Will it flop?

Will it flop?

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Yes, people only watch Disneyshit and horror movies.


Yeah it will flop.

No. It will be the scifi LOTR. The franchise of the decade.

Oh yeah but it'll be kino. Dune is just not source material that will appeal to the current masses.

No doubt. And he won't get to finish the second part.


It will probably have a slightly better box office to budget ratio than BR2049.

It'll definitely flop but let's hope it's good at least

Blade Runner scenario. It'll make about what it cost to make and market. Not a loss but not worth the effort from the studio execs view.

It will be one of those cult classics that do average sales on release but will be remembered for generations

Definitely. I just hope it doesn't lead to Part 2 getting canceled.

There will be a second part?

Flop? Yes
Be KINO? Definitely yes

All in all, good trade

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Possibly. They cast popular actors so that might bring in people, but nobody really cares about the books, unlike LOTR (which is a great accessible book for teenagers).
Dune is just slightly-above-average dadcore trash for nerds and old people.

by you putting it on such a high pedestal, it will now flop well done user

>Dune is just slightly-above-average dadcore trash for nerds and old people.

Stargate pretty much began as a knock off Dune and they ended up making one of the best sci-fi tv shows ever. It can't be that bad.

Yea. For some reason critics go hard on sci-fantasy shit that isn’t made by Disney or obnoxiously woke. Probably cause critics are just pretending to like that other stuff. Either way, any alternative nerd shit gets an organized smear campaign.

And that’s not saying Dune won’t be woke. Reza Aslan is part of the production.

I don't understand people who act like Dune is too highbrow for the masses. What exactly do you think normies can't understand about it?

Dune has a whole order of hyper-empowered women pulling all strings, races are never specified except for white Irulan in the first book and a black Gammu native in Heretics, and the most universally despised people are fanatically religious men who literally exploit women's bodies for profit. Hopefully they don't change anything from the source material.
inb4 female Liet hoax

If he uses Hans Zimmer it will

I actually wouldn’t mind if they put in more Arabs.

sure it'll flop but it will also be the kino of the decade

the endless philosophical musings. luckily for a film adaptation, you can remove most of those and have a story that still makes sense and is suddenly 500% less boring (see miniseries with Alec Newman)

Not him but lotr1 was on a pedestal too; I still remember my roommate breaking my balls how it's going to be the best movie ever done.

I guess it turned out fine, around a 9/10, but a lot of that shit depends on how much normies like it. There are forgotten 10/10s.

I hope not, we need more Denis Kino.

Similarly, everyone was sure LOTR would flop. Jackson was a nobody and fantasy had never been done well.
There’s no way Dune flops. It’s not BR2049, it will be way more accessible, imaginative and dramatic. Chalamet alone ensures many thot tickets.
This will be the peak of Villeneuve’s career. It is fated.

Its gona be as close as you can grt to another LOTR, but yeah it wont do well at the box office, but why would people want normies to go if thry probably wont enjoy the movie? Dennis isnt even arthouse and yet peple find it too complicated, i mean his movies are a bit more complex than Nolan

This really did not require a remake.

I'm curious to see how viewers interpret Paul. There are already brain dead think pieces calling him a white savior, so will they feel vindicated when he causes a massive genocide?

I'm gonna say it: the source material is not that good. The first half of the book is great, but the second sucks.

Are minimalist with loads of spacing between the letters posters the new blue/orange posters?

Even when I read the summary on Wikipedia I start lose the fucking will to live

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it depends

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They’re obviously being filmed at the same time



dune and lotr are actually almost exact equivalents of their genres. widely revered classics of their respective fields with an incredibly dry and drawn out prose that eventually explores absolutely nothing interesting but - for their time- were very influental and started trends in story stelling of their genres that lasted until today.

there i fixed it.

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Blade Runner 2049 was the most unwoke thing possible and it still got critical acclaim.

