Going to watch this for the first time. What am i in for?
Going to watch this for the first time. What am i in for?
overrated weeb shit
Lots and lots of angsty teenage whinging. Main character is the original incel lusting after an older women who treats him like a little boy and a stuck up red haired cunt who metaphorically castrates him every time she talks. He also has an overbearing yet emotionless scumbag father who he secretly wants to please, but since he's a gigantic faggot, never does. Giant humanoid robots fight, some God allegory bullshit, some sexual subplots and innuendo. Did I mention angsty teenaged faggots whinging?
>i watch anime
Its better if you're first watching between the ages of 15 through 20. As you get older, the show gets less interesting.
Rei is best waifu
it’s great! truly one of the greatest anime of all time, no lie. the last two episodes are, i’m sure you know by now, extremely controversial, in that you either love them or hate them. after you finish the main series, i would suggest watching end of evangelion (don’t bother with anything else, just the main series and eoe). enjoy user, it’s a fantastic experience
please explain the plastic water bottle meme to me please
also don’t listen to this fag if you come away from the series thinking this way, you have serious brain damage. asuka is best girl
Sauce on top left?
pseud kino
Oh come one who cares about their behavior? Concerning beauty Ayanami is far superior.
>t. Asuka
Serial Experiments Lain was fine. Everything else in that picture is shit tier and or out right faggotry.
you’re not even right in that regard. asuka is complex and she actually has a fucking personality. rei is a blank slate (by design) and she never really grows past that. i have no idea how people can prefer her to asuka
Me :3
Cringe desu
it's simple, reifriends want a waifu that resembles a doll because they can't handle real emotions
Any scenes where asuka gets tickled
IMAGINE unironically being a reifag
Asuka is redpilled
Anime website
I wish
If you don’t really like anime or just have a passing interest you’ll love it as the masterpiece it is. If you’re a weeb you’ll hate it because it actively tells you that culture is bad. Based Anno.
realizing that you're forever alone
>anime communism
>not anime fascism
>imagine unironically posting this on an anime website
*dmca's you*
she’s so perfect bros
This is all stuff she's posted publicly :(
>all the asukafags and reifags ITT
misato is best girl and you know it
dont watch the rebuilds
theyre fucking awful
i just finished the series and EoE a couple of days ago, i really want to watch the rebuilds, tell me why i shouldn't.
Misato's like 98% as good as Asuka. Let's just both agree that Rei a shit.
They're interesting. I think they're worth watching even if they're not as good as the anime. Some aspects of 2.22 and 3.33 are really neat.
stop posting 3d whores
Watch them knowing they don't have half the profoundness of the series and movie.
Literally the only thing that is superior is the piano scene between two characters, which is a better relationship scene than the gay bath scene.
Everything else is inferior.
Seething moron
too bad her patreon is hot garbage and shes basically scamming people with those shitty quality pictures
Post more 3d whores
are there kino misato scenes? that's the only thing i care about since it's just a rebuilt and adds nothing to the plot.
a 7.5 anime series boosted to a 9.2 after the movie
>They're interesting. I think they're worth watching even if they're not as good as the anime. Some aspects of 2.22 and 3.33 are really neat.
rewatched the anime + eoe, then watched the rebuilds for the first time recently
i agree with this
What about Asukafags wanting to pass their Femdom fetish as handling womens?
Rei is relevant to the plot, not Asuka, plebeians can't understand her greatness.
Still fapable, at least we didn't have to pay for it.
Basically this. I like the ending of 2.22 and a lot of other aspects of 3.33, but the piano scene is pretty much the only thing that's as good if not better than the series.
I unironically don't have a femdom fetish, I just like Asuka more because she's way more human and relatable
>muh plot relevance
Don't you retards have any other lines?
God i love misato...
i liked rei better before she became a giant god
What a massive degenerate, posting 3d femoids, just kill yourself already faggot.
Before I do that, I might as well post some more
if you liked the rebuilds you are a moron who didnt actually like/understand the show
just remember that asuka is filler trash and rei is ironically more human than her
Can I like parts of them and think they're worth watching but readily admit that they're not very good as a whole? Or does it have to be all or nothing?
Rei is literally not human , she's still better than asuka and i wish she were my wife.
Should I watch the movie
Yes, the first scene is super based, shinji fondles asuka while she's passed out on the hospital bed and cums on her.
imagine being this retarded. have you ever met and/or interacted with another human being? i’m going to assume not
After the show, yes
>rei is a blank slate (by design) and she never really grows past that
that's completely fucking wrong, and this is coming from an asukafag.
>implying that's a bad thing
why are asukafags so retarded?
Best girl
She's a whore, she wanted to fuck an adult for attention.
