So opening day if definitely way too risky right? What do you guys recommend one week after?

So opening day if definitely way too risky right? What do you guys recommend one week after?

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Just make sure to buy a bulletproof vest, buy a seat near an exit and watch out for anyone wearing a gamer tee shirt.

If you're American I wouldn't even recommend going outside.

it must be hard being american

By the time this movie premieres there will be a nation wide ban on assault arms so no worries

The absolute states of America..qq

Assault weapons have been banned for years

Just go during the day on a weekday. Nobody's going to shoot up an empty theater.

Waiting from digital stream, won’t even go to the closest store to purchase the blu ray

If you mean automatics then only new ones are banned. A richfag can still buy a fully automatic weapon for a few tens of thousands of dollars.

bollocks, /pol/incels still brag that they can buy weapons

this film will trigger the next american civil war

you have to be 18 to buy a gun.

Anyone ponying up 20k USD for a Pre 1986 Thompson/Uzi/Mac isn't the demographic likely to shoot up a theatre.

>So opening day if definitely way too risky right
only if you live in muttistan

if hypothetically there was a civil war, all that would happen is the cities would cut all
logistical support to rural areas, where the majority of the Republicans live, causing them to surrender within weeks. seriously.

Unless the movie theater is in Walmart I think you will be safe.

thanks for your good work OP

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In some sates you have to be 21 to buy a pistol from an FFL. And you need to apply for a pistol permit which entails a state and federal level background check. Note that I said some states. Others, like Idaho are more freewheeling. A federal standard, rather than a state system would actually fix most of these issues.
Inb4 muh states rights.

I always wondered why Elliot Rodgers didn't. If any mass shooter had the means it was him.


I know, I'm just gonna watch the first gook camrip.


The cities would starve before the countryside misses "logistics"

Some of you guys are alright. If you see a man wearing a batman suit entering your cinema, with a justice for trayvon banner.... I suggest you do a 360 and walk out of there...................


Nope. He can rent it indefinitely from the original owner though. American gun laws are silly.

Do you imagine a civil war happening between cities and towns? Are you actually retarded?


>le poor people are the only ones who kill people meme

Elliot Rogers was a rich kid and the older guy who shot up the Country Music festival in Nevada was literally worth millions.

Shit tier analysis. All of our food is grown in the midwest, largely by republican/libertarian/constitutionalist white men who are armed to the fucking teeth. We cut power, they cut food, we all lose.

If he was worth millions why did he use a poor man's fake auto that is a bump stock instead of a transferrable ak.

this. I'm sleeping on the floor with a bullet proof vest on opening night

>what is a class three dealers license
Yeah, you can outright buy them, again, of you're willing to pay the ridiuclous license fees for a class III. And put up with both overt amd covert ATF spot checks, inspections and harassment.

don't even watch it streaming without a VPN

you're wrong. US agriculture is run by large corporations, not small Trump voting farmers. the situation would be like during the Soviet Ukrainian genocide under Stalin.

plus I don't know if you've seen any graphs, but red states the most obese, and Republican voters are old. they're in no state to mount a guerilla warfare campaign.

But he didn't do that you reductionist faggot. Making your point utterly foolish and moot to boot.

probably because that mumbo jumbo doesnt matter?

hah that rhymed

Assault weapon is a scary term dreamed up by the media. An assault rifle is a select fire rifle chambered in an intermediary cartridge like 5.56 nato. The sale of these is illegal in America outside Montana, which has some slightly different laws provided you build the gun yourself and it never leaves the state. You can, however, buy single fire semiauto rifles. Converting them to select fire/auto is still illegal. Not that laws matter to crazy people and criminals.

I had no idea that braindead people could even type

Reread the second amendment. All gun laws are by definition unconstitutional, and as we've seen they don't fucking work.

there's no chance of a proper civil war in the US. I was illustrating how little the fantasy of civil war the right indulges in has to do with reality: there's no regional center for red states to defend.

Wasn't my point. I was talking about the laws as they exist and are enforced today. I'm also not saying you're wrong - but go ahead, try that argument out on an TF agent. Or the SWAT team when they redflag you and kick your door in. I've known people this has happened to.

Never seen someone be so wrong.

are you retarded? support of what? worthless green paper? would be the other way around retard

I'm also adding that the discussion of constitutional rights in the face of an ATF agent will, 100% , increase the ammount of harassment you recieve. They will ding you for anything they can find. I'm not going to list them all here.

how do you fucking faggots always do this

Whatever dude Aqua Teen Hunget Force isn't even real.

actually without power and gas farmers couldn't grow food in any case, and cites could import food via the coast.

but it's irrelevant because the Midwest isn't even that staunchly republican: it's where all the swing states are. the majority of Americans don't vote, and the Republicans are a minority of those who do. there's really no discussion to be had, you're a fantasist.

