How the fuck do people think 2014 is better than this?

How the fuck do people think 2014 is better than this?

2014 was fucking garbage in every possible way, quite possibly one of the worst monster movies ever made, this on the other hand was actually really fucking good.

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>How the fuck do people think 2014 is better than this?
Does anyone think that?

false flagging Yea Forums retards

All arguments about this were started by Shin fanboys shitting up random Godzilla threads (that were usually about Legendary series for obvious reasons).


Ah the Godzilla film for emo edgelords. "His life is a tragedy man..."

Fuck this movie. No im supporting G14 either

>shitting up
It's not shitting up when the thread is about an objectively awful film like 2014 or KOTM

It's the best Godzilla movie since 54, thinking otherwise is pleb behaviour

>basing your opinion over other ones

Godzilla is not the problem of Shin but some may don't like the lack of actual human characters.

>godzilla vs mechagodzilla, final wars, gmk, Tokyo sos, Mothra vs godzilla
All better than Shin and 54

I'm only certain that it has the worst fanbase. By far.

People like 2014 either because they're normie, contrarian, or military-employed soiboys

>le so bad its good lmao
Garbage, kill yourself you worthless pleb

But none of those movies are bad you gayfer

I'm gonna miss those post-KotM threads. Nice long discussion about the lore in general. It was so busy, now we're back to the usual Shin fanboys shitposting and making everything worse.

All infantile garbage, I bet you love capeshit too.
Shin and 54 are the only movies in the series with any meaning or purpose, obviously you wouldn't understand because you are a manchild

>God I wish people with shit taste constantly roamed this board and made everything worse
Shin is better than your manchild garbage

They're all bad you pleb sóyboy

You're some pretentious poser faggot. Stay in your thread at least there's some containment for you.

>liking fun monster movies makes you a basedboy
This boards gone to the faggots. Enjoy your euphoria threads and son of Mask maymays you queer


Shin is my 2nd favorite Godzilla film next to the original Japanese cut, but bruh. KOTM was great too.

lmao kys

How? The characters were awful, the action was muddy in the rain CGI shit and the acting was fucking terrible.

>The characters were awful
I don't go see most Godzilla films for the characters. I wanted to see a massive budget rendering of 4 of my favorite kaiju and balls out monster fighting with respect to the source material and that's what I got. I wasn't going to see KOTM for fine art and the action made up for the shitty dialogue.

Are shin fags the worst Godzilla autists?

I hate Shin for the reason that it brought out the worst and most beta people out of the wood work. Suddenly all these cunts came out "Oh I'm totally a Godzilla fan, this film is superior to the original and everything in between"

Like are you fucking serious? These cunts were same people who made fun of the previous films while praising capeshit.

Fuck this movie for bringing out these pathetic weebs and fucking up the community that's been around since the 1950s


kill yourself you fucking faggot

This is just a regular episode of Evangelion and still one of the best movies ever made in 21st century.

It's so "tragic" for someone to hate a movie you love ain't it faggot

>Fine art

Bruh you really ain't know what kind is, I like Kotm, but only for the 2 minutes of monster anything and even then I only "like" it nothing more maybe even less. It's all abominable compared to 1998 Godzilla that actually made an attempt to give zilla a screen presence. The only cool part was the final battle between Godzilla and gidorah, and even then the original japenese movie is more "fun" to watch. About to Download the past anime Godzilla tho cos anime and Mecha bitches.

>Can we talk about how no studio Ghibli or anyone took on Godzilla? If the studio that did NGE worked on a Godzilla movie it would be the actual shit.

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Why do Shinfags have to constantly shit on everything, especially the 2014 movie? Iiked Shin, 2014 and KotM and don't see any reason to shit on one of them just because like the others. They shouldn't even be compared, Shin is completely different from either of the other 2 in pretty much all aspects, except for Godzilla being there. Seriously fuck off with this polarizing shit, the kaiju fanbase is small enough that it doesn't need people infighting over which they like.

