Nazis? Don't like them

Nazis? Don't like them

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Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3444393,00.html'_plot

Fuck Nazis

what a bold and brave stance you fucking third grader


t. /pol/cel

>t. seething Nazi sympathizer
Kill yourself you fucking scum.



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why does Nu-Yea Forums white knight for Nazis?

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I saw this on a shirt recently



Don't you have a Walmart to shot up or something like that?

>opposing fascism means you're a communist

it's all so tiresome

His most heroic character. Dare say even his best role aside from Cliff Booth.

A fifty year old tank commander, kek. In reality they were half his age.

Ironic how the only decent character in the whole movie was the random SS mook at the end.

this was a really terrible movie. it was a fucking wwii movie full of gore and my wife was making fun of me watching it because it was so faggy. also this along with inglorious bastards, why is Hollywood allowing people to make movies showing nazis as normal to heroic people and Americans as stupid savages? will they just start depicting nazis as heroes at some point?

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Why do you oppose fascism?

he was told to

wouldn't wanna brother you at your workplace

It's pretty cringe ngl

Why would I support an ideology that loses?

Why do you support fascism?

What would some NCO tank commander know about Nazism to say he hated them?

No i read marx book and lenin imperialism as the highest stage of capitalism and izvestia articles and i slowly realised nazism is just a form of brutalistic porky regime opposing freedom of workers

>it's an "americans have no fucking idea what fascism even is" episode

>freedom of workers
this is bait right

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and there you have it. The brainless wojaks who have no arguments besides "my jewish professor in my gender studies class told me so". Why do I support fascism? It promotes nationalism, it promotes teamwork, it promotes a clean society, a society where dirty corporations know their place, but at the same time the people are treated as individuals and not as cogs to the state. It is the perfect ideology that combines every positive aspect of what a nation and a person is.

Fascists don't even have a set definition of what fascism is, with significant differences shown between Italian, German and even Spanish fascist parties during their inception, and nowadays their even more muddled due to lack of discussion and actual political force regarding the movements

>It is the perfect ideology that combines every positive aspect of what a nation and a person is.
If it's so perfect then why did it lose?

imagine being this cucked by capitalists

>Why do you oppose fascism?
>people are treated as individuals
>combines every positive aspect of what a nation and a person is

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Then why do you have a Nazi haircut, Mr. Spencer?

Buddy this line was stale in 1934 when they first tried it out

It promotes losing wars

I automatically assume that somebody is a nazi unless they say they hate nazis very loud and repeatedly on social media without provocation.

jews crushed it, read the zion protocols

>a society where dirty corporations know their place, but at the same time the people are treated as individuals and not as cogs to the state

Get fuck stormfag

Because it's a corporatist authoritarian ideology that is inherently militaristic and leads to war. Why would you support an ideology that strips you of all human rights?

So if it could be crushed and subverted then that means it's not perfect by any measure.

"Fascism" is National Socialism. The other versions don't really matter.

Probably because these were three entire separate regimes with entirely separate ideologies and only one of them ever called themselves "fascist," and they were lumped together simplistically

You all need to have sex

oh man (((leftists))) on JEWbook owned, amirite fren?

>a society where dirty corporations know their place
Fascism is corporatism at its core ya brainlet NatSoc in particular was especially bad in this regard

Hippies? Kill 'em all.

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>This is the perfect unbeatable best ideology
>But it lost to a group of people who we stereotype as weak, inferior whiners
Yeah, not sure how that works.

Brad mogs 99.9999% of the male population at 50. He's legit the peak alpha male of Modern America.

And just because he's a worker,
no class can free him but his own.
The emancipation of the working class
is the task of the worker alone.


Fucking idiot, also go to reddit to expect "BUT MUH ARGUMENTS" and not 4channel

>there are underage fascists ITT, probably virgins too

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imagine not being dead in a ditch somewhere because you live in a free society and didn't criticize the regime.

National Socialism

actual Fascism

regular military dictatorship as seen e.g. in all the CIA backed latin america coups

If somebody doesn't have a definition, it's retards calling everyone they don't like a nazi.

What are you even talking about, shit-for-brains?

different dude btw, it was a setup from the start

>at the same time the people are treated as individuals and not as cogs to the state.

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The new face of the alt-right

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See this user to understandYeah I know fascism was Italian, but that's apparently not common knowledge.

>but at the same time the people are treated as individuals and not as cogs to the state
Lmao, antisocials were literally thrown in concentration camps

>using virgin as an insult on 4chins

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classic flip and trace

t. virgin

Yeah, and jewish babies were forced to eat soap


>hitler youth haircut
lmao how insecure is hollywood?

>using virgin as an insult on 4chins

>Hitler was a Jewish plant theory

So nazism promoted individualism?

>Nazis didndu nuffin
why is it so hard for simps to realize that the Nazis actually were very authoritarian and brutal?

>calling it "hitler youth haircut"
Based retardo

they had the wars planned way before and brought events into action to heighten tensions, Hitler was legit

go back to chapo faggot

>Supporting a welfare model of politics just because it serves whites only

simp is from Yea Forums not chapo you absolute jabroni

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whites are the biggest takers of welfare and handouts in the USA

>Hitler was legit
>Ran a fake "Holocaust" didn't actually kill many Jews etc.
Sure buddy

There was no NatSoc corporatism. Hitler strictly opposed that. Mussolini did it though.

i believe it too
just start thinking for yourself
question where hitler got the funding to turn around weimar-depression-era germany. he was funded by international bankers. that's how they could afford total economic revitalization, new uniforms, new buildings, etc.

hitler was in on it the entire time. the stache is a dead giveaway. why do you think charlie chaplain made fun of him. i think the same is true about trump. why else would trump appoint an ex-rothschilds banker (wilbur ross), and an ex-goldman banker (gary cohn).

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Because they’re entranced by 80 year old propaganda and le snazzy Hugo Boss uniforms, and think any history book written after 1945 is the product of jewish conspiracy.