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Why are you assuming that only republican citizens are against the government? I have liberal friends that hate the government.

This is flawed for four reasons
1) If this civil war is happening right now - the government is gonna side with those rural areas
2) those rural areas can cut off their food supplies to the city
3) The people in non-city areas are normally armed to the teeth. If all the Busters and John boys decide to pull up to cities with their assault weapons - what exactly is a place like San Fran (for example), gonna do?
4) Police are likely gonna side with the Government and, thus, the rural areas

They don't need to grow the food right then, holy shit man, you actually think that's how this works?
>what are grain elevators
>what are massive piles nd thousands of tonnls of corn, wheat and soŷ, core of the american diet
>what are the massive quonset huts full of potatoes
They don't ship all this stuff out at once, jesus.

Okay then nigger. Make a map that shows the divide in a modern hypothetical us civil war

>BATF Agent detected.

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ur first joke was funny but u n Ed to quit while ur ahead
>power production takes place in urban areas

This. Most of our electricity is produced by coal burning powerplants, with the next largest coming from hydro, then nuclear, and in last place solar and wind.
When was the last city based coal burning powerplant you've seen? Ever since Tesla made alternating current viable we've been able to transmit power over longer distances. Those powerplants transmit to substations and the substations step the voltage down to 110 AC, which is what your house is rated for.

I recommend not going to see some capeshit just because you're addicted to being "ironic", watch something good and sincerely enjoy it, you defective fuck.


>be american
>get shot
lol, those burguers are pathetic

>what is Bastille day truck massacre
>what is Paris massacre
You lost like 200 between just those two, Frenchy.

>most of our electricity is produced by coal
You are fucking joking right?

Honestly, this movie will be the incel manifesto I strongly encourage the government to make the no singles policy for this movie, no exceptions.

>city slickers

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Werent both of those carried out by isis and shit? So itd more more akin to 9-11. Which in my opinion is kind of different than some social reject white dude walking into a walmart and killing 20 or so people

Not even gonna risk it desu

>the government is gonna side with those rural areas
What a large leap in logic. I stopped reading at this point since you're obviously a rural boy who thinks highly of the rural area and likely assumes only rural people have guns.

Is it just me or are things getting crazier out there?

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Wait for the dvd release but make sure nobody sees you buying it or carrying it home, the sight of the joker can set an incel off instantly

I'm going opening night just so I can brag about it if nothing happens.

And if something does happen, I'll haunt you all big time and wordfilter all your memes.

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Post your face with a timestamp so we can ask for a sticky if you die.

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I have a tattoo of the Heath Ledger version of the joker I got years ago does that make me an incel?

Region specific.
>fossil fuels
>natural gas
>coal @ 27%, or nearly 1/3

Digits confim how many days untill 4channel gets shut down.

>poor man's fake auto that is a bump stock instead of a transferrable ak
uhhh ok gunnigger, what does that have to do with anything? nothing.

the big kids are talking, so hush

It's a sweeping generalization, but a republican government is gonna side with areas that support them (in the case of the civil war - Trump would take control dictator style). Those areas are hardly the metropolitan areas you see primarily in cities and the coast.

119171027 days

Just wait for the HDRIP like everyone else here

"Terrorist" is just a word. And official designation for legal purposes. The mass shooting events in the U.S have all been domestic terrorism, just not labelled as such.

>Incelmutts truly have fantasies like this.

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Demoshits live closer to the polls are more are unemployed

>implying I agree or want this
I'm just autistically going along with the hypothetical reality previous anons set here

How new are you?

I love when retards like you point out shit about red states like “lol most obsess, lol most welfare” completely oblivious of the fact that that’s where all of the black people in the country live and they skew the results. Leftists are truly mental midgets.

I can't wait til October, some gamer needs to get the screener copy.

Very good thread

but like you could just drill a few holes and not tell anyone

Yes, I'm waiting a week or two for sure

Honestly, up until a few days ago I thought the whole paranoia surrounding the imminent release of this movie was just hyperbole. But then Trump chose to rightly condemn violent electronic videogames for the latest mass shootings. Gamers, this movies target audience, are now in my opinion absolutely primed for violence. I will be avoiding any movie theater like the plague for at least the first fortnight this is released.

Divide the country in half. Reds get the half above the dirt.

