Why is it so fucking good lads

why is it so fucking good lads

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I rewatched all of it for the second season and realised it's fucking amazing. I really want to know which direction they'll take it in in the third.

its not good faggot shill

What is it?

Charmed reboot

seething mutt
Dark, German series which new worlder subhumans cannot into

That hasnt been on since May. What episode is OPs pic from?

There's only one season

No, there's not.

there's two

Great writing

Last episode was season 1 episode 22, troll elsewhere

they should have called this show Dork instead. because it's for nerds

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almost like a certain demographic wasn't involved in the writing

it's not that good, but it's one of the better netflix series

I didn't think I'd see Jonas's brown haired girlfriend naked and then it happened. Really impressive and surprising tits

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You mean Americans?

(((americans))) yes

He means Jews so there's no shoehorned political tripe every few minutes. It's just a story

based, also it's interesting how so many international shows and films are absolute kino and mutts have no idea why

Jews > Americans

>huehuehue i troll u gud

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americans are jews

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>Netflix original
>Yea Forums shills for it

Right there are the two biggest warning signs a show is absolute garbage. Can anyone actually explain why it's good without memeing?

It has a complex plot that's extremely well written, characters that are realistic and almost all interesting, and it somehow manages to have few plotholes considering it is a time travel story.

it's all white actors with no forced political bullshit

it has good characters and story

it has clever plot twists

Why is it about three nigs? Do they do voodoo?

There is Voodoo, but the sisters aren't really involved in it.

>there is two
Go back to school, retard.

Oh my message was deleted.
In case someone missed it said:
Why are jannies nigger loving faggots who do it for free?

I don't know, especially considering that it's a shitflix show

Lads, we'll see more based noah in season 3, right? They can't just kill best character off in the middle of the series