Seriously, which one of you looks like this or similar to these?
Just be honest, there is no need to lie on an anonymous image board.
I don't because I'm not white. Now you, Yea Forums.
Seriously, which one of you looks like this or similar to these?
Just be honest, there is no need to lie on an anonymous image board.
I don't because I'm not white. Now you, Yea Forums.
Other urls found in this thread:
If I looked like that I would probably think about doing terrible things too
I can safely say I look better than all three of these dudes (which theoretically shouldn't be hard). Though I also have a girlfriend and left /pol/ behind like three years ago after getting sick of it.
The guy on the left is the wrong guy, just some guy who has the same name
Looking like that, he should consider becoming a shooter, himself.
is garlic a vegetable, Yea Forums?
well, that makes sense. no-one on /pol/ actually has sex. they all look like the pathetic incels in the OP. that's why they became attracted to fringe politics in the first place
I look exactly like the guy in the middle except I’m not white, which is probably why I haven’t shot up a school yet
The middle one should be used as an alternative to soijack when dealing with right-wing individuals.
I have a thinner face, no glasses, buzzcut and and a more poiny nose so I think I'm safe.
obviously. gunning down crowds of innocent people because you can't get laid is a wh*te pastime
Imagine having inferior genes requiring you to need glasses lmao
Being angry, stressed out and hateful makes you less attractive. It's something that radiates off you and women can sense it just like pheromones.
>I’m not white
Then which one of these do you look like?
The guys on the left and middle are innocent. Only righty is a shooter.
>niggers and spics gangbanging """mass shooters""" for drug money or wh*te mass shooters innocents because stacy won't fuck them
>I’m not white
I'm ugly but I look like I've seen some shit. They look like children.
so if you shoot 3+3+3+3 people over 4 days you're not a mass shooter?
sounds very logical and not at all something made up specifically by the jewish media to push an agenda
Now do only school shootings :-)
>be 25 years old virgin
>goverment still won't jail me for being an incel because I'm not white
Feels good
he looks normal
he just has a shitty haircut and taking a picture from a shitty angle
you'd have to be giga chad to look good at that close up
shooter glasses fags
So you admit non-whites do it over genuine evil criminality while whites do it over actual mental illness. Got it, this was already common sense.
In which government lab do they clone these?
School shooters generally attend school. :-)
I look slightly better than El Pasa guy but brown.
>your clones are very impresive
>genuine evil criminality
Buzzwords. Also it's all about business, sucka.
>Mass shooter
>Its a white
What a surprise
Inb4 “b-buh but niggers do it!”
They also are generally white and male. Curious! :-*
>+10 to autism
>Globalcl Asses Studio
the niggers and spics shoot at rival gang members and end up hitting 13 year old tyreena waiting for the bus and some war veteran
i have blonde hair, blue eyes. Perfect Aryan specimen
Mental illness is called being pathetic in the real world.
each one is wearing a different set of glasses.
>left. no bottom frame
>middle. thicker arms on frame
>right. larger height on lenses.
nah shooter glasses are wireframe
I looked like this when I was a teenager but then I bought normal hipster glasses with thick rims and went to a hairdresser that charged more than 4 dollars for a haircut. If those faggots did that they'd go up at least two points on the attractiveness/10.
Whats with the almost blackout on the dayton shooter now?
Niggers are just practical criminal businessmen (don't be mad that the eye-tie mafia got BTFO and is no longer relevant enough to commit murders on a regular basis) while the whites are evil psychopaths who murder people because they hate those different than them.
There’s also a weight requirement to be a perfect specimen
I grow my hair out and wear thicker glasses which I'm planning to replace with contacts, but other than that it's pretty similar.
Im a carbon copy of these dudes, but somehow I ended up not being an incel. Maybe its an american thing, Im not american
I only left /pol/ because of the trannies and libtards like you that infest. There are far better websites for us to use now.
What phenotype is this?
Friendly reminder to stand up and stretch every hour.
this picture is going to be so good because all the redditors are going to overreact when they realize they've been trained like dogs by the media
see this guy
Thankfully, I don’t. Even though I’m a balding 5’9 manlet, I was blessed with a square jaw and athletic frame. Not quite handsome, but better off than these guys.
someone lock me up. i'm a menace
Garlic is related to the onion which is a vegetable. You're welcome
Imagine needing glasses to see lmao
I wish we'd start killing poison to the gene pool
Every time one of these mass shooter pictures come out I feel like such a fucking stud. Still kissless handhondless gfless besides the occasional whoremongering.
He was in the ROTC, if i recall? looks a lot like dunkey when he was less fat.