That says little. I couldn't bear more than a few pages of lotr either, way too spammy at descriptions.

Call me childish but I preferred the Potter books. Simple and to the point.

Denis is cursed to make kinos that flop

Yes, you are childish, immature and emotionally damaged.

Lotr was a good book turned into an amazing fantasy movie
Dune is gonna be great, its not gonna smash the BO but it will get recognition, its the movie that will begin the end of capeshit

Or I don't have time to read 4 fucking pages of him describing 1 fucking hill.

Brevity is the soul of wit, motherfucker.

>just a two and a half hour episode of Naked and Afraid set in the desert

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Can Villeneuve ever flop?

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Yeah, only Boomers and Gen X nerds know what Dune is. Denis have a pretty recognisable name now tho, it all depends on the trailer. I plan to see it twice.

christmas release
zero competition
no way it flops

Which redhead will they cast as a nigger?

This, its going to wash the publics mount from the last star wars movie and marvels next who movie

I want Bear McCreary and his wife for the OST

Fremen are literally descended from Muslims, they are Arab. It would only make sense.

>its the movie that will begin the end of capeshit
God I hope so

Wait until you get to the part about Jews ruining everything.

You’re the kind of cancer that is contributing to the death of cinema

>Tolkien's prose
>incredibly dry
Fuck off, kid.

Oh yeah. It's going to bomb hard but it will be a great film

Is funny the idea of seeing Bautista and Jason Momoa in the same movie.

I wonder if they will make the Baron a gay pedo again.
Also, as I heard too many contrasting opinions on the sequel, sonmade or not, I never went beyond the first book, still from what I heard Paul in the grand scheme reminds me of Warhammer 40K's human emperor, trying to avoid a catastrophe at first and then living a half life to contain the damage.

>I wonder if they will make the Baron a gay pedo again.
I hope so, that's pretty central to his character.

Making pedos look bad is not PC.

Probably. The story is too complex to be captured in a movie.

Yes. It will be a classic film that will end on a cliffhanger.

Yes, for the same reason Alita did. No one cares about syfy.

I don't remember well enough the book, when it could possibly end that it does not feel too jarring?

Sure, but he's a violent, sadistic rapist and presumptive nephew fucker.

The cast isn't as popular as some claim and the director can't direct action. He's unable to understands things like kinetic movement. It'll be boring.

I once tried reading the first book and I was so annoyed by the style of narration I couldn't read past one chapter.

If a family friendly movie like John Carter could flop, when a cult movie like Blade Runner gets a sequel and it flops, I just have really low expectations for this.

It's a well-known book, but it's not a book you can explain in under 2 minutes like LotR or Star Wars. It's a book for nerds.

>I couldn't read past one chapter
mental midget

His style of narration is beautiful, dumbass. I enjoyed it.

Why has no one made a sprawl movie?

>director can't direct action
Good thing there's not much action in Dune.

I think it will be excellent AND it will flop.

Capeshit is going to suck dick next yesr and theres no mayor star wars movie, tenet and dune will be succeses

Can he direct gay sex scenes? That's more important.

Cant' really afford that though can he? I mean two flop and with two parter? This better be commercially good, I hope it is, though I don't know how good is Paul's actor, I only ever saw him in Interstellar and I know this just because I looked him up.

Tenet is boring.

I've had the book for a like a year, is it any good?


Probably but nolans got the box office to himself aside from shitty disney flicks. 2020 is the best year to release a movie

6 years later and I still remember how I cringed when I read one of the most "memorable" passages of this shit
>Fear is the mind killer.
Sadly I wasn't a 14yo kid at the time I read it, so I wasn't impressed by the Gary Stu and the shit prose, but yeah, really beautiful stuff.
>The old woman studied Paul in one gestalten flicker (...).
>ALTHOUGH HE heard Dr. Yueh enter the training room, noting the stiff deliberation of the man’s pace, Paul remained stretched out face down on the exercise table where the masseuse had left him. He felt deliciously relaxed after the workout with Gurney Halleck.

