Bible fags BTFO!
Bible fags BTFO!
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how? its ok to believe but still question. God gave us free will, of course He would want us to question, but He also hopes we still believe unto Him
If you believe the batshit ramblings of a 2,000 year old book you are not questioning shit.
you dont have to believe everything in the book to learn important lessons from it user. i believe in God and Jesus, but i dont believe everything in the bible. the bible was written by man, who is fallible, and translated from one language to another by man, so there is a lot of room for error, or outright falsehoods.
>i believe in God and Jesus
So if my wife is pregnant and I suspect it might not me mine I should force-feed her poison to induced a miscarriage? That's a stupid lesson.
The Bible is valuable as a track record of behaviors that beget strong civilizations. The finer details like avoiding shellfish and cutting off dick tips are irrelevant at this stage.
The bat shit ramblings of that 2000 year old book make more sense than child drag stars and the notion that there's no such thing as gender.
That's the exact same thing the godless among us advocate for. One could argue killing your wife's baby if it's not yours makes more sense than killing it if it is yours out of convenience.
Imagine being so brainwashed by the largest child rape organization in the world (the Christian church) that you think this dichotomy is valid.
>because one thing is crazy, it means the other thing isnt
you are being obtuse on purpose. you saw i clearly said there is lots of room for error or falsehoods. not everything in it should be taken to heart, but you obviously dont care and dont believe and pick the dumbest thing to make a point at. how about treating your neighbor with kindness? helping those less fortunate? just generally not being a dick
Sad...I'd fill her full of good Christian babies.
>bad men use good thing for evil purposes
Stop the presses
>there is lots of room for error or falsehoods
If the room is so big you are poisoning pregnant women against their will maybe you need a smaller room.
I never said that. I said relatively speaking one is less crazy than the other. Learn to actually comprehend and form a thought instead of just being defensive. I'm not some youtube preacher that you can use decade old rhetoric on. Stop being so defensive.
Are you for or against abortion? I'm trying to see if you have principles or if you're a clown.
It was actually pretty reasonable. It targeted the corporate shilling of Christianity through big revival camps and famous preachers who are out to make a buck. See the scene where the priest says no bf/gf and no sex
or maybe you realize shit changes over 2000 years and what was accepted then isnt now? for heavens sake, 20 years ago you could spank your child, now its child abuse. things change, but the overall message of love thy fellow man still means something. if we had more love towards our neighbors and less hate and vitriol we wouldnt be having these mass shootings, or even places like /pol/
>you can believe in god
>but not any of his commandments lmao are you bigoted or something lmao
Fuck "the church" but you can't speak I'll if an authoritative body if Christianity while at the same time say each person's personal interpretation is also stupid.
You're alright.
im not him, but i consider myself a christian and morally i think it is wrong, but realistically i know sometimes its a necessity. its unfortunate, but to save the mothers life, or to spare the child of a life of suffering. i do not agree with the women who do it just because they dont want to have a child however
>the christian church
She is literally the Light Bringer, Lucifer. She was sent here to be an adversary of man, and to test our faith.
Go up the comment chain and find my opinions on abortion. If they aren't maybe just stop making a retard out of yourself by assuming.
>ITT: People who dont understand that Religion is a draconian set of philosophical ideals and values that are guidelines towards how a society can organise itself
Youre all fucking retarded and shouldnt be giving opinions on a broad subject with stupid comments like “HURR BUT IN THE BIBLE A MAN KILLS A BABY AND YOU CANT WEAR FABRIC”
You wont understand it and your opinions on it mean literally fucking nothing, religion will be around long after you and no one will even remember your name
>but the overall message of love thy fellow man still means something
This is absolutely not the overall message of the bible. It's mostly a story of war and conquest. God also kills every living thing on Earth.
I don't see anywhere where you stated your personal opinion on abortion. You said we should force an abortion on an u faithful wife. What about a more modern example?
dumb faggot
“All knowing God” “Free will”, you’re actually tucking retarded.
>i only know the old testament
ok my long nose friend :)
Not what I said you dense runt.
I want to pinch her cheek
in what universe are the writers operating that biblethumper shit is good press? the super heroes would get torn to shred on any social media.
A reminder that God loves you and wants you to go to heaven when you die.
Titus 1:2
>In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began
We're all sinners and if we were judged based on our own merits, we would all rightfully be condemned and go to hell.
Isaiah 64:4
>But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away.
Ecclesiastes 7:20
>For there is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good, and sinneth not.
But God already knew we could never be good enough to deserve heaven. So he created an alternative path.
Romans 5:8
>But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
God walked among us in the form of Jesus Christ and lived a sinless life. He then allowed himself to be executed and when he died he took every sin you ever have committed, are committing, and ever will commit and let it die on the cross with him, in order to save you from the justified consequences of your sins.
1 Timothy 1:15
>This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners
Luke 19:10
>For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.
Jesus took your place on that cross. The one and only condition for you to accept the payment he made is to believe in your heart that he did it for you.
John 11:25-26
>Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live:
>And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
If you do this the Bible says that you can never lose your salvation. You are God's child and can never go to hell.
Hebrews 8:12
>For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
but i dont believe god is all knowing. i believe he knows everything that happens as it happens, but not how things will end up. like i stated previously, i dont believe everything written in the bible
>neighbor with kindness? helping those less fortunate? just generally not being a dick
>you know, things sociopathic people like me wouldn't normally do without supernatural commands and threats behind them
comparing 2 diffrent things, retarded christcuck at it again
why gos a jezebel wanted to suck dick for a job?
Not before marriage you sick fucker
You're right, churches can't survive in today's climate. Oh, wait no, religion is still in fact a billion dollar industry.