I blame Anno being in it. Lots of people only had an interest on this because they heard the Evangelion man was behind it, and it's well known that eva fags are cancer. Then they hear eva music in the movie and start clapping, and all hell breaks loose.

Kys monkey boy

I cant believe I let you convince me to watch this piece of shit movie. Anno can fuck off back to weebshit

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This is some idiot genius bait

Not OP but 2014 was pure shit

The message extends to you whether you're OP or not, fuck off and go shitpost in Yea Forums or something. Yea Forums is bad enough as it is.

Kys plebs, Shin was literally the only Godzilla movie that wasn't pure shit and you autists still complain about it yet praise pure dogshit like KotM.
You faggots don't deserve a kino like Shin, go fuck yourselves you literal scumbag pleb niggers.

2014 was actual shit, though. It's on par with fucking Transformers with how awful it is

it's set in Japan, of course it has no human characters

Mutts are the only non-human "race", sorry

Hahaha calling others plebs because they didn't like the copy and paste Evangelion live action shit with the Godzilla name slapped on it

>2014 is shit!
>Shin is 10 minutes of a bad CGI monster with googly eyes walking around, 1 scene of Zilla roasting a city and then 2 minutes of him destroying planes
>entire rest of the movie is people in suits talking
>then they freeze godzilla and it's over
If you hate one and not the other you have brain damage.

Go back to your thread, pleb

Best post in this thread

you are one superficial faggot if you seriously think that is all Shin has to offer

Objectively awful taste

Look user you're not clever or unique for noticing that Shin has a deep critique of the Japanese system and how the bureaucracy, formalities and hierarchy affect their response to the threat and lead to tons of lost lives and shitty decisions. You're also not clever for catching on that Zilla himself is as much a walking metaphor as it is a giant monster. This doesn't change what I said previously or make it untrue, nor does it excuse you comparing this movie to 2014 when the later never even pretends to have the same aim as Shin. If you have actual arguments to back up your hate then construct a proper critique, or defend Shin properly, but if it's just mindless shitposting to start flame wars you might as well just maskpost.

>It's all abominable compared to 1998 Godzilla
I had to stop reading there. I don't care how contrarian Yea Forums is. This is just bait.

>*Spouts retarded bullshit*

98 is objectively a good film, it's not the best or worst in the series, but it's still a perfectly fine movie.

As I said, you're better off maskposting if you just want attention.

>1998 zilla
And now I know this is bait. There is no one on earth that prefers 1998 jurassic park ripoff godzilla to even the worst of the toho films. I'm sorry, this is bait of the worst kind. I'd hate to imagine a blithering retard who unironically holds these opinions.

It would be an ok but forgettable movie if it was some standalone monster flick. Instead, it got the Godzilla name, was made by two people who didn't give a shit about the franchise, and had quite possibly the biggest marketing campaign for any movie up to that point.

Starring: "Godzilla" who
>Can't breathe fire
>Is tiny
>Runs away from danger
>Gets ass kicked by helicopters.

If Emmerich and co. spent half as much time researching Godzilla as they did coming up with digs to critics who didn't like Independence Day, they might have made a decent Godzilla flick.


Nice critique, you literally only talked about why you personally don't like it and don't adress any of the filmmaking elements, writing, etc.

Absolute brainlet, stop posting here


Not that user but literally every single normalfag I ever talked to either preferred the 98 one to the Toho films because they either couldn't stand oldschool effects, Asian films and fancy monsters or because that's the only one they knew or saw. Every single one of them.
Yeah I know this is anecdotal but I'm not trying to paint the 98 movie in any kind of good light. Just saying if you actually believe no one likes it and everyone likes the classic movies, then you probably haven't talked to enough members of the so called general audience who don't know jack about Godzilla. In which case I kind of envy you. I wish I could forget the conversations I've had with those people.