Whats the best series to down a bottle of vodka to? In the likes of Trailer park boys, sunny in philadelphia and Bojack.
They all seem a bit shitty for such occasions, but they have the general feeling.
Whats the best series to down a bottle of vodka to? In the likes of Trailer park boys, sunny in philadelphia and Bojack
Eastbound and Down
Sounds pretty good. Wonder how i have missed that?
It ran from 2009-2013, has been off the air for years, and would probably be considered "problematic" in todays climate.
Anyways what's wrong
reno 911, spartacus.
>drinking alone
go back to facebook retard.
I can understand Spartacus as an adrenaline fueled power fantasy.
But Reno looks like a shitty cop comedy like Brooklyn 99. How is it different?
reno is based and nothing like (((brooklyn 99)))
Brockmire, perfect series while drinking the day away
Reno 911 is the Trailer Park Boys of cop shows
drinking alone is kino especially in the afternoon
Well it sure looks like a better pick for cop comedies.
Thanks for the recommendation.
Honest question, how the fuck does your stomach take it? I drink a bit too much and my stomachs fucked, I cant stop being sick then dont want to drink again for weeks if not months on end.
Peep show.
How come i have never heard of this? Sounds amazing.
Idk, that's just weird.
I'm always drunk and can always go back to Bojack. There's no other show that benefits as much from repeat viewings.
only certain genetic lines, (northern european), can handle alcohol.
I love Peep show, but its not really a drinking show.
Stop drinking soda entirely, and drink more water. When you drink booze, drink water alongside it.
How do you figure that shit?
it's called evolution.
You know, when I drink alone, I prefer to be by myself.
Asians cant really drink.
Everyone else can drink.
Some northern Europeans can excessively drink. They still get wet brain though.
You should consult a doctor
I can drink constantly and never get hungover. My friends all get hungover if they drink too much but I can drink 20-30+ standard drinks in a night and be fine the next day.
What does that imply
That you have wet brain in your future.
I only drink once every few weeks for the exact reason that I can drink a shitload and not feel bad the next day, seems dangerous
It is. Your brain eventually deteriorates from lack of B vitamins.
Who are the northerners who can drink in your opinion?
Well it's like asians. Half of asians can drink. Half of them really cant. Same for northern euros. Half of them can drink and half of them will never have liver failure. It's hard to pin down exact nations since there is lots of migration in Europe but it tends to be places with long dark winters.
Irish, scandis, some germanoids, balts, rus,
Mad Men
HIMYM. I only find it funny and entertaining while I am drunk. Cant explain shit. It just works
Chernobyl, perfect for a vodka boozing