Pitch me his story. Cast him, the Control tower guy, the girlfriend and the jet pilots
Sky King
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that this poor man is probably in hell now.
The afterlife isn't real.
>It all evens out in the end
Nah he was forgiven by god himself
This guy is an asshole he crashed a plane because he wanted to off himself selfish asshole just fucking kill yourself don't destroy someone else's property
all is forgiven if you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour
>being a corporate bootlicker
What was his flight plan?
Didn't he left a wife and a son dirt poor? What a faggot.
Normally I'd agree but fuck all airlines. They rape people everyday.
Why can't all drumpftard incels do what sky cuck did instead of killing innocents?
>muh property
get fucked jew
>believing in fairytales
White people hate their kids anyway. That guy did not give a single fuck about his kids. He didn't even mention them once.
>the jet pilots
Tom Cruise and Tom Hardy but they are in helmest all the time and show faces only once
Chris Pratt as Skyking, Hugh Laurie as the control tower guy, Brie Larson as his girlfriend
plane looks terrible
>white people hate their kids
>white children are the hardest to adopt
nice try shitskin
>Brie Larson
Pratt and Laurie are prefect tho
>I'm a...white guy
what did he mean by this?
When he says "yeah right" he sounds exactly like Chris Pratt
Fly well brother, fly well in eternity.
young Chris Pratt would have been perfect.
Amazing story but it will never be publicised because it proved you can learn to fly from Sims.
Blacks and Hispanics are astronomically better off now than in the past, the opposite can be said about whites and indians
They would never allow it to be made because the premise is if your dreams are crushed and your life an empty then you should set yourself on fire. Imagine all the pets millennials would leave behind if that caught on.
retarded jew, get fucked
9/11 already proved that
>imagine leaving this cutie behind
What a fag
>taking care of your children is a jewish plot
Damn incels really be like that
women are a meme no matter how beautiful
his girlfriend has to be insufferable or else you miss some important plot points
Shit, that's true. God damn big aviation keeping the little pilot down.
Not true. They went to flight school in America.
who would play her? Anne Hathaway?
sauce on him having a kid I haven't seen anything like that only a wife
She had to have been fucking around on him, all while forcing him to move away from his dreams. She never gets any scrutiny in probably driving him to his suicide.
seei think she can pull it off too
If you were ever in a relationship you would understand that women don't bring men happiness.
alex the rambler gets sick of playing strategy games and crashes a plane into the ground
t. can't celebrate fathers day
at least you have welfare
How is like to kiss a girl and hold her hand?
In fairness, the reason the graph appears to climb for every group is that suicides are increasingly counted as suicides now. This has broadly followed how attitudes to suicides have changed over the last 60 years from criminal to the act of a victim.
This social change has not just impacted how cause of death will be recorded but how the perpetrators themselves now take much more overt deaths. In the past old men would go for a walk on a cold night and die of pneumonia - now they overdose.
>tell a wh*Te to kill themselves
>they'll actually do it
Is this what God feels like?
this is clearly the fault of racist white people
Pretty gay honestly.
>I love you, you're my sweetie owo
Suicide booths should be legal, prove me wrong. A consenting adult should be given the option to opt out if he or she wishes to.
There are absolutely no sources stating that he had kids.
Post like these always pop up with Skyking threads, they are completely unfounded and are made to demotivate anyone from doing the same thing. ((((They)))) are afraid as fuck that more people will start doing what Rich did. He showed what 1 man can do.
>not posting the best song
I think most people would prefer if killer MAGApedes only killed themselves
I remember when this happened there was a thread, i think it was on /pol/ with a guy explaining why he was so broken and why the media purposely didn't showed all the conversation. Like the line "i'm just a white guy" was cut from pretty much every news broadcast, wish i would have saved it.
>You won't believe it, Jean-Rich. He has ribbon insignia.
Laws exist for the benefit of the government so suicide should stay illegal because it wastes government resources.
Look around you bud. We're "living" in hell.
I also enjoy love this one:
>those quotes
He was a hero
Just killing yourself is definitely what ((((They)))) want. Stealing an airplane so the air force need to be scrambled and millions of dollars in damages occur is DEFINITELY something they don't want. He showed how easy it was to cause chaos in a system that tries everything to prevent said chaos.
Who is wringing their hands over that possibility except for right libertarians and republicans? They put property above human life. Meanwhile left wingers support euthanasia.
>Implying the airline didn't have insurance on the plane
Why don't shooters attack famous people anymore? 1 A-list celebrity, billionaire, or big time politician murder would cause more chaos than 100 civilian murders.
>(((insurance company))) has to pay for it
even better
>left-wingers care about life above all else
>are the biggest supporters of abortion
Retards not posting the cannon song fucking pathetic
Work on your reading comprehension big guy. What exactly do you think euthanasia is?
No it isn't. Suicide is one of the worst sins a man can do and simply exiting this beautiful world God made for you is an offense to Him.
God tests the faith of people every day and those who decide to end their lives have no faith.
yes let someone throw aways their life because they didn't want to get pregnant, retarded boomers at their finest
you were implying left-wingers care about life and right-wingers only care about money and property
so this is what brainwashing and autism looks like, fascinating
>retarded woman who doesn't practice safe sex doesn't contribute to society
and nothing of value was lost
When did God ever say that?
That's true in regards to body autonomy.