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>imagine watching fake wrestling
fucking soiboy

all of you take this shit back to twitter immediately

>We know from the interrogations of Funk in the Nuremberg jail after the war who some, at least, of the ”influential industrial magnates” whom Hitler sought out were. Emil Kirdorf, the union-hating coal baron who presided over a political slush fund known as the ”Ruhr Treasury” which was raised by the West German mining interests, had been seduced by Hitler at the party congress in 1929. Fritz Thyssen, the head of the steel trust, who lived to regret his folly and to write about it in a book called I Paid Hitler, was an even earlier contributor. He had met the Nazi leader in Munich in 1923, been carried away by his eloquence and forthwith made, through Ludendorff, an initial gift of 100,000 gold marks ($25,000) to the then obscure Nazi Party. Joining Thyssen was Albert Voegler, also a power in the United Steel Works. In fact the coal and steel interests were the principal sources of the funds that came from the industrialists to help Hitler over his last hurdles to power in the period between and 1933.

>But Funk named other industries and concerns whose directors did not want to be left out in the cold should Hitler make it in the end. The list is a long one, though far from complete, for Funk had a wretched memory by the time he arrived for trial at Nuremberg. It included Georg von Schnitzler, a leading director of I. G. Farben, the giant chemical cartel; August Rosterg and August Diehn of the potash industry (Funk speaks of this industry’s ”positive attitude toward the Fuehrer”); Cuno of the Hamburg-Amerika line; the brown-coal in-dustry of central Germany; the Conti rubber interests; Otto Wolf, the powerful Cologne industrialist; Baron Kurt von Schroeder, the Cologne banker, who was to play a pivotal role in the final maneuver which hoisted Hitler to power; several leading banks, among which were the Deutsche Bank, the Commerz und PrivatBank, the Dresdener Bank, the Deutsche Kredit Gesellschaft; and Germany’s largest insurance concern, the Allianz.

>only works for whites
Because it only CAN work for whites, smoothbrain. And perhaps East Asians.


amazing movie

>The big businessmen, pleased with the new government that was going to put the organized workers in their place and leave management to run its businesses as it wished, were asked to cough up. This they agreed to do at a meeting on February 20 at Goering’s Reichstag President’s Palace, at which Dr. Schachtacted as host and Goering and Hitler laid down the line to a couple of dozen of Germany's leading magnates, including Krupp von Bohlen, who had become an enthusiastic Nazi overnight, Bosch and Schnitzler of I. G. Farben, and Voegler, head of the United Steel Works. The record of this secret meeting has been preserved. Hitler began a long speech with a sop to the industrialists. ”Private enter-prise,” he said, ”cannot be maintained in the age of democracy; it is conceivable only if the people have a sound idea of authority and personality . . . All the worldly goods we possess we owe to the struggle of the chosen . . . We must not forget that all the benefits of culture must be introduced more or less with an iron fist.” He promised the businessmen that he would ”eliminate” the Marxists and restore the Wehrmacht (the latter was of special interest to such industries as Krupp, United Steel and I. G. Farben, which stood to gain the most from rearmament). ”Now we stand before the last election,” Hitler concluded, and he promised his listeners that ”regardless of the outcome, there will be no retreat.”If he did not win, he would stay in power ”by other means . . . with other weapons.” Goering, talking more to the immediate point, stressed the necessity of ”financial sacrifices” which ”surely would be much easier for industry to bear if it realized that the election of March fifth will surely be the last one for the next ten years, probably even for the next hundred years.

Unironically go read a book. NatSoc suppressed workers and were largely funded by big corporate interests in the 20s and 30s

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t. incel
have sex, sweaty

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>Deutsche Bank
So they were shitheads even then.


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hitler was legit as a national socialist leader, the holocaust didn't happen (intentional genocide) - Jews spin it as if it did for gain.?

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>he didn't watch the attitude era growing up
I can smell your low T from here zoomer

nobody calls it that dude, its just an undercut

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t.white guys

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Somebody please post that stonetosser comic with the fascist rope pulling
Its hilarious

>Boy, these wojaks will fix 'em, by golly! If this black wojak, doesn't do I'll use another wojak! Or maybe a Pepe!

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Is per capita a foreign concept to lefty faggots?


Really? You gonna quote the meme that is Shirer? Please. I.G Farben for example never send a single dollar to the National Socialists or the communists for that matter (they did send funds to other parties though)

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What is wrong with Shirer?

>I.G Farben for example never send a single dollar to the National Socialists

>Boy, i sute do like sucking up to my superiors, while blindly following dear leader
>after all, he did say he was what's best for me
>i also wouldn't dare to question those nice men dressed in all black wearing skulls who want to randomly search my home
>i sure do like dancing only state approved dances, wearing state approved clothes and reading state approved literature
>thinking for myself? Pfffffff what do we have dear leader for?

Authoritarian cocksuckers are the most cucked people on earth

8ch-an leftovers.

fascists deserve the bullet just as much as commies

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This but unironically

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>t. self hating /pol/cucked Amerimutt
You all should be unironically genocided

So retarded its good

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i dont even use /pol/ you fucking dumb baby


>What is wrong with Shirer?
He was a no-name American reporter who made up stuff. Extremely biased and he was never close to Hitler or the regime to have the supposedly detailed information about meetings and other stuff that he has.
What source? The Sydney Warburg story is a complete fabrication. Farben only worked with the Nazi regime after Hitler was elected, but they were never a supporters of him. In fact, the "big business" you talk about used Rohm to stage a coup-d-etat against Hitler

Which is why it worked out so well for every nation that implemented it
>n-no you don’t understand...t-true fascism has never been tried...

And I want my scalps

>burgers obsessed with the word and afraid to just say "Germans" as always

wow powerful, stunning and brave

>Which is why it worked out so well for every nation that implemented it
Why would jews want to implement National Socialism? It's entirely against their interests.


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Name a worse thread than this one

>btfo'd so hard he had to reply twice to the same post
Nazis literally shaking in their boots.

This joke was made at least three times in this thread.
Stop being an unoriginal cuck for once in your life. Or in case you're spamming this gay meme kill yourself and save us some oxygen

Capeshit threads
Sneed threads

>/pol/cucks get btfo
>b-bad thread!!11!!

yeah, I'm thinking this is based

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He's in the bidness of killin natzeys, and brother, bidness is-ah BOOMIN!

