Bigard edition XD
Will Kate Mulgrew cameo/star this series? She showed interest to do some admiral stuff years ago when there were talks about new show. Too bad the project emerged as Discovery.
Bigard edition XD
Will Kate Mulgrew cameo/star this series? She showed interest to do some admiral stuff years ago when there were talks about new show. Too bad the project emerged as Discovery.
only if she comes on to confirm Chakotay and Janeway are canon.
yes I am still bitter
>Will Kate Mulgrew cameo/star this series?
She recently took a shit on Roddenberry and TOS, so now she's waiting for a phone call from Kurtzman.
I wouldn't be surprised to see more TNG/DS9/VOY stars.
>tfw no bimbo Borg gf
he's a big guy
>tfw no slutty tgf who frequents /trek/
Someone ate them Kelpiens between DIS and TNG.
>she's a bimbo because she's more beautiful than me
Literally the only characters people remember are Picard and mammary borg. Wheaton obviously got more exposure, but he is too soi even for nu nu trek.
I just want to laugh at fat Data, fat Q and fat Doctor, all cheering whilst Picard gives a speech about how censorship is good. Then not-Rey defeats Vulcan Trump and lets all the gud boi Romulans into the Federation.
chestlets are so easy to spot
>thinking women lurk /trek/
the best you can hope for is a discord tranny
pls read b4 reply next toim
>shitting on The Man Trap
But why?
>reading posts
okay reddit
Nah, it's more of those big fake tits, collagen filled lips and blonde hair.
Here's to the finest thread in TeeVee.
>Nah, it's more of those big fake tits, collagen filled lips and blonde hair.
seething roastie detected
You mean tranny.
>Not making Trump the Ferengi Grand Negus after Rom
they cant even make fun of orange man right within their own universe. instead they go with with the racist angle. SAD.
The real red pill on him is he has no morals. he does everything in the name of profits.
>Grand Negus puts out Holo-Messages starting at 6:00AM every day about whatever he heard on Dominion subspace channels.
>fake tits
>collagen filled lips
>blonde hair
You seethe
Will they address the events of September 1992? is brent spiner brave enough to name the perpetrator?
Imagine being a tranny and raging about Jeri Ryan because she's natural, beautiful, talented and rich.
seethe more ugly roastie
She was also passed around sex clubs by her husband.
Women can't stand when another woman is objectively superior to them.
Yeah I'm sure you, a guy in a Star Trek thread on Yea Forums, is a real expert on everything involving women.
No, he kept taking her to sex clubs and she felt so disgusted by it that she divorced him. Jeri is pure.
awfully hostile response from a roastie secure with her own appearance
Look at that, 'she' just can't resist putting on her trip.
How many posts did you make without it? Two? Three?
He's absolutely right.
He kept trying to, but she constantly refused until finally just ended up divorcing him.
Bitch do I look like I work at Arby's?
This was a catalyst for a chain of events that led to Obama getting into Congress, eventually the presidency, and I would argue also allowed for Trump to win after Obama's eight years and having Hillary as the Dem Nom after Obama beat her in the primaries.
Jeri Ryan is one of the biggest cultural influencers coming from Trek in this case.
Do you think roastie refers to roast beef? Stupid cunt.
>Will star in Picard for some food and crack
It kinda does, but I don't think Bash has had a lot of sexual partners.
why are most trips insecure women or transexuals? i couldn't imagine needing validation taking precedence over my interests for fulfillment. i just enjoy living my own life too much.
The point is she divorced the guy who kept taking her to sex clubs which she wouldn't have done if she enjoyed going to them.
>dont think bash has had a lot of sexual partners
Good on her.
Everyone should get through life aiming to have as few sexual partners as possible
this is why you are being out bred.
Why did the druggie slut hit the wall so hard?
Agreed, as far as we know Bash in a deeply committed relationship with a husband who loves her and ensures she has tasteful clothes, nutritious food, a well appointed home and health care.
Uh yeah, I'm extrapolating from that, instead of just repeating that point, like you are.
