What does Yea Forums think of this movie?

What does Yea Forums think of this movie?

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reddit tier pseudo philosophy bullshit the movie.

Couldn't finish it at the time.

>The key to humanity's survival is a nigger
Why not just let humanity die out?


Children of Men is a masterpiece, one of the best films of this century.

>tfw born and live in London

It’s true, all of it

>reddit tier pseudo philosophy bullshit the movie.

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diverged from the book in a lot of odd and maybe unnecessary ways, to the point of being a different story, but it was still good. well directed and owen was great in it.

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great movie. well put together, great atmosphere, great pacing, great action, overall just fun and nice to reflect on. I think the scene with him walking down the stairs is the best ever shot in that genre.

>implying those guys at the end dont just use her as a guinea pig and torture her to death to get the cure

Actually one of my all time favourites. The car chase scene is a great example of a long take.

Of course it's a fucking black woman

>of course racists incels can't appreciate humanity

don't watch this if you haven't seen it unless you want the movie ruined

i'm gonna say the obvious thing that her color didn't matter. Hermiona was a first choice for that role.

xD nice one bro

>the liberals are more than willing to destroy the entire species all because the UK won't accept more immigrants that it can't take care of

A true cautionary tale.

Had some really nice shots but I hated the lead actor’s face so I couldn’t enjoy it

9/10 movie, one of the best in its decade i feel, back when cuaron didnt try too hard to be an aeteur (i liked roma but i felt it was too aimless sometimes)

there is no such thing in the movie tho

>didn't watch the film

The fish want more immigrants and are angry that people are getting deported even though the country simply cannot support them. Their EXPLICIT PLAN is that they are going to hold the cure to infertility hostage and WILL kill her if the government doesn't give in and let in the immigrants. All while trying to tell everyone that the government is just evil racists who will kill her outright no matter what because they're racists and have no interest tin the survival of the species.

A pretty poorly made film

>It's another 'right wing government is portrayed as bad despite being the reason Britain is still standing after a catastrophic event' movie.

>its another right wing faggot complains everything doesnt pander to them
>its another right wing faggot that complains about artist being left wing

You need to be lynched

lynching requires a crowd, it's no longer 1960, not that guy but i'm ready to fight a bunch of obese white faggots

fight a magazine instead nigger

i saw this movie 4 times and there was no such thing.

i'm a chink, you sound as mad as a school shooter lmao

>no such thing

Then you paid zero attention to what was going on. Being proud of being a brainlet isn't a good thing.

As an Englishman born in the early 90's and living in England (L O N D O N) it is pretty hard to watch. It's almost everything I would desperately hope would never come to pass here, the eradication of civil trust, comfi neighbourhoods, the elderly being in desperate danger, absolute forsaking of centuries of history. 7-8/10 very well made, it understands its scope and executes it well, the shakey cam and grittiness doesn't feel as tired as it does in so many other films from 2000-2012.

Probably the best thing Clive Owen has done and likely will ever do.

I just find it horrific to watch, really touches on genuine fears. The book is more harrowing on a personal level, the loss of his child is different, there's almost no emphasis on the camps / immigration. Both have value and are worth a go.

quality post, bong

It doesn't really explain what the fish plan to do, but then it doesn't explain their motives much at all besides muh immigrants. Same with the government. All the politics is secondary to the metaphysical quest clive owen undertakes.

bad post, amerifat