Right. A 2-3 hour movie for Christmas season without action? Why would kids see this? Why would anyone watch a long movie of nothing much happening and oh, it's only the first part?

It's a guaranteed flop. If it was a tv series it'd called the next GoT but as things are it's not on tv and it won't bring back the money spent on an overblown budget.

People who say that literally never read the book, or even the Wikipedia article. The whole point is that he’s not a savior.

>Yea Forums says it will flop
>ends up making a billion
Every time.

It won't flop but it will underperform domestically and peter out worldwide at $450-500 million. Given the expense and that Warner is already developing two more big budget films and a flagship tv series for this same director, yikes.

Things working against Dune's success
1. Deserts are boring to normies. You want lush foilage and scenic adventure. Not endless sand.

2. Esoteric material that is too Incel to crossover as a cultural sensation

3. Director hasn't made any big hits. His style skews artsy and melancholy. Combined with sand? Hard sell.

4. The title Dune. It's not exciting.

5. No major A-list stars. Aquaman us fine but this is an ensemble. Timothee is an obscure Jew twink. Zendaya is not a draw by herself.

DOMESTIC: $130 million
WORLDWIDE: $480 million

>if a film doesn't have action that means nothing is happening
are you 12

Tell that to the parents who won't bring their kids to see it. Original Star Wars and LotR succeeded with that.

FYI, TLJ flopped but Jumanji 2 didn't as they attracted the parents and children crowd for Christmas season.

This movie will be expensive arthouse, a really bad combo since arthouse never makes money.

A nerdgasm for incels who'll whine about how their favourite movie flopped while Welcome to America 2 is a hit.

>Reza aslan
Ok it won't be good and it will flop. Great.

Almost certainly but a bunch of videogame playing early 20 something boys who think they have taste becuase they like Nolan and Kubrick will love it

Damn sis slay!

So you will love it then, or what are you trying to project here?

It will but it will be Kino of the century

>For some reason critics go hard on sci-fantasy shit that isn’t made by Disney or obnoxiously woke
The incel fantasy that was BR2049 was one of the most positively reviewed films of the year

I hate women

Based user who understands that the only movies that are good are flops. Rule by majority is fucking psychotic

1. True
2. True
3. Wrong
4. Wrong
5. Wrong

of course it will flop
but it will be the kino of the century

Yes, only marvel and live action movies make money

confirmed for mentally handicapped

this is probably true. it ultimately depends on the trailer though. If the trailer is low IQ enough capeshit fans will turn up.

otherwise it's another blade runner

How did Herbert know?

>women control men with breeding
>gays are evil
>jews are a secret society that peddles wealth
>conflict is a vital part of the human condition
Herbert was the original redpill

Never read the books but i loved the games.
Is the military technology even half crazy as in the games?

Except it is you fucking pseud

Absolutely not. Dune has a bankable story and a world that has the potential to be awe-inspiring on film. The plot has the political intrigue and warring noble houses of Game of Thrones, the leading-the-natives trope of Avatar, and the "chosen one" trope from Star Wars, Harry Potter, and The Matrix. And true to its 1960s origins, the world is psychedelic as hell, a vast desert planet with mammoth sandworms snaking around and natives with glowing blue eyes. For its plot and its visuals, it will be a hit.

The thing the other user said only applies for films that are trying really hard to be blatant with their message. If it's any bit subtle, the typical critics are too dumb to figure out whether or not the film goes against their beliefs.

You have to be over 18 to post here, go back to jacking off to streamers you don't belong here.

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whats so "incel" or "unwoke" about nu blade runner?
The real "chosen one" was a girl with great skills and fantasy
now just because a movie didn't go full retarded with virtue signing. it doesn't mean it is anti sjw.

