What are some kino UFO films / documentaries?

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indiana jones and the kingdom of the crystal skull

the fuck
fuck the bottom of the ocean

user, this looks under the water, no UFO here


It looks really fake after the initial falling and drifitng of the black object

*laughs in water snakes*

Attached: the_abyss_1280.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Mirage Men

just a couple of newly discovered species of deep sea squid mating

I know bio luminescence is a thing but what the fuck

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Attached: Enypniastes eximia.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Attached: Enypniastes eximia swimming.webm (1280x720, 1.8M)

Holy shit I thought that was nothing but a bit of plastic fallen off a something
Goddamn that thing is beautiful

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>ayylmao seabed vacuum

Attached: Jellyfish Marianas.webm (1280x720, 2.2M)

did anyone watch this? pretty good but i don't buy it fully.

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so what actually is that

Yea I watched it some of the footage they had in there was pretty cool as I've never seen it before. The documents and high level sources they sight are interesting too but it gets kinda batshit at the end. The hyper drive anti-gravity drives and all that they talk about lost me

>Jesus Christ those things will tear you to shreds
>They're like deep sea chimps
>Jamie, see if you can pull up "sea chimps"

Yea and it fucking died at the end because of a pressure jet

Greer is a major conman.

Roswell (1994), good made for tv movie.

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Fire in the sky

are Cephalopods the most Kino family of animals?


Fire in the sky and Alien.

I don't get how it looked like a rigid shape early in the vid

>open up webm
>think it's a 3D animation meant to display the creature's parts
>it's actually real

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Would be a pretty cool tattoo

Is that what happened? I just assumed it was lunging at something but now that I look again seems like it got ripped in half

how the fuck did it make that shape in the beginning?

fake as fuck

Looks like CGI, especially the end where it splits into two.

i think they might be right about some things, for example that governments stage ufo events to gain support for a world order.

It's spitting ink, not splitting in two it just looks like that.

Well funny, if you've been following the Nimitz tic-tac story then supposedly they were underwater

Attached: independence day underwater edition.webm (720x480, 928K)


it looks like a comb jelly, one of the very oldest animal lifeforms

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This is fake and CGI.

Looks like CGI but it's real.

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this always gives me the chills. looks like the monster from stranger things.

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>thinking its real

It's the harsh spotlight that makes it look unreal.

There is this nutjob called Brian Owho claims to have made a documentary based on 'galactic' history that ranges from millions of years ago to today
top tier narration
it has reptilians,aliens, intergalactic wars, history of Earth humanity etc..
prepare to be blown away, the countless of manhours it must have taken to make this

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holy shit. how does it strafe back and forth that fast?

>be animal
>shit out mandelbrot sets
fucking nature

h-he's fast

>countless manhours
give me an improvised VO studio and a few weeks in premiere pro and I could replicate this easily. With better narration, too. Dude's voice is terrible

>some furry fag somewhere is drawing porn of this as we speak


what the fuck is that thing?

Attached: Long-armed Squid.webm (712x480, 693K)

how big is that thing?

>[migraine intensifies]

Attached: Bob Lazar totally true story.jpg (633x950, 108K)

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evil user, evil

lovecraft-type beings exist

Attached: the_deep_old_one.gif (540x360, 3.94M)

H-he's fast!

what did he mean by taking a movie prop from 1977 and using in in his real life disinfo?

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>depth - 7828'
Seawolf class nuclear submarine crush depth

Are you being serious?
>what is deepwater drilling
James Cameron sent a sub down to 35,756 feet below the surface.

Attached: halibut.jpg (768x1024, 133K)

that stuff is delicious

wtf is it's problem?


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>a fast attack sub isn't designed to go as deep as an rov designed for deep drilling operations

Literally just ice breaking

thanks i love this shit

The new Unidentified show on history is actually pretty good, about the Nimitz incident

Gay Niggers from Outer Space
(Real movie actually, for any newfags that don't know about it.)


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Did they hit it against the windscreen? Go to the bottom of the ocean and manage to run an animal over.

what the fuck did you call me you little shit?

A big ass squid

I believed some of the people interviewed but I don't trust Greer as far as I can spot. The guys got something majorly off about him.

cool cgi demos, folks

these two gentlemen on a voyage of discovery