Dont reply to me ever again

Daily reminder that by the Nazis own might makes right philosophy they lost and have no right to complain since they were proven to be inferior to a superior foe that defeated them militarily, economically, culturally And ideologically.

imagine getting triggered when you hear someone say they don't like nazis

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What're you gonna do about it?

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Seethe more incel freak

I'm not even reading this shit. Just skipped through it, I noticed something that looked like examples of "evidence for things I deny are falsified because I said so". What's the point discussing anything with these morons. They have their own reasons for their beliefs and they don't care about the subject. Just purge the thread.

Im warning you!

>ever turning your back on the huns
Nuked the wrong country to be honest.

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absolute brainlet. read rise and fall of the third reich as BARE minimum reading before you advocate fascism. you're like a first semester gender studies whore flirting with communism.
>a society where dirty corporations know their place, but at the same time the people are treated as individuals and not as cogs to the state.
if this isn't bait, it's the most retarded thing I've ever heard on here. you just straight up swallowed 80 yo propaganda, congratulations

>d-don't reply to me ever a-again
Cries the /pol/cuck as he strikes out at you
Pathetic and onions response, YOU don't dare to reply to me ever again, cuck

>read rise and fall of the third reich as BARE minimum reading before you advocate fascism
Care to explain why?

Nah, Japan deserved the nukes. We should have made some more for Germany.

Im dead serious

>who made up stuff
Like what? Any examples?

>he was never close to Hitler or the regime to have the supposedly detailed information about meetings and other stuff that he has.
Because the detailed archives of Nazi Germany were opened up to him and a group of historians around 1960. It is why he has such immaculate information in his book since it was all based on primary documentation from Nazi Germany. It is also why Rise and Fall is generally still considered to be one of the premier books on the history of the Nazis.

>What source?
A source on your claim that IG Farben never donated a dollar to the Nazis

>the "big business" you talk about used Rohm to stage a coup-d-etat against Hitler
The supposed coup was just an excuse for Hitler to purge Rohm and a number of other SA leaders. Rohm never had any intention to lead a coup he merely wanted the SA integrated into the German Armed Forces.

>"We don't speak Mexican in this tank, only American"

i don't like kikes

Good thing they couldn't give less of a shit while they continue to cuck the supposed ""superior"" race into extinction

Dirty corporations are replaced by dirty tyrannical politicians and leaders. Congrats.

it's the most immediate and comprehensive account of hitlers rise to power, from a journalist who lived through it. it's definitely biased and written without all the information brought to light in later decades, but it's ideal for someone who knows nothing at all about the matter, i.e. the other poster.
if you're that poster, ask yourself why you should form opinions based on nothing at all. read books, even if you don't agree with/like them, actually you should read them especially if you feel like you won't agree with their message. saying radical things based on a gut feeling is nigger-tier or at best underageb8

>Like what? Any examples?
The entire book, for starters.
>Because the detailed archives of Nazi Germany were opened up to him and a group of historians around 1960
Then provide these archives so we can analyze them. Or you just rather take the word of a third rate American journalist? I can say I have the archives of the holohoax and they show nothing happened. What now?
>A source on your claim that IG Farben never donated a dollar to the Nazis
I think you're gonna have to provide one for that. How can I provide a negative?
>The supposed coup was just an excuse for Hitler to purge Rohm and a number of other SA leaders. Rohm never had any intention to lead a coup he merely wanted the SA integrated into the German Armed Forces.
A lot more than that. He and his cronies and backers wanted to recreate a revolution similar to that of the Soviet Union.

I don't understand how someone can be a nazi and be over 14 years old.

>I think you're gonna have to provide one for that. How can I provide a negative?
Lmao not even him but you made the claim, the burden of proof is on you

Get the fuck out of here you dilating faggot. All you reddit shitters and maganiggers aren't welcome here either. Understand that people who come on here, couldn't give a fuck about your clean society of repressed faggots, talking about "MUH NATIONALISM" while Pablo fucks your wife behind that white picket fence.

You got kicked out of Reddit because soys don't want to tolerate you, and you come here spewing your half assed ideological beliefs. You have to go back.

Ugh, actually retard, he made the claim. Farben only worked with the Nazis on synthetic oil and coal much later.

World would have been better if Germany won WWII.


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Yeah, you’d be dead

This thread needs some hard dilating, stat.

Don't quote nobody.

>The entire book, for starters.
How? Can you give me any examples of these supposed inaccuracies?

>Then provide these archives so we can analyze them
Rise and Fall has a long list of citations within it you can refer to. The footnotes are extensive

>I can say I have the archives of the holohoax and they show nothing happened.
Because we have actual sources for things like the Holocaust which has been reviewed and corroborated by a number of historians / academics.

>I think you're gonna have to provide one for that.
Refer to the quote I posted from Rise and Fall

>How can I provide a negative?
You're claiming IG Farben never donated a dollar to the Nazis despite the fact that their donations have been pretty well documented by people like Shrier among others. What evidence do you have to suggest that this never happened? What do you base this on? Is it just a coincidence that IG Farben benefited tremendously from the Nazis once they rose to power?

>He and his cronies and backers wanted to recreate a revolution similar to that of the Soviet Union.
Some of the more extremist elements in the SA wanted never ending revolution yes but not in the sense that they wanted to overthrow Hitler. Rohm never even considered such talks. The SA was filled with radicals that wanted to uproot society while Hitler wanted to stabilize the nation post election. It is this conflict that planted the seeds for the purge along with other issues like the desired integration of the SA into the armed forces by Rohm

>believing that the regime would have been supportive of you being a NEET on a chink image board that literally has a tranny board among other highly intellectual board such as Yea Forums and incel haven such as /r9k/
That's a yikes from me dawg.

Everyone sees this guy replying to himself, right?

>World would have been better if Germany won WWII.
Correct. I don't understand how anyone even tries do deny it at this point.

But I'm not?

