HoH: Jess
Veto: Jess
Noms: Jack and Jackson
Previously on /bb/:
HoH: Jess
Veto: Jess
Noms: Jack and Jackson
Previously on /bb/:
/bb/ more like /k/ amirite?
ughhh jackson is a misogynistic asshole but when he wears those glasses it makes my pussy so wet... okay girls i think we have to stan...
rice pudding
I'm giving jack a pass on rice pudding.... Trump says a lot of crap!
naw he suuuuuckkksss
jackson hoh next week grod confirmed it to me
Was the alliance's explosive argument prior to eviction staged?
It feels that way, that CBS would set it up for the ratings.
Someone please give quick rundown
How about you suck on my Kosher Sausage before getting some answers, sucklet?
trust in grodner bro
the field trip is a ratings hog, the way they present what goes on in the house is a ratings hog, but everything that happens is manifested
>making me regret dismissing an argument I didn’t want to be a part of and giving you the inspiration to turn it around on us
based and kpilled
what is the dumbest twist ever and why is it the field trip?
because the season is good without it
care packages
the Lets Gift Elissa twist was worse because only 1 houseguest was able to benefit.
and obviously Paul twist of BB19 (all of them)
you dont even know what it is yet
Because twists are only for our personal entertainment and generally don't matter much.
So we are supporting Cliff's angels right?
for future historical accuracy... who first proposed the 6 to cut out bella and nick? were they a 6 before asking them to join as 8?
they were a 6, then they were an 8, then a 9, then an 8, then a 6, now a 4, about to be a 3
who proposed getting them to join and who decided to turn them out?
I think tommy and jack had them join and christie engineered them leaving
ok, thanks
today/tomorrow is halfway on the season. today is day 49
Good afternoon gentlemen/women
And just as an FYI, the original 3 were Jack, Jackson and Bella. Christie, Holly, and Nick were added later. Then Tommy and Anal.
jack, jackson, and bella were something separate. even later while the 8 was a thing bella was saying she had a f3 with those 2
this is very contradictory to the previous statement
Maybe because the original statement didn't have all the facts straight, sweetie
what? the saboteur was the best twist because it didn't do anything
Coup de Tat was the craziest twist because you could destroy an entire week's HOH at the last minute. But it was also the worst twist because you could destroy an entire weekend's HOH at the last minute.
good mid morning to you!
Her boobies look big there
I know your secret
good afternoon ladies!
I can't wait to see the fun punishments on the episode tomorrow night! :)
jackson reciting the lines the DR made him say about the aliens
which punishment victims are more fun? the flamboyant fags/people who take it in stride a la Faggot and Jenn or the ones who really fucking hate it a la Punished Pie Paulie
nerd jackson might be his most kino look
He looks like a scientist in a Micheal Bay movie.
what a stupid question
good mornin aggro
if its just wearing a costume its actually a help
you get screentime + potential AHG votes
waiting on your suicide bridge"bro"
who are you quoting?
i made this alliance tracker last night. is this understandable or just a mess?
someone is missing
this is very dumb but it looks cool
i think it should be a directed graph tbqh
left jack out because he is dead.
i figured. it made sense to me when i was making it but wasnt sure if it would translate.
i might try to convert into something like that
Hey ladies, how are you all holding up?
god i cant stand bog she is so fake
shut up already, analfag.
nobody loves you. nobody loves your stupid waifu
lol imagine being a bog-fag and getting this mad over a line of text
I didn't like bog and there was a moment where I "hated" her.
But with the current state of things, I quite like her. I love her and Kat talking shit about Tommy/Christie/Sis. I like how she's aware about how shitty the Six was and how she looked like a mean girl with the rest of them. I like her relationship with Nicole and the rest of them now (meaning, Nicole gets giddy around Holly). Holly is cool beans.
Both is good
The worst punishments are the ones that legitimately suck (ex. the soccer ball kicks in 24 hours one)
thats my point its all fake. she will turn on them as soon as someone else has the power. nm the fact that half her face is LITERALLY fake too
btw, im the one who made the hamster wheel brain image you post in every thread
I get what you mean but I don't know. For example, Sis couldn't even "fake" what Holly is faking, because she isn't even aware of the thoughts Holly is thinking of. Holly is at least aware - not just about how the Six was perceived by the house, but by America. Sis is clueless.