I'm keeping my posts simple so the seething roastie understands Jeri hated the sex clubs. I can't agree that Trump's election was due to Jeri but Obama certainly owes his presidency to her.
I am not familiar with this story, please fill me in, user.
You're a fucking moron.
You're more likely to have more kids if you COMMIT to a single relationship instead of supporting hook-up culture.
>health care
Someone has to pay for those hormones.
But seriously, she should start having kids ASAP before she gets too old and they all have autism.
>Will Kate Mulgrew cameo/star this series?
She's certainly woke and cunty enough for it.
MEANWHILE in reality.
Paco and Tyrone are fucking everything and spreading their seed every where.
get fucked gringo. I know your women are.
My sides.
Mormons and Amish are the torchbearers of a white future.
Luddites and people who believe in magic underwear. GREAT hope you have there.
Housewife is unironically based.
Wrong meat product user
Considering she's the worst captain, a cunt of a person IRL, and le feminist icon with roles in recent reddit hits like Orange is the new Black, it's almost a certainty she'll make an appearance or becomes a semi regular.
What episode was kirk chiding someone and saying "up, up, up!"?
>mfw /trek/ is rising up against trannies, chestlets and roasties
>rising up
We've always been against them though.
I like chestlets as long as they're dragging a wagon.
tranny lol
This user knows. I'd rather fuck a girl with a great ass and average tits than a milk truck hag sagging to her knees at 30
Yeah it's like when Marina Sirtis insulted a part of the Trekkies. A few days later they announced that she would guest star on STPicard.
>fuck a girl
Degenerate manwhore.
Settle down and stop destroying western civilisation with your hedonism.
I'd rather have a girl with an average ass and great tits.
They better not fuck this up and infect the franchise with another STD or alternate timeline bullshit. I'm all for upgrading ships and technology of course since Voyager brought back a lot of cool stuff plus surviving Dominion-rape would've left the AC with a lot of new toys but they better not use the CGI tech that didn't exist 20 years ago to turn this into a pew pew lazor beam live action video game instead of holding true to the intellectual & philosophical pursuit that Trek was always about.
>turn this into a pew pew lazor beam live action video game instead of holding true to the intellectual & philosophical pursuit that Trek was always about.
You have seen DS9/VOY/ENT, haven't you?
Haven't you seen the trailer? It's STD+Picard.
Pussy was put on this earth to be pounded and filled with my cum. As far as I'm concerned a woman's value is determined by how many of my children she can bear. Not being misogynist, this is just a biological fact that's been forgotten in this era of twitter numales who can't even grow a full beard.
they will 100% have pew pew CGI shit in every episode
You haven't.
Ackchoocheemoya we are far from the lands of the normies...
>"I'd like to speak to the commanding officer" haircut
Oh course! And of course there were space battles and hand-to-hand combat, especially in DS9, but it didn't dominate the series or become the key focus. They were all well written and were more about the cerebral aspects of the shows than the action. The action was usually nuanced and about the struggle & implications behind it, not the flare itself. I love well-choreographed space battles but Trek isn't Star Wars. If I wanted to see nonsense like a ship pushing another ship 10,000x it's mass into another I'd just watch Star Wars.
I'm purposely avoiding watching the trailer because I'm scared of what I may see and the premature opinions I may form. Gonna approach it like STD: watch.The first couple episodes and give it a legit chance, if it's bullshit like STD never watch it again and instead hang out at the replimat with plain, simple, Garak.
Why don't ships have shields in DS9?
Saves time and money for the battle episodes.
That always bothered me too. I understand that Federation shields have always proven useless against Dominion weapons because of the type of particle they were shooting or something like that (until they adapted) but the accelerating large battles by ignoring shields was kinda a downer.
A runabout running away from Dominion fighters gets hit multiple times and survives while having her shields slowly whittled down while an Ambassador class getting hit by a shingle phaser blast which destroys the entire saucer section was kinda silly.
Too bad you're a permavirgin.
>huffs farts
Calm down, ugly.
