VICE. A movie that is supposed to make you think that the US government, right or left, is evil.
VICE. A movie that is supposed to make you think that the US government, right or left, is evil
I think it's supposed to make you think right wing retards are evil.
I already did. So, mission accomplished?
Isn't it?
George W got elected by rich conservative white people. It says that.
>Make America Great Again
Is the banking system mentioned? Even once?
It's like a propaganda movie against the America right except I see no difference between the American right or left.
Coal and oil
Finance and media
Why would it need to be when al-Haliburton got no-bid contracts in the billions of dollars for showers that literally killed people because they set them up over powerlines? And worthless up-armored vehicles that we "had to go with the army we got not the army we wish we had"?
Vice. A movie that shows that Bale can play anyone. He'll transition into a woman for his next role. Also check em.
>American focus groups show us that American voters are retarded and we can do anything we like.
This movie is an insult to all Americans.
You mean Healthcare and Finance?
It's only insulting if you are retarded. Most Americans know this because of Reagan.
Where is the lie. Americans are absolutely retarded. And the Americans who think they're clever because they avoid fake news and only read WaPo and NYT and the most retarded of all. At least redneck Trump voters have something in the brain except soi , estrogen and malice
I'm talking about this movie specifically. It makes out Americans, in general, to be stupid.
Director made an entire movie about this lol
It was dishonest and bluepilled as fuck. Some swarmy jew is the protagonist and there's no mention of the federal reserves role in the crisis
>Tyler Perry
movie already fucking sucks
Fed reserve is small government. It should be outside the command of politics so it can be outside the command of corporations. The Americand government is currently a slave to oligarchs. The same thing that brought down Russia decades ago.
Are you suggesting Americans aren't stupid?
>It makes out Americans, in general, to be stupid.
I think it's a dangerous meme to spread that the average voter is stupid and shouldnt even try to wield political power.
This is what our movies tell us. That we are stupid and out maneuvered so we shoudlnt even try.
Its enemy propaganda.
>Fed reserve is small government.
No it's not. The Fed is not even american... European banking dynasties were part of it from the very beginning (Rothschild, Lazard...)
The Fed was created by the oligarchs.
If the fed obeyed American politicians it would be at the mercy of big money. The big money would tell the politicians what to do and the politicians would tell the fed what to do.
Trump is President of the United States of America. See Pic related why that shouldn't be possible if Americans weren't pants on head retarded and a danger to the world at large.
Is this movie actually blaming the opiod crises, natural disasters, christianity and Alex Jones on Dick Cheney??
>giving up every time you fail
That's why you are a loser.
But user, the Fed IS "big money"..
It seems to be designed to resist that
I haven't seen the movie, so I can't say if it is good, but that was always true.
Trump, as he has proven many times over now, is not qualified to run a nation.
The ending of the movie is very cringe.
How? By being private?
my friend who went to harvard law said that the movie purposefully misinterpreted some law that Cheney used in order to make him look even worse for the movie or some shit.
Politicians have access to "funding". People working for the fed do not. Which makes it harder to bribe them.
It's a flick made by a disgusting Cheneyphobe that's still obsessed with the Bush era for some reason.
It's pretty obviously a propaganda movie. Whether it makes Cheney look worse or makes up lies I dont know.
Why would they need to be bribed, they are literally controlling the currency's value (by deciding the exchange rate)
It is a movie about how a wife nagged her husband so hard that he invaded Afghanistan.
media kinda goes with both
post credit scene embodies everything wrong with the film: taking on a shallow and reductive view of a very complex issue. the film ends up looking very childish just like every other one of McKay's films
Politicians are typically very charismatic and most at the top are fairly smart. Any movie/story that tries portraying them as bumbling idiots ends up seeming childish as you can tell they're just out to demonize the subjects, which could have still been done as someone smart and affable can also do things that are bad.
An example could be Rumsfeld with his famous comments about known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns. He was effectively talking about the Dunning Kruger effect, but it went over the heads of most people so there were regular jokes made on late night shows about it as though he was a complete idiot for it.