She wanted to feel value, cringe on you and may you seethe until the end of your days
first watch the show but not the last 2 episodes, then "Evangelion Death" or whatever its called, the other movie is mostly just a recap of the series
in the last 2 episodes they ran outta budget so just maden insanity ilusion copout instead of ending the show
25/26 are pretty good and worth watching. The kino viewing order is 1-26 then EoE, skip Death and Rebirth.
reifags have infiltrated the thread with their shit tier takes. expect lots of replies that embrace high school levels of meta analysis and waifufagging for no reason other than “b-but she’s cute!”
i was an absolute retard and accidentally watched
20, 23, then i realized i skipped one and watched 22, and then i saw i also missed 21 and watched that, then 24 and 25
They're already pulling out the usual canned replies.
>plot relevance = good character!
>asuka is a doll, rei is the only one to make a decision for herself, muh free will!
>asuka is a whore!
The phrasing they use is always so similar that it makes me think it's just one or two people.
imagine being this delusional, asuka is literally a whore with daddy issues, basically a attention hungry thot.
>rei is a blank slate and doesnt grow
Lmaooooo no. Enjoy your autism
Speak of the devil and he shall appear
Thats because the show is so blatantly clear and repeats the same points in the exact same verbiage that multiple people can explain what obviously was presented
Boys, stop squabbling
A deep and meaningful full of symbolism anime for 8th graders and that they really should watch.
You're welcome to main Asuka, but if you think Rei was blank you werent following the story
you're a literal NPC, i'm not even a reifag by the way.
God i love those heels....
Btw, anyone ever notice that when Auska was alone with Shinji, she always wore that oversized yellow shirt that showed off her body?
>you’re welcome to main asuka
i don’t remember asking for your permission reifag
The show absolutely doesn't invent the verbage or syntax that reifags consistently use.
I'm not the guy who said Rei is blank. I'd disagree with that, but she never develops a very distinct personality.
It's a great cosplay.
It's been twenty fucking years
Can y'all just stop.
i always knew asukafags were redditors
Mari is the best girl now
>I always knew asukafags were redditors
I always knew misatofags were redditors.
>never develops a distinct personality
You mean she doesnt scream and tell aa much as thd others? Rei is in conflict between the ideas that she is a false created person made for a task (which she can always find a sense of perverse belonging by reluctantly doing, and which is an critical job that is a valid purpose), and acknowledging she DOES have individuality and some level of self that nobody except Shinji ever entitles her to. She relates witg Shinji and suffers in a lot of the same ways he does, and appreciates that her feelings of isolation are real like his. She wishes Asuka would shut the fuck up and stop trying to say everyone's happiness with her insecurity. She is a depressed character in conflict, that is distinct.
>Be me
>Future historian in the year 6019
>After several decades of research we have finally a discovered a method of recreating early 21st century analog forums inside the worldmind
>Accessing archives....appears to be a discussion on characters from a primitive hand drawn holo from the year....1996...this may be an indicator of advanced thought pre-worldmind
>Rei vs Auska waifu wars
You're not gonna get it the first time through but that's okay
are you having a stroke reifag
If you waifu any of the Eva girls you didn't get it and need to go back to Episode 1
You also probably like the rebuilds
Just quickly getting out a paragraph on my phone wthout worrying about spelling
And that's an interesting philosophical question, but her being left to ponder it doesn't make her an interesting character.
I wish you'd stop regurgitating the same arguments in every Eva thread.
Jesus fucking Christ, a ReiFag AND a phoneposter???
How much cum do you garggle on a daily basis?
This desu.
t. brainlet
go back
No thanks.
Prove it smartass
Its just the content of the show. Rei has plenty of reactions to Gendo and Shinji and Asuka and everyone that are specific to her character and psychology
Watch the show
>>asuka is mentally unstable
rei is the best
And they're few and far between, and they don't really change between the beginning and end of the show. Yes, she makes the arbitrary to decision to disobey Gendo in EoE, but other than that, how does her personality change? She remains the same quiet, emotionally out-of-touch person she was in episode 1. Her greatest moment of character development was in episode 6 when she smiled back at Shinji, and what happened after that? Nothing. She stayed the same aloof person she'd been before. Unlike Shinji, unlike Asuka, she never faces a real emotional crisis and never has to reevaluate her worldview or change in a significant way. No, disobeying Gendo because the plot needed her to doesn't count as a significant change.
Rei has a lot of non-verbal stuff like her meditation on those glasses she eventually breaks in her apartment, her behavior in the elevator scene, and her contrast/pairing with Kowaru.
