People actually thought this guy was scary

>People actually thought this guy was scary

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Should I watch the Missing Pieces before starting S3?

Does it matter? Seems like it all leads to nothing anyway.

just skip s3

He was.

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you don't have to. but if you like the tp universe enough you would want to watch it anyway.

Yes, it has some great deleted & extended scenes. Definitely should if you liked FWWM, and you should LODGE yourself if you didn't.

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actually was scared by him when i was a baby


Why would you announce you got pleb filtered on here? Embarrassing.

That flashback to Laura dying with the screaming was a bit jarring.

Is David Lynch being "hard to get" on purpose? Honest question.

That scene where sarah sees him at the foot of laura's bed was so fucking spooky

*blocks your path

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No, I really believe he isn't. He's very genuine as a filmmaker and just does exactly what he wants to do. He's not pretentious. That's a completely retarded insult to level at him of all people. He's just sincerely weird, and you either like him or not(though he's so popular now that there is a whole crowd of pseuds latching onto him because he's in fashion).

it's "ass", user. just ass

>and just does exactly what he wants to do
He seems to improvise a lot though.

I love that scene in the hallway so much. The music really makes it, it's so ethereal and manages to somehow make the moment incredibly beautiful despite the grotesque images

My bad. But why was he in pain?

What a poof.

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Biggest injustice was no spinoff with these two

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He does, yeah. But he's so well in tune with his subconscious and his creative impulses, that he can effortlessly incorporate accidents and momentary inspiration into his vision. It's pretty remarkable, most filmmakers can't do anything of the sort.

I have a huge love-hate relationship with Lynch. Obviously he has an amazing filmmaking talent. But he also has the same contempt for his audience you find in the creators of Lost. He planned to never solve the mystery of Laura Palmer's death, knowing full well that the majority of viewers tuned in to find out. The studio did the right thing forcing them to solve the mystery (though it obviously should have been the end of the series)

we sure do need a good pick me up, don't we Agent Desmond

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He's stated before he prefers mysteries over resolved endings. Like that user said, it would be disingenuous to call him pretentious because adding secrecy to your story doesn't make you pretentious. Lynch would rather leave you with a strange feeling that stays with you than an ending which closes off loose ends because the former is memorable while the latter is forgettable.

>The studio did the right thing forcing them to solve the mystery (though it obviously should have been the end of the series)
That was never the intention of the show. The search for Laura's killer was a tree acting a branch for smaller mysteries to Twin Peaks. The most important character isn't Laura Palmer, it's Twin Peaks and the people who live in it. I'm pretty sure he imagined it as a serial that would go on and on with a web of smaller mysteries surrounding Palmer. The suits at ABC were too retarded to see his longterm goal.

>while the latter is forgettable.
Well, not necessarily (example: classical litterature), but I get what you're saying.

yfw he died of AIDS

>contempt for his audience
Oh please. He has nothing but love for filmmaking. He doesn't have contempt for the audience, if anything, he just doesn't care about the audience at all. And that is in no way a bad thing.
Personally, I love his attitude towards mystery and have come to agree with him entirely. The whole magic of mystery is *in* the mystery, which is destroyed if it's "solved". A resolved mystery is a murdered one. He's one of the very few people to have a deep understanding of that, and I'm very grateful for it.
>knowing full well that the majority of viewers tuned in to find out
Who the shit cares? Should he compromise his creative vision because of something the audience expects? You're treating artists like they're businessmen, and it shows you're not an artist yourself.

A little too much fiber in his diet.

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Not really scary, just uncanny

Problem is that the majority of viewers wouldn't watch if they knew that was the case. People want answers to their questions and resolutions to the plotlines. Only a minority of cinephiles would be happy watching the show end with zero resolutions and a dwarf dressed in red doing a jig or whatever.

Are you talking about Inland Empire?