So Jeri Ryan was married to businessman Jack Ryan, from '91-99. In 2004, Jack Ryan was the Repulican candidate in the Illinois Senate election after winning the primary. His Democratic opponent was Obama. During the campaign, Ryan's divorce case was unsealed by a judge, and, as you may have seen a few times in this thread, Jeri cited being brought to sex clubs and receiving demands for public sex in said clubs in these divorce proceedings.
This reveal torpedoed Ryan's campaign, and he withdrew from the election. He was replaced late in the election cycle by Alan Keyes, who lost to Obama. Obama delivered a well received keynote speech at the 2004 DNC, and between that and his decisive victory, among other attractive qualities, made him a frontrunner in the '08 Dem primary, and eventually, the President.
Now conjecture comes in. Eight years under Obama electrified the conservative and Repulican bases, and a lame candidate in Hillary created the perfect storm that caused Trump to win in '16. I could talk all day about the 2016 election, but really, you couldn't elect Trump without having Obama's brand of government for eight years, and you may not have seen Obama's eight years if Ryan won Illinois.
>Republican in Chicago
King Nigger would have won anyway. He only became the Dem candidate for president because Hilary didn't sacrifice enough babies to Moloch in 2008, she still won the popular vote though.
The seat was up for election because a Republican vacated it. We'll never know, but Ryan had a way better shot than Keyes pushed in months before the election.
Some believe a deal was made to give the red hot Obama '08 and Hillary would have dibs on the next Dem presidential nom. Conjecture, but still, Obama's eight years and Hillary's nomination shenanigans were a contributing factor to Trump in '16.
Winning a senate seat doesn't make national headlines, but winning in a fucking massive landslide does. And having extra campaign money (which you no longer need, because you're winning in a landslide) to share with other campaigns helps make a lot of friends. That's how he got friends in the Democratic party and that's how he started to become a household name among ordinary voters.
>this intimidates lesser specimens
>Implying Obama wasn't a planned CIA asset since the 1970's
>that smile
She just can't shut off her bitch face, can she?
>fucked up teeth
>warts everywhere
It hurts my eyes to look at that cunt for too long.
Post pics of your GF faggot.
>Chakotay/Janeway didn't happen
>Doctor/Seven didn't happen
What were they thinking?
Working at a Starbucks inside a Target is nothing like working at a "real" Starbucks.
reminder that /trek/ is a fren thread. no nasties allowed!
Damn son
I thought Bash was on SSI?
Mr Worf, fire.
Please stop, I just ate.
The Discord could only pull tax transcripts through 2016, which means she likely hasn't filed in a few years.
These are rare. How did you obtain them?
shields upp!
Bashirfag's cosplay fb page
Very well. You're dismissed.
Why am I saving all of these?
Set phasers to kill
It's a waterpark at an anime con, not a public pool
i don't wanna play anymore. not with mean words.
body actually looks kind of decent here
A bloo bloo
You seem knowledgeable.
The source is written on the image, champ
There's something I've never quite understood about trannies, from a medical point of view. Can someone clarify?
>medical reasoning for HRT is that patients have a hormonal imbalance which causes depression etc.
>but instead of giving them more of the hormone which corresponds to their physical gender i.e. you have a dick so you get more testosterone now go do some push ups
>they pump them full of the hormone which is opposite of their physical gender i.e you have a dick so here's estrogen now put on a skirt
>and we're told this is the right thing to do
>saggy tits
>flat ass
>beer gut
>wrinkly raccoon eyes
>everyone behind them trying to look away
Why is somebody posting pictures of a mangirl?
>autistic apuposter
>autistic BF fags
why do >we do this every single thread?
Next time, without the attitude.
>raccoon eyes
It's thread culture, dude. Just give in.
/stg/ doesn't have these problems. Be a good boy and come home to Star Trek General
She just got home from work and wants to spam her five year old pictures so she can get sympathy (you)s.
You're just jealous of my collection.
It's almost like a star trek general attracts autists.