>j.k. rowling

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Who the fuck wants kids watching Dune in the first place? It will probably flop because of retards like you who can't handle more than 30 seconds of dialog in between explosions but kids wouldn't be interested in this either way.


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No it sucks go read transformers fanfic it's probably more up your alley.

would be nice for the sake of variety, but people mostly care about disney shit now

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It's probably going to get hit with a shit ton of controversy because of the Arab influence within Fremen culture so maybe

Why/how is he involved with? Consulting the director on realistic depictions of cannibalism?

Yes, it is. Read all of Frank Herbert's books. Ignore his son's sequels. They contradict what Frank wrote.


The entire movie was about the power of the individual and doing what you think is right regardless of greater causes user, it is the most unwoke thing possible

This guy gets it.

It's rather simple
If it flops, it's a misunderstood masterpiece and I love it
If not, it's a capeshit tier McDonald's arthouse dishonest low IQ flick that only reddit likes

>Not a Marvel Studios movie and Not a live-action remake of a Disney Cartoon
>huge budget

What do you think, OP?

It looks really boring and lame. I don't care about deserts or arabs wanting spicier food or gay sandworms that do nothing just like No Man's Sky

I expect the cinematography to be very dishonest.

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Actually, the story acknowledges that Paul is a bit of a Gary Stu, although he's worked tirelessly at everything he's good at. The later books hinge on the idea of how a superhero fucks up a society.

If Lynch couldn't direct Dune, there's no way some nobody could manage it. 100% flop guaranteed

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Dune too spicy for white people

Kill yourself soiboy brainlet

>YWN have a scifi based on the works of the worlds greatest band

it’s gonna have a cool trailer with all the action set pieces in it and the normie will come

>Already pissing off established fans with "diverse" casting choices
>Has zero pop culture exposure outside hardcore sci fi fans
>Normies will be turned off by the 2deep4u plot and no super heros
>No name director
>Less than a year out and not even a teaser yet

It's flopping

>some nobody

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Really all depends on if they even advertise for it

depends how woke it is
it'll probably be nothing but niggers and they'll bus kids in from school to watch it

The first third is a bit dull if its your first time through the book. Changes in style in the last 2/3 of the book.

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>Will it flop
No. Considering the failure of game of thrones and star wars creatively, it has what audiences wants to fill the void left.

reminder that swimming through solid material, even sand, is retarded and the reason i will never respect dunefaggots.

Dune Chad checking in:

This version will be total shit because Legendary Entertainment is owned by the Communist Party of China's Wanda Corporation. Ever since they bought out Legendary during the Warcraft Movie, they haven't been able to produce one quality film. Don't believe me? here you go:


For all of you saying this will be the next LOTR, keep in mind, Jackson filmed the entirety of his movie in one go, the actors became immersed in their roles and gained real friendships that transcended the story. Jackson also took several years of intense preparation working on art direction for the film, creating a full animatronic of the entire movie before filming ever even began.

Judging by Dune's far off release date, we can guess that a majority of the art direction will happen in Post Production using Legendary's famous Incel-tier CGI popularized by King Kong 2, and Pacific Rim 2.

If you think that Legendary is going to do a good job with a story like Dune that is centered around a guerilla struggle, while Hong Kong is facing serious suppression for civil activism, you need a lobotomy.

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How do earthworms move through soil?

Also, Dune is full of space magic. It's practically a fantasy series

>How do earthworms move through soil?
very fucking slowly. they dont swim through it at high speeds

Fellow Dunechad here, I approve of this post.

10/10 post. Commies die REEEEEEEE.

Dune Chads Rise Up.

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Normies will think it's a futuristic, highly pretentious sequel to Tremors or Stargate.

Eh, my only concern is the cinematographer. He's maybe average but pretty inconsistent in the same films. It will probably be a movie with very high contrast visuals and a "modern look".
As long as they don't go full Book of Eli or Mad Max it should be fine.