>People want answers to their questions and resolutions to the plotlines.
>Only a minority of cinephiles would be happy watching the show end with zero resolutions and a dwarf dressed in red doing a jig or whatever.
based and Frostpilled. Memes aside, it seems as if there's two schools of thought in Twin Peaks. Those who want a comfy police procedural or a surrealist horror story. Both act as a yin and yang. You can't have the Lynch without the Frost and vice versa. That's what made this show perfectly balanced.

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>He doesn't have contempt for the audience, if anything, he just doesn't care about the audience at all.
not him, but with the floor sweeping scene in the return and the senior droolcup scene in season 2 you can see that he loves cockteasing and mocking people who want to get on with the plot and expect resolutions.

On paper he isn't, but it works when you're watching it (especially in FWWM).

I want to take the whole lot of Pirandello's writing and throw it in his face.

THIS is life already, mistery, too often not knowing what moved a person to do such a thing.

You ever had a longtime friend or relative surprise you? Well if they did so, it means you still don't fully know them. Life never ends, life never concludes, is just short of existance, you will never know what it feels like to be of the opposite gender, to embrace a sport that you never did or learn an instrument you never tried, to speak a language you never spoken, to run as a political figure for a party you never voted for, you will never know what it feels like to enjoy the food that you don't like in this moment.

Fiction gives us closure, take a videogame a videogame allows you to do everything that is possible within it, which sounds redudant but it is not the same for life.
Twin Peaks 3 not ending, is just one more unfinished tale inside the great book of life, a scar.
To cut short something is easier, like it would be easier to never show a monster than design something that feels fresh and scary.

There were many clues and I genuinely solved it before it was revealed, but season 2 was getting pretty rocky before the reveal.

Watch S1, S2 then Fire Walk with Me and then Missing Pieces. Then you're ready for S3. Or better yet, watch the super cut of FWWM and Missing Pieces.

But maybe it's just his natural attitude and sensibilities that are perceived as a cocktease by a lot of people.
Before I read about it on the internet, I had no clue anyone would be in any way upset about the S2 opener, I loved every moment of it and didn't feel cockteased in the slightest. The floor sweeping scene? Thought nothing of it, I was just grooving to the music and enjoying myself.

>Or better yet, watch the super cut of FWWM and Missing Pieces
Fuck off. I wish I could erase that piece of garbage from existence along with all you assholes who keep shilling it

I don't understand why Fire Walk With Me is so hated. What didn't you like about it?

He doesnt understand kino, lynch had to babby down the og series

Maybe I should ask on Yea Forums, but are there any books that are similiar to twin peaks, or at least mulholland drive? preferably some literature and not stephen king-tier pulp.

I love Fire Walk With Me. It's one of my very favorite movies of all time.
What I hate is the fanedit.

Oh I haven't seen that.

Frost had a bigger impact on the show, only season 3 was a lynchfest


There's the Mark Frost books, but those add to the lore and don't have a story. I recommend pic related to start off with.

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>People actually thought this show was good

Lynch is an overrated piece of shit. It's not his fault entirely for that, but mainly the pretentious little shits' that automatically give a 10/10 to whatever looks odd because they are afraid if they don't do that they may called uncultured.

Take the most obvious example: Eraserhead. That movie could be a 20minute short and almost nothing would change at impact because it has almost no story at all. But the pretentious little shits keep giving it 10/10 to look cool.

He's not even that revolutionary as the pretentious little shits imply. That movie is from the late fucking 70s, try the 50s to be really considered that revolutionary to people that aren't brainlets, the 70s were already often odd.

tl;dr: Lynch is "woah dude, being odd is 10/10": the director; is he always shit? no. For example Twin Peaks the series, and mainly for the 1st season is great for its atmosphere but shill with the pretentiousness, douchebags.

What didn't you like about it? Don't just run off with lmao like a coward. I want to hear what you think makes it bad.

this and

Everything after season 2 is garbage. BOB is a floating cgi christmas ball who dies to a stupid nucharacter who punches him to death in a cringey capeshit fight and Laura is some meth head white trash she beast who fucked her way across America and kills her boyfriend/dealer just before Cooper shows up to take her away. The Return is the peak of Lynch's childish nihilism and edgelord story telling.