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>How? Can you give me any examples of these supposed inaccuracies?
Already gave you one. Isn't that what we are talking about?
>Rise and Fall has a long list of citations within it you can refer to.
Provide one.
>Because we have actual sources for things like the Holocaust
Okay, post one source of the holohoax.
>Refer to the quote I posted from Rise and Fall
Again, you're using the word of third party sources and taking them as a gospel. No wonder you're such a moron.
>despite the fact that their donations have been pretty well documented by people like Shrier among others.
Documented where? All you have posted so far is his word which you have taken as the truth. But there's no documentation of anything.
>Some of the more extremist elements in the SA wanted never ending revolution yes but not in the sense that they wanted to overthrow Hitler. Rohm never even considered such talks.
Plain wrong. Rohm was growing very dissatisfied of Hitler after taking power, talking bad about him in public and continuing to agitate and create unrest despite Hitler's repeated warnings to stop.

Why? They couldn't have held most of the land they took, the entire Reich was based around hero worship of a single dude with no known heir(biological or otherwise) and their economy was sustained heavily by wartime production. If your answer is some shit like no degeneracy then you're a retard considering the 50's were probably the furthest from "degenerate" the west had been for a century.


>you're a retard considering the 50's were probably the furthest from "degenerate" the west had been for a century
I can't belive people actually fall for the 50s meme; it was actually a time of unprecedented progressivism that set up the stage for the 60s

The 50's were like when you go into the moon in Majora's Mask.

Everything seems lush and green and peaceful but you are already dead.

It's too late.

You know I wouldn't really mind if they started making alt righters the go-to Bad Guys in blockbusters
It's always literal Nazis or Russians and it's boring af

Not the guy you're arguing with, but holy shit, do your own homework you faggot.

>punch a nazi!

If you have nothing really to say, why even post? Did your autism trigger the need for you to needlessly post stupid shit?


>Already gave you one
Yes the claim you made about IG Farben never having donated to the Nazis. What do you base this on? Where did you get this information?

>Provide one.
Shrier lists a number of sources including the diary of Goebbels, court records of the Nazis own such as the trial of Van Der Lubbe, internal documents of the Ministry of Economics among others.

>Okay, post one source of the holohoax.
The Destruction of the European Jews is a great book on this matter.
Einsatzgruppen records:

>Again, you're using the word of third party sources and taking them as a gospel.
Shrier's claims have all been corroabarated and is all based on the primary documents from the Nazis themselves. He cites his sources through pages of footnotes and his work has generally been regarded as some of the best on the matter.

>No wonder you're such a moron.
You haven't even read the book faggot and you're trying to condemn the mans work. You can't even list one inaccuracy with it because you don't even know what's in it.

>Documented where?
In the works of Shrier, Tooze, Evans, and Spielvogel among others

>All you have posted so far is his word
Do you not understand how citations work?

>Rohm was growing very dissatisfied of Hitler after taking power
Yes Rohm and the SA grew restless due to Hitler putting the Armed Forces as a higher priority over them once their usefulness came to an end but there was never any talk of a coup on the part of Rohm. No evidence to suggest so.

jeez they sure are out today

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I don't even know what the essay writers are arguing about ITT

It's crazy that the Holocaust didn't happen...

post height and jaw

imagine 6 million bodies never being found; nazis had some next level tech

Have sex.

You literally have to be braindead to fall for nazi memes. It's just the same old repacked "muh triablism" that unga people from the stoneage used.

Do you think they counted all the bodies from WW1 and WW2 individually when making estimates of the death toll?

do you think anyone counted any bodies when they were making up numbers to use as propaganda against a defeated regime?

5-6 million Jews disappeared from Europe following WW2 if not killed in the Holocaust where did they go?

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Nazis are gone. tattooed skinheads would be considered untermensch and they know it

>Nazis are gone
seeing how they only become a larger and larger bugaboo as time goes by, this probably should be said more often

>The 50's were actually super progressive guys, no I don't have any proof just trust me
>Also I'm just going to ignore any of the other points regarding flaws with late 1930s Germany regarding holding land and transition from a wartime state focused on a one man rule.
>Video game metaphor
No one gives a shit

>What do you base this on? Where did you get this information?
On the fact it never happened? As I said, I can't prove a negative. The burden of proof is on you.
>Shrier lists a number of source
Post them so we can analyze them. How do the Goebbels diaries give a closer look to Hitler's business dealings, for example?
>Einsatzgruppen records:
The records that weren't collaborated in any way and which Manstein disputed at the Nuremberg trials, along with so many inconsistencies? Einsatzgruppen's goal was to suppress partisanship, not kill jews. They were also an extremely small group to carry out the things said in those "documents".
>Shrier's claims
Oh, Shirer claims. A guy that is extremely biased in his books claims that. Okay, I better believe him then.
>You can't even list one inaccuracy with it because you don't even know what's in it.
"Children of tender years were invariably exterminated since by reason of their youth they were unable to work.”
We know that is not true. His whole book is a biased inaccuracy and he had no relationship with the Nazis.
>In the works of Shrier, Tooze, Evans, and Spielvogel among others
Oh god. Can you please post these documents and stop playing stupid? Are you a brainless sheep that you take what someone tells you as a fact?
>Do you not understand how citations work?
Then post the citations instead. Why use him as your mouth piece?
>Yes Rohm and the SA grew restless due to Hitler putting the Armed Forces as a higher priority over them once their usefulness came to an end but there was never any talk of a coup on the part of Rohm.
Pretty sure organizing a second revolution in opposition to the ideas of your leader is the very definition of a coup.




according to modern liberalism the Allies are all Nazis to for discriminating against blacks and gender fluid bodies in the 1941s

so ya fuck Nazis
fuck Germany
fuck UK
and fuck USA


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both parents have a type I see.

this guy gets it

fucking owned

by a nigger too no less

the step shirts are kinda cringe ngl, but its a pretty qt picture, seems the girl has a loving family. There can usually be a lot of drama with divorced couples but they seem to handling it well.

so this is the kind of cuck that hates nahtzees

>On the fact it never happened?
How do you know this? What do you base this information on? All the sources I've seen have stated IG Farben made donations to the Nazi party. For example:
>Farben executives gave the Nazis 400,000 marks, and a total of 4.5 million marks by the end of 1933, according to The Crime and Punishment of I.G. Farben. This infusion of corporate cash saved the Nazi Party from financial disaster.
Where have you heard it claimed IG Farben never donated a dollar to the Nazis?

