Movies about the decline of Western Civilization?
Movies about the decline of Western Civilization?
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>oh no, some black people, civilization is over!
Have sex.
>europe has littering and black people now
wtf im voting for hitler now
But they have flyboard man
kill yourself
Honestly, you deserve it.
Fucking NIGGERS. Nobody in the world likes them, not even themselves. A pest.
>make image with lots of black people in Paris
>"Deplorable. It's over. It's all over. France is gone. The Jews must be made to pay for destroying my beautiful ancestral homeland"
>make image with lots of black people in any major Mutt city
>"Uhhh, yeah but America is bigger than Europe, we have guns, we've had black people for years, your society deserves to die, anyway"
I live in a black and mutt majority country.
The country sucks because of blacks and even the mutts know it.
Europe is killing themselves again, except without bullets and bombs this time.
>Imagine a timeline where a series of events leads to 19th curved wrought-iron and dragonfly/butterly anti-gravity wings to be considered the mark of Parisian architectural/engineering high society and peak esthetic.
Gonna need the Professor's what-if machine for this one. Also is this just isolated temporary poverty or is that an ongoing issue in Paris? If the latter, why haven't they fixed it yet?
this but unironically
Face it, blacks and muslims are ruining everything.
The Decline of Western Civilization
>fake statistics
>assuming correlations where they are none
None of this shit would have worked
>fake statistics
based advice to be honest
have more sex and boost the white population
Panel 4 to 6 is based
I din't realize crumbs artwork could be so...good
>>oh no, some black people, civilization is over!
Umm, yeah.
everything but 4 gets worse and worse
Fuck Oswald.
The world would be better off without nigs
Imagine obsessing with stuff that make you seethe in anger.
Fuck off, Varg
you're right everywhere they go turns into an uncivilized shithole
fuck off /pol/ brainlet
rent free
>>fake statistics
post the real ones then
I think there's more to it than just race
Why are they all out in the streets in tents?
He was stripped of the title because of many racist and unscientific comments
>At a conference in 2000, Watson suggested a link between skin color and sex drive, hypothesizing that dark-skinned people have stronger libidos.[65][90] His lecture argued that extracts of melanin – which gives skin its color – had been found to boost subjects' sex drive. "That's why you have Latin lovers," he said, according to people who attended the lecture. "You've never heard of an English lover. Only an English Patient."[91]
>Chinese being intelligent but not creative because of selection for conformity, and Indians being servile.[92]
>thinks some homeless people lazing on the street is anything compared to late 19th century slums
There is no decline, you are just comparing rich nobles to modern homeless and wondering why one is more sophisticated than the other.
Everything past 1 was a mistake
Human extinction when
Well, Frogs shouldn't have been supreme niggerlovers then.
To be honest if the choice is going extinct or being racist, I'd rather go extinct
what's "racist"?
>>oh no, some black people, civilization is over!
That's exactly how it works.
The epilogue was a mistake.
Don't google it.
>oh no, some black people, civilization is over!
That's pretty accurate. Where black people go, civilization dies
Gross Neetsoc site
You better
>it's racist and evil!
>but can you prove it wrong?
Saying that dark skinned people have higher sex drives and are better lovers because of melanin with zero evidence, for one.
Wow this old jewish man sounds like literally Hitler
>t. leftypol
>dude, like, just turn your brain off and consume stuff lmao
Cause Paris gets pretty cold.
>White women are having black kids?
>Well I'll have black kids too!
>Take that jews!
no, what does "racist" mean?
liberals are literal book-burners of modern era. extremely low iq subhumans.
>wtf im voting for hitler now
Unfortunately, that is not an option.
Racism = Being white
He's not Jewish, he's Mutt
that's not what racist means
Fuck off hippy scum
and crumb claims to hate hippies. pathetic
>The evidence doesn't exist because I say so!
Yes it is.
no it isn't
>black """people"""
>with zero evidence
Except you posted the evidence along with the rest of that copy/paste moron
nothing he said was racist, unscientific, or wrong. You don't get to call people wrong just because what they say offends you
what the fuck is this thread?
do you really think niggers have higher sex drives than latinos?
and "extracts of melanin" are hardly the same as being black
this is a shit hypothesis
No I didn't, I posted a quote. Show me the evidence that dark skin makes somebody a better lover lmao
Hello Brazillian-San.
>His lecture argued that extracts of melanin had been found to boost subjects' sex drive
>nothing he said was racist, unscientific, or wrong.
It literally was racist, unscientific, and wrong
>niggers have higher sex drives
What the fuck are you talking about
I don't know or care about sex drives, but blacks do statistically have lower IQs than the other races
>Why haven't they fixed it yet?
No idea
Why does the left hate science so much lads?
>Watson suggested a link between skin color and sex drive, hypothesizing that dark-skinned people have stronger libidos
Find me the proof for this. You can't because it doesn't exist and he was a old man talking shit.
are you even reading the thread
I don't give a fuck that niggers are genetically stupider
That doesn't even work. Its like using a bucket to bail a sinking cruise ship. The average white would need to start having like 12 kids that they certainly can't afford and live on welfare like niggers. It won't happen.
