This picture says a lot about our society

This picture says a lot about our society

Attached: 967598.png (500x490, 155K)

Other urls found in this thread:

imagine making this thread lol

ok, now this is epic

Imagine posting in this thread

Attached: 799463A1-6FD5-442C-BDBC-6390B1E1A029.jpg (480x360, 28K)

















Attached: lnm7lhxfr6631.jpg (474x767, 77K)

does anyone else think OP might be a huge faggot?

I think you are a child piece of shit


Attached: Screen-Shot-2019-03-29-at-8.37.51-PM-554x524.png (554x524, 343K)


leftist memes are so bad that they almost make me want to side with ziocons.


Attached: D57B87WX4AEd1HI.jpg (750x934, 104K)

Attached: 890735.jpg (480x360, 35K)


Attached: 1546887798487.jpg (499x339, 50K)

Attached: 1564760478355.jpg (500x281, 28K)

getting cancer to own the libs

Attached: 1551094136734.jpg (1074x751, 818K)

Right wingers over the age of 35 couldn’t make a half funny meme with a gun to their head

Attached: 1557880318998.png (500x566, 100K)

Attached: 1539764132942.jpg (960x640, 139K)

Republicans were a mistake.

Attached: 1553089025582.jpg (800x1062, 109K)

>2016 election fucking massacred an already shitty site
Damn, can't imagine how bad things are gonna get by 2020

You're a manlet lmao

Fucking this. The left can't meme like us.

Attached: epic.jpg (624x552, 92K)

I'm socialist conservative. I believe the wealth should go back to the pleb instead of Wall Street bankers and crooked CEO, I also believe abortion and gay right should be banned and feminism is cancer. Why do I have to suck jew cock to pretend I'm conservative? Fuck republicans fuck trump

Pretty based

Attached: american politics.jpg (444x960, 46K)

Attached: pol boomers.png (500x499, 278K)

My feelings don't care about facts! What are you gonna do about, it, trumpflake?

Based Israel.

>chapo fags

50/50 odds Yea Forums is gone before the election honestly the way things are going

Woah, really makes u think...

Attached: occupy democrats white people.jpg (640x738, 273K)

wtf i love jews now


Attached: kirk.jpg (1080x2681, 485K)

more like cringeservative

Why are american politics such a fucking joke

we are allowed to have these kind of threads on 4channel?

Attached: aoc.png (822x572, 597K)

>potential blood clot
god damn they are some stupid muthafuckas

Pro-tip: Americans are fucking retarded.

8ch is already coming back and is using dark web type computer hopping so that it'll be impossible to censor or be shut down by the government etc.

Yeah, good luck with that, it will have 10 regular posters, tops.

Attached: xOnVEFqRP5jBKC.jpg (768x768, 104K)

I'll believe that when I see it. Sounds like a recipe for less stability/reliability that will inevitably just dump those tards here.

what is the uk

I have to remind myself they're not all retarded but there are millions of them

Attached: 1549063500770.jpg (894x894, 160K)

Boomers are pretty based when it comes to making memes desu

Attached: AF935EF1-B082-4251-ABC8-EEC9E706A62C.jpg (4032x3024, 2.54M)

I have lived in the UK and the US and let me tell you, the average American is much more retarded.

>dark web type computer hopping


Attached: boomermobile.jpg (2048x1536, 677K)

I was trying to word it in a way you retards would understand, i'm highly intelligent trust me.

Attached: high IQ.png (680x788, 117K)

Attached: 87616E04-F5D7-4220-ADDB-C93F35AB7418.jpg (4032x3024, 2.64M)

that's 8 more than 4channel has, because 98 percent of all the post here are me


I bet you enjoy the films of A24.

Are you from the UK?

wait, is that the boomer who sent all those bombs to democrats lmao

Boy the "Hillary is a stooge for Saudi money" thing didn't age well for Trump supporters

Attached: oh no no no.jpg (794x582, 117K)

Imagine being counter-counterculture just to own the conservatives.

Redpilled as fuck

Trump 2020

Looks like that was a different van lol

Attached: 18102.jpg (760x570, 127K)


Attached: 1302359079819.jpg (983x376, 50K)

ha yea boomer memes are great!

Attached: sd.png (455x661, 363K)

what are maga boomers going to focus all their meme energy on in 2020 now that Clinton isn't around? Seems like 90% of their shit was anti-clinton

What does this have to do with healthcare being a right or not? He didn't say anything about being denied care, rather just complaining about being denied a bed and having to sit outside while he waits his turn.

They can move on to Barack HUSSEIN Obama


Attached: centrism.jpg (891x782, 70K)

Yes I do, they are highly realistic

>free speech
>ban CNN

Attached: 1563996280760.jpg (715x715, 252K)

i like a good centrist meme

Attached: centristrick.jpg (600x600, 56K)

>we kek ass
Okay, alright, you got me, I laughed.

Attached: dyg5dqqu0aav2hk.jpg (749x898, 139K)

uh, yeah, i'm thinking this is based

>Loves God and Jesus

Attached: 1560616386184.gif (300x222, 637K)

No one is banning CNN or even talking about it.

I can't think of any of the main criticisms levelled at Hillary in 2016 that aged well for Trump supporters

there is literally #BANCNN in that picture you idiot

No I took those pictures, it was some guy I saw in a parking lot in Ohio

Ben Garrison is the Hideo Kojima of political cartoonists

don't you know trump is actually a spy, infiltrating both the Saudis and Epstein at the same time? least Trump isn't Jewish

>No one is banning CNN or even talking about it.
You do realise the whole "ignore the evidence of your eyes and ears" is not supposed to happen IRL, right?

Attached: womp womp.png (492x328, 313K)

Should have posted his daily tweets about how american healthcare is the best in the world with no wait time.

whichever meme candidate dems pick I would imagine

>Loves God and Jesus.

Jesus. Did you see the guy?

That means all content will be hosted by users locally so you are one cp image away from years in prison. Do pedos use the chans?

Attached: 12856781259961625.jpg (363x923, 65K)

>Do pedos use the chans?
8ch is (was?) infested with them. Like, its a joke that Yea Forums is full of pedos, but it's only one or two pics might slip by every now and then. There were full pedo boards on 8ch (anyone can create a board), it's what led them to being delisted from google search results

>separate bees for Yea Forums, pepe, and a guy with a v for vendetta mask

i think this guy legitimately needs to label more

I don't have to.

I will never get over this picture

Attached: trumpchannel.jpg (950x534, 64K)


Attached: 71pxcn5bwq831.jpg (1800x1247, 583K)

What message did the orb telepathically convey to him in that moment?

why do birds suddenly appear when your near...

Attached: bennyboi.jpg (512x767, 92K)

Needs happy merchant hoarding money on the side , saying “good goyim”

>unoccupied land

Attached: 16544553423.gif (334x251, 905K)

i don't know either. Like who is the audience for this one?

this has to be boomer bait.
>israel loves jesus
>setteled unoccupied land
>respect native lands

>Make Israel great again