>Elliot Rogers
His name was Elliot Rodger.
Did you even read his manifesto lmao

who do you think grows your food

Im gonna cross the border and wach in Juarez, no risking it

>be American
>have to plan around mass shootings to go out

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Go to an early screening. The neet incel shooters will still be sleeping

I don't think you understand how agriculture and farming works

by a scientist in a lab growing food?

I'll wait for the YIFY

What if they stayed up the whole night mentally preparing for the massacre?

Whoever gets dubs or trips now has to see it opening night in the front row, wearing either a shirt with a target on it or a Captain Marvel shirt, or (if they have one) a girlfriend/female friend accompanying them.

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Realistically, what can be the solution to the incel problem? Immediate institutalization of all white men who are still virgins and aren't religious a day after their 20th birthday? Not allowing white men gun ownership unless they have a girlfriend? Euthanasia for white virgin men over 30? Putting any white man with a weak jawline, glasses and STEM occupation on a watchlist?

>be American
>get shot


oh god oh god oh god

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designated cute girlfriend for every incel

Be on the lookout for the usual suspects

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You're not a real Joker fan if you don't get shot

no no, that's where the GMO crops are being grown for ethanol
your food comes from california and mexico, sweetie

>you can only get guns at 18.
>nobody ever gets alcohol under 21.
>no one under 18 ever smokes or vapes.
Liberal logic, literally retarded, how did you learn to use a keyboard?

If digits I’ll go fully made up as a girl in my tight fitting Captain Marvel MCU costume accompanied by my chad older daddy bf

unlikely but they'll be fatigued even if they do so. I'm gonna go to a sunday 10:30 screening with all the boomers

Make prostitution legal - they got no excuse for their autism then.

>mfw some incel will actually shoot up the theatre on the opening night
Stay save, my American brothers

Uh, that's extremely misogynistic and incely. Women aren't objects that you're entitled to. This is why the whole country wants your kind dead.


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well then dont be surprised if some incels get sexually frustrated and go on a killing spree if society denies them basic human need

>doesn't know that 90% of the grocery store space, the whole central portion, with the exception of the periphery is made up of products made from corn, wheat or soŷ.
>doesn't know that the remaining 10% is divided between meat, produce and bakery - the last of which uses all three.
>doesn't know that the primary feed for poultry, beef and pork is all the corn grown in the heartland
You are a faggot. Also, maybe move out of your mothers house and buy groceries yourself.

what kind of retarded logic is this

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The one we live in?

just give them sex robots

>Passing up the chance to take part in real-life KINO

Going to this movie on opening night will be Yea Forums's biggest singular pleb filter in history.

omg they're not even denying they're a terrorist cult! You realize under any administration other than your God Emperor White Supremacist DRUMPF you'd rightfully get executed for making a post like that right? And before you go all Ben Shapiro Freeze Peach, trust me honey when I say that not a damn sane person in this country values your vile words over the lives of people who haven't managed to not fulfill the most basic of human interactions by the age of 20.

dude jared is crazy!

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t. active shooter

Where is my designated mass shooting event?

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Why should we waste our hard earned dollars on losers who are so damn pathetic they can't ever get laid? They can buy their creepy incel sex robots with their own money.

>gentle knowing nod to my third-weekenders

How can you be an incel when hookers exist?

This movie will be a cinematic avhievement on and offscreen, not trying to be a pretentious faggot but this will be huge, avengers was just like a spectacle but Joker will be an experience, a cindmatic masterpiece on screen and a sense of fear and suspense for anything to come, kino. This movie will wn an oscar.

im not even from USA i dont give a shit about Trump
just an outsider observation from your culture it seems like all those feminist revolutions and hollywood/media agenda made it so women are in control of the dating market which left a lot of men with nothing

I would have said people arnt stupid enough to take this bait but look at all the replies.

How old do you have to be to steal one?

Sorry for grammar have to phone post right now

Lot of incels are pussies, they're scared of getting caught

>incel shooter reads this post
>waits til third weekend


Re-adjust your tampon, stop saying freeze peach, and tits or gtfo, with a strong preference for the latter.
>protip: you are instantly identifiable every time I see you.


>getting caught
Come on here, it's not like prostitution would be illegal in a first world country. Plus if you go somewhere into the city noone even knows your name

Left with nothing, because sex is everything? God you incels are pathetic. Waahh I can't get laid because I'm a nerdy loser my life is over waaahh we must take women's right waahh. Fuck you, you disgusting piece of shit. When you were a child, did you ever imagine you'd grow up to be that psuedo-pedophilic creep your mother would warn you to stay away from?


you're not wrong, but you're applying rational logic to an irrational group of people

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Blame Rian Johnson then.

human's most basic purpose is to reproduce, so essentially sex yes
retards like you is why the entire West is being outbred out of existence

I always conceal carry. Head on a swivel user.

