BRAVO, Tolkien.
BRAVO, Tolkien.
>sauron is a goth villain
>sauron's boss is more goth
>character goes on important errand
>his name is Earendil
>girl turns into bird
>her name is elWING
Ladies and gentlemen, the father of modern day Fantasy
>being so autismal that you invent entire worlds just to have a backdrop for the languages you make up
Actual bravo Tolkien, I don't think there's ever gonna be a fantasy author of this caliber
>uses guns
>character named Treebeard.
You guessed it, a fucking tree with a beard.
white witch > gandalf the shite
Fuck off with that atheist shit.
>c. s. lewis
Rethink your life
Shut up commie
>looks like an autistic woman
>belonging to the protestant heresy
lower in the salvation scale than a heathen
>character's name is Goodsir
>is literally a good sir
>the holy See
Enjoy your hellfire
>Fatty Bolger
>He’s literally fat
Someone get me his editor on the phone!
>a hound named Huan
>Huan is elvish for “Hound”
>believes in hellfire
The Holy Father, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of the servants of God abolished it.
Not according to a little book I keep next to my bed called the Bible.
>I will pray for you, however
your book it's actually called the king james translation, heretic.
>Last name is Brown
>Is the color brown
whoa wtf???
Tastes Goodsir!
Yooo wtf!!
>soulful character
>his sole is not full of poison
Bravo Dan
>worships a cult of faggot pedophiles
>main villain called Hitler
>second in command: Himmler
are you fucking kidding me with this shitty writing? what's next? gas chambers?
>named quigley
>draws quickly
...said the guy consuming hollywood dreck
How does it feel worshipping a bunch of boy fucking creeps? The Catholic Church is faggot peder central and Vatican City has the highest per capita amount of faggots anywhere else on earth. It blows my mind how retarded Catholics are. They worship a charlattan and condone molestation and ass rape of little boys by clergymen. Disgusting. All papists need to be hanged.
>Era Horn
>The Odin
>You Win
>Are Win
>Leg of Lass
>Thor Inn
>El Ron
>Bore Away
>Far Away
>El Illuminator
>Radish Ghast
>Mort Door
>Gone Door
>River Dwell
Is Tolkien a hack completely devoid of creativity? I don't want to think he is but all the signs point to yes.
cry more, lutheran cuck
>president is called Ronald Reagan
>secretary of treasure is called Donald Regan
>can’t counter what I said
Why worship them if they’re evil? Are Catholics retarded? Serious question.
>thinks catholics worship the priests
are you Jack Chick?
>They worship a charlattan
So it's the same as evangelical pastors.
>can’t counter my points
Catholic low IQ posting folks.
>sauron is a big evil shadow
>sauron's boss is just a bigger, eviler shadow
Also, why is no one taxposting? You all disappoint me.
>thinks he has a point
no wonder you needed translations for the bible
OK but I've yet to see just 1 reason why evangelicals aren't all niggers.
*Saruman, not Sauronman
There's quite a substantial difference actually op
Have you heard of the High Elves?