Imagine actually believing this Tolkien shit.
heres the thing user. a lot of people lack a moral compass, and need guidance. just because you are a decent person and feel guilt when you do something bad, does not mean everyone does. im glad you dont need the bible to be a good person, but there are thousands out there that do
She was shitting on (((evangelicals))) there, not Christians.
well around 68% of people have an average iq so i can see why that's possible
>believing the lies of men that harnessed the fear of death to control the masses with fables about an afterlife and ultimate rewards, to use them as fodder for their shady interests and being above the law because they're self proclaimed ministers of their deities.
>still believing it in 2019
Religion is a cancer, in the past it was useful to maintain civilization in dire times but now, it's an obsolete tool.
God wants what's best for you user!
I'm an atheist and this was easily the worst part of the show. So fucking a 14 year old that just read the God Delusion
you are 100% correct user. we obviously dont need any help, what with our mass shootings, car bombings, pedophile rings, rape gangs
churches aren't celebrities you fucking retard.
go on and name some christian celebrities who appear at rallies in this fashion
>mentions richard dawkins
the absolute unironic irony of it all....
Preachers who run megachurches are celebrities you fucking retard. They get TV shows and write best selling books and appear on talk shows and everything. Religion doesn't just not exclude celebrity, it's a means to celebrity (and wealth).
are you saying that these people cannot be religious? and statistics shows that religious people commit more murders
so you're saying the apostle were not christian?
cause they evangelised
Please, and I cannot stress this enough, go have a lobotomy with a fucking soup ladle.
Disingenuous. The show makes absolutely no distinction because to the (((writers))) there isn't one.
go suck 3 dicks whore
If your a retard sure.
Even i as an orthodox Slav knew what was up when the cocksuker started bruhing it up on a gigantic stage looking like a backstreet boy reject.
Well, you just displayed your reading comprehension. Reread my post.
If you don't think social justice is a modern religion then you need to open your eyes.
Show me the scientists with the child drag stars.
He approves.
they are afraid to offend the mainstream
>All this blatant and generic arguments against christianity.
God bless you. You need it
imagine that christcucks actually believe this, now wonder their iq is lower
This desu
Their iq is probably higher then someone who throws a fit on an anonymous basket weaving forum over other people's beliefs. Or were you just pretending?
>Supporting marxist propaganda
Why there are so many leftists and faggots on Yea Forums today?
8ch got taken down, so I presume all the leftie faggots from there moved over to here
>statistics shows that religious people commit more murders
Muslims aren't people user.
Based and scipturepilled
i was just saying a fact, but thank you for proving my point
That's because the episode isn't about distinctions but propaganda against Christians and their beliefs. Even orthodox believe gays marrying is wrong and the episode took special efforts to propagandize against that too.
Enforcing your reproductive choice over a woman's body is actually pretty based. Women should not be permitted to make life or death decisions.
Holy fuck that picket sign
Why is a desert god such a popular diety in today's socety?
Ultimately anybody who doesn't believe in the possiblity of god is illogical.
For something to exist it must have been created by something. Energy doesn't create itself. If a creature created the big bang and the elements then there would be a god.
I don't believe what many churchs say since they are for a profit but anybody who is a atheist is illogical.
>for something to exist it must have been created
that's where you are wrong kiddo
>Energy doesn't create itself
Umm vacuum energy and dark energy, sir.
Theologians have been debating whether or not we have free will for hundreds of years. You're the only retard here.
cringe and redditpilled
how do you know that logic is a valid form of reasoning?
Truly euphoric
The largest child rape organization is Hollywood. Imagine being brainwashed by them.
you're assuming that human and God's concept of "faith" and "belief" is the same one which cannot be
absolutely based and godpilled
>God gave us free will, of course He would want us to question, but He also hopes we still believe unto Him
There is no logic or reasoning in this statement.
>the christian church
I had no idea braindead people could type.
Brain dead people can believe in clearly fake bullshit, so don't be surprised.
>bunch of retards can't answer your question
>must be a difficult question
this just proves how dumbed down christcucks are
Well deserved. Trusting your whole life to a cult is something only insane people would do.
I mean. Yeah she consented to the blowjob but only because of the power imbalance. In her point of view that dude could have ruined her live forever with the threats he made.
"I was bullied" is not an excuse for immoral and unethical behavior. Grow a backbone.
It is when it destroys your life, you fucking retard.
If I teach a mentally capable 8 year old for 20 consecutive minutes to replace an alphabet letter with a new letter and pronunciation then the mentally capable 8 year old writes and pronounces the new letter and pronunciation that's replacing an alphabet letter in 20 consecutive minutes.
I teach a mentally capable 8 year old for 20 consecutive minutes to replace an alphabet letter with a new letter and pronunciation.
Thus, the mentally capable 8 year old writes and pronounces the new letter and pronunciation that replaces an alphabet letter in 20 consecutive minutes.
Every human who's mentally capable is always able to be treasurer of their new currency.
If you create one new currency then you're able to create a second new currency.
If you're able to create second new currency then you're able to create third new currency.
You create one new currency.
Thus, you're able to create a third new currency.
You're a treasurer for a new currency, listener?
You create and distribute your new currency, listener?
You don't allow the government to control your grammar structure, listener?
If you create one new language then you're able to create a second new language.
If you're able to create a second new language then you're able to create a third new language.
You create one new language.
Thus, you're able to create a third new language.
Her life wasn't destroyed. Only the Deep's life was destroyed.
Yeah because Deep is a retard incel.
I don't think you know what that means. He's not celibate.
He's such a woman hating incel he can't have sex without forcing someone into doing it or getting physically hurt.
He had consensual sex during the show twice once with starlight and once with a groupie.