Now that the dust has settled, was it kino?

Now that the dust has settled, was it kino?

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Alex Jones is kino no matter what he does, as long as it's not just him bitching about being persecuted for 3 hours straight on his show.

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Of course it was. 5+hrs of free associative mania. Magic.

extremely entertaining. And these moments when jamie pulls that up and it turns that Alex is at least partially right about stuff are the best.

Are the greys real? or is Jo and Alex trolling?

#911 is joe rogan's best show

AJ is unironically always right. Before all the newfags got into him he used to have a projector just like all your college professors and he used to actually display the white papers and the foia requests. I said back in 2015 that his endoresment of trump would end him.

Why is Joe Rogan, podcasts in general and stand up comedy Yea Forums?

is he a grifter?

>wife divorces Alex Jones and claims he's crazy
>his lawyer says he just playing a character and doesn't mean all those crazy things he says on the show
>Alex Jones confirms it in jail
>his /pol/ fans still claim it's 57D chess

Are you new? Yea Forums stands for (you)/t/ube/v/ideo

I think he really is crazy. the whole "playing a character" thing seems like legal insulation from getting sued for slander/defamation

Of course he's playing a character it is the single greatest comedy character satirizing the conspiratorial right wing by the genius comedian Bill Hicks.

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>be joe rogan
>be friends with emotionally dishonest people playing a character in order to sell vitamin pills to conspiring nuts
>it's fine because funny

It's called anarcho-capitalism.

Above all he's a jewish plant. But maybe he's also crazy, who knows?

user, according to this website everyone is a jewish plant, a glow in the dark, a shareblue shill, or some other nefarious 3rd party actor.

Not everyone, only people with media attention.

user, the other day I had some autist on here convinced I was some kind of damn plant because I use the world folk.

Yea Forums didn't invent "conspiraty theories" you known. Just because some crazy autists believe in lizzard people and UFOs doesn't mean the jews aren't rulling the western world. Try reading some Karl Marx or Eustace Mullins.


Bernie Sanders is on Rogan tonight, you will now watch Bernie get one hell of a boost in support, it thrusted Yang and Tulsi into candidates with some traction, this will thrust bernie into the lead

Jre Episode #1432 - Donald Trump when

Too bad Bernie bent the knee to Clinton and identity politics. Fuck him.

imagine watching or listening to joe rogan hasn't learned anything in 25 years, has the same conversations over and over again, and think it's "kino"

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Do zoomers not realize that AJ had donald trump on? And that was his literal downfall. Because the pretty girl liked him?

The first one was, the 2nd was clearly forced after the 2 fell out

nobody watches JRE for joe, they watch for the guest.


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Guys, is Alex Jones the sane one and we are all crazy? He likes to act like a retard but lately his predictions have been coming true. I’m starting to think he’s an actor who spits out a grain of redpill here in there between psychotic ramblings.

joe rogan is one of, if not, the largest influencer online

I watched it on shrooms, beer and weed.
Best Friday in years.

Yes how is this even a question. Alex Jones episodes are legendary. He's one of the most entertaining people around. The guy can easily just sit in a chair and rant into a microphone for hours and hours and deliver pure comedy gold. If he was a stand up he'd be the guy that could want into an open mic night and just crush for an hour straight and then come back the next week and do an entire hour again and it'd be an entirely new act.

It was very funny. When Jones started going on about goblins or dwarves or elves or whatever I literally passed out.

Its a double buff kind of thing. The point is that when he's on his show and he's screaming and ranting, that's not how he's like privately. He can have perfectly normal conversations with people but as soon as there's a crowd and a camera around, he goes into I DON'T LIKE IT WHEN THEY PUT CHEMICAL IN THE WATER THAT TURN THE FRICKING FROGS GAY mode.

>the internet isn't television; where are all the cables?!
Get with the times boomer.