>How do the Goebbels diaries give a closer look to Hitler's business dealings, for example?
Goebbels diary was used to provide background on the dealings of the party in its early days. For example it discusses how the Nazis came close to financial ruin after the dissolution of the Reichstag and how they nearly didn't have enough money to run their various election campaigns

>The records that weren't collaborated in any way
You mean corroborated? And yes they have.

>along with so many inconsistencies?
Like what? What specifically?

>Einsatzgruppen's goal was to suppress partisanship
And you base that off what?

>They were also an extremely small group
Not particularly

>Oh, Shirer claims
You mean the ones that have backed up by primary documents from the Nazis themselves? Don't cut my sentence off like that it's a very kike way to argue with people

>We know that is not true.
How? Martin Gilbert estimates about 1 million children were killed in the Holocaust. The Nazis were killing children even before the war with things like Aktion T4

>His whole book is a biased inaccuracy
You've never even fucking read it

>he had no relationship with the Nazis.
He never claims he did

>Can you please post these documents and stop playing stupid?
What documents do you want exactly? I have listed a source for the Farben quote and a number of other historians that corroborate it.


nothing wrong with them taking their kid to soccer, unless you don't like black people, which yes would at least make you a racist.

but yeah i don't like nazies either.

>Are you a brainless sheep that you take what someone tells you as a fact?
You just claimed the Einsatzgrupen were anti-partisan units and you complain about others being sheep? How does it feel regurgitating 80 year old propaganda brainlet?

>Then post the citations instead
I just listed a number of the sources Shrier cites. Goebbels diary for example.

>Pretty sure organizing a second revolution in opposition to the ideas of your leader is the very definition of a coup.
You don't know what a coup is. They weren't looking to overthrow the existing Nazi government. They were looking to keep the revolutionary aspect of the movement going similar to how Lenin spoke of wanting society to be in a state of permanent revolution. This did not equal the overthrow of the Bolesheviks in the Soviet Union nor did it mean the overthrow of the Nazis in Germany.


Dilate you tranny commie.

What a dishonest, garbage movie

You seem pretty upset

>What a dishonest, garbage movie

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post height and jaw

>Einsatzgruppen's goal was to suppress partisanship, not kill jews
Awfully convenient that so many of those partisans just happened to be Jews and were all killed by shots to the back of the neck, a very common injury in a firefight

>thread still going on
can't we just agree hitler and the nationalists are heroes and the world going to shit is largely a result of NS military defeat? is it too much to ask this modicum of sanity?

>at the same time the people are treated as individuals and not as cogs to the state
Mass killings of the disabled because they're not productive enough sure sounds like not treating people as cogs of the state...

Why is it always the Americans with the NEETSoc fetish?

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The world has always been going to shit, user. You really think you'd be happier in a world where the Axis won?

I'm not american nor have a NS fetish; they were deeply flawed in many ways, it's just they still are infinitely better than anything we've seen since

>You really think you'd be happier in a world where the Axis won?
how can you have any doubt about this in 2019

>a society where dirty corporations know their place
>NSDAP Germany
Where do you even get this shit from? Porsche was literally allowed to produce 100 absolutely fucked tank designs (before any contract was issued) with state resources and no punishment was ever meted out

>authoritarian system
>short run success usually turns into long term stagnation (Hitlers own economic adviser told him German economy would crumble unless they took resources from nearby states)
>multiple government bodies that contradict each other or just server no purpose
The only good thing I can say about it is that its better then communism and the nationalism aspect of it is good

Yeah, I’m thinking he’s based.

obviously the world would be a much better place if the axis powers had won

>when you realize this Hollywood isn't very far from Once Upon a time in Hollywood


>hollywood and the video game industry think putting anti-nazi themes in your product is somehow defiant and needs to be said

it's not like the entire world has been taught "nazis are bad" for 70 fucking years

>murican war movie
>german people as a whole get demonized 70+ years after the war
>future generations have to "suck it up" after being ridiculed of for things they never had anything to do with
>they are not allowed to speak up against anti-german propaganda

I fucking hate this industry.

>it's just they still are infinitely better than anything we've seen since

>he still thinks Facism is jew free and not just a meme ideology created by jews to get krauts to destroy Europe again
Always remember who appointed Hitler to power and who gave him more power

Cry more Fritz

are you kidding? just the fact they were nationalists while the regimes in the west adopted feminism and non-white mass immigration, basically started destroying their own peoples, a couple decades after ww2 makes them infinitely better

Germans in general are jewish plant race when you think about

>how can you have any doubt about this in 2019
I'm not defending the modern world but I don't see how being press-ganged into the service of an ideologically confused BDSM cult would be any better than my life now.

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In return, countries like Russia, China, Iran and several muslim nations create propaganda against the USA for waging unwarranted wars and being a general thread to world peace. I guess we're even now.

based, welfare is just a means for governments to keep down the masses which allows them to enact policies against the states and peoples interests

great meme, my commie friend, don't forget to do your part in fighting white supremacy by blowing your brains out

>just the fact they were nationalists
That wasn't exactly unique in their time almost every western nation was pretty nationalist at that point

>the regimes in the west adopted feminism and non-white mass immigration
That didn't happen in a vaccum. The reason that sort of liberal shit became so popular was because right wing nationalism and ethnic nationalism became so tainted by the Nazis and their autism. Their militarism and expansionism fucked up the right irrecoverably and its impact can still be felt to this day

>makes them infinitely better
I really don't understand why you think your life would be better under a militaristic dictatorship.

Cry more, incel.

