Cast tehm

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Dat ass.

Fiege said he was a Cyclops chad, right?

Thank god we might get a non-cucked Cyclops on the screen finally

All telepathic muties should be murdered.

quick rundown on cyclop's power level?
he seems really week in the movies

Awful line technique.

Let me guess. They brought back Jean in order to give the middle finger to Emma. Why the fuck can't Scott move on and stick with Emma?

He needs to put his goddamn seed inside that firepuss, and that's all you need to know! But kidding aisde, he's a limitless, living nuke of sorts.

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because these stories are never meant to end, so you will eventually see every pairing possible.

fucking manlets
when will they learn?

>the 6ft+ GigaChad Cyclops
>the 5ft Manlet Wolverine

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>the original X-Man plays second fiddle to that manlet in the movies

Both are too old

Last I remember is they changed that his lasers are energy from another dimensions and that his eyes are basically portals.

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Normalfags just can't into Cyclops because he's a genuine nononsense Chad who gets the girl, makes the tough choices and takes care of his people. Meanwhile Wolverine is the "dark loner" and "bad boy". Honestly, I hope they do Logan like Arthur Morgan. "Bad Boy" Logan is the worst version of the character.

They all play second fiddle to the Canadian badger.

RDJ was like 43 when he started as Iron Man.
And these two are used to physical roles, and are in good shape.

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his eyes get their power from the punch dimension and it's limitless

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Ultimate doesn't count... And AoXM doesn't count either! My Jeannie is pure and Jott is OTP, ya hear me?!

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Ultimate Marvel and the New 52 are the perfect examples of how modern comics writers are not nearly as good as the classics.

Wolverine is lame as fuck. Cyclops can smack every single villain around with his laser, Wolverine gets DESTROYED when he goes anywhere near Magneto and can't even dent Juggernaught. In addition he gets fucked over by Sabertooth while Cyclops can just shoot the little shit away with one blast

Nah, they're not half as bad as the current shit. Ultimate Jean fucks Wolverine because Cyclops is a pussy who can't muster up the courage to ask her out. Current Jean gets trapped in an AU created by her sorta AU son, gets brainwashed, and then gets niggered because it made the writers' peepees hard. I'll take Millar and Ellis during the 2000s over the cuckold shit we have now.
Cyclops is just a Chad user. Wolverine was always the Pleb's choice.
>muh chink fetish
>muh claws
>muh dark past
Fuck all that.

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Logan survived Phoenix tho.

>shitty Aaron books nobody read
They're as canon as AoXM. Thankfully Based Hickman is giving us Chadclops.

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to be fair, wolverine too, will be a phoenix host at the end of time, where almost all life in the galaxy is extinct

why dont they just draw porn instead of shit comics

God you guys are faggots

I'll say it again, the two characters I don't see Biel playing are Jean Grey and Sue Storm

Logan survives all kind of bullshit thanks to writer inconsistency. Healing factor is the lamest superpower

These two for sure

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thank you for saying it again, your opinion really matters.

Like I said, Aaronshit doesn't count. Like Uncle Grant said, canon's what you make it. Or something.