90:10 how about you?
desperate for attention
this has nothing to do with sis vs bog. fake is fake is fake. she should own what she is instead of pretending to be something she's not
Houseguests I like no matter what:
Houseguests I like or dislike depending on who they are with:
Houseguests I dislike no matter what:
I feel like this should be accurate for most people. Though I know many of you hate fat. But I'm having fun with her, this week.
What's frustrating is it doesn't matter what America thinks. As soon as the unlikeable houseguests get out they just go rogue one social media so there's no point in disliking them.
says the guy who replies to every post in the thread with "k" or misted lol or whatever that one you were doing last week was
i like all of the hgs no matter what
this entire cast blows and it doesnt matter how many hoh and vetos the fat one wins, nothing is going to change it. worst season ever
based positivity poster
are you mentally slow?
not enough YA BOI this season?
Wtf they are literally hitler I hate them now.
wtf did this season finally get good??
they're definitely larger than you'd expect, it's just hard to tell when she has two layers over them most of the time
i dont know what that means but i will amend my previous statement. kat is pretty ok but the rest of them suuuuuuckkkkk
nicole's ability to keep her rack hidden for the entire season is the most interesting thing about bb21 for me.
she mentioned one night early on that they dont sit right so she is self conscious and keeps them hidden
damn Jeremy put his penor in that?
Let me check if they are sittin' right
jacksons punishment must be ending by tonight so they can start building the next comp
>quarky: i'm the type of person who turns on netflix and watches the same movie i've seen four times already
i do this all the time too. i love quarky.
it's 24 hours and it started around this time yesterday
yeah i've already seen all the good ones
ok that makes sense
HoH is probably a quick comp build because they'll show it on Thursday. Sunday episode doesn't need to show HoH comp since they will have the Field Trip to show.
i hear what you are saying but the last hoh was a booth comp. not that they cant do 2 in a row, i guess it would be fitting for this shit of a season
last year at this time (10 HGs left) mole wins HOH
in "pick 2 HGs to face each other"
She probably developed them at an early age. I knew a girl who reached a C Cup by 5th grade and she was always self conscious about them. She used to love playing jump rope but couldn't anymore because all the boys would surround her while she played. She also had a group of girls accuse her of stuffing her bra so they cornered her one day and forced her to show them her boobs to prove it. Once we were in highschool and out of uniforms she would always wear baggy cloths to hide them like Nicole does.
christie, tommy analyse are FINISHED
Likely story. Got any proof?
I hope the trip advisor comp is like how much you want it veto. Gays would be so uncomfortable doing anything, Jackson would school them good.
In other words you want pictures of an underage girl with big titts.
>thought Nicole would be the annoying loud quirky girl
>turned out to be the cute shy pure waifu and the best girl in the house
It helps her that the rest of the girls are trash. Kat is okay sometimes.
I'm pretty sure they are going to do DE after the next eviction, so the next HoH won't be a question comp.
what was snacky muttering under his breath
"What a sweet girl"
Odds snackson snacks on quirky this season?
Quarky is a virgin, right bros? Maybe she is even kissless...
jackson knows quarky is pure. he would never try to soil that.
i think she is. but she has kissed for sure.
tommy x nick are so hot.....i hate tommy but her better not leave cuz this is the best gay shit we've gotten in big brother since Mark.
>but she has kissed for sure.
>ywn be quarky's first kiss
Jack: "Given the opportunity, would you? (jerk off Rommy)"
Nick: "For Tommy? Yeah. I couldn't look though. I'd get really weirded out. But I'd do it cause Tommy's my best friend. I'd do that for any of my friends...not just cause you're gay"
there's something wrong with nick BUT i still like him lol
Why are people from philly so gay
decades of pent-up sexual frustration
the suburbs of philly are the most vanilla places I've ever been or seen
something something brotherly love
new jersey is not philly
good pic of nick
nick pretends to fuck/top tommy
nick is def gay
I think he's bi.
nick and tommy footjob (i'm sure you have seen this video): youtube.com
have you not been here? why are you spamming this shit now?
thats why i said you've probably seen this. i'm a fag let me get my representation...there has been never been gay shit on feeds aside from the average buttslip or kevin and william so let me have my fun.