Those numbers look legit.
t. collector
>dabs on /trek/
This, titty borg is single-handedly responsible for the American political situation for the last ten years.
She's cute and that smile is adorable. You're just mad you'll never know what it's like to lay in bed next to ensign Row Laren while she strokes your hair and kisses your chest.
confirmed for post op. *vomits*
I'm done for now, have fun
Imagine the neovagina juice spilling into the bathwater that kids are drinking
Is that a dick bulge in the black panties?
Yes, I'm sure you have other business to tend to.
It's obvious that she's Eddington's daughter. Just look at the facial similarities.
pretty sure the one in black is a bio girl.
God's work.
That's the pelvis bones sticking through her anorexic flesh.
Yeah, I have to go pay a bill and run to the grocery store
another thread derailed by thirsty anons drooling over a transgender
relatable, folksy even
I think it's a very feminine penis.
It's been a long road
Transitioning from there to here
It's been a long time
But my reassignment is finally near
And I will see my dreams come alive with life
I'm no longer a guy
And they're not gonna misgender me no more
No biology can't change my mind
Cause I believe I'm a girl
I'm going where tumblr takes me
I've got faith to believe
I can be anything
I've got strength of delusion
No chromosomes will bend of break me
I can evade any ban
I believe (I believe)
I believe
Believe I'm a girl
You're a phenomenon here. People get attached.
Everyone knows it's you, cunt.
/trek/ IS BACK BABY!
What does transsexualism have to do with star trek?
speculative fiction about the human condition
I guess Bash is on topic since she was in that DS9 docu on netflix.
Did I finally get to you?
>you'll never know what it's like to lay in bed next to ensign Row Laren while she strokes your hair and kisses your chest
Why are you replying to your own post
I like this post.
Hey everybody! It's ValleyForge!
it seems like no matter where you go on Yea Forums now it's just people talking about tranny shit
i need to finally leave this shithole
I thought we told you not to show your face 'round these parts no more
Don't bow to the communist discord trannies trying to destroy out culture.
>i need to finally leave this shithole
And won't.
You need us.
>I wonder what the future will hold? Technology is really advancing rapidly
>cell phones, selfies and trannies
I've figured it out
>"Kelly" = Kevin
In the future, no one cares about penis size.
Her name was never Kelly, that was just one guy forcing a meme
Kevin is Bash's husband. This is well established lore.
I forgot I did that
You're next.
>expanded universe
Who cares? They always end up killing themselves a couple of years later.
They want attention.
Maybe true actually.
With brain implants you will be able to get full sexual pleasure from any penis or vagina size so women might revert to choosing partners based on traits other than sexual prowess, they might end up just picking dicks that fit inside them comfortably for maximum pumping speed because big dicks take too much warm up.
It will be too late for our society by then though.
Say what you want about Bashirfaggot. At least she cares genuinely about star trek. She isn't just here to make friends, like some people.
Women (and their impersonators) can't stand not having attention thrown at them.
They consider it some sort of validation of their existence.
>It will be too late for our society by then though.
Her friend's name is Kelly, check the discord
>genuinely cares about star trek
>spends 'her' time posting lewd anime girls
>doesnt join any actually /trek/ discussions that dont revolve around 'herself'
>she cares genuinely about star trek
She likes five episodes of Spacemall
Kill yourself
Is that a disgusting STD pepe?
>At least she cares genuinely about star trek.
>hates TOS, TOS movies, VOY, ENT, JJTrek and STD
I think someone who is interviewed in a star trek documentary prolly cares about star trek.
will he make a cameo in the new picard show?
>ctrl+f "Kirk"
>only a single result
Wtf are you losers even talking about. This is the STAR TREK general not the HOMOSEXUAL general.
No he's fat now.
cause tos sucks lol
trek is OVERTLY gay friendly. Hence this thread.
So are Riker and Data but they're confirmed to be in it
>implying we never got Fat Riker in enterprise
Wesley is the wrong kind of virginy, computer game playing fatty.
>I think someone who is interviewed in a star trek documentary prolly cares about star trek.
