Au Revoir, Shosanna

Au Revoir, Shosanna

Attached: hitthewall.jpg (408x612, 27K)

ftm as fuck

She looks a bit better these days I think. This was taken a couple of years ago. I searching what her name is, someone find recent pics.

Is this twin peaks?

Damn, Henry Caville looks like THAT?

Just an extremely unfortunate pic.

Why is Kurt Cobain in a dress?

Thought this was David Bowie's final photo.

Here's another one

Attached: bruh look at this dood.jpg (1334x2000, 195K)

iggy pop looks so youthful

How do people like Basterds so much when this bitch and her stupid theater bring the movie to a screeching hault?

Hey asshole we all age her beauty is captured on film and immortalized for generations to admire, what more can you ask?

Looks a lot better here (it's the same set)

because people are brainwashed to think anything Tarantino is great

Would make sweet love with her any day of the week. Love me some milfs

she's cute in this one

>screeching halt
It's called a climax, user. You'll learn more about a climax once you have sex.

Every time

I feel bad

Attached: 1447000494335.jpg (640x654, 71K)

literally a dude in a wig


It's honestly pretty amazing that he has managed to look as consistently shit as he does for as long as he has and it's now gotten to the point where he really doesn't look bad for his age.
