Films about Injustice?

Films about Injustice?

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>white people are racist
News at 11.

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Justice league (reign of superman)

>white people

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One of them probably resisted arrest while trying to incite his fellow negroids to riot. The other followed officer's instructions like his mama taught him.

i DARE nazicels to come up with a valid rebuttal.

I'm sure the nigger peacefully co-operated and didn't resist in the slightest.

One struggled/fought with the police and was generally uncooperative. One surrendered without incident.

prove it.

>comply with my orders citizen, otherwise get beaten/killed
how do the boots taste?

you know the nig on the left fought with cops

>Nigger resists a 20 dollar ticket more violently than an incel getting the death penalty

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White Mans Burden

I wake up with a smile each day knowing there are boots being shined in preparation to stomp some spooks.

Prove it nazicel.

david logan SURE looks like an upstanding citizen

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Look it up. One cop is getting surgery on his leg. The black dude had drugs, ran from the cops, beat a couple and then got caught

America has a population of 300+ million. What other things happen this week in America?

>I should just be allowed to ignore whatever the cop says and drive away
>people who follow laws are bootlickers!

This. Your crime doesn't matter during an arrest, if you chimp out you get shot. Easy as that.

HOWEVER, the black guy can maybe get some cash out of the police or the media for his arrest, while the other guy gets the death penalty or life.

>no need to obey the law, i can do what i please
If only everyone thought like this. (You)'d get a bad shock when you woke up one morning to find every nigger in America mysteriously murdered.

>Waaaah he hurt my leg that means we've got to beat his face in until he looks like Apollo Creed in Rocky 2 waaaaaaaaah
>Oh, but Mr Mass Murderer man? You're so delicate, please let me take you gingerly into our squad car *kisses forehead*

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I jerked off into my sock to a picture of Linda Blair.

That's why they get shot left and right. They're dumb as a rock and don't know when to fight.

>he hurt my leg = assaulting a police officer of the law

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this was a good one

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Why can’t people accept that blacks and women are retarded?

>nigger resists
>whitey submits peacefully
>you act racist over it
Some events just naturally settle into their conclusions

As a black man, I can't tell you how much it breaks my heart to see white people so determined to avoid looking in the mirror.

It's got to the point where I'm just sat here thinking take. A. Damn. Look.

Everywhere my brothers and sisters are persecuted. And for what? Because we represent the guilt in white hearts. We built the beautiful countries and societies you have been able to thrive in, and yet it is you, not us, who has benefitted the most. It is the white person who lives with privilege, while beautiful black kings and queens have been swept away, into the dark corners of society, ushered there in an attempt to keep a dirty little secret from being exposed.

Well I've news for you. The age of the Internet has allowed eyes to be opened, and I'm seeing more and more strong black brothers and sisters rise to the top. Our message is being spread and listened to by young people of all creeds and colours.

Some white people are good, don't get me wrong. I come across people all the time who apologise on behalf of their white kin. But for every white person who admits their place, they normally have an entire family of ignorant souls who live in perpetual jealousy and fear of black power.

Things will change, especially with the increase of multiracial babies. I just find it sad that it's not happening quicker.

Just don't resist arrest. Pic related.

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holy shit all i feel is rage

The severity of the crime does not dictate the force necessary to subdue the suspect. If the suspect is not resisting, it doesn't matter what he did or did not do. The beating is not a punishment.

Of course it's also likely that Mr. Logan didn't really do anything to justify the beating he got as the police in the US are pretty racist, especially in the south. However, I don't see the point of mentioning the crimes in this picture, they bare no relevance to the treatment by the police.

don't act like american pigs don't go on power trips and freak out like children whenever someone tells them to back off

and that's a good thing

>We built the beautiful countries and societies you have been able to thrive in

So basically what you're saying is that police should have beaten up the shooter even though he cooperated? Are you in favor of cops doing extrajudicial punishments?

Now let's hear the rest of the story on the left

Shut the fuck up you over-privileged racist shithead

>white kid geta black vest
>black kid gets white vest
like poetry


>the police in the US are pretty racist, especially in the south
i'm sure you have some emperical data to support that claim. right user?

>ww2 veteran
aka killed a bunch of German boys because they didn't want their nation ruled by Jews

don't act like you are not just arguing against a fantasy strawman situation in your head to avoid addressing your own biases