I want to shove my face in there and die
>i'm a fag
burn in hell
he should keep this look for the rest of the summer
you must leave.
the glasses are flattering
why are yall so mad? i'm less competition. yall should be excited that gay niggas exist because we aren't plowing your women with bbc.
i don't give a shit but still
>i'm a fag
bridge"bro" baiting right now
nah im not bridge bro im moleposter
they are talking about bb players on the challenge and josh getting btfo
no mention of morgan
>tommy: i'm sure there was more to josh that we dont know cause we only saw the show
i don't think there was tommy
lol nicole is too young to know what the real world is
really? isn't she like 25?
maybe her parents never let her watch tv without a helmet... cliff just asked her and she said she never heard of it
never heard of it
makes sense. she would've been on the tail end of it dying off.
this too.
Oh, you're talking about the "Real World" as in the reality show. Yeah she's probably too young for that. That show hasn't been relevant for almost a decade.
That's honestly super idiotic of Nicole, if she's a huge Big Brother fan, to not fucking know what Real World is.
That's not nearly as bad as Analyse not knowing what Gilligan's Island is, though. Though something tells me Nicole doesn't know, either.
Zoomers - Where American history was forgotten
Imagine being a virgin at 25 haha
Am I right bros
i was 15 last time i was a virgin i cant
I really can't, you might be on the wrong board
Ok maybe "super idiotic" is a stretch, but you'd think a BB "superfan" would know the most influential reality show of all time (outside of maybe Survivor) but whatever
Gilligans Island thing still pisses me off though.
stop replying to yourself. nobody replied the first time because nobody cared
theres nothing idiotic about it, she is just too young for it to have ever been a thing for her. why is analyse not knowing a showed that aired in 1964-67 and issue? its most likely literally older than her parents
not to mention the whole green card thing lol
I can’t bro. Gonna have to take your piss party somewhere else!
her dad was an officer for the LAPD. show some respect
>American history
>Gilligan's Island
i literally have no idea what you mean
this is my first season. is this the point where i reply
i don't know give it a try
why do the (((producers))) cast showmance bait constantly? like I get that people like seeing attractive people but I can guarantee that a showmance with less conventionally attractive people who are more likeable would be more popular than a showmance with attractive people whom everyone hates (a la Janal)
What does it mean that they are not sitting right?
t. non english speaker
they all suck. the only showmance that has done something for me was tangela cause it happened over a slow burn instead of them banging already by the time the feeds come on
I'm European and have never seen an episode of Gilligan's Island but know what it is about through pop culture osmosis.
>moleposter is gay
now I’ve seen everything
t. bb9fag
What the fuck are you talking about lol
I'm not "replying to myself" like an ongoing activity. I was making an addendum. Off yourself, bootlicker.
>why is analyse not knowing a showed that aired in 1964-67 and issue?
Because it's been part of the American panthenon for since that long. I know about it and I'm 5 years older than her. Known about it since I was 6.
This. Shit isn't even American history, it's world history. And by history I mean culture. It's 20th century culture.
gilligan's island historian
>I'm not replying to myself
>I just replied to myself
>weekday /bb/ isn't autist-
I just got out of the movie theater, so at least it wasn’t me this time.
Once Upon a Time in Hollywood was certified kino btw
The guy said "stop" like it was an ongoing thing. If he just meant stop about that 1 time then he's an aggressive anxious cunt lol
stop replying to yourself
i'm waiting til my brother's in laws leave town to go see it with him
Target room is as delusional as analfag
probably different sizes, visually unappealing. maybe she has weird nipples
ke? (que)?
sounds like my balls yo
it was really good, see it as soon as you can
>not loving McCranda and wishing a big titty Jew would Dom you to fourth place
>slow burn
thus it’s friggin’ superior
big jess reading nicks game like a book
>he wants to get in good with christie tommy anal and boot out jack to be good with us
i dont know.. something about the used condoms being found strewn about was more than off putting. wtf is wrong with them, if you want to do that in your own home ok but show some class
gotta give the feeders something to watch. i dont get the stigma of sex in the house. people have sex, that's what they do. expecting people to abstain just because cameras that won't show it on TV might catch you is retarded
>people have sex, that's what they do
could you explain that one to me a little bit i don't think i really get it
people having sex is one thing. tossing your used condoms that are leaking your nut all over the place is a whole different ball game. use the fucking trash can, thats disgusting
this thursday is gonna be lit
>quarky/sis in the outside boat
>close up on fat
its how you assert dominance. people are less likely to go for HoH if you've inked on the sheets
do all of cliffs angels know that kat was in on the vote flip to get hogg out? i know she may have mentioned knowing but they probably dont know all the details of her being a mole?
lmao, fucking cuckshow needs to be coached how to play the game
fat says she is a size 18 and is one of four girls with the biggest boobs in the industry
what's she thinking about bros?
that she should've kept sam.