I mean if I had a choice between shooting up places and going to a hooker, I'd chose the hooker. It's not that I am a particularly good person, I just don't think it's worth the hassle.

I blame him for everything

I remember the video of the negro teaching me proper English and mocking the use of "arnt". I just chose to disregard it.

Where will the nuke/dirty bomb hit?

both of these statements are flat out wrong lol, eliot's dad lost all his money on a bad movie and the vegas guy went broke from gambling

NYC for maximum damage.

>human's most basic purpose is to reproduce, so essentially sex yes
As if priests, nuns, monks, and asexuals don't exist. As if normal people don't see it for what it is: a pleasurable physical act that may or may not be better than masturbation depending on your intimacy with your partner, that's all in all a nice but MINOR part of living.

>retards like you is why the entire West is being outbred out of existence
Right, forgot you're a retarded nazi for a second. How does it feel being brainwashed into thinking you're worthless because you can't get laid, then get recruited into a racist, misogynistic cult to cope with it? You've fallen for the fascism scam, you absolute imbecile.

I’m going opening day, oh take me sweet embrace of death

Yeah but you can surely admit there is a difference between some coordinated Isis type attack and some random shooting done by a guy because he really dislikes mexicans.. right?

Based and brass-balled

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No, actually. The motivations are very similar. Both are ideological, basis wise. Both are terrorist attacks, and both are carried out by non state groups or individuals. There is almost no difference.

How can I be a Nazi if I'm not even white?
told you before I'm not American, I'm not European either
I'm just saying what I see happening from outside

>How can I be a Nazi if I'm not even white?
Never stopped an American

Not white, not American, not European? What the fuck are you then? Asian? Hispanic?

Palestinian, but why does it even matter

trump is the leader of christian isis

>he thinks centrally planned economic police states with national identities based on race are unique to Europe.

It matters to this sick american pigs. They are OBSESSED with race, politics and shit.

Stop trying to take Israel away from their rightful owners, you monster.

that's the spirit

I would add that the individual ideologue is more dangerous than ISIS on U.S. soil. Principally because of the individual and uncoordinated nature of their actions. Plots by multiple people spanning multiple countries have much higher rates of detection - you just never hear when they're repeatedly foiled. Sonetimes, big ones like Paris slip by. The Bastille attacker was a lone person, and that's why he was successful.

It'll be "The Lobster" within our lifetime, bros...

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You should be safe if you show up with a bullet proof vest, all black garb including ski mask so the clowncels cannot detect you, and a gun of your own for defense. Of course to be extra safe you should call the theater ahead of time to warn of a possible shooting.

You can never be too careful.

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This kills the wh*te bisexual liberal teenager

>call the theater ahead of time to warn of a possible shooting.
>all screenings are cancelled
>FBI show up at your door

Just plant some pork products outside the doors to your theater. Mossad agents won't go near it.

>be american
>can't go to the movies because of an amendment to the constitution
>muh land of the free

>hide in a dark corner of the cinema with night vision goggles and just watch the carnage kino unfold.

Most incels are brown or yellow

>need to carefully plan out a movie night so as to avoid getting shot in the face
Do americans really do this?

>FBIman brings with him Webster's dictionary
>Uses thumb index to flip to 'S'
>Flips a few pages
>Sarcasm, ˈsärˌkazəm
the use of irony to mock or convey contempt.
"his voice, hardened by sarcasm, could not hide his resentment"
>He reads this aloud for your benefit.

>go in full body armor
>people freak out thinking you are a clowncel
>tell them "I'm just worried about getting gunned down"

Sadly, yes

What if you just went to a theater with a no singles policy? That should be safe, right?

Diversity is our strength.

The solution is for schools and the media to stop vilifying young white boys as the grow up, constantly telling them they have earned nothing, are evil, and are a problem.

Literally every other demographic has experienced 100x worse treatment over the centuries but you don't see them going postal.


Nice bait


>actually without power and gas farmers couldn't grow food in any case

Yes, because nobody ever grew anything before industrialisation.

Why did it have to be Joker? Why couldn't it have been Endgame?

Yeah, running people over with a truck requires way more precision, terrorist training, and group coordination than shooting people

no singles policy for Endgame

If I was sure that someone would kill me, I'd go opening day. No reason to exist on this jew faggot tranny nigger world anymore.