If you like pic related you'll love The Return.

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Ok you can watch Son of mask now

>because it has almost no story at all.
you are a genuine brainlet

>reddit spacer got pleb filtered

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>look at me, I'm so cultured
the fact you have no argument but only "haha you stupid that watches stupid movies" is what proves my point, brainlet.

the point is that Lynch can have 7/10 or even 8/10 works at times (e.g. 1st season of Twin Picks) but chill with the pretentiousness that he is magically 10/10 just because it made you say "whoa, that's an odd scene".

the sign of the brainlet at movies is when they give automatic 1/10 to what irritates them a little and 10/10 to whatever think will elevate their sad existence.

Lynch is the prime example of automatic 10/10s from pretentious shits that are afraid they won't look cool if they won't do it.

You are conned; even Lynch himself says his scripts are often brainless with no meaning and you keep pretending to know the meaning. You are literally laughable.

Relax, user. Take the banter. It seems the part you like most about Twin Peaks comes from Mark Frost. I don't mean that as an insult because it's perfectly fine not to be into this stuff. Go watch Hill Street Blues then if you don't like this.

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One thing I've noticed in Lynch threads is that there are lots of well explained and detailed opinions about why his films and shows suck, but all his defenders can do is post memes. LYNCHED HA HA! user WAS FILTERED HA HA! user IS A PLEB HA HA!

It's almost like Lynch fans are retards who actually can't think up reasons why Lynch works are good or recognize Lynch sucks and are too cowardly to admit they were stupid for liking him in the first place so they refuse to engage.

Eraserhead has a clearly defined story, you're just retarded

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I just found it stupid recently how many people keep giving 10/10 to Eraserhead without a 2nd thought. I get it, it could be even a 7/10 if you take its historical significance (even if it's only from the late 70s, not really that old) but fuck off with giving automatic 10/10s to a movie that could be a 20 minute short and it would have the identical impact.

It's a sacrilege to call something perfect that isn't. What would others improve upon when you give 10s to something that clearly isn't?

Stop watching it through your conscious mind. Your Shadow needs to watch the show, not you.

>you have to be drugged or already a brainlet to get it

Yes. He ads bunch of pointless symbolism and relies on the viewer to make up their own interpretation

>the sign of the brainlet at movies is when they give automatic 1/10 to what irritates them a little
the irony is fucking overwhelming

How are we going to find the right one?

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27 years later and a room with red curtains still destroys brainlets to this day. No one can pass through it the same.

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I notice you really turned down your wildly projecting turbo brainlet insults in this post, did you engage in self reflection and start to realize how stupid you are?
what the fuck you dumb cunt
were you never introduced to the idea that other people are individuals and not extensions of yourself, and have different sensibilities, mindsets and perceptions?
this is the first and last time I engage your mind-numbingly retarded and ridiculously unselfconscious ass with anything other than a reaction image

Brainlet, Lynch himself keeps reporting at interviews that most scenes pretentious shits like you sperg about HAD NO MEANING AT ALL (from him at least).

So chill, stop giving automatic 10/10 scores to whatever makes you think "whoah dude, that was odd" like some drug, addict and let movies evolve naturally.

I don't entirely disagree, but stories with no room for interpretation can't engage an audience in the same way.
Many of the smaller storylines from S3 were resolved, with the supernatural thread being the odd one out. Personally, I didn't need an overt explanation for what Judy is, what happened to it, its origins etc because such information is unnecessary to the core plot: Destroying Bob.
Lynch made a concession in showing us the origins of Bob, and I don't think further exposing the rest of the supernatural parts of TP would be interesting.
I say I don't entirely disagree with you because I fell for the Infinite Jest meme.

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>but stories with no room for interpretation can't engage an audience in the same way.

