Are jumpscares really just cheap ploys? Or are they legitimate?
Memes aside, what do we really think about jumpscares?
Cheap, but the goal is to scare you, and they do that
They are cheap when they turn the volume down to zero and then blast it at max volume 's for the "scare."
See Annabelle Comes Home as an example it has tonnes of this.
When they aren't relying on the sudden volume to scare you, then that is fine.
Pretty gay, but if you like being startled they’re cool I guess
Best used in non-horror films, like lotr with bilbo
they are horrible, i hate it.
>they are horrible, i hate it.
>Pretty gay, but if you like being startled they’re cool I guess
>Best used in non-horror films, like lotr with bilbo
>They are cheap when they turn the volume down to zero and then blast it at max volume 's for the "scare."
>See Annabelle Comes Home as an example it has tonnes of this.
>When they aren't relying on the sudden volume to scare you, then that is fine.
>Cheap, but the goal is to scare you, and they do that
>Are jumpscares really just cheap ploys? Or are they legitimate?
Wow really? Also was thinking of taking a girl there, we're both sexually in to each other so would it be a good/decent movie to get touchy?
Can be either, depends on how the director implements them and how often. The cheap ones with the loud, screeching violins as a 'buildup' are just forced and you can see them coming from a mile away. Good jumpscares come out of absolute left fucking field and are even better when the scare doesn't fit the context at all so it leaves you feeling confused as well.
>Can be either, depends on how the director implements them and how often. The cheap ones with the loud, screeching violins as a 'buildup' are just forced and you can see them coming from a mile away. Good jumpscares come out of absolute left fucking field and are even better when the scare doesn't fit the context at all so it leaves you feeling confused as well.
>Wow really? Also was thinking of taking a girl there, we're both sexually in to each other so would it be a good/decent movie to get touchy?
If all the horror movie has is jump scares than it sucks. It means they failed at creating real dread and suspense.
A few jump scares are fine.
>If all the horror movie has is jump scares than it sucks. It means they failed at creating real dread and suspense.
>A few jump scares are fine.
>jumpscares are bad
>atmospheric horror is bad
>>jumpscares are bad
>>atmospheric horror is bad
they tend to pull me out of a movie. it's a brief startling moment and then you're like 'oh you, haha' to the director because you realise you were tricked. it's fun if it's not a serious movie but if i want to get immersed in something and feel scared on any other level it works against that
>>>jumpscares are bad
>>>atmospheric horror is bad
Jump scares are a tool but it shouldn't be the only thing going for your movie. If your horror movie is two boring people walking through a forest and/or an abandoned building with a sudden loud noises every so often, you have a shitty horror movie. The jumpscare has a bad reputation right now because of all the terrible modern horror movies relying purely on jumpscares and a shitty CGI "monster."
scared != startled.
the inferiority of being startled comes from the objective fact, nobody remembers being startled and then get startled on their own, but they may remember being scared and that may scare them again.
it's like having good literature vs just a literal roller-coaster. latter is more for brainlets.
shut up autist. you are the normiest shit when you pretend so hard to not be normie shit.
08/06/19(Tue)15:50:32 No.119172466
(OP) #
scared != startled.
the inferiority of being startled comes from the objective fact, nobody remembers being startled and then get startled on their own, but they may remember being scared and that may scare them again.
it's like having good literature vs just a literal roller-coaster. latter is more for brainlets.
shut up autist. you are the normiest shit when you pretend so hard to not be normie shit.
>shut up autist. you are the normiest shit when you pretend so hard to not be normie shit.
>scared != startled.
>the inferiority of being startled comes from the objective fact, nobody remembers being startled and then get startled on their own, but they may remember being scared and that may scare them again.
>it's like having good literature vs just a literal roller-coaster. latter is more for brainlets.
>Jump scares are a tool but it shouldn't be the only thing going for your movie. If your horror movie is two boring people walking through a forest and/or an abandoned building with a sudden loud noises every so often, you have a shitty horror movie. The jumpscare has a bad reputation right now because of all the terrible modern horror movies relying purely on jumpscares and a shitty CGI "monster."
>>>>jumpscares are bad
>>>>atmospheric horror is bad
>they tend to pull me out of a movie. it's a brief startling moment and then you're like 'oh you, haha' to the director because you realise you were tricked. it's fun if it's not a serious movie but if i want to get immersed in something and feel scared on any other level it works against that
>Good jumpscares come out of absolute left fucking field and are even better when the scare doesn't fit the context at all so it leaves you feeling confused as well.
What did he mean by this?
>>>>>jumpscares are bad
>>>>>atmospheric horror is bad
>I'm a brainlet that thinks startled=scared.
good when done right. Build up, and atmosphere are required for a good jumpscare, it gets you tense, and the jumpscare is the crescendo.
>>I'm a brainlet that thinks startled=scared.
>>>>>>jumpscares are bad
>>>>>>atmospheric horror is bad
>>Good jumpscares come out of absolute left fucking field and are even better when the scare doesn't fit the context at all so it leaves you feeling confused as well.
>What did he mean by this?
in old resident evil games jumpscares are good, they're not overdone. can't think good movie which have done them in the same way.
also most horror movies are very quiet and you can't hear shit when someone speaks but those scare effects and what usually leads to them those high noted string sounds are loud as fuck. probably forgot to put those sound effects through the audio filter that was used for everything else.
What are some good jump scare joints? My favorite studio is Blumhouse Productions and some of my favorite horror flicks are Paranormal Activity, Annabelle, and Insidious.
>>>>>>>jumpscares are bad
>>>>>>>atmospheric horror is bad
i, the wojakposter, am gay
I can't tell the difference between startled and scared because I'm brainlet.
Haha David lunch
Startled is when you "jump". It doesnt have to be scary to startle you. Like if you're sitting in a quite office and somebody suddenly screams for no reason, you might jump.
Being scared is due to the plot, atmosphere, etc. Basically just a genuine feeling of fear.