Amazon Prime Jack Ryan

What do you think of this series?

My room mate wants me to watch it with her

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one of the only shows that actually portrays Paris as a shithole

It's a show about humans.

You should rape her.

Not complete shit, but not great either.

Who's that discount Jean Reno?

Or, you know, try consensual sex.

Patriot is the objectively better spy series

Jack Ryan is an awesome show! Amazon have really outdone themselves, truly great quality from Amazon Prime Video, I highly recommend. Very cheap and worth the amazing value! If you have any questions, please direct your query to me!

this, but revert to rape if she doesnt comply

Too gay. Rape is manly.

it's good. give it a try

checked and based

What about The Boys?

>casting a beta male as Jack Ryan


The Boys is an awesome show! Amazon have really outdone themselves, truly great quality from Amazon Prime Video, I highly recommend. Very cheap and worth the amazing value! If you have any questions, please direct your query to me!

Excellent taste.

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Dude, Jack is a literal analyst who was in the army for one tour in the sand. Considering that he's too buff.

underrated post

i gotta say i watched the first episode and it wasnt bad but the audio mixing reminded me of the plane scene. why the fuck do people boost voices so much in movies/tv? i suppose it's better than kinoplex mixing at least

The Grand Tour and Jean Claude Van Johnson are the best Amazon Prime original series.

>defending this casting

leave. now

Trailer looks like a Guy Ritchie story.

You want early 90s Harrison Ford back?

everyone does.

Of course we do. What kind of question is this?

Harrison Ford is THE Jack Ryan
Clear and Present danger is APEX Jack Ryan(Not to be compared with Hunt for Red October, which is carried by Sean Connery)

With that said casting Jim "Tuna" Halper as Jack was a pretty good idea. He does the office analyst thing pretty good.

He was too old for that roll. I could just never picture him blindsiding somebody like a linebacker at 50+ years old. I can see why they went with him, I mean it's Harrison Ford ffs, but he just doesn't match what I have in my head, which is a geeky late 30s jarhead.

The terrorist antagonist ends up being the main character of the show and gets far more screen time than the titular character. There's not much action or scenes of Jack Ryan doing badass CIA agent shit. It also comes off as being a little sympathetic to the badguy, almost implying that he wouldn't have done any of it if white people had just treated him better.

>which is a geeky late 30s jarhead
Harrison Ford had the charisma for the Jack Ryan Character though. He got the geeky analyst down to a T.
This is one of the few times I can say age didn't matter because of the performance.

It's modern day hollyweird liberal political correctness propaganda cocksucking and glorifying pisslam and vindicaring Muslim territory and the murder of whites
>fucking CIA boss negro finds "back to his Muslim faith"
>In disgusting pathos says "May Allah forgive him" after a MUSLIM murders people
>Antagonist Muslim terror leader is literally the most sympethic character, speaking in fucking French in special romantic moments with his 9/10 qtie wife

Stopped watching after the 2deep4u moment where a police commissioner , to Jack Ruana question WHY says
> because We (whites) didn't give them a chance
Justifying a fresh territory act , following by a Le cinematic pause and "atmospheric" score.

Wow rly made me think, Bezos

Yeah but it is only due to racism.

Lets also not forget the completely pointless side plot about the US military drone operator who feels bad for killing a literal terrorist so he takes all his life savings and goes to goatfuckistan to give it all to the terrorist's family. He never has any moment of clarity like "wait, that guy was gonna kill people and I was just doing my job, there's nothing wrong with what I did." Nope, just gives all his money to the goatfuckers and goes home, and it never has any relevance to the main plot. Just a little extra white guilt bullshit shoehorned into the show because apparently there wasn't enough already.

I had a fever when I watched so I layed under a blanket on my couch with a hair dryer going under the blanket. Peak comfy.

Solid show.

Clothes are always too neat and pressed for people in such filthy situations. Otherwise, great writing and Abbie Cornish is hot af.

He killed an innocent man and felt bad, stop being a retarded incel.

>I can't go to Yemen

>room mate


Don't put the blame on me

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My only issue is that they can't use based John Clark due to rights issues.

I agree, always was confused that Air Force One wasn't a continuation of Patriot Games, because Ford's Jack Ryan seemed more like a politician than a badass.

Honestly Amazon probably is the best streaming service.

what about raping her, but making it seem like her idea?

The Boys
Too Old to Die Young (respectable)
Lord of the Rings ($350 million)
Wheel of Time ($200 million)
Event Horizon
Utopia (US remake from Gillian Flynn)
Snowcrash (tba)
Untitled Jonathan Nolan sci-fi (he left HBO's WestWorld for Amazon)
The Neon Demon (movie)
Bosch (respectable)
Jack Reacher ($100 million series, tba)
The Grand Tour (respectable)
The Dark Tower ($200 million series, fully ditching movie, white leads)
Paper Girls ($200 million comic book adaptation set in 1980s, 90s, biblical times, and 2200)

Netflix is seriously fucked. They'll milk Stranger Things until those kids off themselves as adults.

Guy from the Office is miscast. Too much 'let's try to sneak this lefty worldview past the sort of people who read Tom Clancy novels' that's cringy to anyone with half a brain (may not include Tom Clancy fans).

That's spook character was basically a Clark stand in though. I wish they had him though, Clark is based and redpilled.

The best original they had was Patriot and that was probably killed off for Jack Ryan. Though I did enjoy The Boys and they have a much better selection of non originals. Way better than netflix which is all original, all garbage, all the time.

When is the 55gallon of lube going back on sale

please if you're going to bring him back bring the rest of the 90s back with him

Well in the books he goes for President, honestly would like to see a Jack Ryan cinematic universe, but clearly that has gone to pieces since they decided to do a thing on their own and for some reason call it Jack Ryan.

>here we are going to adapt this novel's character
>is all about geopolitics
>but is in a different timeframe altogether
Well what the fuck is the point then?


>and Jean Claude Van Johnson



is this the one about analist?

>intelligence analyst who does zero analysis on screen has above average combat abilities and superior tactical knowledge

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IT was a decent attempt at modernizing the Clancy formular. However it makes the lib mistake of assuming that muslim terror has social reasons.

In his books the characters were all genuinely acting because of their ideology. The leftist writers behind this series woulod have been backstabbing anti-western anti-american cunts.

He was part of the USMC and left because of PTSD and a spinal injury.

isn't one of the characters a homosexual?

will they ever do a proper Rainbow Six movie/tv season or did the vidya ruin that?

I cant go to yemen im just an analyst
Git oan da dam plane

In episode 3 (I think) the entire story stops for 20 minutes of a white guy being cuckholded by some kind of mexican brown thing.
I bet you think I am just memeing as well OP

It'S difficult not to be generic with what would essentially be a swat show.

I don't like white guilt, but in my opinion you got this wrong. But then again so did the series. It was a missed opportunity; they could have illustrated how bad drone strikes that kill innocent people create more terrorists than they kill. But the US's drone program is a travesty, and has been through GW Bush and Obama and ORANGEMANBAD.

I mean the story from the Rainbow Six book itself, not an ongoing thing.

Not everything has to be a franchise.


peak boomer

The problem with Clancy's books is that they were pretty damn simplistic. "Bad guys gain a-bomb, a-bomb blows up." What made them endearing was his commitment to accurately describe all the equipment and different combat roles accurately, which would be difficult to achieve in movie form.

On top of which Rainbow six is just oneof the John Clark novels. 'Without Remorse' will come out soon and Iexpect that they will try to build on that. Remember that by the time Clark is forming Rainbow Six he is already friends with Ding and Ryan.