He was probably stuck in a relationship he cared no more to be a part of. When you’re in a relationship like that, you strive to separate your at-home life from everything else, rarely ever (if never) mentioning your wife/woman at home, or anything that may allude to her. It’s just how it is. It’s probably partly why his life was so miserable
Lookin’ For That Orca (Beebo’s Song)
We will watch her for you sky king
you can get pregnant even if you wear a condom faggot, not like you would know
I have a genuine question, say you'rr about to die a horrible death like getting eaten alive or slowly tortured to death and you have a gun with a single bullet and shoot yourself in the head just before it happens, is it still a sin cause you. "committed suicide" then to die a less painful death?
oh please most woman who get abortions had unprotected sex you moron
Same question to applies to people jumping from the World Trade Center on 9/11 instead of burning alive
yes. that's called martyrdom faggot. your suffering brings you closer to christ
>Idris Elba as sky king
>Chris Rock as the control tower guy
>Rosario Dawson as the girlfriend
>Michael B Jordan and Anthony Mackie as the jet pilots
>Opens up with Story of OJ as sky king goes to work
>Touch The Sky plays during the closing credits
No maggot, if you have more than 2 brain cells you can keep your partner from getting pregnant with/without condom, 100% of the time. Completely unplanned pregnancy is the mark of true degeneracy
>condom not 100% hur hur
Retard, if you knew anything about sex you’d know the only way a condom doesn’t work is if it breaks. If the condom is on correctly and stays on past climax, it’s 100%. Semen doesn’t leak through latex. The only way you can get pregnant wearing a condom is if you’re a fucking idiot
He had a sick last flight
he didn't technically commit suicide, and the catholic church provides dispensation when suicide is committed by an unwell mind.
any suicide is committed by an un well mind
hell is way cooler than heaven anyway
incels who have never seen a woman seething
how sad is your life that you pretend to care so much anyway?
shouldn't you be killing children or zygotes as you call them to justify your degeneracy
i dont have to justify anything since i don't give a shit and i don't live in a 3rd world shithole where its not allowed
yeah but you probably want to import 3rd worlders by the millions so that the 3rd world becomes the standard everywhere
no refugees here so no
>no refugees here
if """god""" is real, then he is in heaven flying and doing barrel rolls and chilling with Ayrton Senna and niki Lauda.
sorry boomer not everyone lives in shitholes like you
>don't destroy someone else's property
fuck you, fucking cuck
If I sky dive which has a 0.1% risk of death and I die does that constitute a suicide? What about if I play Russian Roulette with a 15% chance of dying? Or is suicide determined by intent, if it is by intent then imagine that a person intends to commit suicide, begins his plan for suicide, but then realises the error of his choice but fails to prevent the action set in motion, if at the moment of death he no longer 'intends' to die does that constitute a suicide? Can you be sure the person in pic related intended suicide instead of intending to do something dangerous, hoping that he could pull it off, but accepting the likelihood of death?
>JCVD as skyking
>Dolph Lundgren as control tower dude
>Paul Dano as "The Pilot"
>Emma Roberts as the girlfriend
Pratt as Sky King, Jessica Alba as the girlfriend
Hugh Laurie as the tower controller. Tom Cruise in a cameo as the fighter jet pilot
>I don't live in a shithole
>too scared to name the country you live in
he looks retarded, and probably was
A fetus is not a person i dont fucking care about them at all.
literal subhuman
...the whole point is that I’ve got a girlfriend of 3 years now, dickwad. I’ve got experience with and without condoms, and I have only broken a condom once in those three years by not putting it on right. You’re a fucking retard to think condoms as they are, are not 100%
All this responses and not a fucking single soul said ADAM SANDLER
Dustin fucking Hoffman as the Control Tower guy
Audrey Tautou as the gf
two nobodies as the jet pilots
this board is fucking cancer.
indeed, a fetus is not a human
if only your mom made the same decision you support the world would be better off
you never asked
just stop posting you pussy
wow an american who thinks he owns the world, never met one before
Lauda isnt dead
cry harder retard and a fetus is not considered a human
I found the perfect man to play this.
Imagine all the jars of piss left behind
Tom Cruise as the jet pilots
It worked for “Into The Wild”
Keep telling yourself that. Why not remove the eggs of a woman as to ensure the child is never conceived? Destroying the eggs is not itself murder, as the eggs carry the potential for human life, but will never themselves become a living being. A fetus, is conceived. It is already living the moment it is classifiable as a fetus. Sperm, like an egg, is not a living being in and of itself.
Perfect casting for wife
i will because its not a human
Ron Perlman as the tower operator
This dude did it better
>What's the problem?
>I'm the problem!
bretty good. honeymoon period in a relationship is amazing.
Will never understand people who get married and stay together for years though. I did a 10 year relationship and ended it a few months ago. Were together the last 3-5 years mainly out of fear.
Recently found a girl who has given me more life and joy in the last month than she did over a decade.
Personally, I feel humans aren't meant to be so exclusive long term. You can remain friends but monogamy is dumb
A real human bean.
>someone else's property
corporations are not people user
dude thats fucking metal!
>When does a man die?
>When he is shot through the heart?
>When he is poisoned?
>When he is burned alive?
>When a plane crashes?
>A man dies when he is forgotten.
You don't shoot your boss, you shoot the targets you're hired to shoot.