Put your trip back on Bashirfaggot.
You were only interviewed for the DS9 documentary to talk about how Bashir lead to your sexual awakening as a young teen.
I like ENT.
t. zoomer with no taste
link tthe docu and i will watch
Fuck you, faggot you ruined /trek/. I'm going to find you and kill your cat then push your face in it's mutilated body while I rape you with a saw. Fuck off, you annoying, obnoxious, retarded discord tranny. Fuck you.
>confirmed communist
>posts silence liberal image
It doesn't add up.
>I like ent
I knew you weren't all bad.
>woah an alien thats half black and half white, this is deep man
fuck off wannabe boomer
I heard bash likes disco
It's on rarbg, 1080p plenty seeders.
name of docu
What We Left Behind
it's tc, brah. chill
Imagine NOT liking TOS. Seriously imagine living in a timeline where you don't like TOS.
I'm done with you now. Dismissed.
But massa I havan eaten in tree weeks.
pfffthahaha look at those shitty "uniforms"
this is supposed to be the military? they look pajamas
>inb4 that retard who thinks that starfleet isn't a military
>tfw just started the last season of TOS
i dont want the ride to be over lads....
Oh yes please give me a reason to kill you in self defense. Private message me on discord so we can set up a date.
go paint some models
>Valley Girl's weak attempt at banter
You don't belong on this website
at least she's providing content
How much do you weigh and how many pressups can you do in a row without stopping?
>hurr durr at least it's content
Fuck off, what a waste of digits
Sick burn.
Love'em or hate'em, tripfags are here to stay!
-Seacrest out!
>implying that in the age where firearms have progressed to insta-disintegrating lasers there is any need for tactical gear
Based retard. They may as well just get comfy and explore space
stay out of it, B. not your fight.
I miss when we just used to post pic related and that would be enough to sustain a thread without autistic screeching at every corner.
What unironically went wrong? Is it the tripfag fags? The one gimmicposter who keeps posting apus?
>military uniforms only exist to minimise damage from bullets
based retard
it's 229 working in the shadows
For literally what purpose would the crew on the Enterprise in the 2260's need military uniforms? You are just being a contrarian faggot
You're alright. Don't post in /trek/ tomorrow.
why do they wear uniforms in the navy then retard? starfleet is literally just the navy in space
Stardate 31774.6
>We'll have to take a look at it, Reg.
>emergency happens
>everybody looks like a civilian
>everyone dies
>dodges the question
I accept your concession.
TOSchads victorious once again.
you literally just dodged the question by claiming i did but if you answer my question it will in turn answer yours
you're an idiot npc who loves tos just cause he thinks he has to
ad hominem
My Star Trek uncle told me once that people 300 years ago would think we were dressed silly too.
>lol look at this word i read on Yea Forums but don't understand what it actually means or how it applies to things
yeah, typical iq of a tosfag
Why do you think I have any inclination to answer your question that you ignored my question to ask?
Truly, we are in the presence of 14 year olds.
because the answer of my question will answer yours
are you really this stupid?
>this word
ad hominem is two words.
>tfw the very IDEA of TOS, the MENTION of Kirk will work people into a frothing-at-the-mouth frenzy
fans dislike Kirk because he gets laid
This is why TOS is bad. Where is the LGBTQ+ representation? I thought this was supposed to be the future not some bigoted relic of the 1960's. No wonder incels love TOS so much.
>cannot fathom why others would like something that he doesn't and has to resort to buzzwords like "npc" and "boomer"
>calls someone else an idiot
sjws want to tear tos down because they are systematically destroying star trek
now this is a real ad hominem
What does Data's cum taste like and can he get a woman pregnant?
Data can flavour his cum however you like but he can't get you preggers.
imagine if data lost that case in measure of a man starfleet built a fleet of BBC datas for every starship
Don't you mean B(ig) S(oong) C(ock)
Fucking based
Number of women Kirk has kissed onscreen- 19
TNG onwards is incel era Trek.
>tng onwards
Na, DS9 is trad.
