Is Prime Video /our/ streaming service?

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Tone it down, shill. We’re not THAT retarded.

How much are The Boys shills getting paid?

Why are you people so obsessed with loyalty to corporations

The best show on Prime is Patriot, but yes prime > Hulu >>> Netflix

*blocks your path*

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Why do you talk like you just got here from Twitter?

Yes, I just subscribed right now to amazon prime video and got free 3 month trial. Hurry guys get it before its over and lets own those reddit onions.

Amazon Prime Video is just Kino. I can't wait for season 2 next year and to stay tuned to Lord of Rings series.

I know this is a shill thread, but that aside, TOTDY, while forgettable, is better than anything ever released on Netflix.

No, Shudder is.

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It's the end result of capitalism. People's entire identity is based around what they consume.

Pfft. You call those two the best of Prime? Go watch Patriot.

No. That would be Fox Nation.

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Epic! Me too, user. I even decided to cancel my netflix subscription. I also just ordered a new Kindle with my Prime membership, what a deal! Can’t wait for all these bargains. Thanks, Amazon!

All fedoratier shit shows

imagine being an unpaid shill, willingly shilling for a corporation FOR FREE.

imagine being a miserable old troll who can't appreciate old school ironic Yea Forums humour anymore

this, motherfuckers.
dc or marvel, and now netflix or prime? wtf dudes.
I watched the boys, and I think is a little bit of fresh air from capeshit, but I saw it in pirate website, lol.

cringe and boomerpilled

ironic shilling is still shilling, and unlike shitposting its never funny.

>he still uses piratebay

I use PTP but do propaganda for public trackers biiiiitch

I can't name any of the people on there except for Tucker and Hannity, and the only one I would listen to is Tucker.

amutticopes cant help but clap for their lords

>he's not on ptp
I love laughing at you paypigs

Why not use pirate bay...?

This, Patriot is the best show.

it has nothing but shitty overcompressed yify rips

you are my nigga

>Homelander ft Boyz
Yeah, I'm thinking they're based.

Thinking you are part of something
inherent human behaviour
retarded group > being alone and left out

It is the same reason why "I don't care what others think" is peak outcast mindset.

Oi, you got a loicense for that post?

very jewish mindset

that's exactly what you get from netflix streaming, and you have to pay for it

So what you're saying is that piratebay is based?

>thinking this is not human instincts
wew lad, are you perhaps an idiot?
fuck your cooperations though nigger

we've surpassed jewish tribalism user

Definitely. Movie selection is way better. I’m biased though because I like nostalgic 80s and 90s movies

yeah, I'm not using Kikeflix though. I'm privatechad.

>The ameritard transfers our ingrained or innate need to belong to a social group to corporations
Man, your life must be empty as fuck like the average zoomer's.

don't shoot up a school, woke user
Evolution is real if you like it or not


>brand loyalty
>he still doesn't get the point
I hope you only think that """"ironically"""". Have a last (You).

Wait shill you are not subscribed to a torrent?

real quick how does that work?

Joe Rogan?

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>1 token black
based af

This, piracy is still the patrician choice.

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Yes. Until a couple weeks ago I had subscriptions to Netflix, Hulu, Prime, and HBO Now. After a while I realized 80% of my viewing was on Prime. Dropped all the other services and picked up the HBO channel on Prime because the HBO Now app/website is fucking terrible to navigate.
Cringe. Tucker is the only guy on there worth a damn, everyone else is terrible.

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it's private for a reason.
look for an answer on

Judge Jeanine isn't black

It’s kinda hard to claim there is any level of retardation inaccessible to Yea Forums.

Clickfarm employees get paid in rice and fecal matter.

the guy on the top row, 3rd from the right isn't black?

Most people just got here from twitters and he is likely addressing them.

Don't know.

Dan Bongo is black though

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ok so it's torrents but invite only? what's the point?

Imagine being so retarded, you pay money for MORE of a propaganda network that already has 2 cable 24/7 cable networks.

Too Old To Die Young
The Tick

I was all ready to drop Prime, but then saw The Boys and heard about an Event Horizon tv show. They're getting another year from me.

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I have Prime and hate Netflix but everything about The Boys sounds Reddit as fuck.