>Nazis praise Hitler for exposing Jews
>also claim he did nothing against Jews despite knowing what they are capable of, then starts a war that ultimately benefited jews
>Same man was also appointed by jews and put his nation into massive debt by burrowing jew money
Something tells me that Hitler was indeed a zog puppet

Honestly nationalism and a connection to your country is the best way to curb pollution; by making your nation sacred you value what happens in it.
Liberalism is merely the preacher of consumerism, hiding under a veneer of altruism.

So you agree the jews are the source of the problems in the world?

>blaming all of societies ills on a vague boogeyman
peak brainlet

>s-so you agree the jews are the source of the problems in the world?

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If Americans knew that Nazis would be used as a symbol of white evil to subjugate their descendants, they would've never fought them.

>The Jews are hiding my job and my qt gf from me!

Well you just said Hitler was funded by the jews, therefore placing the entirety of the blame of the war on them. Honk honk.

the only thing vague about jews is their excuses for being expelled from over half the world's countries at one point or another lmao

Do it again Harris

>Well you just said Hitler was funded by the jews, therefore placing the entirety of the blame of the war on them. Honk honk.
Lol, he isn't even shitposting, he's unironically this much of a brainlet who can't even comprehend a simple post.

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>Well you just said Hitler was funded by the jews
I never said that brainlet.

Who do you think made nationalism look so bad, user?

The jews are responsible for all the prior wars in the Middle East, the current inflation, the 2008 financial crisis, the cultural shift in America, and the refugee crisis in Europe.
I never mentioned someone's dating life.

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>the only thing vague
Ok if it isn't vague name some of the Jews that subverted Germany. Be specific.

More Europeans (whites) have lost power and been kicked out of more countries, across more continents, in just the last 200 years alone lmao.

the people hitler was fighting, you retard

pic related

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>The jews are responsible for all the prior wars in the Middle East, the current inflation, the 2008 financial crisis, the cultural shift in America, and the refugee crisis in Europe.
Which ones? Who specifically?

In way that is right, because the USSR would be gone but at the same time so would the reich considering Germany would be incapable of even keeping most of its territorial gains especially when they started enacting more ethnic cleansing policies along with rebel groups being funded by countries such as the US and Britain due to the fact Germany was never going to be able invade those areas effectively

The absolute state of you m8

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Why is it not normal to shit on commies and Mao and Stalin? They killed far more than Hitler

They were fighting for their own countries you fucking sperg, I don't recall any statements by Churchill about black being beautiful or some shit, so fuck off with this shit
How is it not common? For 60 fucking years the USA and the rest of the west shit on commies in media

>it's not like the entire world has been taught "nazis are bad" for 70 fucking years

Gee I wonder who could be behind that

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>Why is it not normal to shit on commies and Mao and Stalin? They killed far more than Hitler

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>ideology that might and will are the only true virtues; that victory alone decides virtue

I want chapocucks and /pol/fags to leave

Kissless virgin

>not as cogs to the state.
Bro fascism is collectivist, just like the commies the state > the individual. Stop being retarded

The Iraq War, Syrian Civil War, Afghanistan War.

>A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm (commonly known as the "Clean Break" report) is a policy document that was prepared in 1996 by a study group led by Richard Perle for Benjamin Netanyahu, the then Prime Minister of Israel.[1] The report explained a new approach to solving Israel's security problems in the Middle East with an emphasis on "Western values." It has since been criticized for advocating an aggressive new policy including the removal of Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq and the containment of Syria by engaging in proxy warfare and highlighting its possession of "weapons of mass destruction". Certain parts of the policies set forth in the paper were rejected by Netanyahu.[2][3]

>Richard Norman Perle (born September 16, 1941) is a former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Global Strategic Affairs who served under President Ronald Reagan. He began his political career as a senior staff member to Senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson on the Senate Armed Services Committee in the 1970s.[2] He served on the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee from 1987 to 2004 where he served as chairman from 2001 to 2003 under the Bush Administration before resigning due to conflict of interests.

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Yes, the French and Poles only dislike Nazis because Jews tell them to.

No other reasons.

Because Stalin was a Zionist who helped arm Israel and was the first leader to recognise it

>be harris
>burn german civilians
>now the jews, marxists, and similar minded human trash that you protected are making your people a minority in your own country
kek based retard; I wonder how many descendants of british soldiers have been raped by pakis

>They were fighting for their own countries you fucking sperg
they were useful idiots who fought against someone they should be allying with

>I don't recall any statements by Churchill about black being beautiful or some shit, so fuck off with this shit
he was an useful idiot who saw the beginnings of what he himself caused

>He thinks people don't shit on Stalin and Mao all the time
LMAO, get it

Ah yes I forgot how French and poles control the western media and entertainment industry

>Last October, Sheldon Adelson, the gaming multibillionaire, accompanied a group of Republican donors to the White House to meet with George W. Bush. They wanted to talk to the President about Israel. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was organizing a major conference in the United States, in an effort to re-start the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, and her initiative had provoked consternation among many rightward-leaning American Jews and their Christian evangelical allies. Most had seen Bush as a reliable friend of Israel, and one who had not pressured Israel to pursue the peace process. Adelson, who is seventy-four, owns two of Las Vegas’s giant casino resorts, the Venetian and the Palazzo, and is the third-richest person in the United States, according to Forbes. He is fiercely opposed to a two-state solution; and he had contributed so generously to Bush’s reëlection campaign that he qualified as a Bush Pioneer. A short, rotund man, with sparse reddish hair and a pale countenance that colors when he is angered, Adelson protested to Bush that Rice was thinking of her legacy, not the President’s, and that she would ruin him if she continued to pursue this disastrous course. Then, as Adelson later told an acquaintance, Bush put one arm around his shoulder and another around that of his wife, Miriam, who was born in Israel, and said to her, “You tell your Prime Minister that I need to know what’s right for your people—because at the end of the day it’s going to be my policy, not Condi’s. But I can’t be more Catholic than the Pope.” (The White House denies this account.)

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>Nationalism means doing whatever Germany tells you to do
You're fucking retarded, you bitch about Israel doing this exact same shit

Weird how Netanyahu wasn't Israel's PM or President at them time and the actual leaders of Israel were against the invasion of Iraq.

