>be evil red skulled asshole
>tell everyone who comes along that they have to kill a loved one to get the soul stone
>for some reason they just believe it
>try your best to keep a straight face and burst out laughing once they're gone
Be evil red skulled asshole
this movie was 2:40 minutes of boredom & :20 minutes of fighting thanos
Which is strange because infinity war was the opposite
Infinity War was bretty God. Endgame was a bunch of phoned in performances, bad dialogue and shitty pacing.
it's like if the ending to ROTK was its own movie
a whole bunch of "yes, get on with it"
I just watched the 2 films this week. There were far too many 'main' characters that bloated the movie.
I was surprised how much I enjoyed the Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor moments though.
>be a nazi
>get sent to random planet in the middle of nowhere space
>70 years later
>get giant barney-looking fucker to murder his nigger daughter
>timeline resets
>get kike bitch to kill herself
>you truly did your fuhrer proud
You're not supposed to skip days on Adderall.
Image being this self deceptive lmao
>she died a hero
>she gave her life for the stone
>"yeah, but why'd she do it?"
>oh she was just following some nazi's orders
Kino soundtrack though
Why did the space stone punish him like that anyway?
Because Thanos is the only good character in any Marvel movie, he's the most powerful being in the universe and earned his powers completely. And he's technically right about everything.
So naturally 2 hours of him shitting on the Avengers is gonna be good.
I enjoyed the mini Hulk-Rocket roadtrip adventure scene.
Wish the scene cut to a wide shot of Skull watching those two idiots fighting over who gets to sacrifice themselves.
>earned his powers completely
did he? how? why does he have a fuckoff ship and legions of loyal followers?
>he's technically right about everything
is he? is there an explanation for not just using the Gauntlet in a completely benign way?
seriously asking, you sound like you know more background than me.
Because, unlike Carol Danvers, he was a wh*te male.
What if it's not actually your prescription?
How ironic.
He lead a revolution, that lead to him getting his army probably, but I was talking about earning the stones.
If he increased the Universe's resources, the population would just end up surpassing the resources again. Randomly killing half the universe was about as benign as it was going to get, he even said he was reluctant to destroy the Universe and make himself God but he had to.
Shouldn't he kill half and then also impose a Universal Law that forces all population level to stay at 50%?
Doing only one of those isn't really enough.
Good lord you are just begging to be lied to and taken advantage of. There are a billion better solutions, and even your one shitty one (ask yourself dipshit, why not just create more resources again when that happens) has the exact same fucking problem as his provided "solution" minus the fucking galactic scale murder you utter lackwit