OH NO NO NO argiebros... We got too cocky

OH NO NO NO argiebros... We got too cocky...

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stop making threads about sudaca faggotry, no one cares dumb prieto

Argies nowhere to be seen

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>Memexicans have to selfinsert as Brasil to try to make fun of us

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What is the secret of the Argentine-Mexican rivalry? On some croatian forum, I read that Argentina sees itself as a white country while seeing you as some kind of brown savages and monkeys. Is that true? Or is it just because of football?

one was one of the richest countries 70 years ago, now both are dumps, both are brown

Mexicans love to choke in their journos' cocks.
Nobody in Argentina even jokes about a rivalry/derby with Memejico.

>both are brown
you are, we are italians

thanks for jerking us off, but we don't need anyone to bully argentina on our behalf

t. argenegro posting from his waiter job in Mexico City

So Argentina is the England of CONMEBOL?

>Olympic gold medal in Football
>2 actual GOATS
>Olympic gold medal in Basketball
>Futsal world champions
>Multiple boxing world champions in all categories
>Davis Cup winners
>F1 GOAT driver (Fangio with 5 titles before carbabby era)
>Best rugby team in the americas
rent free

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It started because of this video youtube.com/watch?v=JznPMfYVWyE
They bring in race to insult but it's purely football related.

I can't hate Mexicans. It's like hating a mentally handicaped kid.

I understand what 'culo' means but quote some of the best verses from the song to get perspective.

Nah, we actually won something in years

They are eternal butthurt after we won the matchs in the world cups in 2006 and 2010 and they sperg online since then, it's kind of funny living rent free in a nation as big like them

We have few countrys so for the strong teams here its easier, but argentina choked a lot so....YES

>but argentina choked a lot so....YES
Not anymore

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There is no such a thing as rivalry, they are eternally butthurt and we just enjoy making fun of them.

our current nt would destroy argentina desu

>Implying Football was invented this century

Since you don't have a history in this sport it's understandable that you suck on it lol

Argentines started the rivalry because they're jelaous that mexico has low crime, is white and wealthy unlike them.

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>mexico has low crime, is white and wealthy unlike them

The squad that played against Chile would destroy the argies

>low crime
>sudaca land
Pick one

Lol, Borićbro

Uruguay has low crime, it is better than eastern europe

Sadly you can't proved it because you called the police last match and was cancelled chud


That's Brapzil bro

Based cabro baiting messibros

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Who told you that lie


No llores, puta

You WILL submit

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Kill yourself weeb imbecile


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Brazilians are based

>Reyes de America

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Indeed a based post right here

Is this an argie hate thread?

>What is the secret of the Argentine-Mexican rivalry?
Insecure Argies living in a socialist shithole and insecure brown Mexicans from Mexico City.

It's incredible how brazil won so much in football with people that look like this. Makes rest of the world look like a joke

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>thread is Brazil vs Niggertina
>somehow you make it about Uruguay



Great another Argentina hate thread

Argentina’s President Alberto Fernández [...] for remarks made in trying to emphasize his country’s European roots.
During a meeting this week with Spain’s prime minister, Fernández said: “The Mexicans came from the Indians, the Brazilians came from the jungle, but we Argentines came from boats, and they were boats that came from Europe.”

This image doesn't make sense since when we were dinos Argentina was our favourite bitch.

The only good thing he did in all his time of president

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>Brazil has people with genetic diseases

>Brazil is a genetic disease


Not cool making fun of the less fortunate, user.

Argentinians really think they are europeans when they look like di Maria.
I remember when they were seething that Maradona had indigenous blood, they have no sense of pride for their country, only vanity

rude desu

We rule SA

It's funny because he looks like the average boomer spic

Whatever, I still think it's not cool to make fun of people with genetic diseases.