Are there any movies, horror or not, that genuinely freak you out?
Are there any movies, horror or not, that genuinely freak you out?
Mothman Prophecies
I'm not comfortable with Hereditary. I genuinely think it's an evil film.
Room 1408
ju-on damaged me in a way I couldn't stay anywhere with the lights off. Me and my friend decided to watch it and it was 1am, we probably were 14yo or something.
I never thought a movie could do that to anyone
The Witch.
I Am Jazz
Blair Witch Project I think is legitimately spooky. It has such an oppressive atmosphere, the shots as the sun is going down in the back ground and you find yourself thinking 'ah fuck night time soon what's going to happen?' The inescapable-ness of it, there's just no safe place for them
Love it, though the most I've ever been scared was when the women turns into a robot but still has hair in Superman 3 (I was about 6 though)
>watched this as a kid on my own one afternoon
>fucking scary
>hear footsteps upstairs
>blind panic
>footsteps coming down stairs
>brother had been in the bath the entire time and I thought he was out
The Tenant. when the old lady sticks her fucking lizard tongue out at the end I had nightmares for years.
Very underrated movie. Good recommendation.
Inland Empire is the only movie to truly scare me
it felt like I was watching my own nightmares
I really wanted to like the blair witch but I found the main cast so annoying, I also fell asleep halfway through it was so boring
Because what if our entie life is just a dream
Anything slow burn and spine chilling for me. I absolutely loathe jump scares.
Inland Empire legitimately made me scream a few times. Prince of Darkness, Maniac (1980), and Antichrist genuinely got to me in some way as well.
Dog soldiers
The Exorcist and Arachnophobia.
I can't fucking handle it when they start coming out of the walls at the end. If that happened to me I would genuinely lose my fucking mind and shit myself to death.
When I was a kid I used to have nightmares and see people like around the end of the movie doing the same shit. I agree this film is fucking evil.
>I genuinely think it's an evil film.
My mother genuinely thinks the Child's Play movies are evil. She thinks it's sick that they would turn a childrens toy into a killer. I used to always sneak around to friends house as a child and watch it, just to piss her off. I'd even tell her each and everytime I watched it, just to hear her freak out. I was a weird kid.
That aside, fictional movies by definition cannot be evil.
and she was a good mother.
I saw Hereditary in the theater during a horrible amphetamine comedown. I wanted to die. The movie itself is excellent and freaky as fuck but that experience just made it 10 times worse.
Not evil, but disturbing.
Are there actual jumpscares in Inland Empire? I'm always hesitant to watch it because the still you posted freaks me the fuck out for some reason.
My girlfriend has crazy ADHD and the only movies she can watch are the ones with constant jump scares. Any recommendations bros?
Yeah any film with a lot of jumpscares like paranormal activity. Shit freaks me out, then when I watch films like hereditary I get kinda bored because it's such a slow burn and super atmospheric.
Anyone have this problem?
Nothing disturbs me these days. Jump scares aren't scary either they just catch you off guard and startle you. Neither atmospheric horror or jumpscares do anything for me.
Came here to post this.