Attached: 1536967187289.webm (854x480, 1.01M)

dumb movie

Fury Road is one of the top ten action films of all time

The guitar guy was so cringe
Fucking stupid

who was Whitney Smee anyway?

That was excellent though, user. You might just be low T.

witness these

The guitar guy thinks you're a faggot.


Waterworld was better than any Mad Max movie

Attached: Deacon-Image-2-waterworld-39414602-1199-806.jpg (1199x806, 203K)


Water world was terrible.

Hail V8 and the internal combustion engine in general.

Attached: V8 pope.jpg (520x364, 34K)

How gay can you be?

I love how Nux's partner (Slit?) steals or attempts to steal Marsov's kill, trying to prevent him from getting into Walhalla, then shouts "mediocore!" as if to influence the gods.
Like getting to Paradise is a competition.
Its telling of the world they live in.


Attached: 1528068876542.png (640x266, 50K)

>Waterworld was better than any Mad Max movie
Well yeah but this is a mad max thread

These were good threads

Look these are dubs fags

It's not a movie women will enjoy

Witnessed brother