But the chad who directed BR2049 used puppets and model sets n shieet. Pretty sure we're gonna see some kino.

Also, Jodorowsky's Dune is the best movie ever even if it was never made.

people need an IQ higher than room temp to appreciate dune. Avengers is where the money is at because fuckwits, women and dudebros can enjoy the lowbrow humor and plotlines.

>Jodorowsky's Dune
wouldve been pretentious trashthat shat on the books

Dishonest movies always flop.



Hard black pill here

That's what Denis wanted but no

There's not enough sandnigger apologists on earth to make Dune even break even.

What's a Dune?

low test

This unironically. Spent a decade being "That bibliophile that hadnt read Dune somehow" before getting a nice proper hardcover. Made it about three fifths in before giving it up for lost. And since for whatever reason people constantly compare it to LotR; ive read that great piece of work more times than ive cared to keep track of. Certainly twice a year.

Id overall compare Dune more to The silmarillion

Youre either retarded or havnt read lotr in a while. You should give it a gander, its truly wonderful

Why are you so assblasted about something that doesn't contradict the Dune lore? As far as we know, society in 10,191 AG is racially diverse. All we know about the main characters is that
> Leto I is brown
> Duncan Idaho is very dark and handsome, probably black
> Jessica has brown hair
> Irulan is a white blonde bombshell
> Chani has red hair
Everything else about their appearance is a guess. We also known that Fremen are descended from Zen Buddhists and Sunni Muslims, the Zensunni wanderers, and they speak a descendant of Arabic, "the language of the Islamiyat". But even today, Arabs themselves look different from each other, Algerians, Sudanese or Syrians don't look like each other. It will be even more complicated in 22000 years from now. So casting blacks and Asians and brown people is completely in line with the source material. What would shit on the books would be casting a Tleilaxu woman for example.

agreed. it wouldve been low test trash

Amazon just took lynch's dune off prime. These fucking cunts

Though you are correct, it's not going to help ticket sales. Tards like the ones you replied to are going to go "REEEEE ARABS" and not watch it even if it is consistent with the source material .

I am twelve and what is this?


>before giving up
it is one of the most readable adult science fiction books out there, sorry pal but reading harry potter does not make you a "bibliophile"

>descended from Muslims
Islam is a religion you fucking mongoloid

No one who is not white is going to make it to the stars. You’re post is very low IQ.
I invite you to stick a dildo in your front hole.

it's ok to like Harry Potter and not like Dune
it's ok to like Dune and not like Harry Potter
it's ok to like both or hate both
please don't turn this into a Yea Forums thread

Some of the best concepts are untranslatable. Shit like Alia & the twins are impossible to get across correctly imo.

>As far as we know, society in 10,191 AG is racially diverse.
HAHAHAAHA... oh no no no.... AHAHAHA I can think of perhaps two characters in the first book that might have been asian? Yueh and one diplomat the Baron talks to when Feyd dabs on an Atreides captured slave in the arena. everyone else is directly european features.
>>Leto I is brown
No, he is olive-skinned and is described as possessing mediterranean features. Atredies can trace their ancestry back to ancient Greek family lines, and his son Paul is described as posessing conventional white features and a roman nose.
>>Duncan Idaho is very dark and handsome, probably black
Again, no. "probably black" what a fucking reach, look if you are black and NEED a character to be black then you can pretend I guess.
>Jessica has brown hair
??? No??? she's The Baron's daughter and is described as having reddish hair
>>Irulan is a white blonde bombshell
yep, she's white
>>Chani has red hair
yep, she's white (or fairly close to white). The Fremen are a desert people but fairly insular, and don't commonly accept foreigners into their ranks. They also possess some european features but are not explicitly described racially since that is not the point of Dune. Next you'll say Aragorn was black since he had dark hair, and in some sections of LOTR was described as dark or something.
>So casting blacks and Asians and brown people is completely in line with the source material.
for fremen it may or may not be, and I have not problem with it since it makes political sense and is a must since you can't have all-white movies anymore, anyways.
>mfw paul kills 1/2 of the named black characters in the new film. sorry jamisfags