>US State Department has said that political, diplomatic and military officials in Israel warned the United States against invading Iraq even before the American forces entered the country.
>According to the official, Israel tried to convince the Bush administration that the main problem in the region was Iran, not Iraq.
>According to Wilkerson, the Israeli advice was apparently triggered by reports reaching Israeli officials in December 2001 that the Bush administration was beginning serious planning for an attack on Iraq.
>Israel explained to senior US officials that "if you are going to destabilize the balance of power, do it against the main enemy [Iran]."
>Soon after Israeli officials got wind of that planning [American invasion of Iraq], Prime Minister Ariel Sharon asked for a meeting with Bush primarily to discuss US intentions to invade Iraq.
>In the weeks preceding Sharon's meeting with Bush on February 7, 2002, a procession of Israeli officials conveyed the message to the US administration that Iran represented a greater threat, according to a Washington Post report on the eve of the meeting.,7340,L-3444393,00.html

America literally blackmailed Israel into complying with them over it.


Not to the same extent as Hitler you retard. There's a fucking statue of Lenin in Seattle. Go build a statue of Hitler in the square of any American town and see how fast the Jewish upper class get you and your family killed.

>Stalin was a Zionist
Why are you refuse to do any reading outside of your echo chambers?
>The Doctors' plot (Russian: дeлo вpaчeй, lit. 'doctors' case', also known as the case of doctors-saboteurs (вpaчи-вpeдитeли) or doctors-killers (вpaчи-yбийцы) was an antisemitic campaign organized by Joseph Stalin. In 1952–1953, a group of predominantly Jewish doctors from Moscow were accused of conspiring to assassinate Soviet leaders.[1] This was later accompanied by publications of anti-Semitic character in the media, which talked about the threats of Zionism and condemned people with Jewish names. Many doctors, officials and others, both Jews and non-Jews, were promptly dismissed from their jobs and arrested.'_plot

Kys Shlomo


The Poles have their own national socialism lmao

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>How dare they not ally with the person who's been invading their country?
Why the fuck would the French or British ally with Germany while they are invading them.
You can't just REEE about invading shitskins then say how dare these Western countries not ally with the eternal kraut who's invading.

what does this have to do with jews? majority of jews in america are left-leaning and anti-war and are labelled as cucks and traitors for being against america's foreign wars. wait, are you cherry-picking a handful of jews lol?

take a shower
hit the weights
gain height
have sex
get a clue

It isn't national socialist, it's just turbo Polish nationalist, it's explicitly anti-Kraut too

>they should be allying with
Why would they ally with an aggressive militaristic dictatorship that they spent hundreds of thousands of lives fighting just 20 years before?

>they were useful idiots who fought against someone they should be allying with
Once again, this image

Plausble deniability. You go kill our enemy and set the stage for invading him according to our plans, then we'll pretend as if we don't want that.

Based historylet retard

based Yea Forums Chad going over clean on the NEETSoc vanilla midgets

*explicitly anti-EU, and determinedly antisemitic.

National Socialist "thought" in the post war amounts to "Germany can do no wrong and everyone should just suck its dick"

Nice cope. The actual JEWISH state was against invading Iraq. You lose this round. Nice try though.

we shit on commies all the time, its just we also shit on people who think Fascism is a good alternative

It's so unfair that based nazibros have to deal with this constant harassment from all these sjw commies.

All we want to do is to kill or imprison everyone who disagrees with us, is that really so bad?

Lenin isn't Stalin you dumbfuck. That's like saying that a statue of Wilhelm is the same as Hitler.

You didn't deny a single thing I said. In the 1948 war, israels major source of arms were the USSR and eastern bloc and the first country to officially recognise them was the USSR.

why do stormfags lose every single ''"debate""" on here?

Oh yeah it makes such a fucking difference. Kill yourself idiot. You know what I wrote is correct.

>Yes, the French and Poles only dislike Nazis because Jews tell them to.
the absolute state of you brainlets

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>and the actual leaders of Israel were against the invasion of Iraq.

This is the most boldfaced lie I've ever seen. Israel was urging the destruction of Iraq since 1988 and the Jewish lobby in congress since then had begun kvetching about Kurds and other stuff

lenin and stalin are the same trash; lenin appointed stalin ffs

Funny enough, Israel was also a major supporter of the Rhodesian government during the Rhodesian war, and was south africa's biggest trade partner and support during it's apartheid years.

>You didn't deny a single thing I said
You just said Stalin was a zionist despite the fact he ran anti-Semitic campaigns and jailed Jews in his own country ya brainlet.

It ignores the fact Stalin cracked the shits shortly after when the Jews didn't go commie like he assumed they would though

yeah, not because nazis killed millions of poles and planned on partitioning their country. not to mention the brutality the average frenchman lived under nazi occupation - forced into slave labor (often in other countries) and curfews and imprisoned/executed for questioning anything

You know, what claims of Jewish conspiracy get right is the assertion that they're dominant in American mass media.

What it gets terribly wrong is the central thesis of a conspiracy. You ever get two Jews in the same room? You'll rarely find agreement.

Ben Shapiro and Bernie Sanders don't want the same thing. If you want to be really bold, don't just name the Jews, but name THE Jew - actually bother to name names and specify who, exactly, is the source of your problems.

>majority of jews in america are left-leaning and anti-war

back that opinion up with some evidence, here is top Democrat jew Schumer whining about the Iran deal, loving his verbage though, a master at obfuscation.

>Therefore, I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option, nor to challenge the path of diplomacy. It is because I believe Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power. Better to keep U.S. sanctions in place, strengthen them, enforce secondary sanctions on other nations, and pursue the hard-trodden path of diplomacy once more, difficult as it may be.

Israel stopped that when Iran became a bigger threat and aimed their direction elsewhere, you geopoliticlaly ignorant mutt. Iraq was useful against Iran.