ENT is TOS tier.
Well Georgi and Barclay were the biggest incels in sci-fi history and are also the most popular on reddit
no i mean they make a bunch of data clones, but dark as the night instead of a whiteboy
imagine voyager if janeway had a bbc android there would have been less of those stupid one and done love interest episodes
Just when you thought the thread couldn't get any worse, here comes tard charts to save the day
Enterprise is the most boring show ever i don't know why people praise it so much on here. I'd rather watch Voyager than Enterprise and I fucking despise Voyager. The characters in both are just completely flatlines.
>any alien fucking shits above Shit tier
>Uhura at the bottom
>Sato not in top tier
collages > charts
It's all bad honestly
Why is his taste so bad?
>grey outlines
>empty space
You're not very good at this. Where's Collage Colin when you need him?
>Star Trek: The Reddit Generation
Any Riker fatfic?
No, she's too busy with her voice acting work. She's now the Cat on Infinity Train.
Kirk's the only good thing in this franchise.
>ywn get a Star Trek theatrical film with a tv series cast ever again
aggghh.... I just want star trek to be popular again
I don't need a Discovery, Picard, Section 31 or Pike movie. I'd like the movies to be BACK in the canon/prime universe but to focus on a new film franchise crew we've never seen before. Maybe even multiple over the course of them.
Could have a Romulan war crew, a era between TOS and TNG crew and a crew that's in the Picard era going forward for movies.
Intellectual Non-Chad But Equally Respectable TIER
Just Trying To Get The Job Done and Put Up With This Shit TIER
Janegay, the rest
>he's now ranking shows that haven't been released yet
The only thing I want to see out of Lower Decks is I want one of the characters to end up guest starring in another show like Picard so they have to cast a live action version of them. I also want someone from DS9 to guest star on Lower Decks.
>tos movies are dark age
what the fu*k
What does Odd dream about?
I hereby declare Beardy McRedshirt as /ourguy/. he is our very own individual guy we will root for. I want no other characterfagging but for him.
I'm Team Tendi
>not rooting for the buff bajoran
Fuck off Cardie
The power goes out on the station, so Kira has to use his bucket as a toilet.
I want the nervous wimpy white guy to fuck the cat doctor
>girls still get their hair cut like Skrillex in the future
Odo's bucket, when the Major must shit
She looks autistic as fuck. Pretty much a green Tilly.
GOD i just want to be brad getting dommed by beckett so badly
how big does odo shipshift his dick when he fucks kira
>She looks autistic as fuck
But she has green pusy
He has to shrink it for her since she likes them small
God tier;
Good but has never faced a real problem in their life tier;
Decent tier;
>Lorca (mirror)
Boring but good tier;
Just boring tier;
>Georgiou (prime)
Where the fuck is CBA getting the money for all these shows? I think they're really swinging for the fences with this. If they don't get any home runs then I think trek is gone completely for a long time. it's unsustainable at this level unless they start making megabux
>Kirk never faced problems
wanna know how I know you've never watched a single episode of TOS?
Now that right there is what I refer to as TT Tummy tier I'd blow raspberries on that tummy
tuvix detected
Neelix did nothing wrong
star trek
Humans, Vulcans, Xindi, Andorians, Borg, Romulans, and Klingons are the ONLY races I ever want to see on my screen. Kill all cardassians kill all bajorans kill all fucking ferengi
well if I was a tranny fucker, I'd probably wanna fuck you, if that makes you feel good.
Would love to see xir dick n balls
Bashirfaggot is a disgusting degenerate pedophile, it comes with the territory of being a tranny what'd you expect?
The only TOP TIER races are Klingons, Cardassians and Ferengi. Vulcans, Romulans, Denobulans, Bajorans and El-Aurians are second tier.
Mk nu bread
I meant Betazoids, not Bajorans. Bajorans are boring. They're just humans with ridge noses.
>neovagina juice
That's either intestinal mucus, blood, or pus depending on how the procedure went.
>that was 5 years ago
I wonder how hard the wall has hit by now