Name literally 1 (one) movie in the last 1-2 years, where:

Name literally 1 (one) movie in the last 1-2 years, where:

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end of thread

demolition man


read the post, brainlet

OP utterly BTFO

Holy shit I don't think I've ever seen an OP get blown the fuck out quite so fast.

Hobbs and shaw

Based Shyamalan. I see him quite regularly where I work maybe I should tell him to keep it up.



>thinking Mr Glass was the bad guy

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I'd love to accept the defeat but it's literally a sequel to a movie from 2000. What do you expect, just make his character the good guy? lol

Aquaman :^)

OP btfo right here.
Statham = good guy, Elba = bad guy. I think Elba had a great time as a villain as well.

Also he was the bad guy in Star Trek but had makeup on. Still did great though.

Black Panther

t. OP trying to save face after being humiliated in front of his internet friends

Ed Norton is black?

Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw


You have to accept defeat for Hobbs and Shaw. Sorry bro, better luck next apupost.

Into the Spiderverse.

Sorry to burst your bubble OP.

Attached: hobbsshaw-onesheet-775x970-479x600[1].png (479x600, 462K)

Mahershalalalalalala Ali is

>Samoan = White
>Anglo = White

lol also this
literally came out last week
/pol/shits btfo yet again

Don't reply. Don't even acknowledge it. Let him stew.

Ok faggots you won - there's one (1) movie in the last 2 years that fits the narrative

and it's because they had to give a main role to a black man for diversity) LOL

Attached: 015.png (434x327, 55K)

But he was just a whipped foot soldier, and who is the white person you’re referring to?

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Christoph Waltz

Careful with those goalposts, user. You'll hurt your back.

>noooo my narrative of self-pity has been proven laughably false! reeeee!

Black Panther
Alita : Battle Angel
Spiderman : into the Spiderverse

Alita (only it's white girl instead of white man)

Attached: Alita 1.mkv_snapshot_01.35.30_[2019.08.05_20.40.29]].jpg (636x914, 92K)

Those goalposts are heavy, user. You'll throw your back out.

Literally zero of these apply and two of them are black hero vs white villain. Are you blind?