I did not mean it in that way, some misteries could remain such, I did not even need to know where/what/when BOB came from, I meant an end, not the cliffhanger we got, especially since it seems the last episodes takes a 180° from where it was going and the driving and the sex felt like pointless filler.

Ok bro you can like whatever you want, just enjoy your favorite movies :)

plotfags are the worst.
mystery is spelled with a 'y'

>what the fuck did you just say? you sound like you're fucking talking backwards. on top of that, you're a fucking neurons, and neuronses don't talk. don't you fuck with me.

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>filled with bad subplots (sawmill, super nadinde, evelyn the list goes on)
>acting is comically bad at times (DROP IT DOOOWN!)
>showrunners forced lynch to reveal leland as the killer, afterwards he just waved his hands into the air and left the show to rot for the remainder of the season until the finale.
>and some may just not like the quirky and surrealist aatmosphere of the show, like cooper saying that he knows the murderers identity just to forget it in the next episode. the mix of all these can make the show seem like a cheap, campy production.
all of this is said as someone who likes the show, even the cheesy parts of season 2.
kinda agree with this, sometimes you just have to have a specific taste to like some of his stuff, some of the guys in these threads don't get it and spam lynched memes because they can't accept that people don't like aspects of his work for valid and even subjective reasons.
he wants the audience to try and make sense out of these scenes themselves without being spoonfed. and even if they don't make sense it doesn't really matter, i don't watch lynch to know the lore of the black lodge in full, i watch him mostly for the atmosphere and the feeling of walking into a world of irrational dreams that his movies bring. don't know what's wrong with giving his movies a 10/10 rating. if a pretentious redditor gave your favourite film a 10/10 would just start screeching about it too?

A story can be open to interpretation without trolling the viewer every few minutes with "LUKE AT ME! I'M LYNCH. I DID SOMETHING ODD AGAIN THAT HAD NO MEANING BY MY OWN ADMISSION!" (cue the automatic 10/10s by his brainless fandom that are afraid to not look cool by giving it any less).

e.g. Take A Ghost Story or VVITCH, both movies are amazing and open to interpretation but they don't shove abstract art up your arse every few minutes. Being very abstract is shit and a waste of time, surrealism is better.

I literally had nightmares about BOB even like month after watching Twin Peaks. I even screamed from sleep.

Oh look its a reddit nolanfag

FWWM and Missing Pieces makes a good double feature.

>>filled with bad subplots (sawmill, super nadinde, evelyn the list goes on)
Yes, but that's season 2
>acting is comically bad at times (DROP IT DOOOWN!)
That was a great fucking scene and Ontkean did great there. I hope you understand that this show is mildly satirizing soap operas of the time it came out. You see repeated shots to Invitation to Love with hammy acting because that was part of it. The only bad acting moments come from Season 3, so I won't take that.
>showrunners forced lynch to reveal leland as the killer, afterwards he just waved his hands into the air and left the show to rot for the remainder of the season until the finale.
Yes, but that's real life. We're talking about the show's story. And any director would be fucking livid to have their passion project raped by network suit.

Now I'm imagining how the crew would react to being transported into the black lodge
>Yes, but that's season 2
the guy you asked was talking about the show overall
>That was a great fucking scene and Ontkean did great there.
doorknob josie? great? come the fuck on man, even lynch dislikes it for the arm dancing on the bed for no reason. and i don't remember if harry truman ever raised his voice in a non-cringe inducing manner (get him outta here! GET HIM OUTTA HERE!)
>is mildly satirizing soap operas of the time it came out.
it was, invitation to love was even mirroring some scenes happening in the show in an on-the nose manner, and people acting like shit is still people acting like shit, you could argue that the evelynn-james storyline was imitating the soap operas of the day, it still was shit.
>Yes, but that's real life.
yeah, but real life events influenced the show. lynch had a right to be angry but also partially because of him leaving the show got cancelled, because the leftovers failed to imitate his style.

the first scene they show him in is kind of unintentionally comical, but they did a better job as the series went on