answered it, and you understand it, why are you still asking questions?
Having that niggers name on his shirt, with a hoddie like the one he wore, shows that he cares about the incident and that he is in support of that particular dead nigger.
>Jack over Jay
Bold and corageous statement. I can respect that.
>George shows up jacked
>George Lucas: I've been practicing BJJ since the second star wars review
>THICC lady cop back
Based deep cut user. She was actualy funny and had quality mamajamas.
I cant stand him anymore , I used to love his comedy , now he is just some loudmouthed little prick, Im starting to think thats what all comedians are
That would either be the best thing ever or the worst thing ever. George Lucas guest starring would be awesome meta and would be incredibly exciting but at the same time he probably has all kinds of PR protocols with Sony so Mike & co. couldn't possibly have their gloves off during the episode.
Fat Hawaiian Shirt Jay has come far. He's grown from 'Well I didn't hate it' to 'Of course I'm right'.
>protect a corrupt journalistic industry though
Oh yeah the oh, so serious business of reporting on video games
You people are the ones who made nobodies like Sarkeesian extremely popular. Doesn't change the fact that all that shit and doxxing and lynchmobbing was about some unfaithful woman and a favorable blog about an indie game
less celebs. more josh and jack
Alright. I'm done. I haven't enjoyed one of these in a long time. Especially since Macaulay Culkin started showing up every single time. Having this wife murdering lump of soi on is the final nail in the coffin for me.
So RLM turned him gay?
>when you need RLM edits to make you funny
Really pathetic.
>thinking having lived through 2014 drama makes you and oldfag
wew, no one ever said that. Learn to read and then lurk more user.
this but unironically.
They said they were destroying it, but they didn't. What's happening?
>patton "taker of life, but only his wife" oswalt
Are you just saying random stuff?
He's such a transparent faggot.
>I'm one of the (((good))) white people. Please don't kill me, blackies.
I'm not being ironic
Could ask you that. Support your assertion if you can user. But we know you won't, you'll keep deflecting and seething like always because your precious gg got called the pathetic trash it is.
Paychecks a paycheck.
Holy fucking shit is that Rich not shopped? I've stopped watching these for a bit and he looks like pure shit. He legit looks mid 50 and a rough mid 50. Wasn't he losing weight?
>4. Jay + Beardfat
beardfat is always at the bottom no matter what
>big-tidday THICC lady cop back?
based ref user. Only better chick in the RLMverse is Mike's wife from the Grabowskis
havent seen it but i agree about the forced politics bullshit. its literally everywhere nowadays and news outlets, social media, and comedy shows are just becoming trump joke centrals to boost ratings. when trump gets out of office either by not being re-elected or after second term im just going to hope things calms down and people can get back not being so sensitive and jokes dont have to all be trump ones.
am i the only one who felt like these past 3ish years everyones been so fucking sensitive because bad orange man exists. its both funny but it got old a 2 years ago.
More Jack than Josh. But yeah, this.
Why do people hate MaCulkin so much? He was my favorite guest
If he wasn't balding, that would look amazing for 50.
This is secretly peak BOTW cast. Pure chill comfiness Mike hogs too much time and keeps everybody tense.
Mack is fine. His annoying soiboi faggot friend is terrible
he was okay in his first appearance but the 2nd is terrible with his friend.
>Oh yeah the oh, so serious business of reporting on video games
Yes there are more important things in the world, but people still care if there are shills in their hobbies, or if it isn't benig covered properely, doesn't matter the board. There being bigger things to worry about doesn't mean you can't care about lesser things.
Lots of doxing and lynchmobbing in any internet feud for the last decade on any side. There being some of it tied to that event doesn't change what it was about.
you forgot "loud"
James can't do improv at all.
When Will Rich beat THE DOGSHIT out of Mike? At some point a man has to stand for himself.
>like person and content person makes
>they post a video "ft."ing some other faggot
>it's awkward and terrible
every time
Which one are you talking about?
>anything with felicia day: good?
Regardless of you liking him or not, Culkin and the other celebrity guests disrupt the flow of the show and subvert the very basic premise of this being about some guys in a fly-over state just torturing themselves with schlock and Hollywood swill. It's not exactly about Culkin though I personally do think that he is kind of annoying and gives off some bad vibes.
I looked it up for you: Strange Brew.
Cool It with the anti-semitism? Thank you.
He makes a whole lot of references to being dead for someone who lost his wife recently. It’s like he doesn’t make the connection between his words and the traumatic experience he had. Almost like it wasn’t traumatic.
>he doesn't have friends he can bullshit with that he's known for 20+ years
it's been a while since I've seen this pasta
Fair enough
Strange Brew
He's 5'3". He's raw self conscience manlet given true form.
5'3 isnt short. Fuck off.
Kevin Smith or the guy from Rick and Morty
>my face when not a SINGLE RLM fanboy KEK has ever successfully refuted this "review", especially not the last paragraph
Absolutely based eternal and flawlessly coherent Cha Tay Tay!
Watching it now and holy fucking shit is Oswalt a grammar nazi. No one cares if the writing on the box of a forgotten 80s film has proper commas or capitols, Patton.
Why was Mike so insecure infront of Patton the whole episode? he couldnt get a word out
he probably drank a bunch to calm his nerves and turned into a retard
>Land on rat kino
>Don't watch it
>Just grab the ball for the third film and put it where they want
I hate it when they do that shit. Don't do a plinketto, wheel of the worst or black spine if they're just going to watch whatever they want anyway.
At least they show it when they cheat
I hope
Have moar
Oswalt revealed he was of ashkenazi descent just before the cameras rolled. Mike being a palestinian he had to cope with his secreto conflict in real time.
I would suck them and allow her to jerk me off while i fall asleep. Not gonna lie bros
He was too afraid of making him butthurt