What blackout? You mean how the media generally doesn't want to give mass shooters names/faces/methodology airtime because most of them are doing it for attention anyway and it sets bad precedent? Except that's for every one of them. You mean how they're not talking about motive? Because no real motive has been found except people coming forward to say he was always a creepy little faggot keeping rape/kill lists back in high school that almost got him vanned.
Or are you really just mad that the racist with the self-published manifesto is getting more airtime and your fake news photoshop images aren't getting on TV?
Looked exactly like this when I was 16 but I'm now 30 and took the baldpill and shaved my head and ditched the glasses for contact lenses and have never looked back. Best decision I ever made.
im relatively ethnically homogenous and i dont wear glasses and im not ugly
>t. literally never been to an opthalmologist
How do you know if you've never been seen by a specialist? :^)
>inb4 glasses are a conspiracy
weird how it's almost always unknown when the shooter is either of color or a leftist
kind of like the last one where a homosexual got help from an underage tranny(which when was found out they stopped reporting it)
Not him but in my cunt thew regular doc checks your vision regularly
t. Dies to a Cougar ten feet in front of him
all shooter glasses fags need to be gassed honestly
I have and they told me to get glasses for when I read or use my PC
My vision is literally perfect tho but you retards don't get that's how they bait you in
As soon as you start wearing them your eyes become dependant on them and you can never stop using them
Imagine being such a miserable piece of shit that middle pic is your default face.
rumor has it the middle guy was a sneedposter
How the fuck are there so many? Fuck all these wannabes, I only remember Eric and Dylan
Well I he’s based in my book
>mfw we are unironically on the surveillance state's watchlist
All we need is a wojak capturing the essence of the face and we've got ourselves a spicy new maymay
Fuck you gaijin
so he was an honorable man is what youre saying
reality check here:
this is nothing to do with white men, all these shooters are boys raised by single white female parents.... and most teachers are female too....
This is the fruits of feminism.
shit I have the same glasses am I fucked now
>you will never be as much of an NPC as this poster is
keep tabs on this guy fbi you might want to gas him preemptively
payers go out too all the boys being raised by single mums. Roll the dice on whether the mind fuck they give you are a kid to get back on daddy will make you end up as incel cuck feminist, transgender, suicide, or a shooter
I do :c Makes me want to clean myself up, maybe start lifting. I don't consider myself an incel at least as I hate myself and don't blame everyone else for why I don't have a gf.
guys, someone is knocking on my d
They are all from reddit, go there and ask those beta males about this.
Ok but put effort into it though
Don't sleep on asian americans. They held the american record for 9 years.
you mean its the fruits of a society where men are not driven to take up responsibility and challenge so they resent their lives and take the anger out on others for their own failures and shit lives
the two issues are linked but the main reason is that men now struggle to have any sense of fulfillment thanks to the frivolous nature of society and how pleasure based it is. jerking off, playing video games and watching streamers is all fun and games until you realized you wasted your life, become resentful, depressed and bitter and possibly even snap and decide to just massacre innocents and often end your life by suicide or cop.
I wish someone would knock my D
Ok, now someone with talent please
The woman that shot up youtube should have gotten more news coverage. Was it because she was a female?
>the leftist ends up beong the creepy guy
what a surprise...
nope, I've modelled and so have my siblings. Hold down a respectable job and am saving up for the future and have a gf who loves me and a good circle of friends. I just go on /pol/ out of habit to laugh at them and keep track of their latest fetishes. It's amazing what an echo chamber of kiss-less virgins can turn into!
Make the eyes smaller to imitate lens distortion
Thicker eyebrows and somehow make it more menacing and his expression even more soulless
Add ears
Increase the distance between nose and mouth
>tfw no gf:
the phenotype
we cant let them keep getting away with it. remember to stop associating with all shooter glasses fags.
BR2049 fanclub
CIA is creating an army of Mclovin looking clones, brother. We will soon rise up.
Hmm, I think "straight white male" correlates closer to creepy here than political affiliation does.
I hope your eyes will tolerate the contact lenses in the long run. I used to wear them, but after a couple of years I kept getting inflammation so I had to switch back to glasses. It really sucks, I am considering getting lasik but I am scared that something might go wrong and then I am the only one to blame.
she was truly our lolita lebron
there might be something in that but when it comes to shooters the percentage of them who were raised by single mums is massive
And one more thing, make him a small double chin
>can’t leave the house without getting shot
America is such a shit hole, glad I don’t live there
I’m unironically very attractive
but I also have no plans to shoot normies for daring to exist so this thread isn’t really aimed at me
The glasses did it.
>t. brazilian
>it's not like eyes are organs that age and grow less reliable
Your grasp of basic physiology is astounding.