Just furthers the point they are racist hypocrites and only cry when those policies are targeted against kikes

>They're the same I s-swear
Not in kill counts, how they're viewed by Russians or in any way whatsoever. Also nice samefag

>Support white governments against shitskins
>This is bad according to /pol/

>nice cope

kek, they used that to worm out of helping "their greatest ally" the US in the invasion- not a single Israeli soldier helped. Of course nations like Tonga or the DR helped. Fucking hilarious.

there is literally nothing wrong with being a nazi

>Not in kill counts
lenin is ultimately to blame for the red terror, and for all stalin caused, and for the existence of that unholy communist regime in general

Insecure that someone else thinks you're a retard too for making such a stupid argument? Hitler IS satan in our atheist society. Nothing else compares and everyone knows it, even someone as simple as you.

Yeah that's why Israel armed and supported Iran throughout the war and bombed Iraq. Israel always urged the US to destroy both those countries. In 2003 they had an extremely right wing government that had just invaded the Palestinian authority and Iraq was the Arafat's main financial backer

Israel never stopped, they just whined about Iran more because Hezbollah had become a legitimate force in Lebanon.

Post height and jaw

>Lenin is to blame for the red terror
Well again going by this logic the actions of Wilhelm leading to WW1 directly set the stage for Hitler's rise to power.

Love seeing that fake laughter when someone like you has been BTFO and can't refute anything.
>not a single Israeli soldier helped
Gee, I never knew a mutt could be THIS ignorant about his own country and allies. No Arab country (especially at the time) recognized Israel's right to exist and have been very much against Israel's involvement in their country's matters - which is why Israel has only been relegated to helping Christian Militias in Lebanon (during the 1st Lebanon war). Brainlet.

Found the kike.


I love it when kikes show their true face. In Israel they routinely call Obama a nigger. They are the most racist people on earth but call everyone else under the face of the sun an antisemite


Attached: my jaw.png (507x303, 148K)

What do you think the red terror was user? It's literally part of the Civil War

>why aren't israel's policies and attitudes the exact same for 30 years when other countries attitudes and leaders change
lol, can't believe this isn't a shitpost.

daily reminder that if you think pic related is odd in any kind of way you are a racist nazi who deserves to be unpersoned and unable to maintain a career. same goes for if you think it's strange that the only thing that gets passed with overwhelming bipartisan support in congress is condemnations of antisemitism and anti-BDS laws.

and anyway even if jews do have an outsized presence in meda, finance, politics it's not nepotism but simply that they have higher IQs and a cultural predisposition to working hard

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>I wonder how many descendants of british soldiers have been raped by pakis

I see nothing wrong with this. Anglos and Americans are the Jews pet golem and have hand-in-hand helped them destroy the world. They deserve everything that happens to them

>Neither American interests nor the 'security of Jews' are served by an endless war in Iraq that has made the U.S. less able and willing to confront the nuclear threat from Iran and the moral horror of Darfur," Yoffie wrote. My response: "So the whole point of opposing Iraq was for America to be able to confront Iran? This doesn't seem very convincing." It still doesn't. American Jews opposed the war without much regard to the interests of Israel (and I'm not saying the war served the interests of Israel well, just that it wasn't the issue for American Jews).


>no, we shouldn't go to war with Iraq, the US, I mean we need to go to war with Iran!

>All the Jews hate blacks
>I have no actual proof, but they're racist I swear
Sure buddy. Also the entire south calls Obama a nig too, who gives a shit

>I talk about politics on anime websites

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More fake laughter after you've been BTFO. You still haven't refuted anything. You did, however, try and for that I applaud you brainlet.

What happened to judging those who are well behaved, and genociding the rest regardless of color?

Even David Tennet outright stated it was the Jews that were trying to manufacture a case for invasion and outright ignoring evidence against wmd

>I defend NatSoc on an anime image board

Attached: Unit.jpg (677x1024, 55K)

*george tenet

>What happened to judging those who are well behaved, and genociding the rest regardless of color?

Yes, if we did this im sure it would work out where there was an equally proportionate amount of "well behaved" people from each demographic

Have sex

>why yes, I do have very strong political beliefs, how could you tell?

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imagine pulling her pants down and taking a deep, 10 second inhale of her ass

Yeah, look at the dates, moron.
>no no no, it can't be that my own country started pressuring allies to go along with no no it's not strange that were saying something completely different before
Lol, what a brainlet.

you sound like a complete faggot rn you at least know that right?

America has literally no national interest in being at war with Arab countries. Only Israel benefits from that and from their slave taking out a main regional enemy

Do you honestly believe the Jewish lobby also has nothing to do with the war in Syria?

see a lot of posts are like this one nowadays. theres no fun in trolling or shitposting anymore, you just seem legitimately mad. theres so much anger and vitriol in this post it makes me kind of sad.

fcking tarnny

>get btfo
>well look at the dates, he uh changed his mind

get the fuck out OBVIOUS JEW

>America has literally no national interest in being at war with Arab countries
Yeah, America has absolutely no interest in occupying and setting up puppets in that particular region. Lol, I'm LOVING the amount of mental gymnastics you're going through.
>Only Israel benefits from that and from their slave taking out a main regional enemy
Yeah, Israel was really going to benefit from removing their #1 friend against Iran - a Sunni in charge of a Shiite majority country - and handing over that power to Shiites to become an ally to their #1 enemy.

Holy shit, didn't know we'd be reaching these levels of of retardation.

stormfags still getting rekt

ya boilin

>Yeah, Israel was really going to benefit from removing their #1 friend against Iran

Are you fucking retarded? Saddam was financially supporting pallies up until 2003 and Pan-Arabism and Baathism are much more ideologically dangerous to Israel than islamism is. Israel had never been "friends" with him and had helped Iran fight him in the 80's

>Yeah, Israel was really going to benefit from removing their #1 friend against Iran

You kikes literally, repeatedly, bombed Iraq throughout the 80s while Saddam fired rockets and missiles at you.

not really im just concerned as to why you keep typing like a moron. its not really that funny

ya simmerin

Did with ur mom lel

No one shits on commies, America is communist now and antifa runs free.

based but blackpilled
commies were running free in weimar as well yk

>Not shower after working out.
Incel confirmed.

>Constant strawman and personal attacks

Circumcised Defense force. UNITE!

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