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he's not correct at all read , or better yet just read Dune and find out for yourself

It's Denis Vill-wahtever the fuck
it'll be autistic and obtuse and boring like everything he's ever done, guy has ZERO charisma and bases his style on impenetrable gloominess

also worth saying that the fremen don't "need" to possess brown skin for the sun, or whatever, as they wear stillsuits and have adapted to life on the planet in a variety of ways that kind of make Herbert sound problematic. They are still human, and of course can breed with humans from other planets, but they have begun to speciate away from other types of humanity because of evolution. The fremen retain water better, and tend to have leaner limbs for easier desert life. Nothing is stated about skin color, and since a white person would remain pale as fuck if they were wearing a stillsuit all day and night... darker skin colors would not have been selected for.

>have adapted to life on the planet in a variety of ways that kind of make Herbert sound problematic
Please, do expand on what you mean by this, this should be good.

>a 6-book long series of 500 pages each is one the most readable adult science fiction works
Not the "bibliophile" you're replying but you are just wrong.

Also, I read a lot but not too much fantasy or SF. I didn't like Harry Potter when it first came out, and almost 15 years later I thought it was pretty meh.
I've tried to read the genre "classics" over the years, only to be mostly disappointed (see Dune) or merely entertained (like a person would play sudoku or crosswords). I try not being pretentious but all of you neckbeards and manchildren obsessed with genre fiction trash are simply not right in the head.

>no white people
>everyone is black and brown

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>6-book long series of 500 pages each
Clear & obvious you've no idea wtf you're talking about. Books 1-3 are maybe 900 pages total, the second is less than 300. I ate through the first three in 2 days.

How can you actually be so dumb while trying to sound smart? "Clear and obvious" you're a fucking retard.
Just the first book of Dune has the same word count as Great Expectations. At any rate, nice nitpicking.

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> [Jessica's] face was oval under a cap of hair the color of polished bronze. Her eyes were set wide, as green and clear as the morning skies of Caladan. The nose was small, the mouth wide and generous. Her figure was good but scant: tall and with its curves gone to slimness
Jessica has green eyes and "polished bronze" hair. We don't know the colour of her skin, because we know neither Vladimir Harkonnen's nor GH Mohiam's race - we know that the Baron is super fat and that Mohiam has dark eyes coloured blue by the spice, nothing about their skin or race. Herbert said Harkonnen "sounded Soviet", and it's a Finnish name. Russians and Finns are white nowadays. But how can we know that Finns and Russians in the far future won't have intermixed with other races? Same with the "ancient Greek" Atreides. Anyway Paul and Jessica are portrayed by white actors, that's fine I guess. Oscar Isaac is spot on as Leto I.

> [Duncan's] curling black hair
> [Duncan's] dark round face
The very few things we know about Duncan's appearance match a black character better than a white one. But Jason Momoa works too.

> Next you'll say Aragorn was black since he had dark hair, and in some sections of LOTR was described as dark or something
No, because Tolkien explicitly based LOTR on Anglo-Saxon mythology. Anglo-Saxons were white. In LOTR the existence of different races is important and some races are superior to others - mixing with a superior race gives you powers like a longer lifespan, mixing with an inferior race drives you to chaos. In Dune, races are irrelevant.

What I'm trying to say is that the scarcity of physical descriptions in Dune doesn't mean that characters should be white by default. That's like believing that the average civilised person is white... maybe that was the case in Herbert's 1965, but in the far future?

Look, I have no beef for anons excited for Dune but let's not kid ourselves, clearly this movie has a meta significance and subtext for the rise of Israel upon the global stage. They want desert themes and mysticism to be immersed in young peoples' heads.

yes but it could still be a good movie

>Brevity is the soul of wit
But articulateness and eloquence are the foundations of intelligence. One thing is telling a joke, a very different one is to tell a compelling story. I blame Hemingway and his beige prose.