Freedom™ isn't free
>can't even use the right photos
retard detected
Yeah but you also get to shoot people to if you want so it’s fair
Nah, just the borderline obese/skinny incel types.
Also, gay white males can be every inch as creepy as straight white males.
I had glasses like this for the longest time, I unironically blame them for killing my chances with women in middle and high school, I have a nice face but with these glasses it's an automatical -3 points
>the incel phenotype is real
I honestly just feel bad, they are utterly fucked and are self aware enough to know it.
>a much clearer, more definitive profile than El Paso
The clear thing is that El Paso guy’s attack was politically motivated and that he wanted to kill Mexicans
Dayton guy’s attack has no clear relationship to his politics and was mostly just an incel sister jealousy thing like Eliot Rodger
if we all stop associating with them they will go even further down the rabbit hole
Fuck, so should I start wearing contacts and either grow my hair out or shave and lift or embrace my inner fag so i stop looking like one of these faggots?
>all men except for one negress that might be a tranny
Unironically wtf is wrong with cockniggers? They're only 50% of the population yet almost 80% if the crime rate. The matriarchy can't come soon enough.
He should have a blacked t-shirt just to emphasize that he's white
thread theme
Such is the prize of freedom
friendly reminder that if you look like one of these fags people will now associate your appearance with these guys and mclovin. shooter glasses fags BTFO!
>almost entirely men
Female nationalism when
They say polygamy is a major cause of suicide bombers.
I actually know someone from college who looks spitting image just like that
What's always unknown?
Race is only important when you're racist. If a black nationalist had shot up a Wal-Mart and posted a manifesto about the need to extinguish whitey, do you really think that wouldn't make the news?
Ideology is only important when your ideology is violent. "Being a leftist" doesn't make you violent. Being a white supremacist gun nut does.
>something about trannys
I'm sorry reality doesn't reflect the views of your echo chamber circle jerks, but that's your problem bud.
yes this is true but this is BECAUSE men have no responsibility or sense of the need to challenge. I doubt that all of these mass shooters have fathers who died in tragic accidents due to no fault of their own. men and women have lost a huge sense of responsibility thanks to how easy society has become thanks to progress with technology etc. fathers no longer feel duty bound/honor bound or what ever to stay with a woman they have impregnated, women don't feel the need to make the man stay thanks to subsidized fatherhood from the state or the whole YASS QUEEN SLAYY garbage of glorified single mothers. these shooters have no father figure nor the societal pressure to pick themselves up by the boot straps and take control of their life. Instead they wallow in self pity, loathing and depression with mindless entertainment and short term enjoyment until they hit the realization that their life is garbage, in which they either just want to suicide by cop or plain suicide, or fall into political indoctrination and hatred when they find out a several hidden gems and political truths that people avoid or hide. This repeats until they type up a 2000 word manifesto about how society is doomed thanks to some mexicans and they decide to shoot up their sugar dispensary
The fact that you thought that was an acceptable way to look means, your mindset is past saving
inb4 this threads gets JANITORED
>one is an entrepreneur who shoots people for the benefit of his thriving crack cocaine business
>the other shoots people because "waaaah me want pussy"
That and capitalism is never evil. If selling a product is illegal it's the government's fault for regulating the market. Het government out of the way so Tyrone can sell crack in piece you fucking communist.
>be shooter glasses fag
>try to talk to girl
>"ew this guy looks like one of those virgin shooters"
Must suck to be a shooter glasses fag
I'm not white nor jew. And I don't wear glasses.
It was mainly apathy. plus my dad looked like that for a long ass time so I figured it was acceptable.
pic related it's me
The thing is, and it's a hard pill to swallow, if person isn't guaranteed a chance at sex, a family, a good job, and a future, they have fallen outside of the implicit social contract, and there's no incentive for them not to do these things.
Food for thot.
all of them would look 10x better with a stubble. even fuckable maybe.
The chad Clark Kent thick girth glasses vs the virgin incel thin wire glasses
seek help with your larping problem
It's literally the opposite end of Soiboy.
It's the same status in life but rather than filling the void with marvel and pop culture bullshit, they fill it with rage and self-loathing and cynicism. The mouth is clamped shut instead of flying open to show joy. It's pure restraint and self-composure to almost pathological levels.
Turns out the opposite of soi isnt chad. It's this
Do I look like an incel?
last time I checked, the social contract didn't have the "guaranteed sex" clause, incel
This is true, but "creepy making you uncomfortable intimating sexual interest in you" and "creepy putting you on his kill list so he can come after you when he's legally old enough to purchase a firearm" are worlds apart.
This is why I checked out of society