It objectively wasn't.
b-but black people is BAD
It objectively was
because science demolishes their ideology. therefore it's wrong, not their ideology
>all the seething incel replies
LOL. based. Have Sex before you fade away/get sent to prison incels
>oh no, some black people, civilization is over!
this but unironically
>time to go argue race and the collapse of civilization on off-topic boards, again!
>why work on yourself when you can just tell trannies that niggers are stupid for the millionth time?
The richest empire in the world was African. Have sex.
Incels might be the easiest group to bait on Yea Forums
>flying has just been invented so the future will be flying*9000
So laughably simple it's cute, but then again if they did it with cars instead of planes they'd be right on the money
>Low human development
He probably still gets more pussy than you 2bh
Yeah, all of Africa got pretty fucked by colonialism and the scramble for Africa, your point?
Fuck off tranny, this was literally the future.
>He believes in """mass shootings"""
Oh no no no no...
>genuinely tell incels to have sex so they stop being such obsessive betas
>they don't take your advice and just scream about niggers and jews some more
Do they not get that "have sex" isn't an insult, but some advice to preserve their mental wellbeing? No person that gets pussy regularly posts Gosling "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH" posts every time someone posts a pretty girl.
why does every single thing that ever happens have to be a conspiracy theory? honestly, don't you get bored with this shit?
No it didn't.
to bad you can't prove your belief
>niggers living in harmony with nature
>hippies actually restoring the environment
nice pipe dream
>some black people
Yea first it's some black people and then this
Flying cars was and is never ever going to happen
1-6 SOUL
Yes it did
Literally white nationalist propaganda.
most gosling posters are shitskins tho....
fuck off back to /pol/ you boring virgin
no one cares
>Yes it did
no it didn't
>Literally white nationalist propaganda.
not an argument. refute it or fuck off
rent free
Someone explain to me why American streets always look so amazingly maintained
Given how that neighborhood looks, I'd expect the street to be riddled with potholes
Also when I was in America there was barely any road works on the highways which was a new experience for me
Damn whitey oppressing Africa with their medicine, roads, infrastructure, trade, mathematics, physics, architecture, wheels...
If they had known about helicopters they would have drawn everything with drone rotor wings instead of butterfly wings and then they'd be right.
Why are you such a negro-lover?
Even niggers hate their own race.
I believe they should all go back to Africa, and the few civilized ones should start a country that works.
Close, but no.
He is asking one question and one question alone, did colonialism make Africa poorer? What about the instability caused by western governments, what about nations being artificiality cut up and created? What about people being treated as second class citizens in their own country? Denied education? and so on
Fuck off with your literal propaganda.
More or less, yeah.
If you're tired of getting BTFO you can leave any time.
How is his statement remotely controversial? Literally everything that defines us is defined by genes or our genetic traits interacting with the environment. Height, hair color, strength, and are propensity for certain diseases are determined by genes. Are people honestly triggered over the suggestion that intelligence might also be inheritable? Even Wikipedia admits that the very least, 50% of our IQ is based on inheritability. Some go as higher as 80% or more.
>Black people bad
>Much of the work on colonialism has been theoretical or anecdotal. In this paper, I close the gap between the literature on development and new growth theory by testing the effect of colonization on subsequent growth and development. In a sample of 63 ex-colonial states from 1961-1990, I find that colonies that were held for longer periods of time than other countries tend to perform better, on average, after independence. Finally, I show that the level of education at the time of independence can help to explain much of the development gap between the former British and French colonies in Africa.
Grier, Robin M. "Colonial legacies and economic growth." Public choice 98, no. 3-4 (1999): 317-335.
>We argue that the nature of discovery and colonization of islands provides random variation in the length and type of colonial experience. We instrument for length of colonization using wind direction and wind speed. Wind patterns which mattered a great deal during the age of sail do not have a direct effect on GDP today, but do affect GDP via their historical impact on colonization. The number of years spent as a European colony is strongly positively related to the island’s GDP per capita and negatively related to infant mortality.This basic relationship is also found to hold for a standard dataset of developing countries.
Feyrer, James, and Bruce Sacerdote. "Colonialism and modern income: islands as natural experiments." The Review of Economics and Statistics 91, no. 2 (2009): 245-262.
see . africa's population, life expectancy, literacy rates, to name only a few metrics, all ballooned due to colonialism. you haven't refuted anything. provide data and evidence for your claims
and stop believing in memes
>tries to villainize drumftards
>posts pictures of confirmed leftists
Keep on keepin on
It's not ok to say out loud that races and genes exist in any conversation which might lead to a detrimental opinion of black people. Cool it with the racism, it's a crime you know.
the soil drinkers are the racists?
Niggers are bad. For real.
>source right at the bottom
get fucked
goddamn this is beautiful
okay now post the evidence that say you should draw random borders and randomly put a minority ethnicity in power and help them repress the majority population before leaving
>have sex, incel
>go outside, incel
>stop hating women, incel
>take your meds, incel
>In my opinion, the Congo
>And another reason to think this is
>I’m not here to say the FP didn’t kill anyone, but the reality is
Yeah, fuck off.