>You can't explain it under two minutes
A desert planet has a component sought after by all the families in the system and hilarity ensues.

t. David Lynch

>1. Deserts are boring to normies. You want lush foilage and scenic adventure. Not endless sand.

Don't give me that shit. Half of Star Wars is just empty deserts and they're the best parts of the franchise.

Jodorowskys Dune is a Reddit meme that retards buy into to sound intelligent. Literal Npc opinion

Companies pay to have products placed into movies and TV shows.
Pressure groups pay to have agendas placed into movies and tV shows.

It won't matter if it flops, it's probably already fulled funded and profitable before it even comes out.

The richest people in America are all democrats and progressives, if you think billy gates or mark zuckerberg won't drop 50million on some TV show to push their agenda when they make that in a week you're crazy.

BR2049 had a trailer with action.

It will be kino regardless.

How on Earth did he manage to convince those kikes to bankroll these films? People only watch capeshits and horror flicks nowadays

>4 pages of describing an almost irrelevant hill
pick one

movies are often superior to literature mother fucker.

why? because they can have both literature and ALL the other arts.

They kill each other for their water, suck up the water out of dead bodies and drink it, recycle moisture from their own shite and piss, prevalence of incest.

They did race swap characters with niggers so its a yaiks for me.

Great bait.

Yes because only capeshit does well these days but it will still be kino.


True. How would room temperature niggers like you follow the plot if they don't see colourfull pictures move on the screen. Books are for fags and nerds.

Israel is an atheist shithole though. If anything the coming WH40k series is that.

Nerds are unironically the most important populatiom in society because they will become the educated specialists of the future. Meanwhile niggers and retarded rednecks will keep killing echother or fucking their sisters.

What characters did they change from the books?

Literally chani already

It wont flop, but it wont be good either.

>Deserts are boring to normies

Explain stars wars

>there are only 3 kinds of people on earth
Guess it’s obvious which category you’re in

>the leading-the-natives trope of Avatar

Oops, white saviour. Too racist and not politically correct.

All my friends and family don't want to see this film and I really want to watch it in theatres so I'm going to have to go alone.

I'm scared, Yea Forums. They're not going to give me my crablegs and all the teenage girls will laugh at me.

Sometimes risks net you with the Matrix and the Lord of the Rings.

Just tell the girls something mean about their physical appearance. They might laugh or tell you to fuck off, but you know they will become self conscious about it, and may even cry themselves to sleep over it.

>white saviour
Only someone who hasn't read the books would call this a white saviour narrative.

But I don't care, its existence gave us the Dune Boardgame back and I'm glad.

If Dany who was sold off to a rapist husband and abused by her brother is called a white savior then yes it is.

yep. it will be praised by critics and audiences but will make little money. like BR2049

Yes. But it will be best flop ever.

I thought this when I was 12 too.

On the one hand, you have Herbert himself telling readers NO, DON'T FUCKING FOLLOW ANY "SAVIOUR" OR "MAHDI" BLINDLY, THAT'S WHAT MY BOOKS ARE ABOUT:

On the other hand, you have... well... the modern world:
> In the case of the Baron, there are two primary issues at hand, two characteristics that further argue his odiousness on the story’s behalf that are rightly seen as contentious today: the Baron is obese, and he is also queer.
> And so, the Baron Harkonnen being the only fat and only visibly queer person in the novel continues to be a problem for Dune.
> As always, the issue with the Baron Harkonnen being the only openly queer character in Dune can be solved the way this problem can always be solved when creating an adaptation: by making it clear that there are other queer people in this universe. (And I don’t just mean the other Harkonnens, who are often queer-coded as well.) In effect, none of the characters in Dune have to be straight, so this is an easy problem to tackle.