>same thread still being used the entire time i was at work
nothing has happened and they're boring when they're not talking game which they rarely do
This season hasn't been interesting. It's even more boring than BB19. At least they were doing crazy shit even if it was in Paul's name.
based revisionist
its crazy how up and down this season has been so far. there were times like the stuff before the eviction where the feeds are crazy but then (like last week too) there were just multiple days where literally nothing interesting happened
>At least they were doing crazy shit
were they though?
jack tommy have come up with a plan of attack.
tomorrow morning jack will go to kat and threaten to blow up her game if she doesnt start working her magic on the other girls to flip the vote. he is going to tell everyone that she was a mole for the six shooters and was feeding them all the information from the otherside of the house. that she was also in on the flip vote and knew quarky wasn't going home but voted cliff out to maintain the illusion she was still working with the otherside. he is going to let her sit on it the whole day and come back to her later tomorrow night and see if she is down or if he needs to drop this info.
jack will also touch bases with cliff tomorrow and firm up the deal he made with him. he is also going to nicole and offer he X amount of weeks of safety.
>same thread still being used the entire time i was at work
the easy counter is just beat Jack to the punch and do damage control. none of the outsiders are gonna feel that betrayed since her betrayals haven't inherently ruined anyone's game. if anything, she saved Quarky
doesnt matter. production has already told her how great she is going to look sticking with cliffs angels and how everyone loves her for it. she is there to put on a show and will do nothing to risk it
kats mist is pretty weak desu
based tommy laying the groundwork for tomorrow
based based based based based based based based
i really was hoping the extreme austim would leave since the weekend was over but no, still in full force
Oh no no no. Look at the middle of her face. Oh no no no
i cant see anything but the mole
what are we suppose to be seeing?
I've been too scared to watch feeds because I don't want to see them flip.
"/bb/ is right. you are best girl"
when she said it to jack...
>you m-mean m-mee t-too??
why the fuck wouldnt you just cut that mole off? Absolutely disgusting. I would do it myself with a scalpel in front of a mirror if I had a mole one tenth the size of that abomination (and I did)
She looks like a Duggar
that she dropped out of college thinking she could make a living off of taking pictures
damn I forgot how retarded Fessy was
Imagine taking a game advice from a gay that obliterated his standing in the house in the last few days.
i mean it could work since jessica is hoh
lmao analyse head hurts cause she stared into the sun for too long
>anal: nigga i fucking love you
>a doctor scorned & betrayed
>patients dead and dying
>he will have his revenge
>the score will be settled
>nick: did it hurt
>sis: no
>nick:probably cause you are loose
send it
What are they talking about? I cancelled my feeds.
the poison ivy comp
jack built a tent in the target room so he could properly dick down anal
Better lighting
yeah if you ignore her eyebrows, nose, lips, and cheeks changing the only difference is the lighting
so much cuter on the left
guess I shouldn't even turn on the feeds tonight then?
>another objectively attractive woman injecting plastic into her ass, tits, and lips to look more like one of the trendy N-bombs on TV
When will this end? I am so tired of seeing these bogged bimbos.
best bet is tomorrow. but jack might get stuff cooking tonight
Tell me they are talking about yoga or something and Nick didn't just bring up Jack's dick again.
holy shit what a fag
its only going to get worse
especially since so many zoomers are into k-pop
QUTE dubs
he should do this dance
What is he even doing in this webm. I don't get it. is he simulating pushing someones head onto his dick and thrusting?
grandpa jackson is hot
would it be possible to do bog?
just check feeds
a lot of very cute moles in this thread
I'm going to ask for something that might end us all. I need you to age filter this picture. God have mercy on our souls
oh god...
ay dios mio
oh no
I’m sorry /bb/. I love you.
holy shit
holy hell.
k samefags
The BB House changes a man...
realistically, who is gonna win afp?
Jesus fuck.
Quarky, Boss Hogg, or Bimbo
nicole or maybe kat
queen kemi of course
i was
probably cliff
he's already gotten a family segment and everything
no one. it's AFHG now because they don't have to play the game
i would guess cliff or kat
lol nick takings christies final 5
new thread