Just because she doesnt scream every word she speaks like Asuka doesnt mean she doesnt display character every scene she's in
>trying to reason with asukafags
might as well talk to a wall
a) Those scenes elaborate upon her character, but they don't change it. She doesn't develop.
b) I just don't see how those even those pivotal scenes make her interesting. I forget what exactly she said when holding Gendo's glasses so you'll have to remind me, the elevator scene was more about Asuka than Rei and just reinforced that Rei is quiet and submissive, and her scenes with Kowaru are only interesting because of how she contrasts against Kowaru - she herself isn't what's interesting about those scenes.
I honestly just don't see what appeals about her to you other than her being cute. Reifags keep citing events and scenes as proof of her being interesting and all those scenes prove is that she's quiet and submissive like we already knew. She fills an important role in the show, but in comparison to Shinji, to Asuka, to Misato, she's just boring.
Take Shinji, who isn't abrasive like Asuka, but has every bit as much personality. They're both so full of depth and humanity compared to Rei.
Live action Evangelion where Gendo is played by Hugh Laurie when?
>i dont see what appeals about her besides being cute
Okay first of all, anyone who actually thinks about plucking these mentally disturbed children out of this end of world anime and date or feel intimate with them as a sexual partner, is a fucking degenerate retard who fetishizes trauma. That being said, Rei is an appropriate and excellent character who expresses exactly what is needed to capture the quietude and helplessness of accepting depression. You're probably some chronic masturbator who confuses outward femcel hostility for intimacy. For shame.
She also has her beta orbiters monitor /hr/ for pateron leaks. I got slapped with a ban for posting her “copyright images”
Thats....actually great casting
You're projecting depression onto her. While her frequent apathy could be symptomatic depression, her other behaviors - for example, her conviction in fighting the Angels - isn't. It's interesting how you have to make things up about her to make her seem interesting, though.
>blah blah blah ad hominem
What a bunch of losers.
Are there any nudes of Shirogane-sama?
God i fucking love misato so much i cant stop thinking about her...
She's obciously dissociated and detached because she knows she's merely a tool. Look, I'm not trying to overcome your lust for Asuka I'm just explaining how Rei is a character
Nope. There was some pretty close stuff she put on Patreon two or three months ago, but that came out after the leak, so I don't have it.
>tfw have 400 games on steam
>I can only play 2-4 hours a week because i don't have time to play
Fuck off, tatami galaxy is kino
And how does she act in End of Eva once she's relieved of being a tool and she's taken on her alien form? She just acts like an omniscient alien. Think about that last sequence where she, Kowaru, and Shinji are talking in instrumentality. She just acts like Kowaru. Can anyone say boring? I can, "boring".
The absolute state of my dick
Yeah, pretty much.
Well, the ending to the show was shit, the movies ending is fucking ambiguous as all hell, the newer movies are just sorta there.
Honestly, the fanfic is a lot better. Specifically the ones that seem to have Asuka getting knocked up by Shinji.
She is an omniscient Alien, Rei is Lillith
I was thinking >cringe until I got to "Asuka getting knocked up by Shinji" and now I'm thinking >based
to this day, more than 20 years later, this show somehow still stirs up so much conversation and debate
Wouldn't a suit that tight make it hard to walk?
>Having any game on Steam other than TF2
It might. The people who made it for her are pretty widely renowned. It's latex, so it shouldn't be terrible. I think I remember her talking about how hard it is to be in this suit for very long, but there are videos of her walking around in it from some cosplay convention.
I only play TF2 and Rimworld
i just replay skyrim for the 4000 time
what is the top right anime?
You have a problem with trannies, not anime. Get the fuck off this anime website and never come back normalnigger
Moe and hentai is a gateway to transsexualism, user
Things that are based: reifags, misatobros, akagipatricians, mayafriends
Things that are shit: asukafags
This thread is probably a good reason to drop it. You don't want to risk becoming a weeb waifufag
I mean, id happily help her work out the kinks with my penis
this, death to moeshitters.
Imagine waifufagging for
I also watched this for the first time recently, and if your experience is anything like mine, you will hate Rei and Asuka.
They're both annoying cunts and their supposed 'complexity' (which is very on the nose) does not compensate for how fucking unbearable they are. For the love of me, I can't figure out how anyone can claim either of these two as their waifu.
Maybe I was meant to watch this show when I was 11 years old and just hitting puberty to fully appreciate rei and asuka.
Otherwise the show touches on some cool ideas like religion, human relationships, mental health, fears etc. that you can appreciate now as an adult. Assuming you're an adult.
my wife misato katsuragi is based as fuck
this, fuck both asuka and rei, misato is the best.
misato truly is best girl
poor man's Dwarf Fortress
I like how Asuka has her hips to the side to give them the apoearance of being huge af.