Seems like he backed up everything he said.
nature, genes, evolution, biology, etc, contradict the "everyone is equal" ideology. therefore in the antiwhite mind, they are wrong or simply don't exist
No, he literally didn't. Hence, the ''unscientific'' claims
not an argument
>He is asking one question and one question alone, did colonialism make Africa poorer?
>What about the instability caused by western governments, what about nations being artificiality cut up and created?
A good thing. It was trying to END instability; unifying people instead of constantly waring tribes.
>What about people being treated as second class citizens in their own country?
A good thing; they're literally too low IQ to run a functioning society.
>Denied education?
black people are unironically the worst
It is. He is either stating his opinion or trying to say ''well they killed people, but it wasn't THAT bad''
you're right we really should pay attention to the racial profile of mass shooters and determine which group is statistically over-represented within a population, it's a universal and undebatable argument that these people are not wanted in society
What part of Brazil?
t. has never been to paris
>He is asking one question and one question alone, did colonialism make Africa poorer?
No, all the evidence points to the opposite.
We find: (1) a strong and uniformly positive relationship between colonial European settlement and development, (2) a stronger relationship between colonial European settlement and economic development today than between development today and the proportion of the population of European descent today; and (3) no evidence that the positive relationship between colonial European settlement and economic development diminishes or becomes negative at very low levels of colonial European settlement, contradicting a large literature that focuses on the enduring adverse effects of small European settlements creating extractive institutions. The most plausible explanation of our findings is that any adverse effect of extractive institutions associated with minority European settlement was more than offset by other things the European settlers brought with them, such as human capital and technology.
Easterly, William, and Ross Levine. "The European origins of economic development." Journal of Economic Growth 21, no. 3 (2016): 225-257.
>What about the instability caused by western governments
Not an argument, the west has been a stabilizing fore. all historical evidence says Africa has always been unstable.
>what about nations being artificiality cut up and created?
All nations are artificial os this is unimportant. If diversity is good for Americans it should be good for the blacks.
>What about people being treated as second class citizens in their own country?
>Denied education? and so on
What was the quality of education like before 1884 in Africa? What percent of the population could read or even lived in a place with a written language?
>No, he literally didn't.
Yes he did, stop lying.
not an argument. popular beliefs regarding the congo are not supported by the historical record or the data. cope
Find me a source for his claims that melanin makes somebody a better lover please.
why do racist lefitsts give zero fucks about niggers killing each other and only care when a few white people die?
imagine what >we couldve accomplished if we hadnt spent the last 40 years babysitting blacks and browns. its tragic to think about
>suggest hypothesis that warrants investigation
>get stripped of accolades for your previous accomplishments
>If diversity is good for Americans it should be good for the blacks.
ironically, Africa is the only place on Earth where diversity is good for them
America was built on slavery, you needed the blacks to get where you are now. Like 1/3 of the population of the southern states were slaves.
There is no evidence of a Congo genocide. That really is a hoax. The original claim of about 9 million killed was just made up with no evidence.
>okay now post the evidence that say you should draw random borders and randomly put a minority ethnicity in power and help them repress the majority population before leaving
All nation states are arbitrary. This isn't an issue.
white man bad
brown man good
sorry. wrong again
>draw random borders
They can redraw the borders you know. Two African nations can meet peacefully and redraw the borders that the European set.
america is made of cotton?
>>oh no, some black people, civilization is over
basicly yeah
>America was built on slavery
If you wanted to save civilization then you shouldn't have elected a reality TV star for President you retarded fucks.
America would be richer if we never imported any slaves.
This. And part 2
>tranny jews think they are gonna grab my guns
lol I will literally dome you
>has to go back decades to find enough non-whites for the list
>And so if slavery was such enormously profitable exploitation, why wasn’t land in slave states more valuable?
What is he even trying to say here, there was more land, it was more rural, of course it would be.
>The next question is how much did whites benefit from having black slaves instead of having to negotiate a wage?
The slaves weren't owned by the poor working white, what does this matter?
>Now if you’re a free market autist and wondering why everyone didn’t just invest all their money in slaves – well why aren’t you finding the most profitable thing to invest in today and put all of your money in that?
Because there were a finate amount of slaves?
>But that was a very theoretical argument. Lots of mays and coulds. It is impossible to know for certain whether whites on net benefited from slavery at the time.
Yes, it sure was
Fuck off and stop posting this retard.
I often wonder whether the world we live in has become so surreal and alien that we're reaching a point of critical mass and it's about to end...
democracy won't save jackshit user welcome to the ride
>limp wristed white leftist can't tell time because he is a NEET on disability for mental illness
stop believing in memes
>but muh colonialism!!
Westerners were in most of Africa for less than 100 years, compare that to the amount of time for instance the ottomans were in the balkans (around 400 years).
And even then they barely penetrated from the coasts the whole time they even were there.
the one good thing about white genocide is it will kill all the worst leftist cucks and you know who
Say what you want, Burgers dodged a bullet by electing orange man. Trump is a disaster, Hillary was an automatic game over.